The last time I checked, Computer/Internet
Hacking constituted the most recent cybercrimes. Prior to the invention of the
Internet, criminals had to dig through people’s trash or intercept their mails
to steal their personal information. Now that all the required information is
available online, criminals presently use the Internet to steal people’s identities,
either via trick or infecting their devices with malware.
Most cybercrimes are committed by individuals or small groups, though
large organized criminal groups also take advantage of the Internet. These
so-called professional criminals find new ways to commit old or ancient crimes.
They treat cyber crimes like a business and form global criminal communities.
Criminal communities share strategies and tools and can combine forces to
launch coordinated attacks. They even have an underground marketplace where
cyber criminals can purchase and sell stolen information or identities.
It’s very difficult to track cyber criminals down, because the Internet
makes it easier for people to do things anonymously and from any location on
the globe. Needless to say that, many computers used in various destinations
have actually been hacked and are being controlled by someone far away.
For hackers who want to come clean and turn away from crime out of
pretence, one option is to work for the people they used to torment by becoming
their security consultants or employees. These set of hackers are referred to
as “Grey Hat Hackers”. In the past, they were addressed as “Black Hat Hackers”
who used their computer expertise to break into systems and steal information
illegally while posing as a friend or dedicated employee/consultant. But
presently, some of them are acting as “White Hat Hackers” who specialize in
testing the security strength of their clients’ information systems.
If the interest of the White Hat Hackers is to be paid, they will
attempt to hack into a company’s network and then present the affected company
with a report detailing the existing security loopholes of the company and how
those anomalies could be tackled. The advantage of this is that, they can use
their skills for a good cause and help stop other cyber criminals, since
keeping up with security and cyber criminals is a fulltime job and many
companies can’t afford financially to have someone totally dedicated to it.
Another recent devastating aspect of internet hacking is the “Social
Engineering” routine. Social engineering is a tactic used by cyber criminals
that use lies and manipulations to trick people into revealing their personal
information. Social engineering attackers frequently involve very convincing
fake stories to lure victims into their trap. Some of these tricks include: sending
victims an email that claims there’s problem with their account and has a link
to a fake website, trying to convince victims to open email attachments that
contain malware, pretending to be a network/account administrator and asking
for the victim’s password to perform maintenance activity, as well as claiming
that the victim has won a prize but must give their credit card information or
bank account details in order to receive it, just to mention but a few.
The recent antics of cyber criminals, which are barbaric and inhumane,
call for constant and consistent update of advanced anti-hacking computer software
by software producers, and the adequate dissemination of the said software to
the apt quarters. Presently such most developing countries as Nigeria and what
have you, are less-privileged in regard to advanced anti-hacking or
anti-malware software; hence they need to act fast in this regard. Nigerian
could presently boast of world class experts on software programming; these set
of persons especially the young ones need to be encouraged by the government by
setting up an industry that would enable them commercialize their
The Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) is supposed to have a thoroughly
equipped Internet-based communication unit comprising well experienced experts
and consultants. Such unit, which would function as a spy, would help to
checkmate activities being carried out by every internet user at all nooks and
crannies of the country on a daily basis.
Inter alia, the bill regarding Cybercrimes
that was recently passed by the 7th National Assembly needs to be
reviewed by the 8th assembly with a view to ensuring that every required
clause regarding internet hacking is included, or towards making amends where
necessary. There would be need to set up special court to be made up of uncompromising
judicial custodians that would prosecute anyone accused of any form of
cybercrime, particularly internet hacking which has caused the Nigerian society
a colossal economic loss.
Most importantly, every computer/internet firm owner should endeavour to
engage an expert on Ethical Hacking. Our various schools at all levels, the
tertiary institutions in particular, should on their part take teachings on
internet hacking more seriously in the ongoing general studies on Computer
People either as individuals or corporate bodies are advised to set strict
passwords, change them regularly as well as never endeavour to share them with
anyone to enable them not to exclaim ‘had I known’. Think about it!
Comr Fred Doc Nwaozor
(TheMediaAmbassador)-Engineering/ICT Consultant, Researcher, Blogger, Analyst & Activist-
Chief Executive Director, Centre for Counselling, Research
& Career Development - Owerri
Twitter: @mediambassador