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Wednesday, 30 July 2014

2014 International Day Of Friendship (Aired Newstalk)



It is often said that, two heads are better than one. On the other hand, it is globally and popularly noted that, a tree does not make a forest. These and many more similar quotations, which signify the essence of partnership or amalgamation, are in existence the world over.

The aforementioned philosophies are not unconnected to the fact that, no one can do it all alone if efficiency or effectiveness remains his/her watchword. No doubt, this was the reason God ensured that a woman was formed having created a man. This simply implies that everyone requires a friend in whom he is well pleased in order to arrive at the success room.

A friend, in a nutshell, is a person that one likes and knows well. More so, it could be defined as a supporter of a cause or a staunch fan of a certain organization. Suffice to say that, a friend is the first person you wish to call whenever you receive good news; also, a friend is that person or fellow that would like to accompany you on the most boring errands or trips and make them seem fun. 

In the same vein, friendship is a kind of relationship between two or more people who care about each other. Since friendship has to do with people who truly care about each other, it is needless to say that sometimes it requires that people put someone other than themselves first.

Surely, many qualities are required or necessary for a good friendship to hold; including honesty, trustworthiness, loyalty, tolerance and unconditional acceptance. These and many other factors have the tendency to yield an unconditional love between the parties involved.

Happiness ought to be seen as a paramount watchword by the people or a group of persons who are in a certain friendship irrespective of the circumstance. Of course, we are aware that human beings can clash very easily, which is why it’s hard for some people to maintain many friendships. Thus, members of a particular friendship are expected to uphold absolute honesty at all cost with the sole aim of sustaining their relationship.

Today being Wednesday July 30, the world over is marking the 2014 International Day of Friendship. The resolution concerning the annual International Day of Friendship was adopted unanimously by the United Nations (UN) General Assembly in May 2011 in recognition of the fact that friendship can contribute meaningfully to the efforts of the global community towards the promotion of dialogue among solidarity, civilization, mutual understanding as well as reconciliation.

The resolution mandated the international community to henceforth recognize July 30 of every year as International Day of Friendship thereby inviting all the UN Member States, several arms of the UN system, and other international and regional bodies coupled with civil societies, to observe the Day in accordance with the culture/customs and other appropriate circumstances of their respective local, national or regional communities through public awareness-raising activities.

During the last year’s commemoration of the International Day of Friendship, on July 30 – 2013 precisely, the United Nations Secretary-General, Ban Ki-moon urged the global community to use the potential of friendship to strengthen common bonds and inspire efforts for peace and sustainable development. The UN boss further stated, “ The International Day of Friendship is an important opportunity to confront the misunderstanding and distrust that underlie so many of the tensions and conflicts in today’s world.” He also added that the event is a reminder that human solidarity is essential to promoting lasting peace and fostering sustainable growth among mankind, therefore urged the international communities to cultivate warm ties that would strengthen our common humanity and promote the well-being of the human race.

This year’s International Day of Friendship falls amidst the one thousand (1,000) days of action to reach the 2015 deadline for the eight anti-poverty targets known as the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Considering this fact, it is worthy to note that it is our civic responsibility to ensure that adequate friendship is maintained in our respective endeavours, to enable us boast of maximum productivity thereby curtailing the alarming rate of poverty in Africa and other developing nations across the globe.

Since two heads are better than one, it is needless to tell us that all hands are expected to be on deck towards ensuring that friendship is created and as well sustained at all cost for the betterment of mankind. 



Public Affairs analyst & Social activist


Monday, 28 July 2014

Promiscuity Amongst Mankind

Greetings brethren. I’m immensely glad we’re all looking happier today. Prior to this moment, I was wondering how our countenances would seem like. Apparently, I can see for myself that our physiognomies are indeed joyous which could be due to the marathon prayer section I personally embarked on previous night.
Frankly, life remains the most difficult examination in existence. Many people often fail because they tend to copy others, not realizing that everyone has a different question paper. It’s so pathetic to note that many have woefully failed the exam as a result of ignorance. Nevertheless, we shall continue to glorify the Almighty for His mercy. 
Few days ago, I embarked on a business trip to Enugu, the Coal City - Nigeria. On reaching the ‘New Market’ arena situated at the metropolis, I sighted a scene comprising what seemed like a melodrama taking place about six metres away from the cab I boarded. A certain lady in her late thirties was severely molesting (attacking) another lady that appeared younger than her. As a Public Affairs analyst as well as a Social activist, I decided to take a walk to the exact point or the stage where the drama was taking place the moment I stepped out of the cab.

Having separated the ladies involved with the help of the other concerned citizens around, the attacker who seemed advanced in age was asked to tell the gathering what actually prompted the fight. In my greatest surprise, the lady in question made it known to us that the other lady had succeeded in snatching her ‘beloved husband’ from her. Isn’t it amazing? What a world!
Honestly the present nature of bickering among the ladies or the women folk, which is mainly attributed to the high level of randy nature of the men folk, is really getting crazy and out of hand too, therefore requires a drastic measure towards ensuring that the societal deviance is duly eradicated. Of course it is a cankerworm that negatively affects virtually everyone; thus ought to be examined closely in earnest.
Promiscuity is an act of keeping many sexual partners by a man or a woman for the aim of satisfying his/her libido. In other words, a promiscuous being or creature is one who enjoys ‘sleeping’ or having sex with more than one person; or, a person who can never be satisfied sexually by only one man or woman as the case may be.
If I may ask; why should one enjoy having sex out of wedlock, talk more of having more than one sexual partner? For crying out loud; is there any iota of fun attached to sex? You and I know fully that, sex was introduced into the world by the creator Himself for the sole purpose of procreation. If there is any other thing, outside procreation, you have discovered in sexual acts, please feel free and contact me; I’m always at your service. Let’s ride on!
Come to think of the married ones; can someone tell me the essence or the fun attached to extramarital affairs? Please I’m urgently awaiting a sincere response as regards this enquiry. It is even more devastating to witness a situation where a married woman indulges in it. One may end-up tagging it, albeit ignorantly, as a competition between the men and women folks. Isn’t it ridiculous? Well, I’m just thinking aloud.
I’m of the view that this societal menace widely known as ‘promiscuity’ could be attributable to spiritual, social or psychological factors. The spiritual part of it has to do with when the man or woman in question is passing through a certain spell. I’ve told you time without number that, a spell or curse works if the victim or the person involved is guilty of what prompted the spell.

Take for instance; a guy who was caught sleeping with a married woman may be cursed by the purported husband of the derailed woman that, he would continue to sleep with many women including the married ones till his death. Believe me, such spell invariably works unless the victim was later forgiven by the person who casted the spell on him.
On the other hand, the social or psychological aspect of the anomaly (promiscuity) is often as a result of influence. The kind of friend one mingles with have the tendency to change him/her either for good or bad. The late famous philosopher, Carl Marx, said ‘Environment determines the action of the mind.’ I concur with him. The victim of such circumstance may eventually sees promiscuity as a worthwhile act, if his/her contemporary were made up of bunch of social deviants.

 It is therefore needless to state that all hands are expected to be on deck to ensure that this level of blasphemy that has profoundly robbed our noble society is taken to the history book. The governments, religious bodies, non-governmental organizations, civil societies as well as well-meaning individuals have a quota to contribute in this regard.
Or, do we fold our hands and watch our ‘innocent’ polity being taken away by mere ants? I’m also using this avenue to urge the members of this worthless confraternity to earnestly borrow a new leaf. And to those who are nurturing interest to join the uncalled chorus; please don’t waste your precious time copying others, because in this life, everyone is faced with a different question paper. Think about it!


2014 World Hepatitis Day (Aired Newstalk)


No sensible man boasts of anything if his health condition is at stake. Suffice to say; a healthy life remains the most precious possession that ever comes to a man in this whole world.

In the world today, there are millions of illnesses or diseases in existence coupled with the ones that seem to have no specific cause or cure. Among these diseases, some are often referred to be stubborn regarding their cure while some are seen to be deadly. No doubt, hepatitis is one of those stubborn or deadly illnesses in existence.

Hepatitis is a medical condition which is defined as an inflammation of one of the most vital organs in the human body known as the liver. It is usually characterized by the presence of inflammatory cells in the tissue of the organ. The inflammatory condition can be self-limiting or can heal on its own; but on the contrary, it can progress to fibrosis or cirrhosis.

Hepatitis may occur with limited or no symptoms, but often leads to jaundice, poor appetite, and a feeling of unease. It is referred to as acute when it lasts less than six months, and chronic when it persists longer. Globally, hepatitis viruses are the most common causes of the condition, but hepatitis can as well be caused by other infections, autoimmune diseases, or toxic substances such as alcohol, certain medications, and some industrial organic solvents and plants.

Initial features of acute hepatitis are of non-specific flu-like symptoms, which are invariably common to almost all acute viral infections, and may include fatigue, muscle and joint aches, fever, nausea diarrhoea, vomiting, and headache. More specific symptoms which could be present in acute hepatitis from any cause are, profound loss of appetite, aversion to smoking among smokers, excretion of dark urine, and abdominal discomfort.

A small proportion of people with acute hepatitis usually progress to acute liver failure, in which the liver would be unable to remove harmful substances from the blood thereby leading to confusion and coma due to hepatic encephalopathy. The acute liver failure may also result to the production of blood proteins which often leads to peripheral edema and bleeding.

More so, a chronic hepatitis, which is commonly identified through blood test, is usually characterized with no symptoms at all. It often leads to the presence of jaundice which indicates advanced liver damage. On physical examination, there may be enlargement of the liver. In the same vein, women with autoimmune hepatitis mostly experience abnormal menstruation, lung scarring, inflammation of the thyroid gland and kidneys.

Apart from the aforementioned two major classes of hepatitis, it is invariably grouped, and recognized by medical experts, based on its common causes. On this note, the different types of hepatitis in existence that are widely recognized include, Viral hepatitis, Alcoholic hepatitis, Toxic and drug-induced hepatitis, Ischemic hepatitis, Giant cell hepatitis, just to mention but a few. The most common causes of viral hepatitis are the five unrelated hepatotropic viruses known as hepatitis A, B, C, D, and E viruses.

Today, the world over is commemorating the World Hepatitis Day. The event, which is observed on July 28 every year, was inaugurated by World Health Organization (WHO) under the auspices of the United Nations (UN) to raise global awareness on hepatitis or a group of infectious diseases known as Hepatitis A, B, C, D, and E, and to encourage the prevention, diagnosis, as well as the treatment of the disease.

The first global World Hepatitis Day was marked on May 19, 2008 through the effort of the World Hepatitis Alliance in collaboration with various patient groups. The commemoration received an international endorsement following the adoption of a resolution during the 63rd World Health Assembly held in May 2010. Though the date of the event was changed to July 28 of every year by the Assembly, in honour of the birthday of Nobel Laureate Baruch Samuel Blumberg – the man who discovered the hepatitis B virus.

There is an estimate that hepatitis affects hundreds of millions of people worldwide thereby causing acute or chronic disease and killing close to 1.4 million people every year. Currently, approximately five hundred (500) million people worldwide are suffering from either hepatitis B or hepatitis C. If left untreated or unmanaged, hepatitis B or C can lead to advanced liver scarring known as cirrhosis and other complications including liver cancer or liver failure.

While many people worry more about contracting diseases like HIV than hepatitis, the reality is that every year, at least 1.3 million people worldwide die as a result of either hepatitis B or C faster than they would in the case of HIV/AIDS. Needless to say that, hepatitis is indeed a deadly disease. Considering this fact, it is pathetic to note that many people are yet to realize that they are living with the disease.

Hepatitis groups, patients as well as advocates worldwide, take part in series of events on every July 28 to mark the World Hepatitis Day. The World Hepatitis Day is one of the eight official global public health campaigns that are being marked by the World Health Organization. As the world over marks the event today, there’s need for collective support as regards creation of awareness on this silent killer known as Hepatitis.

The World Hepatitis Day provides an opportunity to focus on actions such as:

 Raising awareness on the different forms of hepatitis, their common causes and how they are transmitted.

 Strengthening prevention, screening, and control of viral hepatitis and other related diseases.

 Increasing hepatitis B vaccine coverage cum integration into national immunization programmes.

 And lastly, though not the least, coordinating a global response to hepatitis.

At this juncture, it is of no need saying that, all hands are expected to be on deck towards ensuring that this killer disease that has been a societal menace for decades now is duly eradicated.


Public Affairs analyst & Social activist



Tuesday, 22 July 2014

Craze For Title Among Nigerians


Greetings brethren. I often like to reiterate one fact. There’s a certain quality I know I possess; and it has to do with my extreme passion for care. The ‘care’ in question signifies the provision of welfare and protection for someone or an animal as the case may be.

On the above note, I repeat; I will never stop caring for you, but if you eventually decide to push me away, I will willingly take my leave. Yes, if you asked me to leave, I will go; the choice is yours. But I want you to understand fully that, I care about you so much. This is why I always find time to embrace this pulpit regardless of the hurdles I might be facing. Your happiness matters so much to me; so my paramount desire remains to indulge in those things that would keep that ‘happiness’ alive.

Truly I love you all with passion, and that’s the reason I’ve never failed to be in the midst of this congregation for once since three years we commenced this divine crusade. In other words, I wouldn’t like to imagine seeing you derailing, because derailment is not in our tradition. The entire members of this worthwhile congregation are generally known and referred to as ‘refined homosapiens’ the world over. Thus, anything I foresee taking us outside our tradition, which everyone regards as worthwhile and as well adore, pisses me off.

In one of my previous works sometime ago, I stated unequivocally that sometimes ‘madness’ could be necessary. This simply means that in some occasions, we are expected to display an iota of madness to enable us actualize our goal which may be collective or individual. But it is so devastating to see some group of persons indulging in an unnecessary madness.

Believe me, some madness are highly inconsequential and worthless. Please don’t get me wrong; I’m only trying to appraise some facts here. Of course it’s no longer news that the umbrella theme of this crusade remains ‘Fancy Facts’; therefore we must continue to abide by the truth.

‘Title’, in some cases, might be defined as the name of s book, article, play, or piece of music, given to it by the author or producer as the case may be. In the same vein, a certain position available in any sports competition is often referred to as a ‘title’. But in this edition, the name ‘title’ refers to a term/word that is used or placed before someone’s name which signifies his/her status or profession.

Taking Nigeria for instance, you would concur with me that the current level of the quest for title amongst the citizenry is becoming quite alarming and childish. Honestly, there’s nothing wrong with a physician inserting ‘Doctor’ as his/her title or an engineering professional indicating that he’s an engineer while writing his name, and so on; but the pathetic aspect of the ongoing quest for title is the situation whereby one would like to acquire or bear those titles that don’t really matter. Even, in some part of the country, most individuals would cherish to attach up to four or more titles to their names as if there’s a reasonable award to be won with them. Let’s ride on!’

If I may ask; what’s so special about titles? Personally, I don’t see anything so enticing in possession of title(s) because I’m of the view that what one is, lies in him or her. Of course it is only by what you do that people or the general public would get to know who truly you are or what you’re made-up of. For crying out loud, it’s not by inserting title to your name because some titles could be fake or a mere attachment. So why should one use or possess something he cannot defend? Isn’t it ridiculous?

From my observation, I’ve learnt that the ‘men of substance’ don’t really pay much attention to titles. For instance, Barrack Obama of the United States of America (U.S.A) doesn’t have any title attached to his name, not unlike several other leaders in most civilized nations.

If the truth must be told, you and I know that the President of any country has the opportunity to bear more than twenty titles or to attach uncountable titles to his/her name; but on the contrary, you hardly see any President bearing more than one title. This is to tell us that, attaching several titles to the name of a President of a country is even an affront to him or her, because there’s no other title more important or greater than being addressed as the ‘President of a country’.

Brethren, we must borrow a leaf from the members of the western countries as regards attachment of title to our names. Over there, they pay less attention to titles thereby concentrating only on what the person in question can offer. Their interest only lies on what one is made-up of or the prowess that is/are in him or her.

It is even more pathetic seeing the leaders of a certain institution/organization that is meant to be an eye to other institutions, parading themselves with series of titles. Presently, you would see a cleric bearing ‘Honourable-Chief-Doctor-Pastor somebody’. What a craze! Frankly, we’ve really derailed, therefore there’s need for total turnaround.

Sincerely, the inconsequential craze for title among the Nigerian citizenry is really telling on us, and we are bound to take a drastic measure concerning the derailment. If not, I’m afraid we might wake up one morning to see our respective societies littered with bunch of ‘mad people’. Think about it!



Sunday, 20 July 2014

2014 Nelson Mandela International Day (Aired Newstalk)


In the world over, just as everyone constantly prays to have peace , so do we pray for justice in all our endeavours. In the same vein, whosoever that is in any kind of bondage, either spiritual or physical, shall never have rest of mind until he regains freedom. This is to say that, every man is consistently striving towards the actualization of peace, justice, or freedom, as the case may be.

The above note has given us the insight that no man wishes to encounter any form of bitterness, on a daily basis. This is why the global community through the effort of the United Nations (UN), came up with the ongoing International Nelson Mandela Day.

The Nelson Mandela International day is an event organized by the United Nations Department of Public Information (UNDPI). The day which was endorsed by the UN General Assembly in 2009 is being celebrated annually and internationally on July 18 to mark Mandela’s birthday thereby creating awareness on the need for everyone to support selfless service to humanity which helps to uplift peace and justice and to free mankind from all sorts of bondages.

It is no longer news that the late Nelson Mandela, while on earth, gave sixty-seven (67) years of his life to the struggle for human rights and social justice. As a founding member of the then ruling democratic party – African National Congress (ANC), Mandela was arrested in 1962 and sentenced to life imprisonment. He spent twenty-seven (27) years in prison but remained unstoppable in leading strategic revolution against apartheid government.

Astonishingly, when Nelson Mandela was elected the President of South Africa in 1994, he did not call for vengeance or retribution against the whites, rather he led a sensitive reconciliation movement that amazed all the African as well as International politicians. Furthermore, he campaigned for peace, unity and love among South Africans irrespective of race or tribe. Because of the astonishing character of the late icon, the UN General Assembly in 2009 proclaimed the annual international Mandela Day.

So, as the world over commemorates the Nelson Mandela International Day today being Friday 18th July 2014, there’s need for collective support by all and sundry from all walks of life regardless of race, age, background or status. In view of this, the International Community is urging us today to devote at least sixty-seven (67) minutes of our time to helping others. By devoting 67 minutes of our time – one minute for every year of Nelson Mandela’s public service, people can make a small gesture of solidarity with humanity and a step towards a global moment for good.

Thus, take action, inspire change, and mobilize the human race to do more in order to build a peaceful, sustainable and equitable world. This is the best tribute we can pay to an extraordinary man who embodied the highest values of humanity.

Reportedly, UN staff around the world have made a difference through a variety of activities in the past, such as supplies to school children, preparing meals for the elderly ones, helping out in an orphanage, cleaning-up parks, and delivering computer literacy seminars and workshops. Also, in New York of the United States for instance, UN staff volunteered their time on 17 and 18 July 2013 to help rebuild homes that were destroyed by Hurricane Sandy.

You can also contribute your own quota to public service by individually or collectively indulging in any of the following humanitarian activities:

 Make a new friend; get to know someone from a different cultural background because it is only through mutual understanding we can rid our communities of intolerance and xenophobia.

 Read for someone who can’t; visit a local home for the orphans and the less-privileged.

 Help someone get a job; prepare a CV for them and as well help them acquire the required interview skills.

 Take a little time to have a chat with the terminally ill people and bring some sunshine into their respective lives.

 Get tested for HIV as well as other Sexually Transmitted Diseases, and encourage your partner, colleagues and friends to do so too.

 Donate blood, wheelchair, or cash to someone in need.

 And finally but not the least, buy a few blankets, or grab the ones you no longer use in your home and give them to someone in need.

Frankly, we all are expected to unanimously support this remarkable life-touching event globally recognized as Nelson Mandela International Day, because the life and time of the celebrity in question, Dr Nelson Madiba Mandela is no doubt worthy of emulation.


Public Affairs analyst & Social activist



Monday, 14 July 2014

Rampant Establishment of Brothels


Greetings brethren. Frankly I would have said that my previous night was deadly if not that I foresaw the concentration of angels in an arena situated very close to my residence. Nevertheless, what I’m saying in essence is that I had a very bad and devastating dream in the previous night.

Please I want to ask you a question. What would you do if eventually you woke up in the early morning of a certain day to see an imaginary creature standing right before your bed, and thereafter vanishes into thin air within a twinkle of an eye?

I want us to attend to the above question without mincing words. Believe me, if I happened to be the victim of the aforementioned circumstance, what I would do is very simple; honestly I will never step beyond the entrance to my bed room throughout that day. Please don’t bother asking me what I would be doing indoors afterwards, because being a prayer warrior, I must create a scene that would comprised ‘Mountain of fire’ or vice-versa.

Penultimate week, Tuesday to be precise, a bosom relative of mine called from the city of Calabar in Cross-River State; the fellow was formerly residing in Owerri. During the phone conversation, he unequivocally disclosed to me that he was thinking, albeit ignorantly, that Owerri has the highest number of brothels; but on the contrary, recently he had fully realized that there was no place like Calabar regarding the menace.

Sincerely, I’m here or I came to this crusade to discuss Nigeria as a whole, not just Owerri or Calabar as the case might be. Then if Nigeria in her entirety must be considered, then the truth ought to be upheld because Nigeria is not a country that condoles falsehoods. Someone may say from his understanding that I’m just being sarcastic, but the singular fact remains that Nigeria is the only country I wholly love or deeply cherish.

If the proposed truth must be told, then I would say without mincing words that, the current manner in which the establishment of brothels is being condoled across the Nigerian society as well as other African nations has become a thing of enormous concern especially in this period we are being faced with tremendous security challenges.

Sometime ago in Abuja the Federal capital Territory (FCT), the existence of brothels was frankly put to stop thereby creating an arena where all the resident pimps were seen packing their bags and baggage. The idea was introduced and sold by the Minister of FCT, Mr. Bala Mohammed. In spite of such severe action taken by the authority, presently it seems such measure never took place in Abuja, because the harlots as well as their pimps now operate in disguise. Needless to say that, some persons really need to be called to order. Let’s ride on!

The other day, someone was telling me that if properly checked, the number of hotels in Imo State exceeds three hundred (300). I wasn’t surprise because I knew he was appraising facts or would I say, he was not exaggerating. Since I knew there’s nothing wrong in setting up a hotel; even, I wish to become a hotelier soonest. Having concurred to his statement, I asked him if he could give me the estimate of the brothels in the state in question. He sadly responded that that of brothels was innumerable. Isn’t it amazing?

Surely, a lot of people really need to be called to order. We can’t continue to live as tenants in our tenement. Thus, we’ve the right to decide how we want our home to be or look like. In other words, it is our right, not a privilege. In a society like ours, one doesn’t need to speak extensively concerning a criminal related issue because it’s widely assumed that every dick and harry in Nigeria is wise. Therefore I choose to be discreet. I thank God my message has been sent and understood too.

Notwithstanding, I’m expected to drop a suggestion prior to my exit or before I drop my humble pen. I’m using this avenue to call on the legislative bodies in Nigeria to enact a formidable law bearing capital punishment in regard to putting this menace to the history book. Thereafter, a relevant agency or task force ought to be set up towards ensuring that the proposed law is not swept under the carpet.

This matter calls for urgent and drastic attention owing to the fact that it is eating deep in our blood vessel to the extent that even those in coma could feel it. I’m quite aware that the anomaly is ubiquitous the world over, but it’s obvious that ours is taking a different shape.

Honestly brethren, someone or some persons must be called to order before a calamity or something more deadly happens. Of course it’s no longer news that the issue is already deadly; I don’t want to mention how many souls that have been buried as a result of this aberration.

I’m only interested in restoring normalcy. For crying out loud, I wouldn’t like the nightmare I had previous night to repeat itself. Enough is enough. Think about it!



Friday, 11 July 2014

2014 World Population Day (Aired Newstalk)


Every society or locality is naturally blessed with a certain number of people known as its population, which increases periodically based on the birth and death rates of the society in question.

Population in a nutshell, can be defined as the number of persons or animals of the same kind coexisting in a particular place. It can also be referred to as the summation of all the organisms of the same group or species that live in the same geographical area, and have the capability of interbreeding. In most cases, it is the human population that is mainly taken into consideration because it is the only mode of population that determines the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) as well as the net worth of a given society.

The rate at which the population of a certain locality increases is attributed to two major factors which are Birth rate and Death rate. The Birth rate of an existing society such as a province, a nation or country is an estimation of the number of kids that are being reproduced within a given period of time, while the Death rate is the total number of individuals that cease to exist at a specific interval.

According to the United Nations (UN), the world human population reached seven billion on October 31, 2011 contrary to the United States (US) Census Bureau estimate which reportedly disclosed that the seven billion mark was only reached on March 12, 2012. In the same vein, according to the most recent United Nations estimate, the human population of the world is expected to reach eight billion people by the year 2024.

As the world over commemorates the World Population Day today being Friday 11th of July 2014, there’s need for collective support towards attaining a tangible and desirable population growth as well as its control, knowing fully that there are series of challenges as regards the population growth and control of a given country.

The World Population Day is an annual event observed on July 11 every year, which seeks to raise awareness on global population issues. The event was solely established by the Governing Council of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in the year 1989. The establishment was inspired by the public interest on July 11, 1987, which was the day the world’s population reached approximately five billion people.

Taking Nigeria for instance; based on the United Nations’ current estimate, she is regarded as the seven most populous country in the whole wide world with about 178, 517, 000 people as at July 1, 2014 which is tantamount to about 2.49% of the entire world population. Notwithstanding, there’s no exact figure of the country’s population likewise many other countries in the world due to many challenges or constraints, and such anomaly negatively affects the work force of any country involved thereby affecting its socio-economic and political strength.

On the above note, there’s an urgent need for every country in the world to take more drastic and severe measure towards ascertaining the exact summation of people living in their respective countries and as well ensure that the growth of such population is duly controlled. The respective National Population Commissions or Agencies ought to work in collaboration with relevant non-governmental organizations coupled with religious bodies in regard to sensitizing individuals as well as the general public on the economic need for each of them to be counted whenever the population census programme is taking place.

More so, considering population control, the issue of Family Planning must be taken more and very seriously by all the concerned bodies and relevant institutions. Every married woman alongside her husband is bound to acknowledge to the fullness the efficacy of family planning during Child Birth Spacing in order to obtain a reasonable and healthy number of offspring. On the other hand, the adolescent school girls should be trained on adequate sex education and ought to be properly conscientized on the unavoidable dangers that await early pregnancy or pregnancy out of wedlock.

Therefore it’s of no need saying that all hands must be on deck to ensure that all the necessary or needed measures regarding obtaining a desirable population growth and control are fully and duly implemented. Thus, there’s need for unanimous support of this worthwhile and remarkable crusade that is globally recognized.


Public Affairs analyst & Social activist



Thursday, 10 July 2014

My Tribute To Late Justice Chukwudifu Oputa


Greetings brethren. Obviously, our knowledge of government as a subject taught us the existing three arms of government. Yes we were taught that there are three formidable arms of government in existence; which are the Legislature, the Executive, and of course the Judiciary.

Though we’re not here or we didn’t come to this crusade to discuss the three arms of government; rather, we’re here to solely discuss the third-arm which remains “The Judiciary”. Notwithstanding, we must commence by presenting a bit of the meaning of the three arms.

The legislature makes the law, the executive implements it, whilst the judiciary otherwise known as the “judicial system” or “court system” interprets the said law. Having noted the above facts, we shall now ride on with the prime business of the day.

The Judiciary is the system of courts that interprets and applies the law in the name of the state. It also provides a mechanism for the resolution of disputes. Under the doctrine of the separation of powers, the judiciary generally does not make law or enforce law, but rather interprets it as well as applies it to the facts of each case. It is an arm of government that is tasked with ensuring equal justice under law. It usually consists of a court of final appeal known and recognized as the “Supreme Court” or “Constitutional Court”, alongside other lower courts such as the High Court, Customary Court, Court of Appeal, Magistrate Court and what have you.

In many jurisdictions, the judicial branch has the power to change laws through the process of “judicial review”. Suffice to say that, courts with judicial review power may annul the laws and rules of the affected state when it finds them incompatible with a higher norm such as the primary legislation, the provisions of the constitution or the International law. Judges or Justices or better still members of the Bench, constitute a critical force for the interpretation and as well the implementation of a constitution or law.

Frankly, the most enticing aspect of the aforementioned third-arm of government or the judiciary is that, it is widely noted as “The last hope of a common man”. That is; it is an institution where the final hope of a common man lies. Then who’s a “common man”? in a nutshell, a common man is an ordinary man or a person who cannot boast of any material endowment or accomplishment, but can only boast of his/her life. Let’s ride on!

In the Nigerian judicial system, you would bear me witness that there is a name that rings bell; a name that would be remembered for eternity; a name that’s not just powerful but also signifies greatness; and finally, a name that brings hope to a common man. Of course it’s no other name than Chukwudifu Akunne Oputa. It’s no longer news that the bearer of the above name, Retired Honourable Justice Chukwudifu Oputa, CFR redefined as well as refined the Nigeria’s Judicial System. In this regard, he remained one of the frontliners of the Nigerian Judiciary.

In May 2014, the entire world was reportedly informed that the aforementioned Justice has passed on. This was learnt from the official announcement that was issued and duly signed by the prominent son of the great icon in the person of Mr. Charles Oputa popularly known as “Charly Boy”. The announcement reads, “The family of Justice Chukwudifu Oputa wishes to announce the passing to glory of the eminent jurist and a retired Justice of the Supreme Court of Nigeria at the age of 96 years. He passed on peacefully on Sunday afternoon May 4, 2014 after recovering from a brief illness…” As a person, the above statement was simply a shocker to my whole self; a statement that abruptly took my person to a coma state for several seconds.

Honestly brethren, if the truth must be told then I will unequivocally tell you that the news of the sudden demise of the eminent jurist and a powerful global legal luminary wasn’t a shocker to only my person, but to the world in its entirety. Surely, the news of the passing on of a man that gave a common man not just a hope but a life called for an outcry. But we sincerely thanked God that he left “peacefully” and at a ripe age too.

They say, “Many are born great, many achieve greatness, while many have greatness entrust upon them.” Frankly, the Late Honourable Justice Chukwudifu Akunne Oputa, CFR was blessed with the three idiosyncrasies. Yes, he was born great, he achieved greatness, and he also had greatness entrusted upon him. He was a legend; he was a distinguished icon; he was truly the last hope of a common man; he was a giant of many colours; in fact, he was an enigma. The footprints he left in the Nigeria’s judicial system through his personal and remarkable effort as well as the impeccable “Oputa Panel” shall live for eternity. Needless to say; though he has gone, but we all especially Imo State where he became the pioneer Chief Justice shall live to remember him.

Who wants to dispute the fact that the late retired Justice of the Apex Court in Nigeria was never blessed with the three aforementioned qualities/endowments? A man who barely knew his parents but still rose to the peak of his career or was able to actualize his dream to the fullness was of course blessed with all manners of greatness. According to history, his father Pa Oputa Uzukwu passed on when he was barely three months old, while his mother Lolo Nwametu Oputa died when he was just six months old. Still he comfortably obtained everything in the Law profession having successfully obtained Bachelor degrees in both Economics and History respectively. No doubt, he was showered with all manners of greatness.

No wonder his burial ceremony was like an event meant for the assembly of all the notable celebrities in the whole wide world. Believe me, no one was absent at the arena, not even the cripple or the blind that hails from the Middle East. The manner in which people and of course dignitaries from all walks of life graced the occasion which took place at Oguta in Imo State was not unconnected to the fact that the late legend Hon Justice Dr. Chukwudifu Akunne Oputa left a legacy worthy of emulation by all and sundry; a legacy that calls for continual celebration; a legacy that even the unborn shall live to remember; above all, a legacy that I personally dream to actualize or uphold. My role model, indeed you have gone, but in my heart you shall live forever. I’ll never for a second forget you.

At this juncture, I call the governments and all well-meaning individuals across the globe to put heads together towards ensuring that the late gigantic elephant in the Nigerian judicial setting, Retired Honourable Justice Chukwudifu Akunne Oputa is duly immortalized globally for posterity sake. It is his right, not a privilege. Think about it!





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Friday, 4 July 2014

Land Ownership Tussle


Greetings brethren. I want to commence with the candid remark that, I’m deeply proud of you for always being there for me. Frankly, I wish the gathering of this congregation takes place on a daily basis. Nevertheless, we shall continue to strive for excellence.

I want to use this avenue to reiterate the fact that; in a land controlled by anarchy and imbroglio, the arbiter is the judge. Considering such scenario, one could say that the occupants of the aforementioned land are ‘derailed homosapiens’.

Few days ago, I was opportune to have an online chat with one of mine childhood friends that resides in Enugu, the Coal city. The young man happens to hail from Imo State, Imo North to be precise. In his words, his last trip to his country home mesmerized his mood as an individual. According to him; in his neighbourhood, some of his kinsmen had been in a certain land dispute for years; but recently the incidence degenerated a bloody scene. He went further to inform me that at the moment he was chatting with me, one of the men was already lying in a hospital bed with a heavy cut on his one of his arms.

In my words, I responded that it seems the so-called land dispute melodrama has become ubiquitous. Of course, it’s no longer news that land ownership syndrome or bickering is found virtually everywhere in the Nigerian society. Needless to say that, you all would bear me witness to that effect.

If I’m to begin with a definition, then I would say; land, in a precise term, is the part of the earth’s surface that isn’t covered by water. In other words, land is simply a natural endowment.

And if I must continue with a question, I would ask; who says land is owned by someone? Or better still, how come the lingering issue of ‘land ownership’? This is a simple question all of us is expected to consider in earnest in order to come up with a tangible response/answer. At this juncture, I beg to rest my case as regards tendering a query. Let’s ride on!

If we are to ride on, then I would unequivocally state here that, the contenders over ‘land ownership’ conundrum are simply battling with nature. And I have often made it known to us that no one could battle ‘nature’ owing to the fact that it remains a supremacy over all creatures including mankind.

Let me make it clearer because I’m of the view that the above statement may appear vague to some of us. Believe me, land was made available to mankind by nature itself. Thus, man came into the world and found land in abundance. The scenario was made possible by nature so that, man would be able to cater for himself via agricultural strive as well as have a place to erect a shelter for himself. This is the reason everyone is naturally gifted with agricultural talent or prowess. Mind you; nature simply means the supremacy. And don’t forget that the ‘creator’ remains the supremacy. That’s the angle I’m coming or deliberating from.

The above fact has made it clear that land is not owned by anyone, therefore its purported owner mustn’t indulge in any battle. Surely, land ownership is not meant to be battled over by mankind. Suffice to say; the ongoing degree of land ownership tussle is simply inconsequential and blasphemous. Yes, it signifies that man has abruptly lost his respect for his creator. Thus, he must be called to order. Honestly, no one is above calling to order regardless of his/her status or pedigree. Any derailed homosepian is bound to be called to order, in order to restore normalcy. And for normality to be restored, we must comprehend fully where we are actually coming from. Man is bound to understand his origin.

Before now or those days during the time of our ancestors, there was nothing like land ownership tussle. Even, as at then land could easily be leased or given to someone else by the alleged or presumed owner of the land in question out of charity. Then, they understood fully and truly that land is a natural endowment that can be taken away at anytime by the original owner, which is nature. Conversely, today the reverse is the case; presently what’s observed among mankind is the direct opposite of what our ancestors practised in the past.

Brethren, there’s urgent need for total turnaround. We must wake-up from our respective slumbers and embrace reality to the fullness; else, we are attracting a state of doom that might not have a remedy.

Enough is enough for crying out loud, therefore we must comport ourselves. We ought not to allow an arbiter take the place of a jurist; the anarchy is eating deep in our blood vessel. Think about it, while I continue praying for mankind!




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