According to BBC English dictionary, rumour can be described as “a piece of information that may or may not be true, but that people are talking about.” That is, if something is rumoured to be true, people are suggesting that it is true but they do not know for certain.
The way through which people live by the above phenomenon is really becoming a devastating scenario. There are several situations that could lead to the practices, such as idleness, enmity, rivalry, illiteracy, envy, to mention but a few.
Someone who is idle will have many things to say than to do. Therefore, idle people go a long way disseminating information which they are not too sure of thereby feeding their listeners’ minds with fallacies, because they have nothing better to do or to be occupied with. This dances to the tune of the popular citation that says, “An idle mind is a devil’s workshop.”
Also, someone’s enemy can pollute the minds of the populace by formulating a false information that can tarnish his/her image. And the recipients of such information will definitely have an intimation of it.
Thirdly, if two or more persons or organizations are in the same type of business/work, they are automatically rivals to each other; especially when their businesses are situated at the same location. Thus, any of them can come up with a propaganda that may be published or broadcast, to reduce the reputation of the other(s) so that they would be placed ahead of them. This routine is often used by the politicians to disqualify or discredit their antagonists.
Fourthly, the illiterate ones among the recipients of any propaganda will easily be convinced. This will enable the news to be more widely spread since any society must have a concentration of the illiterate or uneducated ones. On the contrary, the educated ones would like to take a second look at the information thereby creating avenue for thorough scrutiny; though some of them may be hired by the propagandists.
On the other hand, if you are being envied by some persons, your name will always be mentioned during most of their gatherings. They will say all sort of things about you including the fake/false ones that may stain your reputation. The funniest part of this idiosyncrasy is that, the people who fabricate/make such loathsome statements may not mean any harm; their intention or basic interest may be to prove to others that they know much about you. The fake news would be solely propagated by them. The art of ignorance! This set of people can be referred to as the men of the underworld. The aforementioned phenomenon often occurs between a star and his/her fans.
Any of the above factors that contributes to rumour dissemination can lead to gossip in all nooks and crannies of any given society. Gossip, which is one of the masses’ major occupations can also be referred to as a rumour which its content may or may not be true.
Going by the above stated facts, one can boldly consider the popular saying that says “In any rumour, there is an atom of truth” as an illusion, since one can easily propagate an information on a matter that had never existed. On this note, I urge us to rather agree on the fact that in any rumour, there must be a trace of truth; and not “atom of truth” as it’s widely noted. For instance, one who graduated from the same department with you in a certain university may propagate a rumour that you used to be a cheat in the examination hall. This may be a lie against you; apparently, there’s no any atom of truth behind it. But the trace of truth remains that you used to be his coursemate. This trace of truth is what would attract the attention of anyone who receives the information. The fact is that, some of the recipients of the rumour will automatically see it as a truth while some will definitely give it a second thought, which is the art of individual differences.
Please the actors of this scandal should desist from it and think of how to turn a new leave. Let’s always remember that, “what goes around comes around.” To the idle minds; according to the Holy Bible, Sirach 19: 6-9 says, “Avoid idle talk and you will avoid a lot of trouble. Never repeat what you hear and you will have no regrets. Don’t tell it to your friends or your enemies unless it would be sinful to keep it to yourself. Whoever hears you will take note of it, and sooner or later will hate you for it.”
Secondly, the recipient of any rumour should always be conscious of the fact that, in any rumour, there may not be any atom of truth; but there might be a trace of truth. Furthermore, Sirach 19:10, 13-16 says, “Have you heard a rumour? Let it die with you. Be brave! It won’t make you explode. If you hear that a friend has done something wrong, ask him about it; maybe it’s not true. If it is true, he won’t do it again. If you hear that a neighbour has said something he shouldn’t, ask him about it. Maybe he didn’t say it. If he did, he won’t say it again. If you hear something bad about a friend, ask him about it; it might be a lie. Don’t believe everything you hear. A person may say something carelessly and not really mean it. Everyone has sinned in this way at one time or another.”
Brethren, please it’s high time we threw this menace to the bush. Enough of these inconsequential bickering. Think about it!
twitter: @fdnnwaozor
BB PIN: 2B0209C8
Tuesday, 17 September 2013
Man's quest for Materialism
As a social analyst/activist, the last time I checked, greater percentage of the entire Nigerian population, emigrants inclusive, was made of individuals gifted with different laudable talents. On the contrary, most members of the aforementioned percentage (class) are yet to discover their respective talents. And some who has discovered theirs find it very difficult to embrace them due to lack of contentment coupled with indulgence in inconsequential rivalry. To some of us, I may have been speaking Greek; but my points are very clear and comprehensible.
In the early morning of last three Sundays, 1st of September precisely, I received a phone call from a bosom friend who resides in Ghana. Firstly, he verified the present physiognomy of the Nigerian society as regards the long awaited ember months period. Furthermore and lastly he asked me to apply extreme carefulness in the forthcoming days of the year in regard to my writing/activism profession, stating that the said period is always associated with fathomless temptation especially in a country like Nigeria. Based on the former, verily I informed him that the look of the country remains same owing to the fact that the usual social culture/tradition of the major occupants has not change. Then on the latter, I told him that carefulness remains my watchword regardless of the circumstance.
In the same vein, immediately after the phone conversation, a text message came in from another close friend residing in Calabar, Cross-River State coupled with other numerous text messages of similar content from several friends and fans. In the sms, he was wishing me tremendous successes in my various endeavour as we just embarked on the most tempting period of the year.
Conclusively going by the above stated reactions from my friends, you’ll rightly comprehend the fact that anyone who were born or bred up in Nigeria is occupied with the knowledge/mentality that the ember months usually go with different tempo which is often accompanied with series of temptations. To me, any concerned individual/observer who decides to take up such perspective as a case study may end up tagging it as a fallacious one because personally, I’m of the opinion that the famous ember months are just like any other months in the calendar. Meanwhile, let’s ride on!
Quest is a long search for what one desires; or can be said to be an extreme passion attached to one’s want(s). On the other hand, materialism is an act in which one thinks that money and other possessions are the most important things in life.
Taking Nigeria, and Africa in general as a case study, most people believe that life is all about acquiring wealth or property. If not, how can someone in his real senses dream of owning different classic of cars in existence; more so, how can a person think or have a passion of being the president/leader of his country for the rest of his life? I’m just thinking aloud, therefore your answer might be inconsequential.
Brethren to be candid and precise, life is all about leaving a footprint on the sand of time. Thus, it doesn’t matter how long one lives here on earth but how well. Yes it’s no longer news that everyone, including myself prays to live long or to witness his/her old age. Though such attribute is consequential and worthwhile; but I put it up to you that what matters most is what you would be leaving behind. Therefore, the latter ought to be of paramount importance to us. On this note, I sincerely ask all of us; what are we leaving behind when we eventually depart from here or what will you be remembered for; is it the hundreds of cars you drove or the series of aircrafts owned by you? At this juncture I urge us to search our various consciences.
It baffles my person and it’s as well disgusting the manner in which most of us, the youth to be precise long for mere material possessions which makes them end up indulging in several vices. It’s appalling to note that most of those people who indulge in such act is gifted with unique and charming talents.
The only way we can boycott these lingering inhuman acts is to embrace contentment, detest unnecessary rivalry and above all, being God-fearing. We must learn to be satisfied with whatever we’re blessed with irrespective of its amount/value, and try as much as possible to avoid some inconsequential rivalry. Yes some competitions are necessary whilst most are usually based on issues that don’t really matter. We should endeavour to concentrate on the necessary ones or those that are called for by promoting or sticking to our respective talents. Above all, in all our endeavours, we must not forget that there’s a supremacy that controls/oversees whatever we do here on earth.
We’re already occupied with the mentality that the ember months attract alarming rate of man’s quest for materialism. Based on this widely accepted ideology, I wish to inform us that the ember months are not in any way a problem to us or any society, rather, we remain our problems. In other words, we’re our plight. Think about it!
As a social analyst/activist, the last time I checked, greater percentage of the entire Nigerian population, emigrants inclusive, was made of individuals gifted with different laudable talents. On the contrary, most members of the aforementioned percentage (class) are yet to discover their respective talents. And some who has discovered theirs find it very difficult to embrace them due to lack of contentment coupled with indulgence in inconsequential rivalry. To some of us, I may have been speaking Greek; but my points are very clear and comprehensible.
In the early morning of last three Sundays, 1st of September precisely, I received a phone call from a bosom friend who resides in Ghana. Firstly, he verified the present physiognomy of the Nigerian society as regards the long awaited ember months period. Furthermore and lastly he asked me to apply extreme carefulness in the forthcoming days of the year in regard to my writing/activism profession, stating that the said period is always associated with fathomless temptation especially in a country like Nigeria. Based on the former, verily I informed him that the look of the country remains same owing to the fact that the usual social culture/tradition of the major occupants has not change. Then on the latter, I told him that carefulness remains my watchword regardless of the circumstance.
In the same vein, immediately after the phone conversation, a text message came in from another close friend residing in Calabar, Cross-River State coupled with other numerous text messages of similar content from several friends and fans. In the sms, he was wishing me tremendous successes in my various endeavour as we just embarked on the most tempting period of the year.
Conclusively going by the above stated reactions from my friends, you’ll rightly comprehend the fact that anyone who were born or bred up in Nigeria is occupied with the knowledge/mentality that the ember months usually go with different tempo which is often accompanied with series of temptations. To me, any concerned individual/observer who decides to take up such perspective as a case study may end up tagging it as a fallacious one because personally, I’m of the opinion that the famous ember months are just like any other months in the calendar. Meanwhile, let’s ride on!
Quest is a long search for what one desires; or can be said to be an extreme passion attached to one’s want(s). On the other hand, materialism is an act in which one thinks that money and other possessions are the most important things in life.
Taking Nigeria, and Africa in general as a case study, most people believe that life is all about acquiring wealth or property. If not, how can someone in his real senses dream of owning different classic of cars in existence; more so, how can a person think or have a passion of being the president/leader of his country for the rest of his life? I’m just thinking aloud, therefore your answer might be inconsequential.
Brethren to be candid and precise, life is all about leaving a footprint on the sand of time. Thus, it doesn’t matter how long one lives here on earth but how well. Yes it’s no longer news that everyone, including myself prays to live long or to witness his/her old age. Though such attribute is consequential and worthwhile; but I put it up to you that what matters most is what you would be leaving behind. Therefore, the latter ought to be of paramount importance to us. On this note, I sincerely ask all of us; what are we leaving behind when we eventually depart from here or what will you be remembered for; is it the hundreds of cars you drove or the series of aircrafts owned by you? At this juncture I urge us to search our various consciences.
It baffles my person and it’s as well disgusting the manner in which most of us, the youth to be precise long for mere material possessions which makes them end up indulging in several vices. It’s appalling to note that most of those people who indulge in such act is gifted with unique and charming talents.
The only way we can boycott these lingering inhuman acts is to embrace contentment, detest unnecessary rivalry and above all, being God-fearing. We must learn to be satisfied with whatever we’re blessed with irrespective of its amount/value, and try as much as possible to avoid some inconsequential rivalry. Yes some competitions are necessary whilst most are usually based on issues that don’t really matter. We should endeavour to concentrate on the necessary ones or those that are called for by promoting or sticking to our respective talents. Above all, in all our endeavours, we must not forget that there’s a supremacy that controls/oversees whatever we do here on earth.
We’re already occupied with the mentality that the ember months attract alarming rate of man’s quest for materialism. Based on this widely accepted ideology, I wish to inform us that the ember months are not in any way a problem to us or any society, rather, we remain our problems. In other words, we’re our plight. Think about it!
Friday, 13 September 2013
National Engineering Workshops
The drastic persistent state of decay in the Nigerian engineering sector that seems perpetual may look like a mere dramatic scene to the eyes of the myopic viewers, but it could have a pernicious influence on countless generation to come if urgent and adequate care is not taken.
The insistent insouciance among the citizenry or the concerned group is another sensitive and pathetic lapse attached to the aforementioned economic shortcoming. Needless to say that, a country tagged as a ‘giant’ by many quintessence of knowledge filled with tremendous intellectual depth appears sympathetic.
Engineering, according to BBC English dictionary, “is the work involving in designing and constructing machinery, electrical devices, or roads and bridges.” On the other hand, a workshop “is a room or building containing tools or machinery for making or repairing things”. Thus, an engineering workshop is a well equipped building established solely for the purpose of engineering activities. It could be set up (established) anywhere such as at the industry/factory, university, polytechnic, or the road side, as the case may be.
Engineering, as we can testify, is a professionally oriented and technical intensive discipline being studied in the most Nigerian Universities and Polytechnics, and all over the higher institutions in the world.
You will agree with me that, over the years, our engineering sector has been deteriorating and decaying due to the flopping of our industries with the half-baked engineers (scientists) from the Nigerian Universities and Polytechnics. Most of these engineers are unemployable, and this has been detrimental to our economy. One may boldly say that the major cause of this is lack of seriousness showcase by most lecturers, or the introduction of bribery and corruption in our various schools. But, this may not be exactly the fundamental cause of the occurring scenario. Honestly, the rot is being experienced as a result of inadequate or non technical know-how undergo by the engineering students (undergraduates) in various higher institutions in the country.
Nigeria, as a giant of Africa, should be producing the most experienced and qualified engineers/technologists, but the reverse remains the case. This is due to the lack of sufficient attention and improper management by the government.
There is only one way out. Well equipped workshops should be established in each of our existing universities and polytechnics that studies engineering, and should be properly monitored. Also, some standard national engineering workshops should be set up. They should be located to several strategic points in Nigerian, so that, the graduating students would undergo a one year compulsory technical training after the completion of the required course works in their respective schools. Such students shall also be qualified to participate in his/her project work after the completion of the compulsory programme. On the other hand, these national workshops should as well be properly managed by the government in order to maintain its standard, and to be internationally recognized.
The above programme would enhance the existing quack knowledge of our engineering students thereby making them to become world-class engineers after graduation, rather than the technical impact of the already existing Students Industrial Work Experience Scheme (S.I.W.E.S). Even, most students dodge the so-called SIWES or Industrial Training (IT). They prefer indulging in other activity that would fetch them money during the stipulated period for the training. There is also need to revive the SIWES because it shall serve as a worthwhile basis for the compulsory technical programme. The school authorities should endeavour to send delegates from time to time to any firm/industry an IT Student might claim to be, irrespective of the location or distance from the school in question. At this point, the government is also expected to support the institutions financially. It should continually fund the universities/polytechnics in regard to logistics inconveniences.
The compulsory one year engineering training shall be similar to that of the medical/pharmaceutical and law sectors. But the routine shall be a bit different from the law sector because that of the law is elective; that is, if you would like to become, or to be addressed as a practicing lawyer after the completion of your university programme, the choice is yours, unlike that of the medical and pharmaceutical programmes, housemanship and internship respectively.
So, the one-year engineering programme shall be strictly compulsory. Therefore, shall be considered by the government as a prerequisite for any graduating engineering student to participate in the on-going National Youth Service programme.
If the above routine is taken, the incessant problems faced by the engineering students in our various schools will surely belong to the history book. So definitely, the routine (measure) shall serve as a placebo. Think about it!
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