Tuesday March 21, the world over
is commemorating the 2016 World Poetry Day. A decision to proclaim 21st
of March as an annual World Poetry Day was adopted during the 30th
session of the United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization
(UNESCO) conference, held in Paris, France in the year 1999. One of the main
objectives of the Day is to support linguistic diversity through poetic
expressions, and to offer endangered languages the opportunity to be heard
within their respective communities. In celebrating World Poetry Day, UNESCO
recognizes the unique ability of poetry to capture the creative spirit of the
human mind.
Poetry – a genre of literature – which is a collection of series of
poems, can be defined as a literary work in which the expression of feelings
and ideas is given intensity by the use of distinctive style and rhythm. It’s a
form of literature that uses aesthetic and rhythmic qualities of language such
as phonaesthetics, sound symbolism, and metre, to evoke meanings in addition
to, or in place of, the prosaic ostensible meaning.
Poetry has a long history or lineage, dating back to the Sumerian Epic
of Gilgamesh. Early poems evolved from folk songs such as the Chinese Shijing,
or from a need to retell oral epics. Ancient attempts to define Poetry focused
on the uses of speech in rhetoric, drama, song and comedy. Later attempts
concentrated mainly on features not unlike repetition, verse form and rhyme, as
well as emphasized the aesthetics which distinguish poetry from more
objectively informative, prosaic forms of writing.
From the middle of twentieth (20th) century, poetry has
sometimes been more generally regarded as a fundamental creative act that
employs language. Poetry uses forms and conventions to suggest differential
interpretation to words, or to evoke emotive responses.
In poetic presentation, devices including assonance, alliteration,
onomatopoeia and rhythm are sometimes used to achieve musical or incantatory
effects. The use of ambiguity, symbolism, irony or sarcasm, and other stylistic
elements of poetic diction invariably leaves a poem open to multiple
interpretations. Similarly, figures of speech to include metaphor, simile and
metonym create a resonance between otherwise disparate images – a layering of
meanings, forming connections previously not perceived.
Some poetry types are not unconnected with
particular cultures and genres, and respond to features of the language in
which the poet writes. Most modern poetry reflect a critique of poetic
tradition, playing with and testing among other things, the principle of
euphony, sometimes altogether forgoing rhyme or set rhythm. Perhaps, in today’s
increasingly globalized world, poets often adapt forms, styles and techniques
from diverse cultures and languages.
Because of its nature of emphasizing linguistic form rather than using
language purely for its content, poetry is notoriously difficult to translate
from one language into another. A possible example of this is the Hebrew
Psalms, where the beauty is found more in the balance of ideas than in specific
vocabulary. In most poetry, it is the connotations and the weight of words that
are majorly important. Such attribute can be difficult to interpret thereby
causing different readers to hear or understand a particular piece of poetry
differently. While there are logical interpretations, the truth of the matter
is that, there can never be a definitive or specific interpretation attached to
a particular poem.
So far, by painstakingly considering the use
of poetry in various artistic areas or fictional works such as folk tales,
advertisement, music, short stories, children’s literature, drama or play,
prose, and what have you, anyone can easily assert that its significance in
both human and societal development cannot be overemphasized. Poetry has indeed
created an enormous positive impact on literature, and has contributed
immensely in the promotion of languages, cultures and education in general.
No doubt, poetry has succeeded in awakening
man’s quest for learning or discovery as well as his interest to educate,
entertain or inform his immediate society through the use of any language
within his reach. Apparently, the use of sarcasm or irony in poetic presentations
is one of the yardsticks that signify how far poetry can go while conveying
messages irrespective of its content.
As Nigeria joins the global community in
marking the World Poetry Day, I enjoin Nigerians to endeavour to promote the
unique role of poetry in literature by understanding the fact that poetry
reaffirms our common humanity by revealing to us that individuals – anywhere in
the world – share the same questions and feelings.
Hence, we ought to comprehend that poetry is the mainstay of oral tradition;
and over centuries, can communicate or convey the innermost values of diverse
cultures. Above all, we should always note that poetry is the only genre of
literature that saves time, space as well as energy, and can be written or
expressed in any language as it pleases the writer.
On this background, every concerned stakeholder
such as parents, guardians, counsellors, and teachers, among others, needs to
vigorously contribute its quota towards ensuring that the unique art of poetry
will no longer be considered as an outdated form of literature, but one which
enables any society to regain and assert its real identity. Think about it!
me: @mediambassador