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Sunday, 30 July 2017

Opinion I Today July 30 is, Int'l Day of Friendship

The last time I checked, July 30 each year remained International Day of Friendship. This implies that today being Sunday, the world over is commemorating the 2017 edition of the International Day of Friendship.
The resolution concerning the annual International Day of Friendship was adopted unanimously by the United Nations (UN) General Assembly in May 2011 in recognition of the fact that friendship can contribute meaningfully to the efforts of the global community towards the promotion of dialogue among solidarity, civilization, mutual understanding as well as reconciliation.
The resolution mandated the international community to recognize July 30 of every year as International Day of Friendship thereby inviting all the UN Member States, several arms of the UN system, as well as other international and regional bodies coupled with civil societies, to observe the day in accordance with the culture/customs and other appropriate circumstances of their respective local, national and/or regional communities through public awareness-raising activities.
It’s often said that ‘two good heads are better than one’. It’s also widely noted that ‘a tree does not make a forest’. These and many more similar quotations, which signify the essence of partnership or amalgamation, have been adhered to by millions of personalities and schools of thought across the globe owing to their obvious inevitable role in human existence.
The aforementioned philosophies are not unconnected with the fact that, no individual or group can do it all alone if efficiency or effectiveness remains his/its watchword. No doubt, this was the reason God ensured that a woman was formed having created a man. Needless to say; the creator Himself understood the unavoidable essence of companionship. This simply implies that everyone requires a friend in whom he/she is well pleased toward arriving at the anticipated success room.
A friend, in a nutshell, is a person that one likes and knows well. It could also be described as a supporter of a cause or a staunch fan of a certain organization. A true friend is the first person you wish to call whenever you receive good news; he/she is equally the person you wish to share your pains with; he is that person or fellow that would like to accompany you on the most boring errands or trips and make them seem fun; he is that fellow that is invariably willing to tell you what you need to hear, not what you want to hear.   
In the same vein, friendship is a kind of relationship between two or more people who care about each other. Since friendship has to do with people who truly care about each other, there’s no gain saying that sometimes it requires that people put someone other than themselves first. Indeed, true friendship signifies that some occasions might warrant you sacrificing your happiness for that of others. Hence, life is all about sacrifice, which is usually a product of compassion. What’s the essence of life if you can’t cough up a reasonable time to think about others?    
Notwithstanding, a friendship is meant to be a symbiotic relationship rather than a parasitic one. Hence, many qualities are required or necessary for a good friendship to hold, including honesty, transparency, trustworthiness, loyalty, tolerance and unconditional acceptance. These, among other factors, have the tendency to yield an unconditional love between the parties involved. For any friendship to be reliable as well as successful or hitch-free, either or both parties, as the case might be, must possess all of the above at all times.
In Nigeria, for instance, which is an amalgamation of various friendships or relationships, for the union to remain in peace and progress, the leaders must be willing to be transparent and honest to the teeming followers, thus they must always exercise the political will towards leading transparently.
The electorate, on their part, must equally reciprocate the gesture by being loyal and submissive. Any union is anchored on reciprocity among its overall members, and Nigeria isn’t an exception. We must take into cognizance that national unity would continue to suffer from epilepsy if trust is nowhere to be found; and there will never be trust if honesty and transparency is missing.
Happiness ought to be seen as a keyword by the people or groups who constitute a certain friendship or union, irrespective of the circumstance. Of course, we aren’t unaware that human beings can clash very easily, which is why it’s hard for some persons to maintain many friendships at a time or simultaneously. In view of this assertion, members of a particular friendship are expected to uphold absolute honesty at all cost with the sole aim of sustaining the relationship in question.
Another pertinent factor to acknowledge towards sustaining national unity is unconditional acceptance. The various ethnic groups across the federation must be prepared to accept each other unconditionally since they are bound to be one indivisible body. We found ourselves together, or as one nation, thus we must strive to sustain the oneness regardless of our respective distinct cultures and backgrounds.
Arguably, this is the only way we can boast of unconditional love, which is the only factor that can yield the awaited societal uplift. Unalloyed love produces absolute peace and unity that are required for both human and capital developments. The various ministries of Information and Culture in collaboration with numerous relevant bodies, can help in making the general public comprehend this fact via awareness cum thorough sensitization campaigns.
During penultimate year’s commemoration of the International Day of Friendship, precisely on 30th July 2016, the then United Nations Secretary-General, Ban Ki-moon urged the global community to use the potential of friendship to strengthen common bonds and inspire efforts for peace and sustainable development.
The immediate past UN boss further stated that “The day is an important opportunity to confront the misunderstanding and distrust that underlie so many of the tensions and conflicts in today’s world.” He went further to say that the event is a reminder that human solidarity is essential to promoting lasting peace and fostering sustainable growth among mankind, therefore enjoined the international communities to cultivate warm ties that would strengthen our common humanity and promote the well-being of the human race.
Hence, I call on Nigerians both home and abroad to strive towards achieving national unity through the effort of undiluted friendship. It was Lucius Seneca that said “One of the most beautiful qualities of true friendship is to understand and to be understood.” In her words, Helen Keller stated that “Walking with a friend in the dark is better than walking alone in the light.” Similarly, Hubert Humphrey succinctly disclosed that “The greatest gift of life is friendship, and I have received it.” To this end, I appeal to us to receive friendship in our various endeavours since it has been proven beyond doubts to be the pathway to man’s eternal gladness.
Acknowledging that two good heads are truly better than one, it’s therefore not needful to state that all hands are expected to be on deck toward ensuring that friendship is created as well as sustained at all cost for the sake of national unity and harmony, which definitely would yield the long awaited national development. Think about it!

Comrade FDN Nwaozor
Executive Director, Docfred Resource Clinic - Owerri
Twitter: @mediambassador 

Saturday, 29 July 2017

Opinion II Still On the World Hepatitis Day

On Friday, July 28, the world over commemorates the 2017 edition of World Hepatitis Day. The event, which is observed annually on July 28, was inaugurated by World Health Organization (WHO) under the auspices of the United Nations (UN) to raise global awareness on hepatitis or a group of infectious diseases known as Hepatitis A, B, C, D, and E, and to encourage the prevention, diagnosis, as well as the treatment. The theme of this year’s anniversary is ‘Eliminating Hepatitis’.
The first global World Hepatitis Day was marked on May 19, 2008 through the effort of the World Hepatitis Alliance in collaboration with various patient groups. The commemoration received an international endorsement following the adoption of a resolution during the 63rd World Health Assembly held in May 2010. The date of the event was later changed to July 28 each year by the assembly, in honour of the birthday of Nobel Laureate Baruch Samuel Blumberg – the man who discovered the Hepatitis B virus.
No rational man boasts of anything if his health condition is at stake. Suffice to say; a healthy life remains the most precious possession that ever comes to a man regardless of his/her status or age. In the world today, there are millions of illnesses or diseases in existence coupled with the ones that seem to have no specific cause or cure. Among these diseases, some are often referred to be stubborn regarding their mode of cure while some are seen to be deadly. No doubt, hepatitis is one of those stubborn or deadly illnesses in existence. 
Hepatitis is a medical condition which is defined as an inflammation of one of the most vital organs in the human body known as the Liver. It is usually characterized by the presence of inflammatory cells in the tissue of the organ. The inflammatory condition can be self-limiting or can heal on its own; but on the contrary, it can progress to fibrosis or cirrhosis.
Hepatitis may occur with limited or no symptoms, but often leads to jaundice, poor appetite, and a feeling of unease. It is referred to as acute when it lasts less than six months, and chronic when it persists longer. Globally, hepatitis viruses are the most common causes of the condition, but hepatitis can as well be caused by other infections, autoimmune diseases, or toxic substances such as alcohol, certain medications, and some industrial organic solvents and plants.
Initial features of acute hepatitis are of non-specific flu-like symptoms, which are invariably common to almost all acute viral infections, and may include fatigue, muscle and joint aches, fever, nausea diarrhoea, vomiting, and headache. More specific symptoms which could be present in acute hepatitis from any cause are profound loss of appetite, aversion to smoking among smokers, excretion of dark urine, and abdominal discomfort.
A small proportion of people with acute hepatitis usually progress to acute liver failure, in which the liver would be unable to remove harmful substances from the blood thereby leading to confusion and coma due to hepatic encephalopathy. The acute liver failure may also result to the production of blood proteins which often leads to peripheral edema and bleeding.
More so, a chronic hepatitis, which is commonly identified through blood test, is usually characterized with no symptoms at all. It often leads to the presence of jaundice which indicates advanced liver damage. On physical examination, there may be enlargement of the liver. In the same vein, women with autoimmune hepatitis mostly experience abnormal menstruation, lung scarring, inflammation of the thyroid gland and kidneys.
Aside the aforementioned two major classes of hepatitis, it is invariably grouped and recognized by medical experts based on its common causes. On this note, the different types of hepatitis in existence that are widely recognized include, Viral hepatitis, Alcoholic hepatitis, Toxic and drug-induced hepatitis, Ischemic hepatitis, Giant cell hepatitis, just to mention but a few. Common causes of viral hepatitis, which is the most rampant type, are the five unrelated hepatotropic viruses known as hepatitis A, B, C, D, and E viruses.
There is an estimate that hepatitis affects hundreds of millions of people worldwide thereby causing acute or chronic disease and killing close to 1.4 million people every year. Currently, approximately five hundred (500) million people worldwide are suffering from either hepatitis B or hepatitis C. If left untreated or unmanaged, hepatitis B or C can lead to advanced liver scarring known as cirrhosis and other complications including liver cancer or liver failure.
While many people worry more about contracting diseases like HIV than hepatitis, the reality is that every year, at least 1.3 million people worldwide die as a result of either hepatitis B or C faster than they would in the case of HIV/AIDS. Needless to say that, hepatitis is indeed a deadly disease. Considering this fact, it is pathetic and devastating to note that many hepatitis carriers are yet to realize that they are living with the disease.
Hepatitis groups, patients as well as advocates worldwide, take part in series of events on every July 28 to mark the World Hepatitis Day. The World Hepatitis Day is one of the eight official global public health campaigns being marked by the WHO. As Nigeria joins the international community to commemorate the remarkable event, there’s need for collective support as regards creation of awareness on this silent killer known as ‘Hepatitis’.
The World Hepatitis Day provides an opportunity to focus on actions such as, but not limited to, raising awareness on the different forms of hepatitis, their common causes and how they are transmitted; strengthening prevention, screening, and control of viral hepatitis and other related diseases; increasing hepatitis B vaccine coverage cum integration into national immunization programmes; as well as coordinating a global response to hepatitis.
As the global community commemorates the World Hepatitis Day, it’s therefore needless to state that all hands are expected to be on deck towards ensuring that this killer disease that has been a colossal societal menace for decades now is duly eliminated. Think about it!

Comrade FDN Nwaozor
Executive Director,Docfred Resource Clinic - Owerri
Twitter: @mediambassador            

ShortStory II Rough Past (II)

       At this time, it was past eight O’clock at night. In Lagos, likewise other booming cities across the country, at eight, many residents were yet to return; hence, Andrew was still expecting more sympathizers in his apartment, particularly his neighbours who were still on their way home. And he had apparently lost the strength to walk to the entrance towards keeping the door open.
        As he, alongside his best friend Dube, separately sat firmly in a single upholstery chair right at the former’s parlour, they both seemed not unlike soured brown pap packed in archaic plates. Therein, the latter dissolved into uncontrollable tears; sure, he wasn’t just sharing the pains of his childhood pal but was equally feeling for himself.
        It would interest, perhaps shock you to note that the 42-year-old Dube who attended the same primary, secondary as well as university with Andrew in the ancient city of Benin, Edo State, Nigeria was as well passing through similar marital crisis in his life. He had thus far entombed two wives and was currently living with the third one named Lucy. But the two didn’t die in pregnancy as those of Andrew did, though they passed away mysteriously.
        Lucy who had been living in fears having learnt of the unspeakable that befell her predecessors, had taken her precious time to tour across almost all the ‘bible-believing’ churches within her territory toward ascertaining what actually was wrong as well as solving the ordeal, all to no avail.  Each of them came up with different problem cum prophesy, and ended up actualizing nothing having consumed reasonable sum of money from the solution seeker.
        “Oh Lord,” exclaimed Dube, facing upward, still seated. “What is all these?”
         Andrew was speechless.
         Dube quickly wiped out his tears. “God answer me.” he said. “Why are all these happening to us?”
        There was maximum muteness.
       “I can’t just understand.” Andrew broke the silence, still firmly seated. “Are we cursed or what?” He added furiously, stylishly looking at his friend.
       “It is high time we found out.” suggested Dube. “We can’t continue like this.” He supplemented, gesticulating.
       “I think you are right.” Andrew concurred. “But how do we go about it?”
        “I think I have an idea.” Dube thought aloud.
        “You do?”
          Dube nodded. “Yes.” He said.
         “Don’t worry,” quoth Dube. “I will tell you later.”
         “I can’t just wait.”
         “Relaxed, okay?” urged Dube. “First thing tomorrow morning, we shall embark on a journey.” He informed hesitantly.
           At this moment, it was about some minutes to nine O’clock.
         “To where?” Andrew inquired anxiously.
           Before Dube could respond, his cell phone rang; it was Lucy, his darling wife. He sluggishly took the call. “Hello dear!” He answered.
          “Honey, how are you?” she enquired. “What is wrong with your friend.” She added in a jiffy.
          She was with him when Andrew called to ask for his presence urgently. So, since Dube left his matrimonial home for Andrew’s, she had remained perplexed and consequently lost her appetite.
         “Nothing so serious, dear.” He lied.
         “Nothing so serious?”
         “Yes dear.”
         “So why the urgency?” she said, referring to the said phone call.
           Dube was silent.
         “So, are you coming back tonight?” she supplemented.
         “No,” replied Dube quietly. “I will be back tomorrow.”
         “Dear, I know there’s something wrong.” She perceived. “Please tell me, what is the problem?”
         “Like I said earlier,” quoth Dube. “Nothing so serious.”
         “I insist you tell me what really happened.”
          Andrew was ab initio overhearing the conversation as he sat in the seat like a rejected baboon.
        “You insist?” reechoed Dube.
        “Okay,” said Dube. “Chidinma is gone.” He notified hesitantly.
        “Chidinma is what?”
        “She died in labour.” He frankly supplemented, cut the call as he heard her roaring.
         He was therein troubled by the thought that Lucy could not cope with the bad news, but was later consoled by the fact that they were living with one of his younger sisters who could serve as a good consoler.
        The following day, the duo – Andrew and Dube – embarked on the proposed odyssey. They were headed for a soothsayer who could aptly interpret their past, present as well as future.
       “Oh,” exclaimed the soothsayer as soon as they were ushered into his mud house. “Your hands are stained with blood.”
         They looked at each other in silent awe, standing.
        “I mean,” the old man added. “Pool of blood.”
          They were enjoined to sit on bare floor, and therein the equally seated soothsayer began to reveal their rough past.
         As if they had forgotten, the truth of the matter was that the duo was into cultism during their university days. They committed countless atrocities while in the confraternity and what they were suffering at the moment was not unconnected with a murder they committed inadvertently on one certain day they went for a highway robbery.  
        On that fateful day, they shot sporadically and in the process, a stray bullet caught a heavily pregnant woman who was a passerby. The said victim died at the spot but before she gave up the ghost, she cast a spell on the robbers, stating that none of them would ever hear the cry of a baby in his marital home.
        Intriguingly, according to the soothsayer, Andrew was actually the one who released the bullet in question.
        In line with the shocking revelation, a holistic cleansing was conducted on them thereafter, and consequently they were eventually freed from the lingered bondage.
        Andrew remarried one year on upon his parents’ importunities and was afterwards blessed with bouncing children, whilst Dube and Lucy were equally blessed with a happy home juxtaposed with beautiful kids.
        Though they were later released from the cursed land, the lesson they learnt from the Karma that ensued from the rough past remained a thing they would live to recall.

FDN Nwaozor 
Executive Director, Docfred Resource Clinic - Owerri
Follow me: @mediambassador

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