No doubt, the dream or the prime desire of any society in sober state is to experience a serene and tranquil atmosphere. In other words, every man’s paramount desire is to embrace a trouble-free environment or atmosphere since every society is comprised of at least a man.
An abuse, in a nutshell, can be described as a misuse of anything; while drug is any substance used as a medicine or an illegal substance taken for its stimulating and other effects. In the same vein, drug abuse is simply the misuse of a substance used either as a medicine or stimulant. On the other hand, illicit drug trafficking is an act involving an illegal trading in drugs or other substances forbidden by law.
Considering the above definitions, apparently drug abuse is a social ill that involves two distinct dimensions. It could be the misuse of a substance used as a medicine or the improper intake of medicine by an individual. On the contrary, it could be the intake or misuse of a stimulant that is not supported by law such as cocaine, cannabis, marijuana, Indian helm, just to mention but a few. The former is often as a result of ignorance or negligence, while the latter is wholly a criminal and illegal act and as well more dangerous to both human and animal health.
Today June 26, 2014, the entire world is marking the International Day Against Drug Abuse And Illicit Trafficking. It is a day that is being observed annually by all the countries in the whole world to sensitize the general public on the dangers that await drug abuse and its illegal trafficking, and how the cankerworm could be eradicated.
The International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking was established by law in the year 1987 by the United Nations (UN) following the unanimous resolution reached on 7th December 1987 by the UN’s General Assembly. The aforementioned Assembly decided to observe June 26 of every year as the International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking as an expression of its determination to strengthen action and cooperation in order to achieve the goal of seeing an International Society that is totally free from Drug Abuse.
Prior to the Resolution in 1987, the United Nations General Assembly understood that in spite of the continual and increasing efforts by the international community, the global drug predicament continued to constitute a severe threat to public health, the safety and well-being of humanity especially the young people, and the national security and sovereignty of States thereby undermining the socio-economic and political stability of the affected nations.
Thereafter the resolution was reached, the Assembly encouraged the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) to continue its work on International Drug Control, and went further to urge all governments to provide the fullest possible financial cum political assistance to enable UNODC actualize its objectives.
Thus, as the world in its entirety marks the annual International Day Against Drug Abuse And Illicit Trafficking today being Thursday 26th June, 2014, I call on governments, NGOs, religious bodies, civil societies, stakeholders, medical experts, all concerned agencies/commissions, the media, and all well-meaning individuals to do everything possible to raise awareness of the harm caused by drug abuse and its illicit trafficking.
Above all, the individuals or group of persons abusing the drugs should also help themselves. They ought to acknowledge the fact that, misuse of medicine such as self-medication, consumption of medicine without consulting a physician or an appropriate medical expert, and intake of over/under dose contrary to the doctor’s prescription, are all a death-trap that could kill anyone unannounced.
Also, those who take hard drugs or the ones the law forbids, which invariably lead to anxiety, panic, depression, brain fag or damage of brain cells, mental imbalance, protracted illnesses, death, and what have you, should note that the restrictions as mandated or stipulated by the governments or those in authority are solely for the sake of their well-being. More so, those involved in the illegal cultivation, production, or trafficking of the hard drugs ought to be aware that many have lost their precious lives in the process while many are presently rusting in jail.
It is true that most of these hard drugs are very useful raw-materials currently used in several industries to manufacture a quite number of worthwhile and remarkable products or finished goods; but the singular fact remains that, we’re not meant to consume them when they are still in their raw states.
There is also need for us to know that absolute decency is required while consuming those stimulants that are not forbidden by law such as snuff popularly known as ‘Utaba’, cigarette, cigar, whisky, dry gin otherwise referred to as ‘Kai-Kai’, et cetera. We are expected to comport ourselves in whatever actions we take, so that, our paramount desire of embracing a trouble-free and tranquil atmosphere would be duly actualized.
Owerri-based Public affairs analyst & Social activist
Thursday, 26 June 2014
Monday, 23 June 2014
2014 International Widows' Day (Aired Newstalk)
In a concise and precise term, a widow is a woman or a female human whose husband has died. In the same vein, Widowhood is the state of being a widow or a widower.
It is obvious that in any society in the world, anyone either a man or a woman found in a state of widowhood is regarded as a less-privileged, because definitely his/her partner in whom he/she is well pleased has departed for eternity. But in Africa, particularly Nigeria, the most devastating aspect of widowhood is when a woman is passing through the ordeal.
In Nigeria for instance, on the average, a widow regardless of her class or status, is severely molested, intimidated, and as well humiliated, coupled with the deprivation of her late husband’s properties/possessions by her in-laws in their entirety. In most cases, the widow in question would be accused of being responsible for her husband’s demise without minding the severe psychological pains and agony she is passing through.
In some quarters, the poor widow would be mandated to drink the water used in washing her late husband's corpse to prove that she has no hand in the death. Most pathetically, she may be subjected to marry her late husband’s elder/younger brother which is often referred to by the perpetrators as ‘customary or ethical’.
Today being Monday June 23, 2014, the world over is marking the annual International Widows’ Day as stipulated and observed by the United Nations (UN). The International Widows’ Day is a United Nations ratified day of action to address the poverty and injustice faced by millions of widows and their dependents in many countries. The event invariably takes place on every 23rd day of June.
It is worthy to note that, The International Widows’ Day was established in 2005 by Lord Loomba under the aegis of The Loomba Foundation, to raise awareness of the issue of widowhood, which was thereafter formally adopted and duly approved on 21st December 2010 by the United Nations’ General Assembly under the leadership of the present UN Secretary General, Ban Ki-Moon; the proposal for the approval was tendered by President Ali Bongo Ondimba of Gabon.
After the official recognition of June 23 by the UN, the accompanying resolution called upon Member States, the United Nations system, and other international and regional organizations to give special attention to the situation of widows and their children.
A recent report reveals that there are an estimated two hundred and forty five (245) million widows worldwide, of which one hundred and fifteen (115) million live in abject poverty and suffer from social stigmatization and economic deprivation solely because, they have lost their husbands.
As the world over marks the famous International Widows’ Day today, it is our civic responsibility to support the worthwhile event as it is being commemorated by the United Nations. Suffice to say; in our respective capacities, we have vital roles to play towards ensuring that these ugly ubiquitous melodramas as regards humiliation of widows is totally silenced.
At this juncture, I urge all the Civil Rights Societies, religious institutions, stakeholders, the media, women organizations, and well-meaning individuals to embark on a holistic sensitization and as well contribute their respective quotas towards ensuring that this remarkable crusade becomes nothing but a success.
Public Affairs analyst & Social activist
In a concise and precise term, a widow is a woman or a female human whose husband has died. In the same vein, Widowhood is the state of being a widow or a widower.
It is obvious that in any society in the world, anyone either a man or a woman found in a state of widowhood is regarded as a less-privileged, because definitely his/her partner in whom he/she is well pleased has departed for eternity. But in Africa, particularly Nigeria, the most devastating aspect of widowhood is when a woman is passing through the ordeal.
In Nigeria for instance, on the average, a widow regardless of her class or status, is severely molested, intimidated, and as well humiliated, coupled with the deprivation of her late husband’s properties/possessions by her in-laws in their entirety. In most cases, the widow in question would be accused of being responsible for her husband’s demise without minding the severe psychological pains and agony she is passing through.
In some quarters, the poor widow would be mandated to drink the water used in washing her late husband's corpse to prove that she has no hand in the death. Most pathetically, she may be subjected to marry her late husband’s elder/younger brother which is often referred to by the perpetrators as ‘customary or ethical’.
Today being Monday June 23, 2014, the world over is marking the annual International Widows’ Day as stipulated and observed by the United Nations (UN). The International Widows’ Day is a United Nations ratified day of action to address the poverty and injustice faced by millions of widows and their dependents in many countries. The event invariably takes place on every 23rd day of June.
It is worthy to note that, The International Widows’ Day was established in 2005 by Lord Loomba under the aegis of The Loomba Foundation, to raise awareness of the issue of widowhood, which was thereafter formally adopted and duly approved on 21st December 2010 by the United Nations’ General Assembly under the leadership of the present UN Secretary General, Ban Ki-Moon; the proposal for the approval was tendered by President Ali Bongo Ondimba of Gabon.
After the official recognition of June 23 by the UN, the accompanying resolution called upon Member States, the United Nations system, and other international and regional organizations to give special attention to the situation of widows and their children.
A recent report reveals that there are an estimated two hundred and forty five (245) million widows worldwide, of which one hundred and fifteen (115) million live in abject poverty and suffer from social stigmatization and economic deprivation solely because, they have lost their husbands.
As the world over marks the famous International Widows’ Day today, it is our civic responsibility to support the worthwhile event as it is being commemorated by the United Nations. Suffice to say; in our respective capacities, we have vital roles to play towards ensuring that these ugly ubiquitous melodramas as regards humiliation of widows is totally silenced.
At this juncture, I urge all the Civil Rights Societies, religious institutions, stakeholders, the media, women organizations, and well-meaning individuals to embark on a holistic sensitization and as well contribute their respective quotas towards ensuring that this remarkable crusade becomes nothing but a success.
Public Affairs analyst & Social activist
Admission Racketeering: Unending Societal Menace!
Greetings brethren. Let me once again salute those faces that wake me up every morning, stay with me throughout the day, and invariably take me to bed at night. Frankly speaking; your enticing and ever charming faces remain my optimum impetus. I sincerely promise that I will never let you down.
Few weeks ago having woken up from my usual long-lasted night slumber that ushered me into a fantastic and memorable dream, a certain phone call instantly mesmerized the lovely mood which I found myself. A good friend of mine residing in Ghana called to enquire how the present Nigeria’s admission mode was faring. Believe me, the abrupt enquiry introduced an unforeseen ennui to my humble soul in its totality.
As regards the caller’s quest, unequivocally having heard from him about the nature of Ghana’s admission process (mode), I told him that that of Nigeria would remain a thing of mockery until she squarely addresses the ongoing education menace known as ‘Admission racketeering’ found on her various campuses. I went further to disclose to him that, if proper and adequate care is not taken, in the near future the current Nigeria’s admission scenario would end-up admitting ‘imbeciles’ into our campuses.
Racketeering is the act of making money by threatening people or by selling to them illegal, worthless, or immoral goods and/or services. In the same vein, Admission Racketeering based on the context of this edition, is the activity of making money by selling admission spaces to applicants of a certain institution of learning thereby silencing admission by merit.
The aforementioned criminal act could be found in either primary, secondary, or tertiary citadel of learning. Of course it’s no longer news that in Nigeria for instance, it has become the order of the day. In fact, most of our present days’ youths and as well teachers, have seen the activity as a ‘lucrative’ occupation or another means of survival.
The recent dimension of admission racketeering found in all the government tertiary academic institutions in Nigeria has really brought a nervous wreck to my person. It has grown out of hand to an extent that the racketeers or the miscreants in question now have official offices where they attend to their clients or the applicants. They even go a long way advertising their services as if it’s a legalized activity.
Barely few days ago, I allegedly learnt that a certain brilliant chap who scored above two hundred and sixty (260) in both UTME and Aptitude test having enrolled for Medical Laboratory Science in one of the state tertiary schools in Imo State was unable to secure an admission in the school in question due to admission racketeering. Afterwards, fortunately for the chap, he was admitted in the famous University of Ibadan, Oyo State to study Pharmacy with the same score he got in JAMB (UTME). Needless to say that, the degree of admission racketeering taking place in the existing institutions of higher learning in Nigeria varies from one to another. Let’s ride on!
The above anomaly, admission racketeering, is also taking place in our various government model secondary schools. In this case, the teachers or the head teachers as the case may be, are assumed to be the captains of the respective ships. Yes, the so-called educationists/teachers pilot the dirty affair known as admission racketeering. In most of the schools, the admission is no longer granted by merit; rather, it is being given to the highest bidders thereby depriving the less-privileged ones the chances of being admitted. So pathetic!
The type occurring in the existing private tertiary citadel of learning is not exempted. Though it may not be referred to as ‘admission racketeering’, but it is even more devastating. In this case, it’s obvious that admission is solely meant for the children/wards of the well-to-do parents/guardians. In other words, the only prerequisite to securing admission in such schools remains the amount of money in your pocket, provided the applicant has sat for UTME even if he/she scored zero or thereabouts, thereby throwing ‘admission by merit’ to the dustbin.
There’s only one way out as regards putting this menace to the history book. The Nigeria University Commission (NUC), Nigeria Union of Teachers (NUT), and other relevant and concerned agencies and groups including the non-governmental organizations and religious bodies have very vital respective roles to play in this regard.
They must as a matter of urgency in their respective capacities tender bills bearing grievous/capital penalty regarding silencing the cankerworm, to the Nigeria’s Legislative Arm of government. Most importantly, the agencies or groups must ensure that the bill if passed into law is duly implemented by the various Executive Arms of government which inculcate federal and states.
With regard to the above, the Judiciary must also ensure that any case regarding admission racketeering/anomaly brought to any court is duly handled in earnest in order to ensure that the suspect(s) is/are brought to book without any delay.
More so, the parents who encourage or patronize those miscreants ought to know that they are endangering the educational image as well as the future of their children or wards. ‘To before warned is to before armed.’
Above all brethren, all hands are expected to be on deck as regards silencing this ugly and deadly ubiquitous cankerworm that is liable to cost the entire Nigerian state an eternal socio-economic mayhem in no distant time. Think about it!
Greetings brethren. Let me once again salute those faces that wake me up every morning, stay with me throughout the day, and invariably take me to bed at night. Frankly speaking; your enticing and ever charming faces remain my optimum impetus. I sincerely promise that I will never let you down.
Few weeks ago having woken up from my usual long-lasted night slumber that ushered me into a fantastic and memorable dream, a certain phone call instantly mesmerized the lovely mood which I found myself. A good friend of mine residing in Ghana called to enquire how the present Nigeria’s admission mode was faring. Believe me, the abrupt enquiry introduced an unforeseen ennui to my humble soul in its totality.
As regards the caller’s quest, unequivocally having heard from him about the nature of Ghana’s admission process (mode), I told him that that of Nigeria would remain a thing of mockery until she squarely addresses the ongoing education menace known as ‘Admission racketeering’ found on her various campuses. I went further to disclose to him that, if proper and adequate care is not taken, in the near future the current Nigeria’s admission scenario would end-up admitting ‘imbeciles’ into our campuses.
Racketeering is the act of making money by threatening people or by selling to them illegal, worthless, or immoral goods and/or services. In the same vein, Admission Racketeering based on the context of this edition, is the activity of making money by selling admission spaces to applicants of a certain institution of learning thereby silencing admission by merit.
The aforementioned criminal act could be found in either primary, secondary, or tertiary citadel of learning. Of course it’s no longer news that in Nigeria for instance, it has become the order of the day. In fact, most of our present days’ youths and as well teachers, have seen the activity as a ‘lucrative’ occupation or another means of survival.
The recent dimension of admission racketeering found in all the government tertiary academic institutions in Nigeria has really brought a nervous wreck to my person. It has grown out of hand to an extent that the racketeers or the miscreants in question now have official offices where they attend to their clients or the applicants. They even go a long way advertising their services as if it’s a legalized activity.
Barely few days ago, I allegedly learnt that a certain brilliant chap who scored above two hundred and sixty (260) in both UTME and Aptitude test having enrolled for Medical Laboratory Science in one of the state tertiary schools in Imo State was unable to secure an admission in the school in question due to admission racketeering. Afterwards, fortunately for the chap, he was admitted in the famous University of Ibadan, Oyo State to study Pharmacy with the same score he got in JAMB (UTME). Needless to say that, the degree of admission racketeering taking place in the existing institutions of higher learning in Nigeria varies from one to another. Let’s ride on!
The above anomaly, admission racketeering, is also taking place in our various government model secondary schools. In this case, the teachers or the head teachers as the case may be, are assumed to be the captains of the respective ships. Yes, the so-called educationists/teachers pilot the dirty affair known as admission racketeering. In most of the schools, the admission is no longer granted by merit; rather, it is being given to the highest bidders thereby depriving the less-privileged ones the chances of being admitted. So pathetic!
The type occurring in the existing private tertiary citadel of learning is not exempted. Though it may not be referred to as ‘admission racketeering’, but it is even more devastating. In this case, it’s obvious that admission is solely meant for the children/wards of the well-to-do parents/guardians. In other words, the only prerequisite to securing admission in such schools remains the amount of money in your pocket, provided the applicant has sat for UTME even if he/she scored zero or thereabouts, thereby throwing ‘admission by merit’ to the dustbin.
There’s only one way out as regards putting this menace to the history book. The Nigeria University Commission (NUC), Nigeria Union of Teachers (NUT), and other relevant and concerned agencies and groups including the non-governmental organizations and religious bodies have very vital respective roles to play in this regard.
They must as a matter of urgency in their respective capacities tender bills bearing grievous/capital penalty regarding silencing the cankerworm, to the Nigeria’s Legislative Arm of government. Most importantly, the agencies or groups must ensure that the bill if passed into law is duly implemented by the various Executive Arms of government which inculcate federal and states.
With regard to the above, the Judiciary must also ensure that any case regarding admission racketeering/anomaly brought to any court is duly handled in earnest in order to ensure that the suspect(s) is/are brought to book without any delay.
More so, the parents who encourage or patronize those miscreants ought to know that they are endangering the educational image as well as the future of their children or wards. ‘To before warned is to before armed.’
Above all brethren, all hands are expected to be on deck as regards silencing this ugly and deadly ubiquitous cankerworm that is liable to cost the entire Nigerian state an eternal socio-economic mayhem in no distant time. Think about it!
A Fact Nigerians Must Comprehend
Greetings brethren. Today’s crusade undoubtedly would be brief because we are heading directly to the point. No need beating about the bush; it’s high time we comprehended one fact as anarchy and imbroglio linger in our great and dear society.
To start with; honestly there’s nothing that is impossible to transpire in any existing society. For instance; there’s nothing unusual about a President dying in office. Of course we are all aware that William Harrison was the first United States’ President to kick the bucket whilst in office. And, John Kennedy remains the last that exited in such manner. In fact, eight sitting US Presidents have died either by virtue of nature, ill-health, accident or assassination. For example, Franklin Roosevelt died of cerebral heamorrhage; and so on and so forth.
Then considering Nigeria, five Presidents have exited while in office. Alhaji Abubakar Tafawa Balewa and Gen. J.T. Aguiyi-Ironsi were both assassinated in 1966; Gen Murtala Mohammed was also assassinated in 1976; Gen. Sani Abacha died in 1998 under a condition that remains a mystery till date, therefore could be tagged as ‘natural’; and Alhaji Umaru Musa Yar’adua died in 2010 under a protracted illness.
What I’m saying in essence is that, anything whatsoever is bound to take place or be experienced by us/anyone provided we still live. On the other side, we must note that if peradventure crisis or anarchy takes place or abruptly becomes the order of the day, there is still enormous room for its exit. In other words, anything that has a beginning must surely end; this is a fact I sincerely want us to understand.
But mind you; for any crisis to come to an end, a tangible role must be played by the people concerned. Every negative circumstance is expected to be addressed squarely to enable its exit. Even if the crisis is as a result of the sins or evil deeds committed by the affected persons which is widely known and recognized as nemesis or repercussion, there are certain things that must be done by the people involved, because every sin committed has a penance that must be observed and duly absorbed by the person who committed it.
Most importantly, I want us to be aware and comprehend fully that every crisis has an end. The ‘Biafra war’ came and left peacefully though having consumed several souls; we had the MKO Abiola or the ‘June 12’ fiasco perpetrated by Ibrahim Babangida; there was also the Sani Abacha Military-to-Civilian President melodrama, and as well the Olusegun Obasanjo ‘Third Term’ distortion that resulted to series of anarchy; not forgotten the ‘Niger Delta Militancy’ saga that also found its exit point.
Though sometimes the lingering nature or manner of some political/social crises might warrant certain questions, which I often tag as ‘inevitable’. The inevitable questions are: Why would any person or group of persons hold ‘the giant of Africa’ to ransom? Why would any group, be it political, social or religious, act as if their ambition/interest takes precedence over the national interest? Could it be that the Mr. President’s ambition or vision and that of those surrounding him are such that they think very little of this country? And lastly, why do we sit still whilst a group of persons take us for fools? Let’s ride on!
At this juncture, I want to disclose the ‘fact’ Nigerians must fully comprehend. Frankly, the singular fact every Nigerian must comprehend is that every plight has its exit point, thus must surely come to an end; but such end/exit point will never come until a drastic and thorough measure is initiated and totally implemented as well.
We must wake up from our respective slumbers and become cerebral and ingenious as Nigeria in its totality seems to be approaching its moment of doom. For crying out loud; it is only a child that is meant to receive moral lesson. An adult is assumed to be fully aware of morality and its prerequisite.
If Nigeria must be better, then we must start from our respective borders. We must implement absolute networking as regards security at the various borders linking us to our neighbouring countries.
Also, we must be prepared to separate the chaffs from the grains. Honestly, the grains which remain useful are profoundly mixed, albeit ignorantly, with the chaffs which remain a societal menace. Believe me, the chaffs know themselves and the grains also know the chaffs; the harvester too knows which is the chaff and which is the grain.
I want to let you realize the fact that Nigeria doesn’t even need the assistance of the foreigners to fish out the miscreants because she is extremely informed, capable and competent in regard to putting these bullshits to an end.
In repeat; the fact we must comprehend to the fullness is that Nigeria would be well again owing to the fact that there’s nothing that is impossible to transpire in any society. Therefore, I urge the patriotic ones to remain steadfast, and the non-patriotic ones to embrace thorough repentance else their entire generations would live to face fathomless regrets. Think about it!
Greetings brethren. Today’s crusade undoubtedly would be brief because we are heading directly to the point. No need beating about the bush; it’s high time we comprehended one fact as anarchy and imbroglio linger in our great and dear society.
To start with; honestly there’s nothing that is impossible to transpire in any existing society. For instance; there’s nothing unusual about a President dying in office. Of course we are all aware that William Harrison was the first United States’ President to kick the bucket whilst in office. And, John Kennedy remains the last that exited in such manner. In fact, eight sitting US Presidents have died either by virtue of nature, ill-health, accident or assassination. For example, Franklin Roosevelt died of cerebral heamorrhage; and so on and so forth.
Then considering Nigeria, five Presidents have exited while in office. Alhaji Abubakar Tafawa Balewa and Gen. J.T. Aguiyi-Ironsi were both assassinated in 1966; Gen Murtala Mohammed was also assassinated in 1976; Gen. Sani Abacha died in 1998 under a condition that remains a mystery till date, therefore could be tagged as ‘natural’; and Alhaji Umaru Musa Yar’adua died in 2010 under a protracted illness.
What I’m saying in essence is that, anything whatsoever is bound to take place or be experienced by us/anyone provided we still live. On the other side, we must note that if peradventure crisis or anarchy takes place or abruptly becomes the order of the day, there is still enormous room for its exit. In other words, anything that has a beginning must surely end; this is a fact I sincerely want us to understand.
But mind you; for any crisis to come to an end, a tangible role must be played by the people concerned. Every negative circumstance is expected to be addressed squarely to enable its exit. Even if the crisis is as a result of the sins or evil deeds committed by the affected persons which is widely known and recognized as nemesis or repercussion, there are certain things that must be done by the people involved, because every sin committed has a penance that must be observed and duly absorbed by the person who committed it.
Most importantly, I want us to be aware and comprehend fully that every crisis has an end. The ‘Biafra war’ came and left peacefully though having consumed several souls; we had the MKO Abiola or the ‘June 12’ fiasco perpetrated by Ibrahim Babangida; there was also the Sani Abacha Military-to-Civilian President melodrama, and as well the Olusegun Obasanjo ‘Third Term’ distortion that resulted to series of anarchy; not forgotten the ‘Niger Delta Militancy’ saga that also found its exit point.
Though sometimes the lingering nature or manner of some political/social crises might warrant certain questions, which I often tag as ‘inevitable’. The inevitable questions are: Why would any person or group of persons hold ‘the giant of Africa’ to ransom? Why would any group, be it political, social or religious, act as if their ambition/interest takes precedence over the national interest? Could it be that the Mr. President’s ambition or vision and that of those surrounding him are such that they think very little of this country? And lastly, why do we sit still whilst a group of persons take us for fools? Let’s ride on!
At this juncture, I want to disclose the ‘fact’ Nigerians must fully comprehend. Frankly, the singular fact every Nigerian must comprehend is that every plight has its exit point, thus must surely come to an end; but such end/exit point will never come until a drastic and thorough measure is initiated and totally implemented as well.
We must wake up from our respective slumbers and become cerebral and ingenious as Nigeria in its totality seems to be approaching its moment of doom. For crying out loud; it is only a child that is meant to receive moral lesson. An adult is assumed to be fully aware of morality and its prerequisite.
If Nigeria must be better, then we must start from our respective borders. We must implement absolute networking as regards security at the various borders linking us to our neighbouring countries.
Also, we must be prepared to separate the chaffs from the grains. Honestly, the grains which remain useful are profoundly mixed, albeit ignorantly, with the chaffs which remain a societal menace. Believe me, the chaffs know themselves and the grains also know the chaffs; the harvester too knows which is the chaff and which is the grain.
I want to let you realize the fact that Nigeria doesn’t even need the assistance of the foreigners to fish out the miscreants because she is extremely informed, capable and competent in regard to putting these bullshits to an end.
In repeat; the fact we must comprehend to the fullness is that Nigeria would be well again owing to the fact that there’s nothing that is impossible to transpire in any society. Therefore, I urge the patriotic ones to remain steadfast, and the non-patriotic ones to embrace thorough repentance else their entire generations would live to face fathomless regrets. Think about it!
Fate of the CBN As Emefiele Assumes Duty
Brethren, surely “Obi” won’t continue to be a boy as it is vastly noted or cited; rather, he’s expected to become a full-fledged man some day. In other words, change remains inevitable.
The period between 1892-1952 (about 60 years interval), there was an enquiry by the then colonial administration to investigate banking practice in Nigeria. The G.D. Paton’s report which emanated from the enquiry was the basis for the first Banking Ordinance of 1952. The ordinance was designed to ensure orderly commercial banking and to prevent the establishment of unviable banks. In view of this, a draft legislation for the establishment of Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) was presented to the House of Representatives in March 1958. The Act was duly implemented on July 1, 1958 when the CBN came into full operations.
Since then, the CBN has taken full responsibility over nurturing the money and capital markets. In subsequent to this, the CBN introduced treasury bills in 1960, treasury certificate in 1968, and facilitated the establishment of Lagos Stock Exchange in 1961. It also went further to institute the Capital Issue Committee now known and addressed as the Securities and Exchange Committee in the early 1970s.
Considering the Currency Management Section of the CBN, it is worthy to note that the Naira notes and coins are invariably printed/minted by the Nigerian Security Printing and Minting (NSPM) Plc and other overseas printing/minting companies, and thereafter issued by the said bank. At the currency printing works of the NSPM Plc, quality is meticulously controlled throughout every process of currency production. This, no doubt, guarantees that every note issued by the CBN meets the required standard. The CBN maintains an office referred to as Mint Inspectorate in the premises of the MSPM Plc to maintain security and quality of Naira notes and coins. This implies that the CBN has, since inception of duty, been in charge of standardization of the Nigeria’s currency otherwise recognized as “the Naira”.
The CBN undertakes Monetary Policy in order to: maintain Nigeria’s external reserves to safeguard the international value of the legal currency; to promote and maintain the monetary stability and a sound/efficient financial system in Nigeria; to act as Banker and Financial Adviser to the Federal Government; and finally, to act as lender of last resort to commercial banks.
Since the establishment of the CBN in 1958, the so far governors (bosses) of the bank implemented their respective policies regarding the monetary system of the country’s financial industry. The 9th substantive boss of the apex bank in the person of Professor Charles Chukwuma Soludo introduced one of the most controversial policies since the history of the bank, which was tagged “Consolidation”, and it worked effectively. It was a measure that fetched the man in question a well respected and renowned named as a financial personnel.
Subsequently, Mallam Lamido Sanusi being the 10th substantive governor of the bank, came up with his “Cashless Policy”; a policy Nigeria at large will live to testify its goodness. Let’s ride on!
As Mr. Godwin Emefiele assumes duty as the 11th substantive governor of the apex bank amidst tough challenges, he is meant to note that all eyes are on him as regards reshaping and as well restoring the unstable and “drowsy” Nigerian economy, which is spearheaded by the famous Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN).
Frankly, Emefiele’s appointment as the CBN boss comes at a time Nigeria’s financial industry is undergoing severe tension following the uncertainties that trail the nation’s currency, the Naira. Analysts and financial professionals are profoundly of the view that, enormous effort is immensely needed to drive the Nigeria’s economy to greater destinations.
Prior to his present position, he was the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) cum Group Managing Director (GMD) of Zenith Bank Plc – one of the most respected financial institutions in the whole of Nigeria and across Africa as well; a position he assumed on August 1, 2010. Reports hold that he obtained both Bachelor and Masters (MBA) Degrees in Finance and Banking from the prestigious University of Nigeria, Nsukka (UNN).
Based on these track records, it is widely in speculation that the long awaited promise-land in regard to the Nigeria’s financial cum economic status would no doubt be embraced in no distant time by the anticipated effort of the aforementioned banking guru. He has already stated during his media briefing that, CBN will reduce “High Interest Rates” presently taking place in commercial banks and also ensure “Exchange Rate Stability” thereby raising the value of the local currency (the Naira), among other worthwhile policies he stipulated. Such statement was truly a way forward.
Notwithstanding, most Nigerians are only interested in pragmatic and dogged approach coupled with financial activism in respect to simplifying or unravelling the ongoing economic/financial complexity and crises in the Nigerian state. This is one good reason the present CBN boss ought to be extremely careful and alert towards carrying-out the statutory duties that await his person, because the citizens don’t expect Second Best, rather Second to None; apparently they expect nothing less than “the Best” from him.
At this juncture, I sincerely urge Mr. Emefiele to concentrate on business as he leads the CBN’s activities. Of course, statutorily, his business as the boss of the apex bank remains initiation of formidable and tangible Monetary Policies and the safeguard of the already existing remarkable ones. As the governor of the custodian of the Nigeria’s funds in its entirety, we the concerned patriotic citizens are instigating him to wear a very bold skin as he’s ready and prepared to pilot the affairs of the apex financial institution in the “Giant of Africa”
He shouldn’t forget in a hurry that, he assumes office as the 11th substantive governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria amid tremendous challenges coupled with various mixed feelings and reactions among the citizenry. In view of this, he must be ready to face the so-called challenges squarely or better still look at them (the challenges) in their respective faces to ensure that our “vulnerable” currency is duly standardized.
Needless to say; he (Godwin Emefiele) ought not to let Dr. Goodluck Jonathan regret over the nomination he made owing to his Presidential Immunity on 20th February 2014. For crying out loud; it’s high time “Obi” became a full grown man. Think about it!
Owerri-based Social analyst & activist
Brethren, surely “Obi” won’t continue to be a boy as it is vastly noted or cited; rather, he’s expected to become a full-fledged man some day. In other words, change remains inevitable.
The period between 1892-1952 (about 60 years interval), there was an enquiry by the then colonial administration to investigate banking practice in Nigeria. The G.D. Paton’s report which emanated from the enquiry was the basis for the first Banking Ordinance of 1952. The ordinance was designed to ensure orderly commercial banking and to prevent the establishment of unviable banks. In view of this, a draft legislation for the establishment of Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) was presented to the House of Representatives in March 1958. The Act was duly implemented on July 1, 1958 when the CBN came into full operations.
Since then, the CBN has taken full responsibility over nurturing the money and capital markets. In subsequent to this, the CBN introduced treasury bills in 1960, treasury certificate in 1968, and facilitated the establishment of Lagos Stock Exchange in 1961. It also went further to institute the Capital Issue Committee now known and addressed as the Securities and Exchange Committee in the early 1970s.
Considering the Currency Management Section of the CBN, it is worthy to note that the Naira notes and coins are invariably printed/minted by the Nigerian Security Printing and Minting (NSPM) Plc and other overseas printing/minting companies, and thereafter issued by the said bank. At the currency printing works of the NSPM Plc, quality is meticulously controlled throughout every process of currency production. This, no doubt, guarantees that every note issued by the CBN meets the required standard. The CBN maintains an office referred to as Mint Inspectorate in the premises of the MSPM Plc to maintain security and quality of Naira notes and coins. This implies that the CBN has, since inception of duty, been in charge of standardization of the Nigeria’s currency otherwise recognized as “the Naira”.
The CBN undertakes Monetary Policy in order to: maintain Nigeria’s external reserves to safeguard the international value of the legal currency; to promote and maintain the monetary stability and a sound/efficient financial system in Nigeria; to act as Banker and Financial Adviser to the Federal Government; and finally, to act as lender of last resort to commercial banks.
Since the establishment of the CBN in 1958, the so far governors (bosses) of the bank implemented their respective policies regarding the monetary system of the country’s financial industry. The 9th substantive boss of the apex bank in the person of Professor Charles Chukwuma Soludo introduced one of the most controversial policies since the history of the bank, which was tagged “Consolidation”, and it worked effectively. It was a measure that fetched the man in question a well respected and renowned named as a financial personnel.
Subsequently, Mallam Lamido Sanusi being the 10th substantive governor of the bank, came up with his “Cashless Policy”; a policy Nigeria at large will live to testify its goodness. Let’s ride on!
As Mr. Godwin Emefiele assumes duty as the 11th substantive governor of the apex bank amidst tough challenges, he is meant to note that all eyes are on him as regards reshaping and as well restoring the unstable and “drowsy” Nigerian economy, which is spearheaded by the famous Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN).
Frankly, Emefiele’s appointment as the CBN boss comes at a time Nigeria’s financial industry is undergoing severe tension following the uncertainties that trail the nation’s currency, the Naira. Analysts and financial professionals are profoundly of the view that, enormous effort is immensely needed to drive the Nigeria’s economy to greater destinations.
Prior to his present position, he was the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) cum Group Managing Director (GMD) of Zenith Bank Plc – one of the most respected financial institutions in the whole of Nigeria and across Africa as well; a position he assumed on August 1, 2010. Reports hold that he obtained both Bachelor and Masters (MBA) Degrees in Finance and Banking from the prestigious University of Nigeria, Nsukka (UNN).
Based on these track records, it is widely in speculation that the long awaited promise-land in regard to the Nigeria’s financial cum economic status would no doubt be embraced in no distant time by the anticipated effort of the aforementioned banking guru. He has already stated during his media briefing that, CBN will reduce “High Interest Rates” presently taking place in commercial banks and also ensure “Exchange Rate Stability” thereby raising the value of the local currency (the Naira), among other worthwhile policies he stipulated. Such statement was truly a way forward.
Notwithstanding, most Nigerians are only interested in pragmatic and dogged approach coupled with financial activism in respect to simplifying or unravelling the ongoing economic/financial complexity and crises in the Nigerian state. This is one good reason the present CBN boss ought to be extremely careful and alert towards carrying-out the statutory duties that await his person, because the citizens don’t expect Second Best, rather Second to None; apparently they expect nothing less than “the Best” from him.
At this juncture, I sincerely urge Mr. Emefiele to concentrate on business as he leads the CBN’s activities. Of course, statutorily, his business as the boss of the apex bank remains initiation of formidable and tangible Monetary Policies and the safeguard of the already existing remarkable ones. As the governor of the custodian of the Nigeria’s funds in its entirety, we the concerned patriotic citizens are instigating him to wear a very bold skin as he’s ready and prepared to pilot the affairs of the apex financial institution in the “Giant of Africa”
He shouldn’t forget in a hurry that, he assumes office as the 11th substantive governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria amid tremendous challenges coupled with various mixed feelings and reactions among the citizenry. In view of this, he must be ready to face the so-called challenges squarely or better still look at them (the challenges) in their respective faces to ensure that our “vulnerable” currency is duly standardized.
Needless to say; he (Godwin Emefiele) ought not to let Dr. Goodluck Jonathan regret over the nomination he made owing to his Presidential Immunity on 20th February 2014. For crying out loud; it’s high time “Obi” became a full grown man. Think about it!
Owerri-based Social analyst & activist
Thursday, 12 June 2014
Anticipated Fate Of The Nigeria's Apex Bank
Brethren, surely “Obi” won’t continue to be a boy as it is vastly noted or cited; rather, he’s expected to become a full-fledged man some day. In other words, change remains inevitable.
The period between 1892-1952 (about 60 years interval), there was an enquiry by the then colonial administration to investigate banking practice in Nigeria. The G.D. Paton’s report which emanated from the enquiry was the basis for the first Banking Ordinance of 1952. The ordinance was designed to ensure orderly commercial banking and to prevent the establishment of unviable banks. In view of this, a draft legislation for the establishment of Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) was presented to the House of Representatives in March 1958. The Act was duly implemented on July 1, 1958 when the CBN came into full operations.
Since then, the CBN has taken full responsibility over nurturing the money and capital markets. In subsequent to this, the CBN introduced treasury bills in 1960, treasury certificate in 1968, and facilitated the establishment of Lagos Stock Exchange in 1961. It also went further to institute the Capital Issue Committee now known and addressed as the Securities and Exchange Committee in the early 1970s.
Considering the Currency Management Section of the CBN, it is worthy to note that the Naira notes and coins are invariably printed/minted by the Nigerian Security Printing and Minting (NSPM) Plc and other overseas printing/minting companies, and thereafter issued by the said bank. At the currency printing works of the NSPM Plc, quality is meticulously controlled throughout every process of currency production. This, no doubt, guarantees that every note issued by the CBN meets the required standard. The CBN maintains an office referred to as Mint Inspectorate in the premises of the MSPM Plc to maintain security and quality of Naira notes and coins. This implies that the CBN has, since inception of duty, been in charge of standardization of the Nigeria’s currency otherwise recognized as “the Naira”.
The CBN undertakes Monetary Policy in order to: maintain Nigeria’s external reserves to safeguard the international value of the legal currency; to promote and maintain the monetary stability and a sound/efficient financial system in Nigeria; to act as Banker and Financial Adviser to the Federal Government; and finally, to act as lender of last resort to commercial banks.
Since the establishment of the CBN in 1958, the so far governors (bosses) of the bank implemented their respective policies regarding the monetary system of the country’s financial industry. The 9th substantive boss of the apex bank in the person of Professor Charles Chukwuma Soludo introduced one of the most controversial policies since the history of the bank, which was tagged “Consolidation”, and it worked effectively. It was a measure that fetched the man in question a well respected and renowned named as a financial personnel.
Subsequently, Mallam Lamido Sanusi being the 10th substantive governor of the bank, came up with his “Cashless Policy”; a policy Nigeria at large will live to testify its goodness. Let’s ride on!
As Mr. Godwin Emefiele assumes duty as the 11th substantive governor of the apex bank amidst tough challenges, he is meant to note that all eyes are on him as regards reshaping and as well restoring the unstable and “drowsy” Nigerian economy, which is spearheaded by the famous Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN).
Frankly, Emefiele’s appointment as the CBN boss comes at a time Nigeria’s financial industry is undergoing severe tension following the uncertainties that trail the nation’s currency, the Naira. Analysts and financial professionals are profoundly of the view that, enormous effort is immensely needed to drive the Nigeria’s economy to greater destinations.
Prior to his present position, he was the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) cum Group Managing Director (GMD) of Zenith Bank Plc – one of the most respected financial institutions in the whole of Nigeria and across Africa as well; a position he assumed on August 1, 2010. Reports hold that he obtained both Bachelor and Masters (MBA) Degrees in Finance and Banking from the prestigious University of Nigeria, Nsukka (UNN).
Based on these track records, it is widely in speculation that the long awaited promise-land in regard to the Nigeria’s financial cum economic status would no doubt be embraced in no distant time by the anticipated effort of the aforementioned banking guru. He has already stated during his media briefing that, CBN will reduce “High Interest Rates” presently taking place in commercial banks and also ensure “Exchange Rate Stability” thereby raising the value of the local currency (the Naira), among other worthwhile policies he stipulated. Such statement was truly a way forward.
Notwithstanding, most Nigerians are only interested in pragmatic and dogged approach coupled with financial activism in respect to simplifying or unravelling the ongoing economic/financial complexity and crises in the Nigerian state. This is one good reason the present CBN boss ought to be extremely careful and alert towards carrying-out the statutory duties that await his person, because the citizens don’t expect Second Best, rather Second to None; apparently they expect nothing less than “the Best” from him.
At this juncture, I sincerely urge Mr. Emefiele to concentrate on business as he leads the CBN’s activities. Of course, statutorily, his business as the boss of the apex bank remains initiation of formidable and tangible Monetary Policies and the safeguard of the already existing remarkable ones. As the governor of the custodian of the Nigeria’s funds in its entirety, we the concerned patriotic citizens are instigating him to wear a very bold skin as he’s ready and prepared to pilot the affairs of the apex financial institution in the “Giant of Africa”
He shouldn’t forget in a hurry that, he assumes office as the 11th substantive governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria amid tremendous challenges coupled with various mixed feelings and reactions among the citizenry. In view of this, he must be ready to face the so-called challenges squarely or better still look at them (the challenges) in their respective faces to ensure that our “vulnerable” currency is duly standardized.
Needless to say; he (Godwin Emefiele) ought not to let Dr. Goodluck Jonathan regret over the nomination he made owing to his Presidential Immunity on 20th February 2014. For crying out loud; it’s high time “Obi” became a full grown man. Think about it!
Public Affairs Analyst & Rights Activist
Brethren, surely “Obi” won’t continue to be a boy as it is vastly noted or cited; rather, he’s expected to become a full-fledged man some day. In other words, change remains inevitable.
The period between 1892-1952 (about 60 years interval), there was an enquiry by the then colonial administration to investigate banking practice in Nigeria. The G.D. Paton’s report which emanated from the enquiry was the basis for the first Banking Ordinance of 1952. The ordinance was designed to ensure orderly commercial banking and to prevent the establishment of unviable banks. In view of this, a draft legislation for the establishment of Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) was presented to the House of Representatives in March 1958. The Act was duly implemented on July 1, 1958 when the CBN came into full operations.
Since then, the CBN has taken full responsibility over nurturing the money and capital markets. In subsequent to this, the CBN introduced treasury bills in 1960, treasury certificate in 1968, and facilitated the establishment of Lagos Stock Exchange in 1961. It also went further to institute the Capital Issue Committee now known and addressed as the Securities and Exchange Committee in the early 1970s.
Considering the Currency Management Section of the CBN, it is worthy to note that the Naira notes and coins are invariably printed/minted by the Nigerian Security Printing and Minting (NSPM) Plc and other overseas printing/minting companies, and thereafter issued by the said bank. At the currency printing works of the NSPM Plc, quality is meticulously controlled throughout every process of currency production. This, no doubt, guarantees that every note issued by the CBN meets the required standard. The CBN maintains an office referred to as Mint Inspectorate in the premises of the MSPM Plc to maintain security and quality of Naira notes and coins. This implies that the CBN has, since inception of duty, been in charge of standardization of the Nigeria’s currency otherwise recognized as “the Naira”.
The CBN undertakes Monetary Policy in order to: maintain Nigeria’s external reserves to safeguard the international value of the legal currency; to promote and maintain the monetary stability and a sound/efficient financial system in Nigeria; to act as Banker and Financial Adviser to the Federal Government; and finally, to act as lender of last resort to commercial banks.
Since the establishment of the CBN in 1958, the so far governors (bosses) of the bank implemented their respective policies regarding the monetary system of the country’s financial industry. The 9th substantive boss of the apex bank in the person of Professor Charles Chukwuma Soludo introduced one of the most controversial policies since the history of the bank, which was tagged “Consolidation”, and it worked effectively. It was a measure that fetched the man in question a well respected and renowned named as a financial personnel.
Subsequently, Mallam Lamido Sanusi being the 10th substantive governor of the bank, came up with his “Cashless Policy”; a policy Nigeria at large will live to testify its goodness. Let’s ride on!
As Mr. Godwin Emefiele assumes duty as the 11th substantive governor of the apex bank amidst tough challenges, he is meant to note that all eyes are on him as regards reshaping and as well restoring the unstable and “drowsy” Nigerian economy, which is spearheaded by the famous Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN).
Frankly, Emefiele’s appointment as the CBN boss comes at a time Nigeria’s financial industry is undergoing severe tension following the uncertainties that trail the nation’s currency, the Naira. Analysts and financial professionals are profoundly of the view that, enormous effort is immensely needed to drive the Nigeria’s economy to greater destinations.
Prior to his present position, he was the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) cum Group Managing Director (GMD) of Zenith Bank Plc – one of the most respected financial institutions in the whole of Nigeria and across Africa as well; a position he assumed on August 1, 2010. Reports hold that he obtained both Bachelor and Masters (MBA) Degrees in Finance and Banking from the prestigious University of Nigeria, Nsukka (UNN).
Based on these track records, it is widely in speculation that the long awaited promise-land in regard to the Nigeria’s financial cum economic status would no doubt be embraced in no distant time by the anticipated effort of the aforementioned banking guru. He has already stated during his media briefing that, CBN will reduce “High Interest Rates” presently taking place in commercial banks and also ensure “Exchange Rate Stability” thereby raising the value of the local currency (the Naira), among other worthwhile policies he stipulated. Such statement was truly a way forward.
Notwithstanding, most Nigerians are only interested in pragmatic and dogged approach coupled with financial activism in respect to simplifying or unravelling the ongoing economic/financial complexity and crises in the Nigerian state. This is one good reason the present CBN boss ought to be extremely careful and alert towards carrying-out the statutory duties that await his person, because the citizens don’t expect Second Best, rather Second to None; apparently they expect nothing less than “the Best” from him.
At this juncture, I sincerely urge Mr. Emefiele to concentrate on business as he leads the CBN’s activities. Of course, statutorily, his business as the boss of the apex bank remains initiation of formidable and tangible Monetary Policies and the safeguard of the already existing remarkable ones. As the governor of the custodian of the Nigeria’s funds in its entirety, we the concerned patriotic citizens are instigating him to wear a very bold skin as he’s ready and prepared to pilot the affairs of the apex financial institution in the “Giant of Africa”
He shouldn’t forget in a hurry that, he assumes office as the 11th substantive governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria amid tremendous challenges coupled with various mixed feelings and reactions among the citizenry. In view of this, he must be ready to face the so-called challenges squarely or better still look at them (the challenges) in their respective faces to ensure that our “vulnerable” currency is duly standardized.
Needless to say; he (Godwin Emefiele) ought not to let Dr. Goodluck Jonathan regret over the nomination he made owing to his Presidential Immunity on 20th February 2014. For crying out loud; it’s high time “Obi” became a full grown man. Think about it!
Public Affairs Analyst & Rights Activist
Opening Speech Presented By Oru East TC-Chairman During The Immunization Flag-Off Ceremony By The Imo State Governor
Your Excellency, I’m indeed loaded with extreme euphoria as I present this address before you. This is not unconnected to the fact that you chose Oru East to be the centre for this worthwhile and memorable event among all the existing twenty seven (27) Local Government Areas.
The last time I checked, prior to the manifestation of this occasion, the people of Oru East in its entirety couldn’t wait to see that it becomes a reality. This is the reason you are seeing this teeming crowd making up of people from all walks of life right before your presence.
Sir, barely two months ago, you were here with us over the inspection of the ongoing innumerable projects taking place in Oru East. Here again, we are all privileged to have Your Excellency as our special guest for the flag-off of another life-touching programme that would benefit the whole of Imo State. This singular fact has proven to us beyond any reasonable doubt that, your love for the people of Oru East remains undiluted. We are indeed very grateful to note this fact; based on this, we are reassuring you once again that our loyalty remains genuine and thorough.
Before I proceed Your Excellency, on behalf of the good people of Oru East LGA, I want to seize this golden opportunity to sincerely felicitate with you and the entire Rescue Mission team for your successful stay in office as the Executive Governor of this great state for three consecutive years. In a very sincere note, your three years in office is worth celebrating because the landmark achievements you have recorded in Imo State and Oru East in particular ranging from Education, Health, Agriculture, Public Utilities, Prompt payment of Salaries/Pensions, Security, Roads, to various Infrastructural developments, speak for themselves and also remain unprecedented to the extent that even the blind could feel and as well see them.
We the people of Oru East LGA are deeply indebted to you for the aforementioned tremendous accomplishments. In this regard, we are wishing you and your able Deputy, His Excellency Prince Eze Madumere, more blissful and greater days ahead as you strive relentlessly to ensure that Imo is totally rescued from the shackles of its enemies.
Sir, we also want you to extend our warmth regards to your darling and lovely wife – Her Excellency Nneoma Nkechi Okorocha who has been working constantly and consistently in line with the enticing Rescue Mission Agenda through her ‘She Needs A Roof Project (SNARP)’ and other worthwhile humanitarian programmes she has been piloting.
Your Excellency, it is worthy to note that in the history of mankind, health has invariably been a thing of great importance to any society in the world. This is why you have given a very great attention to the area since the inception of the Rescue Mission Administration. Today, another history would be recorded in Imo State at large in respect to your keen interest in the area of health services, as you are ready to flag off the 1st round of the ‘2014 Maternal, New born and Child Health Week (MNCHW)’
I’m also using this avenue to urge all concerned mothers to ensure that their affected kids are made available for this routine and voluntary health service. This ongoing immunization is the right of every concerned child in Imo State; therefore, no kid should be exempted for whatsoever reason. Mind you, any mother would be held responsible for anything that happens to any of her children in future as a result of non-compliance to this ongoing immunization programme. ‘To before warned is to before armed.’
In a very special way, I want to appreciate the World Health Organization (WHO) for its relentless and continual effort through the United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) to ensure that most common health cases in Nigeria become stories of the past.
At this juncture, I want to commend everyone who found time to grace this occasion, and all those who contributed in one way or the other to ensure that this ceremony becomes a success.
Above all Your Excellency – The Senior Advocate of the Masses, my people are unanimously saying: Welcome once again to Oru East, the Land of Beauty. We pray that the almighty God will lead you and your amiable entourage safely back to your respective destinations.
Thank you all and God bless!
Your Excellency, I’m indeed loaded with extreme euphoria as I present this address before you. This is not unconnected to the fact that you chose Oru East to be the centre for this worthwhile and memorable event among all the existing twenty seven (27) Local Government Areas.
The last time I checked, prior to the manifestation of this occasion, the people of Oru East in its entirety couldn’t wait to see that it becomes a reality. This is the reason you are seeing this teeming crowd making up of people from all walks of life right before your presence.
Sir, barely two months ago, you were here with us over the inspection of the ongoing innumerable projects taking place in Oru East. Here again, we are all privileged to have Your Excellency as our special guest for the flag-off of another life-touching programme that would benefit the whole of Imo State. This singular fact has proven to us beyond any reasonable doubt that, your love for the people of Oru East remains undiluted. We are indeed very grateful to note this fact; based on this, we are reassuring you once again that our loyalty remains genuine and thorough.
Before I proceed Your Excellency, on behalf of the good people of Oru East LGA, I want to seize this golden opportunity to sincerely felicitate with you and the entire Rescue Mission team for your successful stay in office as the Executive Governor of this great state for three consecutive years. In a very sincere note, your three years in office is worth celebrating because the landmark achievements you have recorded in Imo State and Oru East in particular ranging from Education, Health, Agriculture, Public Utilities, Prompt payment of Salaries/Pensions, Security, Roads, to various Infrastructural developments, speak for themselves and also remain unprecedented to the extent that even the blind could feel and as well see them.
We the people of Oru East LGA are deeply indebted to you for the aforementioned tremendous accomplishments. In this regard, we are wishing you and your able Deputy, His Excellency Prince Eze Madumere, more blissful and greater days ahead as you strive relentlessly to ensure that Imo is totally rescued from the shackles of its enemies.
Sir, we also want you to extend our warmth regards to your darling and lovely wife – Her Excellency Nneoma Nkechi Okorocha who has been working constantly and consistently in line with the enticing Rescue Mission Agenda through her ‘She Needs A Roof Project (SNARP)’ and other worthwhile humanitarian programmes she has been piloting.
Your Excellency, it is worthy to note that in the history of mankind, health has invariably been a thing of great importance to any society in the world. This is why you have given a very great attention to the area since the inception of the Rescue Mission Administration. Today, another history would be recorded in Imo State at large in respect to your keen interest in the area of health services, as you are ready to flag off the 1st round of the ‘2014 Maternal, New born and Child Health Week (MNCHW)’
I’m also using this avenue to urge all concerned mothers to ensure that their affected kids are made available for this routine and voluntary health service. This ongoing immunization is the right of every concerned child in Imo State; therefore, no kid should be exempted for whatsoever reason. Mind you, any mother would be held responsible for anything that happens to any of her children in future as a result of non-compliance to this ongoing immunization programme. ‘To before warned is to before armed.’
In a very special way, I want to appreciate the World Health Organization (WHO) for its relentless and continual effort through the United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) to ensure that most common health cases in Nigeria become stories of the past.
At this juncture, I want to commend everyone who found time to grace this occasion, and all those who contributed in one way or the other to ensure that this ceremony becomes a success.
Above all Your Excellency – The Senior Advocate of the Masses, my people are unanimously saying: Welcome once again to Oru East, the Land of Beauty. We pray that the almighty God will lead you and your amiable entourage safely back to your respective destinations.
Thank you all and God bless!
Newstalk On: The Proposed Imo Governor's Visit to Oru East LGA Over The Forthcoming Immunization Programme
Immunization is the process by which one’s immune system becomes fortified against a certain disease. In the same vein, an immune system is a system of biological structures and processes of the body that provide resistance to infections and toxins. Suffice to say; immunization could be meant for adults or children based on the nature of the disease involved.
Tomorrow being Wednesday 11th June 2014, all roads would lead to Oru East Local Government Area as the amiable and indefatigable governor of Imo State, Owelle Rochas Anayo Okorocha is prepared and ready to visit the council for the flagging off of the immunization programmes that would benefit the whole of Imo State.
It is no longer news that the governor was in Oru East barely two months ago. On this note, it is a thing of joy to the good people of Oru East that the governor would be visiting the area for the second time in less than three months of his previous visit.
The most astonishing aspect of the governor’s proposed gesture is that, he chose Oru East among all the twenty-seven Local Government Areas in Imo State as the centre for the awaited epoch-making event. This singular fact has proven beyond any reasonable doubt, that, Governor Okorocha’s love for the people of Oru East cannot be overemphasized.
The forthcoming Imo State 5-day Immunization Programme, which is tagged as the “1st round 2014 Maternal, New born and Child Health Week (MNCHW)”, will commence on Thursday June 12 and end on Monday June 16, 2014. The programme is meant to unfold many health cases, which include:
1. Immunization of both mother and child.
2. Vitamin-A administration.
3. De-worming of children less than 5 years.
4. MUAC Screening cum Nutrition counselling and referral of malnourished children.
5. Provision to mothers cum women of child-bearing age ANC Services, iron folate supplementation, tetanus toxoid immunization family planning services, et cetera.
6. Health promotion on key household practices including infant and young child feeding, hygiene promotion and prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV.
7. Health education in schools.
And the last but not the least; birth registration of children less than 5-years of age.
We are also using this avenue to plead with all the mothers in Imo State to ensure that they make both themselves and their respective affected children available for this worthwhile programme, so that, the state could boast of the anticipated disease-free society in near future. Let’s join hands to see that the Owelle Rochas Okorocha’s administration that is poised towards ensuring that most health challenges in the state become a thing of the past is duly actualized.
As the charming governor and his able entourage visit Oru East which is ably led by Hon. Barr. Obinna Amagwula tomorrow Wednesday June 11 – 2014, we solicit the presence of all well-meaning individuals in Imo State and in the diaspora such as the government functionaries, technocrats, public servants, senior citizens, nursing mothers, traditional rulers, Ndi Nze na Ozo, traders, artisans, commercial drivers/motorcyclists, the press, youth, the clergy, and most importantly the children; irrespective of political affiliations.
Let me seize this opportunity to state categorically that, the coming of His Excellency Chief Rochas Okorocha, OON, to Oru East LGA is not in any way related to politics or any political strive; rather, the proposed event is strictly set aside to mark another distinguished era that would bring severe measure intended to eradicate various health cases to our doorsteps. Needless to say; the anticipated fruit of the proposed health occasion would not just be historic, but as well best of its kinds.
In the same vein, I want to commend all the non-governmental bodies that have been of great help since the inception of this immunization programme in Nigeria, especially the World Health Organization (WHO) that has been operating tirelessly and continually through the aegis of the United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF).
In a very special way, I want to appreciate those who have been working relentlessly and tirelessly to ensure that the governor’s visit becomes nothing but a success, including Dr. A.E. Ikeguoha, the Oru East Supervisory Councillor for Health - Hon. Oscar Nwamba, Mrs. Grace Okere, Mazi Igwe P.B., Mr. Ngozi Chikwendu, Mr. Ugo J.C., Mrs. Ijeoma Azubuike, Prince Jude Onwude, Engr. Nwata Chikeziem, Mrs Stella Odogwu, Evang. Esther Obong Egbuna, the Oru East Director of Administration and General Services – Mrs Ifunanya Ogbenta, and above all the Imo State Health Commissioner – Dr. Edward Ihejirika; not forgotten all the distinguished leaders of the council who played a very vital role in their respective capacities such as Chief Chime Nzeribe, Hon. Law Nwobodo, Hon. Donatus Ejifugha, Dr. Emma Ogbenta, Chief Bernard Nwananya, Mrs. Nma Nzeribe Michaels, the Transition Committee councillors, and of course most especially the ever competent and trustworthy Transition Committee Chairman – Hon. Barr. Obinna Augustus Amagwula.
Having noted that all hands are on deck for the sake of the governor’s proposed visit, it is obvious that the people of Oru East in its entirety cannot wait to receive the Senior Advocate of the Masses and the Commander of Free Education.
Governor anyi ji eme onu, Owelle ndi Imo, Ndi Oru East na asi gi, Nnoo!!
Special Adviser on Media & Publicity to Oru-East TC-Chairman
Immunization is the process by which one’s immune system becomes fortified against a certain disease. In the same vein, an immune system is a system of biological structures and processes of the body that provide resistance to infections and toxins. Suffice to say; immunization could be meant for adults or children based on the nature of the disease involved.
Tomorrow being Wednesday 11th June 2014, all roads would lead to Oru East Local Government Area as the amiable and indefatigable governor of Imo State, Owelle Rochas Anayo Okorocha is prepared and ready to visit the council for the flagging off of the immunization programmes that would benefit the whole of Imo State.
It is no longer news that the governor was in Oru East barely two months ago. On this note, it is a thing of joy to the good people of Oru East that the governor would be visiting the area for the second time in less than three months of his previous visit.
The most astonishing aspect of the governor’s proposed gesture is that, he chose Oru East among all the twenty-seven Local Government Areas in Imo State as the centre for the awaited epoch-making event. This singular fact has proven beyond any reasonable doubt, that, Governor Okorocha’s love for the people of Oru East cannot be overemphasized.
The forthcoming Imo State 5-day Immunization Programme, which is tagged as the “1st round 2014 Maternal, New born and Child Health Week (MNCHW)”, will commence on Thursday June 12 and end on Monday June 16, 2014. The programme is meant to unfold many health cases, which include:
1. Immunization of both mother and child.
2. Vitamin-A administration.
3. De-worming of children less than 5 years.
4. MUAC Screening cum Nutrition counselling and referral of malnourished children.
5. Provision to mothers cum women of child-bearing age ANC Services, iron folate supplementation, tetanus toxoid immunization family planning services, et cetera.
6. Health promotion on key household practices including infant and young child feeding, hygiene promotion and prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV.
7. Health education in schools.
And the last but not the least; birth registration of children less than 5-years of age.
We are also using this avenue to plead with all the mothers in Imo State to ensure that they make both themselves and their respective affected children available for this worthwhile programme, so that, the state could boast of the anticipated disease-free society in near future. Let’s join hands to see that the Owelle Rochas Okorocha’s administration that is poised towards ensuring that most health challenges in the state become a thing of the past is duly actualized.
As the charming governor and his able entourage visit Oru East which is ably led by Hon. Barr. Obinna Amagwula tomorrow Wednesday June 11 – 2014, we solicit the presence of all well-meaning individuals in Imo State and in the diaspora such as the government functionaries, technocrats, public servants, senior citizens, nursing mothers, traditional rulers, Ndi Nze na Ozo, traders, artisans, commercial drivers/motorcyclists, the press, youth, the clergy, and most importantly the children; irrespective of political affiliations.
Let me seize this opportunity to state categorically that, the coming of His Excellency Chief Rochas Okorocha, OON, to Oru East LGA is not in any way related to politics or any political strive; rather, the proposed event is strictly set aside to mark another distinguished era that would bring severe measure intended to eradicate various health cases to our doorsteps. Needless to say; the anticipated fruit of the proposed health occasion would not just be historic, but as well best of its kinds.
In the same vein, I want to commend all the non-governmental bodies that have been of great help since the inception of this immunization programme in Nigeria, especially the World Health Organization (WHO) that has been operating tirelessly and continually through the aegis of the United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF).
In a very special way, I want to appreciate those who have been working relentlessly and tirelessly to ensure that the governor’s visit becomes nothing but a success, including Dr. A.E. Ikeguoha, the Oru East Supervisory Councillor for Health - Hon. Oscar Nwamba, Mrs. Grace Okere, Mazi Igwe P.B., Mr. Ngozi Chikwendu, Mr. Ugo J.C., Mrs. Ijeoma Azubuike, Prince Jude Onwude, Engr. Nwata Chikeziem, Mrs Stella Odogwu, Evang. Esther Obong Egbuna, the Oru East Director of Administration and General Services – Mrs Ifunanya Ogbenta, and above all the Imo State Health Commissioner – Dr. Edward Ihejirika; not forgotten all the distinguished leaders of the council who played a very vital role in their respective capacities such as Chief Chime Nzeribe, Hon. Law Nwobodo, Hon. Donatus Ejifugha, Dr. Emma Ogbenta, Chief Bernard Nwananya, Mrs. Nma Nzeribe Michaels, the Transition Committee councillors, and of course most especially the ever competent and trustworthy Transition Committee Chairman – Hon. Barr. Obinna Augustus Amagwula.
Having noted that all hands are on deck for the sake of the governor’s proposed visit, it is obvious that the people of Oru East in its entirety cannot wait to receive the Senior Advocate of the Masses and the Commander of Free Education.
Governor anyi ji eme onu, Owelle ndi Imo, Ndi Oru East na asi gi, Nnoo!!
Special Adviser on Media & Publicity to Oru-East TC-Chairman
Imo State Civil Guard Corps (Aired Newstalk)
Just as he desires to see that everything is complete and as well put in place in Imo State at large in line with the famous Rescue Mission Agenda, the governor thought it wise to institute a uniform arm of the Imo Orientation Agency to ease the fight against various traffic/environmental vices and offences.
Owing to the above fact, on July 26 - 2013, His Excellency Owelle Rochas Okorocha – OON inaugurated the anticipated state paramilitary corps which was named Imo State Civil Guard Corps. An initiative that attracted numerous commendations from all nooks and crannies of the state and in the diaspora.
Subsequently, on Thursday 8th May 2014, the bill regarding the formal and legal institution of the aforementioned corps, which was sponsored by Hon. Victor Ndunagu, was duly passed into law by the impeccable members of the Imo State House of Assembly ably led by Rt. Hon. Benjamin Uwajumogu after one week of the official launch of the corps. Such historic gesture was made possible by the law makers in order to encourage the founder of the corps, Chief Rochas okorocha for the remarkable step he took to ensure that such formidable paramilitary organization is formed in the state, and when it is mostly needed.
In the said law, it was categorically stated that the leader/head of the corps – Imo Civil Guard shall be recognized and addressed as The Commandant General, and he/she shall stay in the office for five consecutive years having been appointed by any serving Governor of Imo State.
The fundamental objects of the Imo Civil guard Corps include Crowd and Traffic Controls, and Guard Services. Suffice to say that, activities such as street trading, hawking, illegal parks location, just to mention but a few, are expected to be adequately handled by the corps.
Lest I forget, it is worthy to note that the Imo State Civil Guard Corps is working in synergy with other existing military and paramilitary corps in the state, including the Army, Police Force, Civil Defence Corps, NDLEA, Prisons, Immigration, Customs, and the Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC), in maintenance of law and order in Imo State.
The most enticing aspect of the Imo Civil Guard Corps is that, the amiable and indefatigable governor – His Excellency Owelle Rochas Anayo Okorocha appointed a well experienced personnel of no questionable character and a distinguished worthy son of Oru East extraction in Imo State, Awo-Omamma precisely, in the person of Chief Honourable Donatus Ewe Ejifugha (Odenjiji) to pilot the affairs of the corps as the Commandant General.
Having retired from the Police Force as a Senior police Officer, Chief Superintendent of Police (CSP) to be precise, Hon. Donatus Ejifugha was employed by Chief Rochas OKorocha as his personal Chief Security Officer (CSO) prior to his assumption of office as the Imo State Governor. As soon as he became the Governor of the state, he appointed Hon. Ejifugha as his Senior Special Assistant (SSA) on Security and Advanced Protocols. In the year 2013, he was directed by the Governor to serve as the Sole Administrator of Oru East Local Government Area before he rose to his present position as the Commandant General of the Imo State Civil Guard Corps having been found worthy by his boss to serve in such challenging and delicate position.
As it is popularly cited that ‘A tree does not make a forest’, it is also worthy to note that Honourable Donatus Ejifugha is not standing alone as the Commandant General of the Imo Civil Guard. Among other Senior Officers, the corps constitutes the Commandant, Deputy Commandant, Zonal Commanders, and others too numerous to mention. The office of the Commandant is presently occupied by another experienced and indisputable gentleman – Mr. Martins Ekeh.
The current recruitment strength of the corps is 1072. According to the ethics of the corps, after conducting a certain recruitment having undergone an intensive training coupled with thorough orientation, each of the successful new recruits would be assigned to the various established units of the corps that are found in all the twenty-seven (27) Local Government Areas in Imo State, which include the Operations, Transport and Provost departments, and as well the Traffic sections.
It is no longer news that the officers of the Imo Civil Guard Organization are in all corners of the state and also working round the clock to ensure that their duties are effectively carried out in respect to the directive of the tireless Commandant General, Chief Hon. Donatus Ejifugha. The 2013 Christmas cum 2014 New Year operations of the corps which was code-named ‘Operation 24/7 Zero Traffic Congestion’ signified that the corps would surely obtain exactly what she was asked to purchase in the market.
Just as every organization or establishment is invariably faced with its challenges, we ought to also acknowledge that, that of Imo State Civil Guard Corps is inevitable. Presently, the corps is faced with numerous challenges to include lack of operational vehicles such as Power Bikes, Towing vans, Buses, and Hilux vans.
At this juncture, I and other concerned Imolites are calling on all well-meaning individuals and government functionaries to, out of their magnanimity, contribute their respective quotas to ensure that the remarkable aim of Governor Owelle Rochas Okorocha towards creating a total serene environment in the Eastern Heartland is duly actualized.
SSA On Media To The Commandant General
Just as he desires to see that everything is complete and as well put in place in Imo State at large in line with the famous Rescue Mission Agenda, the governor thought it wise to institute a uniform arm of the Imo Orientation Agency to ease the fight against various traffic/environmental vices and offences.
Owing to the above fact, on July 26 - 2013, His Excellency Owelle Rochas Okorocha – OON inaugurated the anticipated state paramilitary corps which was named Imo State Civil Guard Corps. An initiative that attracted numerous commendations from all nooks and crannies of the state and in the diaspora.
Subsequently, on Thursday 8th May 2014, the bill regarding the formal and legal institution of the aforementioned corps, which was sponsored by Hon. Victor Ndunagu, was duly passed into law by the impeccable members of the Imo State House of Assembly ably led by Rt. Hon. Benjamin Uwajumogu after one week of the official launch of the corps. Such historic gesture was made possible by the law makers in order to encourage the founder of the corps, Chief Rochas okorocha for the remarkable step he took to ensure that such formidable paramilitary organization is formed in the state, and when it is mostly needed.
In the said law, it was categorically stated that the leader/head of the corps – Imo Civil Guard shall be recognized and addressed as The Commandant General, and he/she shall stay in the office for five consecutive years having been appointed by any serving Governor of Imo State.
The fundamental objects of the Imo Civil guard Corps include Crowd and Traffic Controls, and Guard Services. Suffice to say that, activities such as street trading, hawking, illegal parks location, just to mention but a few, are expected to be adequately handled by the corps.
Lest I forget, it is worthy to note that the Imo State Civil Guard Corps is working in synergy with other existing military and paramilitary corps in the state, including the Army, Police Force, Civil Defence Corps, NDLEA, Prisons, Immigration, Customs, and the Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC), in maintenance of law and order in Imo State.
The most enticing aspect of the Imo Civil Guard Corps is that, the amiable and indefatigable governor – His Excellency Owelle Rochas Anayo Okorocha appointed a well experienced personnel of no questionable character and a distinguished worthy son of Oru East extraction in Imo State, Awo-Omamma precisely, in the person of Chief Honourable Donatus Ewe Ejifugha (Odenjiji) to pilot the affairs of the corps as the Commandant General.
Having retired from the Police Force as a Senior police Officer, Chief Superintendent of Police (CSP) to be precise, Hon. Donatus Ejifugha was employed by Chief Rochas OKorocha as his personal Chief Security Officer (CSO) prior to his assumption of office as the Imo State Governor. As soon as he became the Governor of the state, he appointed Hon. Ejifugha as his Senior Special Assistant (SSA) on Security and Advanced Protocols. In the year 2013, he was directed by the Governor to serve as the Sole Administrator of Oru East Local Government Area before he rose to his present position as the Commandant General of the Imo State Civil Guard Corps having been found worthy by his boss to serve in such challenging and delicate position.
As it is popularly cited that ‘A tree does not make a forest’, it is also worthy to note that Honourable Donatus Ejifugha is not standing alone as the Commandant General of the Imo Civil Guard. Among other Senior Officers, the corps constitutes the Commandant, Deputy Commandant, Zonal Commanders, and others too numerous to mention. The office of the Commandant is presently occupied by another experienced and indisputable gentleman – Mr. Martins Ekeh.
The current recruitment strength of the corps is 1072. According to the ethics of the corps, after conducting a certain recruitment having undergone an intensive training coupled with thorough orientation, each of the successful new recruits would be assigned to the various established units of the corps that are found in all the twenty-seven (27) Local Government Areas in Imo State, which include the Operations, Transport and Provost departments, and as well the Traffic sections.
It is no longer news that the officers of the Imo Civil Guard Organization are in all corners of the state and also working round the clock to ensure that their duties are effectively carried out in respect to the directive of the tireless Commandant General, Chief Hon. Donatus Ejifugha. The 2013 Christmas cum 2014 New Year operations of the corps which was code-named ‘Operation 24/7 Zero Traffic Congestion’ signified that the corps would surely obtain exactly what she was asked to purchase in the market.
Just as every organization or establishment is invariably faced with its challenges, we ought to also acknowledge that, that of Imo State Civil Guard Corps is inevitable. Presently, the corps is faced with numerous challenges to include lack of operational vehicles such as Power Bikes, Towing vans, Buses, and Hilux vans.
At this juncture, I and other concerned Imolites are calling on all well-meaning individuals and government functionaries to, out of their magnanimity, contribute their respective quotas to ensure that the remarkable aim of Governor Owelle Rochas Okorocha towards creating a total serene environment in the Eastern Heartland is duly actualized.
SSA On Media To The Commandant General
Monday, 2 June 2014
Oru East TC-Chairman's Speech, During The Recent Children's Day Celebration
I’m immensely glad to be in your midst today for this historic event. It has always been a thing of joy for me to celebrate the children, because I strongly believe that our future solely depends on them.
When I was a child, I was always looking forward to embrace May 27 of every year otherwise known as ‘The Children’s day’, because it was a day that used to give me a sense of belonging in the society I belonged to. Those days as a kid, I and my contemporary were often citing a poem that would unfold May 27 in earnest.
Today, till this moment I’m standing before you, I can’t stop being filled with the nostalgia of our childhood days owing to the fact that, we celebrated a day like this to the fullness. Suffice to say; such good memories of the past wouldn’t have been possible if the Children’s Day is not observed in Nigeria.
Even as a full-fledged adult, sometimes when I found myself in an occasion like this, I feel as if I’m still a child simply because I know how well we celebrated the Children’s Day during our time. In the same vein, most times in my lonely mood, it is usually the memory of a day like this that keeps me going. Frankly, there’s so much to remember about May 27. This is why I often advise anyone I come across never to stay away from whatever nature has mandated his/her peer group to do.
Today, I stand here before you as the Transition committee Chairman of Oru East LGA to tell you how good I feel to be the Chief Host of this great occasion. Honestly since I assumed office as the TC-Chairman of this LGA, I have been longing to celebrate the ever famous ‘May 27’ and as well celebrate my fellow children.
Yes, I sincerely address you as my ‘fellow children’ due to the fact that, it is only when I feel like a child that I mostly have the privilege to engage in those things my innermost spirit wants me to do thereby enabling me discharge my duties effectively and efficiently, because it is only a child’s heart that has most of the qualities required to attain greatness. I therefore urge each of everyone of us gathered here today to embark on a thorough research on the statement I just made to ascertain its truism.
Among all, I’m using this medium to urge you to continue praying for the release of the school girls that were abducted in Chibok, Bornu State few weeks ago by the Boko Haram sect. Surely, it is worthy to note that the parents of those abducted teenagers are seriously in pains on a daily basis. I would like us to share this pain with them by praying for the safety and as well the release of those innocent students.
I’m also pleading with us not to give up on Nigeria. I’ve a very strong feeling that Nigeria would bounce back again. The only way we could be helpful to this great nation in this challenging period, is to remain faithful and prayerful.
I cannot conclude this speech without appreciating all the leaders of this council, the clergy, gentlemen of the Press, and the traditional rulers who found time to embrace this ceremony. I also want to commend in a very special way all the Transition Committee Councillors and the entire staff of this LGA, most especially the Director of Administration and General Services, Mrs. Ifunanya Ogbenta, for all their tireless efforts to ensure that this event becomes successful.
Once again my fellow children and our amiable teachers, I welcome you all to this year’s celebration of the Children’s day which we couldn’t wait to embrace. Don’t forget; as you celebrate, everyone you see here today is also celebrating.
I wish all of us safe trips back to our respective destinations. I pray that we shall all live to celebrate another Children’s Day and in a grand style.
Thank you and remain blessed!
I’m immensely glad to be in your midst today for this historic event. It has always been a thing of joy for me to celebrate the children, because I strongly believe that our future solely depends on them.
When I was a child, I was always looking forward to embrace May 27 of every year otherwise known as ‘The Children’s day’, because it was a day that used to give me a sense of belonging in the society I belonged to. Those days as a kid, I and my contemporary were often citing a poem that would unfold May 27 in earnest.
Today, till this moment I’m standing before you, I can’t stop being filled with the nostalgia of our childhood days owing to the fact that, we celebrated a day like this to the fullness. Suffice to say; such good memories of the past wouldn’t have been possible if the Children’s Day is not observed in Nigeria.
Even as a full-fledged adult, sometimes when I found myself in an occasion like this, I feel as if I’m still a child simply because I know how well we celebrated the Children’s Day during our time. In the same vein, most times in my lonely mood, it is usually the memory of a day like this that keeps me going. Frankly, there’s so much to remember about May 27. This is why I often advise anyone I come across never to stay away from whatever nature has mandated his/her peer group to do.
Today, I stand here before you as the Transition committee Chairman of Oru East LGA to tell you how good I feel to be the Chief Host of this great occasion. Honestly since I assumed office as the TC-Chairman of this LGA, I have been longing to celebrate the ever famous ‘May 27’ and as well celebrate my fellow children.
Yes, I sincerely address you as my ‘fellow children’ due to the fact that, it is only when I feel like a child that I mostly have the privilege to engage in those things my innermost spirit wants me to do thereby enabling me discharge my duties effectively and efficiently, because it is only a child’s heart that has most of the qualities required to attain greatness. I therefore urge each of everyone of us gathered here today to embark on a thorough research on the statement I just made to ascertain its truism.
Among all, I’m using this medium to urge you to continue praying for the release of the school girls that were abducted in Chibok, Bornu State few weeks ago by the Boko Haram sect. Surely, it is worthy to note that the parents of those abducted teenagers are seriously in pains on a daily basis. I would like us to share this pain with them by praying for the safety and as well the release of those innocent students.
I’m also pleading with us not to give up on Nigeria. I’ve a very strong feeling that Nigeria would bounce back again. The only way we could be helpful to this great nation in this challenging period, is to remain faithful and prayerful.
I cannot conclude this speech without appreciating all the leaders of this council, the clergy, gentlemen of the Press, and the traditional rulers who found time to embrace this ceremony. I also want to commend in a very special way all the Transition Committee Councillors and the entire staff of this LGA, most especially the Director of Administration and General Services, Mrs. Ifunanya Ogbenta, for all their tireless efforts to ensure that this event becomes successful.
Once again my fellow children and our amiable teachers, I welcome you all to this year’s celebration of the Children’s day which we couldn’t wait to embrace. Don’t forget; as you celebrate, everyone you see here today is also celebrating.
I wish all of us safe trips back to our respective destinations. I pray that we shall all live to celebrate another Children’s Day and in a grand style.
Thank you and remain blessed!
Nigeria And Her Unending Security Challenges
Brethren, I wish to commence with a short inspirational note. Please, take time to think, it’s the source of power; take time to play, it’s the secret of perpetual youth; take time to laugh, it’s the music of the soul; and finally, take time to pray, it’s the greatest power on earth.
Once again my beloved, I sincerely urge you to cheat on your fears, break up with your doubts, get engaged with your faith, and as well get married to your dreams. Please stick to these advices, and you shall testify that the Lord is good.
We are all aware that every society in existence has its own challenges, not unlike our respective families. Yes, in as much as any family remains a society, it is also bound to face its own challenges which may range from one area of life to another.
Most importantly, it is worthy to note that each of the individuals on earth is also being faced with series of challenges which might differ based on individual differences. Of course, we’re all aware of this scenario.
In fact, to be frank and thorough, I want to state categorically that challenges are not only common among human beings or living creatures generally. Believe me, even the non-living things have their respective challenges which is solely attributed to the nature of the society they found themselves, or they were taken to.
At this juncture, let’s get something clear. Nigeria for sure is a society likewise any other country in the world. Therefore, she’s bound to be faced with one or two challenges as she strive towards greatness. I’ve written in the past that, challenges are simply inevitable, just as ‘change’ is.
It is no longer news that Nigeria has been facing too many challenges since she was liberated by her colonial master or ever since she got her independence. Such scenario is normal and natural. So far since the aforementioned period of liberation, challenges have been ranging from corruption, injustice, nepotism, power supply, illiteracy, lack of industrialization, to security.
Presently, it is worthy to note or to take into cognizance that, security challenges have abruptly superseded any other challenges the country is currently facing, even the ‘almighty’ corruption that had earlier been the order of the day.
Security, according to the context of this edition, could be defined as the safety of lives and property of a certain group of people in any given society. In other words, the term "security” signifies safety. Let’s ride on!
The current security challenges in the Nigerian society has been lingering in such a manner that anyone might rightly assume that the country does not have any government in power. And, it won’t be an overstatement if such presumption suddenly turns into an open exclamation due to agony.
Nigeria’s recent security challenges if well traced, originated during the Niger-Delta militancy era. That is; when the aggrieved members of the oil producing states in Nigeria took a very bold cum expensive step and decided to go into violence for their voice to be heard by the Nigerian government. Really, it was as if it won’t end, but surely on the contrary it all came to an end, as a result of the Amnesty that was declared by the late President of the country in the person of Alhaji Umaru musa Yar’adua.
We shall all live to remember the deceased President because of the drastic action he took in order to completely silence the previous security challenges the country was faced with. So, some challenges require a drastic measure.
In the same vein, presently for over three years now, or would I say since Dr. Goodluck Jonathan assumed office as the President of the country, the country has been profoundly faced with another era of untold terrorism coming from the so called Boko Haram sect. this very one has gone beyond human imagination due to its intense deadly nature; it has, no doubt, resulted to hundreds of massacre and all sorts of brutal killings, coupled with the recent abduction of the Chibok School girls.
The truth is that challenges are necessary because it help to channel the affected individual or society to the right direction. Needless to say that, they enable us to be conscious of virtually every step we take in life. And such scenario is worthwhile.
On the other hand, we all pray never to encounter any deadly challenges in life. But Nigeria as a nation has been encountering a quite number of them. Does it signifies that, she doesn’t pray? I’m aware this question would attract series of responses. But if I were to answer the question, I would say that the Nigeria’s ongoing security plight is an action of her attitude. Yes our predicament is solely a product of our collective attitude. Suffice to say; the Nigeria’s ongoing problem lies in her palm.
Thus, I urge us to search our consciences in order to overcome these daily fathomless threats, because if the truth must be told, the ongoing recruitment of thousands of infantry or combatants is not the remedy to our plight. The only remedy is extreme sincerity and calling a spade a spade.
Lest I forget, the banner headline of one of the dailies penultimate week, Wednesday May 28, 2014 precisely, reportedly reads “…Obasanjo to meet the Boko Haram leaders’ relatives.” A statement that came up in subsequent to the recent Yobe bomb blast. This simply means that they already know the backgrounds of the terrorists in question. Isn’t it funny?
Well, I still strongly believe that Nigeria will bounce back again. Eventually all things fall into place; until then, we are expected to laugh at the confusion, live for the moments, and always note that everything happens for a reason.
Though, we must endeavour to take time to think because it remains the source of all powers. And for this to work, we must surely be prepared to cheat on our fears. Nevertheless, don’t forget that prayer remains the greatest power on earth. Think about it!
Brethren, I wish to commence with a short inspirational note. Please, take time to think, it’s the source of power; take time to play, it’s the secret of perpetual youth; take time to laugh, it’s the music of the soul; and finally, take time to pray, it’s the greatest power on earth.
Once again my beloved, I sincerely urge you to cheat on your fears, break up with your doubts, get engaged with your faith, and as well get married to your dreams. Please stick to these advices, and you shall testify that the Lord is good.
We are all aware that every society in existence has its own challenges, not unlike our respective families. Yes, in as much as any family remains a society, it is also bound to face its own challenges which may range from one area of life to another.
Most importantly, it is worthy to note that each of the individuals on earth is also being faced with series of challenges which might differ based on individual differences. Of course, we’re all aware of this scenario.
In fact, to be frank and thorough, I want to state categorically that challenges are not only common among human beings or living creatures generally. Believe me, even the non-living things have their respective challenges which is solely attributed to the nature of the society they found themselves, or they were taken to.
At this juncture, let’s get something clear. Nigeria for sure is a society likewise any other country in the world. Therefore, she’s bound to be faced with one or two challenges as she strive towards greatness. I’ve written in the past that, challenges are simply inevitable, just as ‘change’ is.
It is no longer news that Nigeria has been facing too many challenges since she was liberated by her colonial master or ever since she got her independence. Such scenario is normal and natural. So far since the aforementioned period of liberation, challenges have been ranging from corruption, injustice, nepotism, power supply, illiteracy, lack of industrialization, to security.
Presently, it is worthy to note or to take into cognizance that, security challenges have abruptly superseded any other challenges the country is currently facing, even the ‘almighty’ corruption that had earlier been the order of the day.
Security, according to the context of this edition, could be defined as the safety of lives and property of a certain group of people in any given society. In other words, the term "security” signifies safety. Let’s ride on!
The current security challenges in the Nigerian society has been lingering in such a manner that anyone might rightly assume that the country does not have any government in power. And, it won’t be an overstatement if such presumption suddenly turns into an open exclamation due to agony.
Nigeria’s recent security challenges if well traced, originated during the Niger-Delta militancy era. That is; when the aggrieved members of the oil producing states in Nigeria took a very bold cum expensive step and decided to go into violence for their voice to be heard by the Nigerian government. Really, it was as if it won’t end, but surely on the contrary it all came to an end, as a result of the Amnesty that was declared by the late President of the country in the person of Alhaji Umaru musa Yar’adua.
We shall all live to remember the deceased President because of the drastic action he took in order to completely silence the previous security challenges the country was faced with. So, some challenges require a drastic measure.
In the same vein, presently for over three years now, or would I say since Dr. Goodluck Jonathan assumed office as the President of the country, the country has been profoundly faced with another era of untold terrorism coming from the so called Boko Haram sect. this very one has gone beyond human imagination due to its intense deadly nature; it has, no doubt, resulted to hundreds of massacre and all sorts of brutal killings, coupled with the recent abduction of the Chibok School girls.
The truth is that challenges are necessary because it help to channel the affected individual or society to the right direction. Needless to say that, they enable us to be conscious of virtually every step we take in life. And such scenario is worthwhile.
On the other hand, we all pray never to encounter any deadly challenges in life. But Nigeria as a nation has been encountering a quite number of them. Does it signifies that, she doesn’t pray? I’m aware this question would attract series of responses. But if I were to answer the question, I would say that the Nigeria’s ongoing security plight is an action of her attitude. Yes our predicament is solely a product of our collective attitude. Suffice to say; the Nigeria’s ongoing problem lies in her palm.
Thus, I urge us to search our consciences in order to overcome these daily fathomless threats, because if the truth must be told, the ongoing recruitment of thousands of infantry or combatants is not the remedy to our plight. The only remedy is extreme sincerity and calling a spade a spade.
Lest I forget, the banner headline of one of the dailies penultimate week, Wednesday May 28, 2014 precisely, reportedly reads “…Obasanjo to meet the Boko Haram leaders’ relatives.” A statement that came up in subsequent to the recent Yobe bomb blast. This simply means that they already know the backgrounds of the terrorists in question. Isn’t it funny?
Well, I still strongly believe that Nigeria will bounce back again. Eventually all things fall into place; until then, we are expected to laugh at the confusion, live for the moments, and always note that everything happens for a reason.
Though, we must endeavour to take time to think because it remains the source of all powers. And for this to work, we must surely be prepared to cheat on our fears. Nevertheless, don’t forget that prayer remains the greatest power on earth. Think about it!
The 'Bring Back Our Girls' Conundrum
Brethren, I could remember vividly when we were kids, we used to heartily cite most children poems both under the sun and rain. Today, I keep on imagining how it would look to people around me if I eventually repeat or come-up with those things we did very well during our childhood stage.
Nevertheless, some present occasions we encounter warrant the repetition of those things we did or said when we were mere toddlers or teenagers as the case might be.
Frankly, barely three nights ago, precisely Friday May 23 – 2014, I had a nightmare; and it was all about ‘The giant of Africa’. In the dream, someone was forcedly dragging me towards one of the border sides of the aforementioned country; and the border in question happened to be a very familiar one to my person. It was really a complicated and horrific dream; believe me, it was a vague one. Till this moment, I’m still bemused over the anomaly. Honestly I’m presently passing through a state of imbroglio as a result of the encounter.
Well, maybe the above dream wasn’t unconnected to the various untold scenes we witnessed almost on a daily basis in the Nigerian state. I’m just thinking aloud. Of course, it’s no longer news that the entire members of the ‘innocent’ nation have been sleeping with one eye open for quite some years now. And as the subsequent days unfold, it appears the situation is being aggravated. It’s really pathetic.
Since the inception of duty of the current federal administration ‘ably’ led by President Goodluck Jonathan, the Islamic sect otherwise known as ‘Boko Haram’ has been terrorizing the country, particularly the North-Eastern region. I learnt that the so-called Boko Haram is currently the world’s third most dreaded terrorist institution; it is reportedly the third to only Al-Shabaab and Al-Quaeda.
The Boko Haram group has been saluting virtually all the facets of the Nigeria’s Northern region with series of bomb blasts and all-manner of explosives. This, no doubt, has been lingering constantly and consistently for quite some time now. I was forced to ask if Nigeria was passing through a kind of spell invoked by our forefathers thereby making me to cite and as well recite most of the dirges we normally cite those days we were in Nursery School. But on the contrary, I’m strongly of the view that our forefathers wouldn’t want anything less than ‘The Best’ for this ‘great’ country. Let’s ride on!
Some weeks ago, Tuesday 15th April 2014, over 200 students in Federal Government Girls’ College, Chibok, Bornu State were allegedly abducted by same Boko Haram insurgents at about some minutes past one in the midnight, barely few hours after they bombed the famous Nyanya Motor Park in Federal Capital Territory, Abuja. This incident, which is first of its kind, has continued to attract mixed feelings and comments from various groups both across the country and in the diaspora. The most devastating aspect is that, I was informed lately that, the abducted girls were allegedly being raped daily by their abductors.
Reports hold that, while some have dismissed current government’s efforts to curb terrorism, others are insisting that the insurgents are receiving cooperation from high quarters. Still, amidst the various discussions, reports, mixed comments, and what have you, in respect to recuing those abducted innocent school girls, many other terrorist actions had subsequently taken place in several corners of the same Northern region. The most recent one was the one that occurred few days ago, Tuesday May 20, 2014 in Jos, Plateau State; leaving over 150 people dead, many maimed and too many others injured.
Reportedly, I learnt that after the recent Jos bombing, Nigerian government ranks or was blacklisted as worst government in the entire world. The report in question reads, ‘The Jos bombings of Tuesday May 20, 2014 which claimed more than 200 lives according to latest counts, has pushed Nigeria to formally occupy the first position in the ranking of world nations with the worst governments in history.’ I was further informed that other criteria which recently moved Nigeria up the list include, corruption, poverty, and pollution.
Notwithstanding, the most grievous experience to the hearts of the teeming Nigerians remains the abduction of the Chibok school girls. The ugly incident has attracted so many reactions and counter-reactions across the globe, including the readiness of the International Community as regards rescuing the innocent girls. Needless to say that, all hands are on deck to ensure that the ongoing mystery coupled with misery is unravel.
Many crusades and peaceful protests have been conducted by concerned individuals and numerous non-governmental organizations including the religious bodies all over the country concerning the abduction of the school girls, which the inscription on their placards reads, ‘Bring Back Our Girls’. The Bring-back-our-girls crusade has abruptly turned to a mere poem being cited by children of various ages, because nothing different seems to have been done to ensure that the scenario becomes a thing of the past after five good weeks of the relentless efforts. At this juncture, I’m forced to ask again, are we under a kind of spell?
Many rumours and what have you, have been lingering concerning the ‘Sambisa forest’ situated in Adamawa State. Based on the Guardian Newspaper of Thursday May 8, 2014, the Adamawa state governor in the person of retired Admiral Murtala Nyako reportedly stated in an exclusive interview as follows: ‘… Sambisa is about 60 km long and 60 km wide. If you are in the forest, you can only see the next person by your side if you have a torchlight; if not, you can’t see anything. It is a thick forest with heavy trees and wild animals ….’ In the speech he said unequivocally that, unless the Federal Government takes a bold step to destroy the forest, the fight against insurgency may continue to rage in the area.
My humble question regarding this wholesome report remains; is the so-called Sambisa forest inaccessible? Well, whatever the case might be, all I want and all we care for is that, they must bring back our girls; I’m sick and tired of all these Sambisa bullshits and the rest of them. Enough of this conundrum. It’s high time we started thinking in a different direction. Think about it!
Brethren, I could remember vividly when we were kids, we used to heartily cite most children poems both under the sun and rain. Today, I keep on imagining how it would look to people around me if I eventually repeat or come-up with those things we did very well during our childhood stage.
Nevertheless, some present occasions we encounter warrant the repetition of those things we did or said when we were mere toddlers or teenagers as the case might be.
Frankly, barely three nights ago, precisely Friday May 23 – 2014, I had a nightmare; and it was all about ‘The giant of Africa’. In the dream, someone was forcedly dragging me towards one of the border sides of the aforementioned country; and the border in question happened to be a very familiar one to my person. It was really a complicated and horrific dream; believe me, it was a vague one. Till this moment, I’m still bemused over the anomaly. Honestly I’m presently passing through a state of imbroglio as a result of the encounter.
Well, maybe the above dream wasn’t unconnected to the various untold scenes we witnessed almost on a daily basis in the Nigerian state. I’m just thinking aloud. Of course, it’s no longer news that the entire members of the ‘innocent’ nation have been sleeping with one eye open for quite some years now. And as the subsequent days unfold, it appears the situation is being aggravated. It’s really pathetic.
Since the inception of duty of the current federal administration ‘ably’ led by President Goodluck Jonathan, the Islamic sect otherwise known as ‘Boko Haram’ has been terrorizing the country, particularly the North-Eastern region. I learnt that the so-called Boko Haram is currently the world’s third most dreaded terrorist institution; it is reportedly the third to only Al-Shabaab and Al-Quaeda.
The Boko Haram group has been saluting virtually all the facets of the Nigeria’s Northern region with series of bomb blasts and all-manner of explosives. This, no doubt, has been lingering constantly and consistently for quite some time now. I was forced to ask if Nigeria was passing through a kind of spell invoked by our forefathers thereby making me to cite and as well recite most of the dirges we normally cite those days we were in Nursery School. But on the contrary, I’m strongly of the view that our forefathers wouldn’t want anything less than ‘The Best’ for this ‘great’ country. Let’s ride on!
Some weeks ago, Tuesday 15th April 2014, over 200 students in Federal Government Girls’ College, Chibok, Bornu State were allegedly abducted by same Boko Haram insurgents at about some minutes past one in the midnight, barely few hours after they bombed the famous Nyanya Motor Park in Federal Capital Territory, Abuja. This incident, which is first of its kind, has continued to attract mixed feelings and comments from various groups both across the country and in the diaspora. The most devastating aspect is that, I was informed lately that, the abducted girls were allegedly being raped daily by their abductors.
Reports hold that, while some have dismissed current government’s efforts to curb terrorism, others are insisting that the insurgents are receiving cooperation from high quarters. Still, amidst the various discussions, reports, mixed comments, and what have you, in respect to recuing those abducted innocent school girls, many other terrorist actions had subsequently taken place in several corners of the same Northern region. The most recent one was the one that occurred few days ago, Tuesday May 20, 2014 in Jos, Plateau State; leaving over 150 people dead, many maimed and too many others injured.
Reportedly, I learnt that after the recent Jos bombing, Nigerian government ranks or was blacklisted as worst government in the entire world. The report in question reads, ‘The Jos bombings of Tuesday May 20, 2014 which claimed more than 200 lives according to latest counts, has pushed Nigeria to formally occupy the first position in the ranking of world nations with the worst governments in history.’ I was further informed that other criteria which recently moved Nigeria up the list include, corruption, poverty, and pollution.
Notwithstanding, the most grievous experience to the hearts of the teeming Nigerians remains the abduction of the Chibok school girls. The ugly incident has attracted so many reactions and counter-reactions across the globe, including the readiness of the International Community as regards rescuing the innocent girls. Needless to say that, all hands are on deck to ensure that the ongoing mystery coupled with misery is unravel.
Many crusades and peaceful protests have been conducted by concerned individuals and numerous non-governmental organizations including the religious bodies all over the country concerning the abduction of the school girls, which the inscription on their placards reads, ‘Bring Back Our Girls’. The Bring-back-our-girls crusade has abruptly turned to a mere poem being cited by children of various ages, because nothing different seems to have been done to ensure that the scenario becomes a thing of the past after five good weeks of the relentless efforts. At this juncture, I’m forced to ask again, are we under a kind of spell?
Many rumours and what have you, have been lingering concerning the ‘Sambisa forest’ situated in Adamawa State. Based on the Guardian Newspaper of Thursday May 8, 2014, the Adamawa state governor in the person of retired Admiral Murtala Nyako reportedly stated in an exclusive interview as follows: ‘… Sambisa is about 60 km long and 60 km wide. If you are in the forest, you can only see the next person by your side if you have a torchlight; if not, you can’t see anything. It is a thick forest with heavy trees and wild animals ….’ In the speech he said unequivocally that, unless the Federal Government takes a bold step to destroy the forest, the fight against insurgency may continue to rage in the area.
My humble question regarding this wholesome report remains; is the so-called Sambisa forest inaccessible? Well, whatever the case might be, all I want and all we care for is that, they must bring back our girls; I’m sick and tired of all these Sambisa bullshits and the rest of them. Enough of this conundrum. It’s high time we started thinking in a different direction. Think about it!
Opening Speech By Oru East TC-Chairman During Her Excellency's Visit
Your Excellency, I’m so delighted to present this speech before your presence in this historic and epoch-making occasion. I’m indeed deeply pleased to have you in our midst today.
It is no longer news that you are in Oru East to commission the ultra-modern house you built for one of us under the aegis of the Phase-III of the She Needs A Roof Project (SNARP), which your Excellency just concluded a while ago in all the existing Local Government Areas in Imo State. We have not forgotten the one you commissioned sometime ago at Ezi-Awo I autonomous Community in Awo-Omamma.
This programme (SNARP) was solely initiated by you, due to your undiluted passion to ensure thorough eradication of shanty huts through the construction of befitting bungalows for the poorest of the poor and the downtrodden in Imo State, most importantly the indigent widows and orphans.
Without mincing words and with all-manner of sincerity, in the history of this state, this would be the very first time we would witness such capital intensive project duly oversees by a First Lady. You have really proven to us beyond any reasonable doubt that your love for the good people of Imo State and Oru East in particular remains indisputable and relentless, just like that of a mother to her beloved children in whom she is well pleased. We sincerely promise you that we shall live to remember this uncommon generosity.
Honestly Ma, we the good people of Oru East gathered here today, lack the appropriate word we could use to express our joy having counted us worthy to benefit from this remarkable and conscience-driven programme widely known as She Needs A Roof Project (SNARP). Needless to say that, we are humbled to be your host in regard to this ever-charming initiative that has granted your Excellency a well-deserved name, “Eji Ulo Eme Ogo”.
Your Excellency, we immensely pray that posterity will never cease to remember you and your entire household owing to the fact that, many have been enriched with eternal happiness as a result of the indefatigable magnanimous gesture you have been showcasing to the needy and the less-privileged in our midst; which is not unconnected to the Rescue Mission Agenda of your darling and lovely husband, His Excellency Owelle Rochas Okorocha.
I want to use this avenue to appreciate all of us who found time to embrace this wonderful and memorable event, most especially the leaders of this council and the traditional rulers. We have proven to our First Lady that indeed, She is in our hearts. I also want to commend everyone who contributed in one way or the other to ensure that this ceremony becomes a success.
Once again your Excellency; Eji Ulo eme ogo, we the entire people of Oru East LGA wish you and your able entourage a safe trip back to your respective destinations.
Thank you all!
Your Excellency, I’m so delighted to present this speech before your presence in this historic and epoch-making occasion. I’m indeed deeply pleased to have you in our midst today.
It is no longer news that you are in Oru East to commission the ultra-modern house you built for one of us under the aegis of the Phase-III of the She Needs A Roof Project (SNARP), which your Excellency just concluded a while ago in all the existing Local Government Areas in Imo State. We have not forgotten the one you commissioned sometime ago at Ezi-Awo I autonomous Community in Awo-Omamma.
This programme (SNARP) was solely initiated by you, due to your undiluted passion to ensure thorough eradication of shanty huts through the construction of befitting bungalows for the poorest of the poor and the downtrodden in Imo State, most importantly the indigent widows and orphans.
Without mincing words and with all-manner of sincerity, in the history of this state, this would be the very first time we would witness such capital intensive project duly oversees by a First Lady. You have really proven to us beyond any reasonable doubt that your love for the good people of Imo State and Oru East in particular remains indisputable and relentless, just like that of a mother to her beloved children in whom she is well pleased. We sincerely promise you that we shall live to remember this uncommon generosity.
Honestly Ma, we the good people of Oru East gathered here today, lack the appropriate word we could use to express our joy having counted us worthy to benefit from this remarkable and conscience-driven programme widely known as She Needs A Roof Project (SNARP). Needless to say that, we are humbled to be your host in regard to this ever-charming initiative that has granted your Excellency a well-deserved name, “Eji Ulo Eme Ogo”.
Your Excellency, we immensely pray that posterity will never cease to remember you and your entire household owing to the fact that, many have been enriched with eternal happiness as a result of the indefatigable magnanimous gesture you have been showcasing to the needy and the less-privileged in our midst; which is not unconnected to the Rescue Mission Agenda of your darling and lovely husband, His Excellency Owelle Rochas Okorocha.
I want to use this avenue to appreciate all of us who found time to embrace this wonderful and memorable event, most especially the leaders of this council and the traditional rulers. We have proven to our First Lady that indeed, She is in our hearts. I also want to commend everyone who contributed in one way or the other to ensure that this ceremony becomes a success.
Once again your Excellency; Eji Ulo eme ogo, we the entire people of Oru East LGA wish you and your able entourage a safe trip back to your respective destinations.
Thank you all!
Forthcoming VIsit of the Imo First Lady (Aired Newstalk)
As the Imo State First Lady visits Oru East Local Government Area tomorrow for the commissioning of the Phase-III of the She Needs A Roof Project (SNARP) that recently took place in the area, the entire people of Oru East are strongly of the view that, it is indeed a long-awaited event due to the uniqueness of the project in question.
Due to her extreme love for humanitarianism and as a mother par excellence, as soon as she assumed office as the Imo First Lady, Her Excellency Nneoma Nkechi Rochas Okorocha through a divine inspiration assured the good people of Imo State that she would stride relentlessly to ensure that poverty is drastically alleviated among Imo indigenes in line with the Rescue Mission Agenda of her darling husband – Governor Owelle Rochas Okorocha.
In view of this, Her Excellency went ahead to institute a remarkable programme known as She Needs A Roof Project (SNARP) under the aegis of a Non Governmental Organization – the Women Divine Destiny Initiative (WODDI), solely founded by her. The inauguration of the aforementioned project attracted dignitaries and well-spirited individuals from all walks of life across the federation.
This programme instituted by the Imo First Lady, Nneoma Nkechi Okorocha is driven by her intense passion to ensure thorough eradication of shanty huts through the construction of befitting bungalows for the poorest of the poor and the downtrodden in Imo State, most especially the indigent widows and orphans.
With all sincerity, in the history of Imo State and beyond, this would be the first time we would witness such capital-intensive project being spearheaded by a First Lady. In the past, we only saw the First Ladies share bags of food stuffs and other valuable items among the indigent women. But the present First Lady, Nneoma Nkechi Okorocha has proven to us that one can still thrive beyond his/her strength if he/she is truly willing and determined, having introduced and as well implemented the ongoing life touching programme (SNARP).
The astonishing and most amazing aspect of SNARP is that, it is being carried out simultaneously in all the existing twenty-seven (27) Local Government Areas in the state. Most importantly, the consistency and the ebullience constantly showcased by the Imo First Lady while carrying-out the projects, is not in doubt. This was why the entire Imo women unanimously crowned her with an impeccable and memorable title “Eji Ulo eme ogo”.
At the moment, the Phases I, II and III of the She Needs A Roof Project (SNARP) have respectively taken place in all the LGAs in Imo State, and the commissioning of the Phase III which was recently rounded-off by Her Excellency is ongoing in all the LGAs. And, that of Oru East is expected to take place tomorrow Friday 23rd May, 2014.
Another impressive part of SNARP is that, during the commissioning of the furnished ultra modern two-bedroom apartments built for the indigent women or orphans, the beneficiaries would be provided with other fascinating living facilities; and among these, a certain trade would be established for each of them afterwards. Above all, all the affected orphans stands a chance of being adopted by Her Excellency for the rest of their lives.
Suffice to say; the benevolent Imo First Lady otherwise known as the hope of the hopeless, is not just beautifying our indigent women and orphans with enticing houses, but also extracting them from the zone of poverty for eternity.
Tomorrow May 23 - 2014, by the special grace of God, the indefatigable Imo First Lady would be in Oru East to commission the befitting bungalow she built for some of the indigent widows in the area in line with the Phase III of the SNAR Project. And, the proposed ceremony is expected to take place at the premises of the beneficiaries.
As the Transition Committee (TC) Chairman, Hon. Barr. Obinna Amagwula, his amiable wife (the Oru-East First Lady) – Nneoma Ugonna Amagwula, the entire Transition Committee members, and all the leaders, women, youths and children of Oru East LGA look forward to receive Her Excellency - Nneoma Nkechi Okorocha, tomorrow being Friday 23rd May – 2014, we pray that the good Lord we guide and guard the lovely and loving Imo First Lady and her entourage to and fro of their tour.
In the same vein, on behalf of the TC-Chairman, Barr. Obinna Augustus Amagwula, and the overall TC-members, I urge all the good people of Oru East, which include the elders, public servants, senior citizens, the traditional rulers and members of their cabinet, the youth, children, and most importantly the women, to turnout en masse and welcome the God-sent Imo First Lady and her able entourage.
Your Excellency; Eji Ulo eme ogo, Ndi Oru East na asi gi, Ijeoma oo!!
Special Adviser on Media & Publicity to the TC-Chairman
As the Imo State First Lady visits Oru East Local Government Area tomorrow for the commissioning of the Phase-III of the She Needs A Roof Project (SNARP) that recently took place in the area, the entire people of Oru East are strongly of the view that, it is indeed a long-awaited event due to the uniqueness of the project in question.
Due to her extreme love for humanitarianism and as a mother par excellence, as soon as she assumed office as the Imo First Lady, Her Excellency Nneoma Nkechi Rochas Okorocha through a divine inspiration assured the good people of Imo State that she would stride relentlessly to ensure that poverty is drastically alleviated among Imo indigenes in line with the Rescue Mission Agenda of her darling husband – Governor Owelle Rochas Okorocha.
In view of this, Her Excellency went ahead to institute a remarkable programme known as She Needs A Roof Project (SNARP) under the aegis of a Non Governmental Organization – the Women Divine Destiny Initiative (WODDI), solely founded by her. The inauguration of the aforementioned project attracted dignitaries and well-spirited individuals from all walks of life across the federation.
This programme instituted by the Imo First Lady, Nneoma Nkechi Okorocha is driven by her intense passion to ensure thorough eradication of shanty huts through the construction of befitting bungalows for the poorest of the poor and the downtrodden in Imo State, most especially the indigent widows and orphans.
With all sincerity, in the history of Imo State and beyond, this would be the first time we would witness such capital-intensive project being spearheaded by a First Lady. In the past, we only saw the First Ladies share bags of food stuffs and other valuable items among the indigent women. But the present First Lady, Nneoma Nkechi Okorocha has proven to us that one can still thrive beyond his/her strength if he/she is truly willing and determined, having introduced and as well implemented the ongoing life touching programme (SNARP).
The astonishing and most amazing aspect of SNARP is that, it is being carried out simultaneously in all the existing twenty-seven (27) Local Government Areas in the state. Most importantly, the consistency and the ebullience constantly showcased by the Imo First Lady while carrying-out the projects, is not in doubt. This was why the entire Imo women unanimously crowned her with an impeccable and memorable title “Eji Ulo eme ogo”.
At the moment, the Phases I, II and III of the She Needs A Roof Project (SNARP) have respectively taken place in all the LGAs in Imo State, and the commissioning of the Phase III which was recently rounded-off by Her Excellency is ongoing in all the LGAs. And, that of Oru East is expected to take place tomorrow Friday 23rd May, 2014.
Another impressive part of SNARP is that, during the commissioning of the furnished ultra modern two-bedroom apartments built for the indigent women or orphans, the beneficiaries would be provided with other fascinating living facilities; and among these, a certain trade would be established for each of them afterwards. Above all, all the affected orphans stands a chance of being adopted by Her Excellency for the rest of their lives.
Suffice to say; the benevolent Imo First Lady otherwise known as the hope of the hopeless, is not just beautifying our indigent women and orphans with enticing houses, but also extracting them from the zone of poverty for eternity.
Tomorrow May 23 - 2014, by the special grace of God, the indefatigable Imo First Lady would be in Oru East to commission the befitting bungalow she built for some of the indigent widows in the area in line with the Phase III of the SNAR Project. And, the proposed ceremony is expected to take place at the premises of the beneficiaries.
As the Transition Committee (TC) Chairman, Hon. Barr. Obinna Amagwula, his amiable wife (the Oru-East First Lady) – Nneoma Ugonna Amagwula, the entire Transition Committee members, and all the leaders, women, youths and children of Oru East LGA look forward to receive Her Excellency - Nneoma Nkechi Okorocha, tomorrow being Friday 23rd May – 2014, we pray that the good Lord we guide and guard the lovely and loving Imo First Lady and her entourage to and fro of their tour.
In the same vein, on behalf of the TC-Chairman, Barr. Obinna Augustus Amagwula, and the overall TC-members, I urge all the good people of Oru East, which include the elders, public servants, senior citizens, the traditional rulers and members of their cabinet, the youth, children, and most importantly the women, to turnout en masse and welcome the God-sent Imo First Lady and her able entourage.
Your Excellency; Eji Ulo eme ogo, Ndi Oru East na asi gi, Ijeoma oo!!
Special Adviser on Media & Publicity to the TC-Chairman
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