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Sunday, 12 March 2017

Opinion I As Imo Awaits Air-Force Base

The last time I checked, the people of Imo State – the Eastern Heartland – were earnestly and graciously awaiting the establishment of an Air Force Base in the state. The expectation was necessitated by the ground breaking ceremony performed in that regard penultimate week, precisely on Tuesday 28th February 2017, at Owerri by the Chief of Air Staff, Vice-Marshal AbubakarSadiq.
In his words, the Air-Force boss stated that the proposed unit tagged ‘211 Regiment Group, Owerri’ when completed would enhance security in the state and assist in checking all forms of criminalities including armed robbery and kidnapping. He disclosed that the unit, which was among the nine new formations to be established across the federation, would be a highly skilled and quickresponse one, as he equally made it known that it would be ‘one of the best’ in the history of the Nigerian Air Force (NAF).
He went further to say that work would soon commence on the site, because according to him, the project was captured in the 2017 budget, while also stressing that the NAF would help the host communities among others in health outreach services and other related humanitarian activities. He as well said that the expected unit would definitely create the needed enabling environment for the state government led by Governor RochasOkorocha to sustain its recent developments.
A project of this kind among others, such as the equally awaited Sam Mbakwe International Cargo Airport, if eventually put in place, would tremendously showcase federal presence in the ancient state. This is unarguably what every discerning mind in the state had been yearning for. But before now, pronouncement for such capital projects was seemingly far-fetched let alone mapping out a site for its implementation. It is obvious that that of Sam Mbakwe Air Port has gone beyond mere pronouncement because constructions regarding the anticipated project are seriously ongoing at the moment as well as nearing completion.
Before now, it seemed Imo was only called to observe while others do the participation. In the past eighteen years or thereabouts, prior to the emergence of the present administration led by President MuhammaduBuhari to be precise, the state could not boast of a tangible federal presence – if not the eventual metamorphosis of the AlvanIkoku College of Education to a federal institution of learning – even though Imo remained the first state in history to immortalize the late President Umaru Musa Yar’dua.
During the aforesaid era, Imo wasn’t even a spectator because she was not even allowed to cross the major entrance to the sporting arena let alone witnessing the event. This simply implies, to state the least, that Imo has just woken up from the long-lasted slumber she was subjected to as against her wish. While she was passing through the ordeal, I kept wondering, and am still pondering over, why she was meant to suffer such untold hardship in spite of the fact that she was a Niger-Delta state as well as could boast of countless political gladiators from the then ruling People’s Democratic Party (PDP).
Now that it appears she has woken from the abrupt sleep, I pray she wouldn’t go back to it again for any reason whatsoever. Being salvaged from a certain unbearable situation is indeed a thing to celebrate, but sustaining such metamorphosis is a different issue entirely. In other words, every well-meaning Imolite would wish the state would remain awake henceforth till eternity.
However, it’s imperative to acknowledge that if some factors are not taken very seriously by the Gov. Okorocha-led administration, Imo would rather be taken aback when everyone is deeply of the notion that she would soonest be awash with innumerable capital projects via the approval of the federal authority. There are a few rudimentary recipes that must not be relegated to the background if she is truly determined not to go back to that forsaken slumber.
Pronouncing the establishment of a project is a stepping stone, but if necessary measures are taken for granted in the long run, actualization of such proposal would definitely be a mirage. Read my lips. Even if the project in question is captured in the budget as was rightly pointed out by Vice-Marshal Sadiq, there are still clear chances of not implementing it as the journey progresses if the needful is not done by the concerned authorities. After all, in the past, several projects were captured in the budgets, yet they were not implemented perhaps owing to corruption or what have you.
So, let’s not rejoice yet that we have been promised of quite a number of projects by the President Buhari-led government; rather, what we ought to be concerned about now is how to ensure that these numerous pledges are duly redeemed in due course. Since the era of ‘share the money’ has ostensibly been a thing of the past, the only factor that could hinder outright implementation of any awaited project is a situation where the prospective benefitting stateis marred by apathy as regards ‘follow-up’ or adequate monitoring of any awarded contract.
In view of this, the Rescue Mission Administration is bound to note that it has a very vital role to play towards ensuring that these promises become realities.Hence, it’s needless to reiterate that there is no iota of need to apply brakes till we get to the anticipated destination.
So, as much as I sincerely appreciate Gov. Okorocha for attracting these proposed projects to the state, I see no reason to remind his Excellency that he is expected to remain wiser than the serpent as the odyssey proceeds. Think about it!

Follow: @mediambassador

Opinion I How Not To Love Imo

The last time I checked, hundreds of thousands of Imolites claimed to be in love with Imo State, the Eastern Heartland. But when critically and closely examined, you would observe that they actually meant something contrary. Sure, anyone can put up a claim as it pleases him/her, but sticking to the true meaning of the claim is a totally different ballgame.
In life, there are two major phenomenon you must not take for granted; when you are truly in love, and when someone really loves you. You are bound to understand when your heart is wholly and sincerely attracted to a colleague, relative, associate, friend, or what have you. On the other hand, you are required, at all times, to be aware of when someone cares about your happiness. If you take any of these factors for granted, you may live to regret it.
The truth is, life is controlled or governed by a four-letter word known as ‘Love’. This is why the Holy writ stipulates that it (love) is the rudiment of every commandment provided by the Creator; because if you really love someone or vice-versa, any rule binding the relationship can easily be adhered to with ease. If you love someone with your whole heart, you can sacrifice anything whatsoever towards ensuring that he/she does not lack happiness regardless of the circumstance.
Same is applicable to a pet in your household. If you love your pet passionately, you can do anything to keep it alive. A society isn’t left out when discussing love; if you care about the wellbeing of a society you belong to, you would never attempt to indulge in any act that would be to the detriment of the happiness of the society in question. Let’s get it straight; if you are a citizen of any state or country, and you are of the view that you love the state, you would always do things that would contribute to the state’s uplift or welfare.
At the moment in Imo state – particularly in the socio-political domain – many Imolites tend to showcase a faΓ§ade that they truly care about the state, unknowingly to their followers or the onlookers that they are only interested in personal aggrandizement. For instance, if the state’s governor erred or erroneously implements a policy, rather than criticizing constructively, they would prefer to display an action that would end up causing more harm to the state. If you candidly love a state, you would always think of the effect of your proposed criticism to the state before tendering it.
First, we need to acknowledge that there are some basic recipes that are expected to accompany any criticism. When you criticize, courtesy demands that you proffer a remedy to what is being criticized. The primary aim of every genuine criticism ought to be to correct an error or address any presumed anomaly.
So, if your interest truly lies on the wellbeing of the affected state, you would invariably focus on how to make amends, or the way forward, instead of constituting more troubles. When you criticize, endeavour to concentrate on the lapse, and not on the personality of the initiator of the policy/process being criticized.
A true lover of any state should be concerned on the uplift of the state, and not the other way round. In politics, the reverse is often the case; people claim to love their state but mean otherwise. If you are a leader of a state and the development of the jurisdiction matters much to your person, you would never be propelled to initiate actions that would yield nothing but good governance; in other words, you wouldwillingly wish to carryout projects as well as initiate policies that would see to the betterment of the state, and so does a good follower.
A good and genuine follower or stakeholder, as might be the case, is always interested in way forward at all cost; he is tirelessly involved in issues of general interest rather than personal; he is invariably ready to sacrifice something toward ensuring that the concerned society becomes a better place to live; he’s prepared at all times to compromise some attitudes for the sole interest of the society; above all, he always think of other members of the society in all his actions as well as concerned about what their reactions would be as regards any criticism he intends to come up with.
The bone of contention is that, Imo is not interested in those who claim to love her; but those who genuinely strive relentlessly to ensure that her wellbeing is not tampered, or relegated to the background. The state is only pleased with Imolites who encounter sleepless nights while thinking of how to help the government usher in sound governance, which remains the sole dream of the electorate. The ancient state is interested in seeing people who wish to ‘die’ for the good of the state.
To this end, it’s needless to reiterate that anyone who keenly loves his/her state of origin/residence must be involved in activities that would assist the government to succeed. Chief Rochas Okorocha is probably yet to please the majority of Imolites as the Governor of the Eastern Heartland, but it’s more imperative to note that anyone who means well for the state cannot participate in anything that would witch-hunt the Rescue Mission Administration; rather, would only be focused on how to make the said government succeed.
Involving yourself in actions or causes that are aimed at generating upheaval or malice among the people is obviously how not to love a state, and Imo isn’t an exception. Think about it!

Follow me: @mediambassador 

ShortStory I Unwelcome Good News (II)

       “This is serious.” Dan lamented as they watched the lady depart.
       “Really serious.” Chidi concurred.
       “So, we are still coming back here on Monday?” quoth Dan, looking at Chidi. “We are not even sure if it would hold on that day.”
      “My brother, I am tired.” Chidi lamented. “I mean, very exhausted.”
       As they observed others take their leave in tattered moods, they walked to a closest corner and sat on the pavement of a faΓ§ade, respectively supporting the crude seats with the paper files in their hands that contained the required credentials for the anticipated job. “My brother,” Dan called. “Job-hunting has really eaten me up.” He confessed.
       “I thought I was the oldest in this line until I met you.” Chidi revealed.
       “How long have you been searching?”
       “Eight years now.”
       “Hmm..” Dan sighed. “You are still far behind me.” He observed.
       “Yes I am,” Chidi agreed. “Ten years of job-hunting is enough reason for one to give up all hopes.”
       “My brother, not just ten.” Dan directed. “Ten years and some months.”
       “Wait a minute,” said Chidi. “Is it ten years after graduation, or NYSC?”
       “Which graduation?” Dan ranted. “NYSC of course.”
       “You don’t mean it.” quoth Chidi, dumbfounded. “If it is after NYSC, that means mine is even seven years, not eight.” he corrected, paused. “I finished my NYSC February 2007.” He supplemented.
       “I finished October 2003.” The 35-year-old Dan informed.
        The 33-year-old Chidi looked at him in silent awe. “This is really serious!” He exclaimed.
        “You can say that again.”
        “Bros, how have you been coping?”
        “Menial jobs of course.” Dan answered. “I relocated to this town three years ago after many years of frustration in Calabar.”
         Chidi shook his head. “Where did you finish?”
       “UniCal.” Dan replied, referring to the revered University of Calabar in Cross River State.
       “BF.” He responded, meaning literally ‘Banking and Finance’.
        Chidi shook his head again.
        “And you?”
        “Auchi Poly.” Chidi replied.
         That’s the popular acronym for Electrical Engineering, thus didn’t require an exegesis.
        “Hmm…” Dan sighed, shaking his seeming big skull. “When did you come to Awka?”
       “Four years ago,” quoth Chidi. “2010.” He added.
        Two minutes later, a young man who appeared to be in his early forties walked out from one of the offices. “Please gentlemen,” he told Chidi and Dan. “You have to leave this place.” He notified. “You are not permitted to sit like this.”
        “We came for the interview but it has been postponed.” Chidi said.
       “I know.” The man responded. “But we don’t allow people to sit this way, not even our staff.”
       “Okay sir.” Dan replied, stood up alongside his file. “Thank you.”
        Chidi hastily followed suit. “We have heard you, sir.” He supplemented.
       “You are welcome.” the man said, turned and took his leave.
         Some minutes on, the two departed for their respective residences having exchanged contacts.
         When Chidi got home at about 2:40pm, he felt like fisting himself to stupor. He kept wondering what was actually happening to him. His miserable life, according to him, had gotten to a point when he had to travel to his ancestral home in Abia State to ask some certain questions regarding his lineage. He sat on his foam while still in his suit, and stood up. He repeated the action subconsciously for the umpteenth time till he became very saturated. He dished the jollof rice left in his pot to see if he could take some bites, but the appetite was far away. He sat, fixed his eyes on the well oiled half-plate rice positioned right before him. Some seconds later, he summoned courage and began to devour the meal. He was eating not because he felt hungry, but just to ensure that something was taken into his bowel for the day towards avoiding further crises.
       Three days on, the awaited Monday came calling. He dressed properly, as usual, and headed for the manufacturing company for the long awaited interview. When he got there, at 8:00am, everywhere was already flooded with the invited applicants. The current number seemed greater than what was recorded the previous week.
        He looked around to see if he could see Dan, to no avail. He called him on phone. Initially the calls weren’t reachable, but when the call eventually went through, Dan told him that he was no longer interested in the job, stating he wasn’t sure if the firm really wanted to recruit some persons.
       At exactly 10:05am, the job interview commenced to the utmost amazement of the guests; they were earlier of the view that there would be another postponement, probably till further notice. In thirty minutes time, Mr. Chidi Okafor was ushered in. He was therein interviewed successfully by a 5-man panel.            
        After all the applicants present were through with the oral section, a written aptitude test that lasted for barely twenty minutes was conducted among them. At about 2:25pm, all had been said and done as planned. They were asked to return to their various homes and wait for further notification.
       As Chidi was returning devastatingly, he was of the opinion that the interview was just a mere waste of time. According to him, if there was any hope, at least, he would have received a tip of an iceberg from the panel of interviewers.
       On his way as he walked toward the bus-stop where he was meant to board a cab that would take him to his destination, there was a scene where a group of people were crowded. It seemed two able-bodied young men who had a misunderstanding created the scene. The moment he got closer, he noticed a wallet placed in the back pocket of one of the spectators. He stylishly went nearer, surreptitiously grabbed the wallet and hurriedly took his leave.
        The victim immediately felt the anomaly, turned, sighted Chidi, and quickly raised an alarm. The latter began to run but his swift was like that of an amateur. Before he could run for about hundred metres, the crowd was already on him. He started begging, saying it was the first time he would indulge in pick-pocketing, but his plea fell on deaf ears. Within a few seconds, he was lynched by the mob, and his burnt carcass was left on the roadside to be enjoyed by vultures.
        Before he was killed, his cell phone was taken away from him by a member of the mob. The following day, a message came to the phone informing Chidi that he had been gainfully employed by the manufacturing firm. According to the SMS, he was instructed to resume work in two days time being Thursday 3rd of April 2014.

Follow me: @mediambassador

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