Brethren, mere speculation may lead to more expectation. And, real jubilation could warrant rare tribulation. This very caption or clause calls for deep thought amongst wise thinkers. But in case you need my assistance while romancing over it, don’t hesitate to call me so we can collectively do the analysis.
As long as this column lasts, we shall be digesting any form of relationship between two or more things or persons in any area of life such as education, sciences/arts, religion, humanity, business/economy, polity and so on, as it affects or may affect the social lives of the people/things involved or concerned. So, welcome to Rostrum!
Two nights ago, I ran vigorously more than I’ve ever done since my childhood. I couldn’t imagine myself indulging in such tedious activity just as anyone who knows me very well cannot possibly imagine seeing me in such mood. But I knew why I ran, and that was my utmost joy. Thus, I saw the euphoria coming in subsequent to that. I know you may be asking yourself or as well thinking aloud what kind of run I solely indulged in. But never mind since the fact remains that I achieved success. Therefore, the Lord is good and shall continue to be good. In other words, if you embarked on a certain worthwhile activity and came out successful, you must not relent to give the Supreme Being an eulogy irrespective of the nature of challenges you may have faced in the process.
We’re on love at first sight. A short and challenging phrase which we must look into. Love is a symbol which signifies your appreciation for someone/something’s existence. Thus, love at first sight is the act of appreciating something/someone’s existence at your first meeting/encounter with the person or thing.
Love has been a very strong factor existing between two or more things or persons. And it remains the most outstanding symbol that unites and strengthens any existing relationship. From time immemorial, taking human beings as a case study, the women folk have remained a force of attraction to the men folk. And, such attraction can never be formidable or real if love is not involved. Let’s ride on!
Several actions and reactions in respect to love have been emerging which have resulted to many pathetic phrases/clauses such as “The first time I set my eyes on you, I fell in love with you”, or “My spirit told me I have found my missing rib, at my first meeting with you”, just to mention a few. Love which is one of the branches of emotion has ruined or misled millions of people who had mistaken lust for it (love). There is a very strong demarcation or dichotomy between love and lust which we are bound to understand. In Physics, it’s called “parallax”. Parallax is defined as two parallel lines that have no meeting point. In one of our subsequent editions on this column, we shall be digesting the two factors, love and lust extensively. But here, our sole interest lies on love at first sight.
Beloved, it sounds extremely crazy for one to say that he/she fell in love with a thing or person at his/her first meeting with the thing/person. There are certain ingredients/qualities that lead to appreciating something/someone. And, you can never discover such qualities in a person or thing at your first encounter with it/him as the case may be. Take for instance; if you’re a man, for you to appreciate a woman who just walked into your life, you must discover the general/entire beauty of the woman which can never be done even in few months.
The general beauty of any woman does not end on what or those things you can see by merely looking at her. It’s the interior and exterior qualities of a person that constitute his/her general beauty. The exterior ones are those you can see while looking at him/her which could be discovered within a day, while the interior ones are those that seem to be hidden and can only be discovered having spent some reasonable time with the person in question which could take years. The interior qualities/beauty of a man/woman are his/her mentality, manners, morality, level of simplicity and so on. And these are the qualities that can enable you to fully appreciate his/her existence.
Likewise a thing. Take for instance; you can never love a car at your first sight. For one to love a certain car, he/she must have discovered the entire qualities of the car.
In a nut shell, apparently there’s no love at first sight. And virtually every mankind has derailed due to this anomaly. So it’s high time we woke up. We must stop this lingering naughty jubilation that could lead to disastrous tribulation. Think about it!
Social analyst & activist
Saturday, 24 August 2013
Brethren, an English grammarian would be so enthusiastic in informing people that English is the best language in existence. On the other hand, an Igbo grammarian would stop at nothing or would be so conscientious while trying to convince the public that Igbo is not just the best but remains the only language on earth. Whichever of the aforementioned crusades is invoked, the fact remains that both crusaders are trying to defend their ethnic heritage or individual ideology as the case may be.
Let’s have it this way; a Literature guru would leave no stone unturned while educating his fans on the outstanding impact of Arts in human existence. While a Physics don would continue to expatiate his view that Sciences is the only reason why man still lives. Any of the above fanaticism or dogmatism showcases how mankind can go an extra mile while defending his/her individual faith or conviction which can lead to extremism. But whichever case is in question, I wish to use this medium to unequivocally inform you that some crusades are intensely worthwhile therefore ought to be generally accepted.
We are discussing or about to discuss hygiene which is tagged as the pathway to any healthy living. Hygiene is the act of keeping yourself and your surroundings clean, in order to avoid illness or any possible spread of disease(s). There are different kinds of hygiene such as personal hygiene, food hygiene and environmental hygiene. Personal hygiene is that type of cleanliness that has to do with your body. On the other hand, food hygiene is about the hygiene relating to those things we consume on a daily basis. While environmental hygiene deals with our immediate environment or surroundings.
In one of my previous editions on this column, we succeeded in discussing extensively the high level of ignorance in disease transmission. In that edition, I categorically stated that if properly checked, dirt remains the rudiments of disease contraction or transmission. Most of us are yet to acknowledge that all diseases/infections has fundamental cause, rather they are only conscious of the fact that a certain disease can be transmitted from one person/animal to another without knowing that such disease has a genesis.
Millions of health/medical experts have lamented in the past on the likely danger of unhygienic attitude of most people. Many are still lamenting while many are yet to lament. But as a social analyst, mine is expected to be exceptional or more friendly, therefore I’m not lamenting or about to lament; rather I’m here to plead with my fellow gentle men and women.
We must endeavour to keep ourselves clean. And this is personal hygiene. This aspect of hygiene is the basic part of general hygiene in any given society. We should at least ensure that, we take our bath and as well brush our teeth/mouth twice in a day. Apart from taking our bath, washing of our hands after indulging in any work/activity or exercise is of utmost importance. We should also ensure that our armpits, private parts and other hair-growing areas on our bodies are being shaved always.
The food, water and other items we’re about/meant to eat or drink ought to be kept clean. Properly wash whatever you’re meant to eat. Boil your water adequately if it’s not from a reliable source. Above all, warm your cooked food every morning before taking it so that all germs or bacteria would be duly eliminated. Also, before cooking or boiling your meal, don’t hesitate to properly wash all the items involved with reasonable amout of salt and water.
Your environment or the environs of where you live are not left out. Endeavour to keep your surroundings clean. Keep your toilet and toiletries clean at all times. Ensure that the drainage system within you is always kept clean. Wash your wears and other clothing materials whenever they are dirty or stained. Don’t ever relent in convincing the members of your family and your closest neighbours on the efficacy of all forms of hygiene because their ignorance towards this would also affect you directly or indirectly. So be warned! Apart from our immediate environment, we should also ensure that wherever we find ourselves is being kept clean and tidy. Don’t be lousy over anything that has to do with both human and animal hygiene irrespective of who or the people it affects because someone’s spoilt or bad child could harm/damage your golden child. Who knows?
Beloved, we must wake up from our various slumbers. Enough of all these lackadaisical attitudes that tremendously affect our daily health conditions. Never you take your hygiene for granted because it’s truly a pathway to any healthy living. This shouldn’t be seen as a personal crusade therefore ought to be generally accepted. Be wise so you won’t fall victim!
Social analyst & activist
Brethren, an English grammarian would be so enthusiastic in informing people that English is the best language in existence. On the other hand, an Igbo grammarian would stop at nothing or would be so conscientious while trying to convince the public that Igbo is not just the best but remains the only language on earth. Whichever of the aforementioned crusades is invoked, the fact remains that both crusaders are trying to defend their ethnic heritage or individual ideology as the case may be.
Let’s have it this way; a Literature guru would leave no stone unturned while educating his fans on the outstanding impact of Arts in human existence. While a Physics don would continue to expatiate his view that Sciences is the only reason why man still lives. Any of the above fanaticism or dogmatism showcases how mankind can go an extra mile while defending his/her individual faith or conviction which can lead to extremism. But whichever case is in question, I wish to use this medium to unequivocally inform you that some crusades are intensely worthwhile therefore ought to be generally accepted.
We are discussing or about to discuss hygiene which is tagged as the pathway to any healthy living. Hygiene is the act of keeping yourself and your surroundings clean, in order to avoid illness or any possible spread of disease(s). There are different kinds of hygiene such as personal hygiene, food hygiene and environmental hygiene. Personal hygiene is that type of cleanliness that has to do with your body. On the other hand, food hygiene is about the hygiene relating to those things we consume on a daily basis. While environmental hygiene deals with our immediate environment or surroundings.
In one of my previous editions on this column, we succeeded in discussing extensively the high level of ignorance in disease transmission. In that edition, I categorically stated that if properly checked, dirt remains the rudiments of disease contraction or transmission. Most of us are yet to acknowledge that all diseases/infections has fundamental cause, rather they are only conscious of the fact that a certain disease can be transmitted from one person/animal to another without knowing that such disease has a genesis.
Millions of health/medical experts have lamented in the past on the likely danger of unhygienic attitude of most people. Many are still lamenting while many are yet to lament. But as a social analyst, mine is expected to be exceptional or more friendly, therefore I’m not lamenting or about to lament; rather I’m here to plead with my fellow gentle men and women.
We must endeavour to keep ourselves clean. And this is personal hygiene. This aspect of hygiene is the basic part of general hygiene in any given society. We should at least ensure that, we take our bath and as well brush our teeth/mouth twice in a day. Apart from taking our bath, washing of our hands after indulging in any work/activity or exercise is of utmost importance. We should also ensure that our armpits, private parts and other hair-growing areas on our bodies are being shaved always.
The food, water and other items we’re about/meant to eat or drink ought to be kept clean. Properly wash whatever you’re meant to eat. Boil your water adequately if it’s not from a reliable source. Above all, warm your cooked food every morning before taking it so that all germs or bacteria would be duly eliminated. Also, before cooking or boiling your meal, don’t hesitate to properly wash all the items involved with reasonable amout of salt and water.
Your environment or the environs of where you live are not left out. Endeavour to keep your surroundings clean. Keep your toilet and toiletries clean at all times. Ensure that the drainage system within you is always kept clean. Wash your wears and other clothing materials whenever they are dirty or stained. Don’t ever relent in convincing the members of your family and your closest neighbours on the efficacy of all forms of hygiene because their ignorance towards this would also affect you directly or indirectly. So be warned! Apart from our immediate environment, we should also ensure that wherever we find ourselves is being kept clean and tidy. Don’t be lousy over anything that has to do with both human and animal hygiene irrespective of who or the people it affects because someone’s spoilt or bad child could harm/damage your golden child. Who knows?
Beloved, we must wake up from our various slumbers. Enough of all these lackadaisical attitudes that tremendously affect our daily health conditions. Never you take your hygiene for granted because it’s truly a pathway to any healthy living. This shouldn’t be seen as a personal crusade therefore ought to be generally accepted. Be wise so you won’t fall victim!
Social analyst & activist
Ignorance in Disease Transmission
On a close look, the vast amount of ill-health scattered all over is due to our social negligence. But, no matter how ill-fated the air-craft might be, there is still room for a soul to be saved.
In a nut shell, ignorance is the lack of knowledge about something. On the other hand, disease transmission is the transfer of certain illness(es) from one place or person to different places or persons. In other words, any person/thing can transmit disease(s) provided that he/it is not medically safe.
In most tropical countries, several cases of disease transmission could be attributable to the idiocy of various medical/health ideologies possessed by millions of ignoramuses. Most members of the aforementioned countries, mainly found in Africa, parade themselves as if whenever death comes it should be regarded as the due time. They find it very difficult to believe, even when you persuade them, that they have a role to play to ensure that they embrace a durable, tangible and sound life-span. For instance, you can see a member of such group consuming his/her meal after leaving the toilet without properly washing his/her hands with soap or detergent. Such person would only wash his hand, not even both hands, with the water meant for the meal. The most pathetic part of it is that, he/she would still use same water in the bowl to rinse his/her hand after the meal. Even when a knowledgeable one is privileged to be by his side and happens to remind him that he is yet to wash his hands with soap/detergent, the ignoramus would respond to such advice with an ignominious utterance. He may end up saying that, he had already washed his hand, adding that, after all he didn’t fall into the toilet or was not mixed with the faeces.
In the same vein, someone may be in the practice of drinking any water he/she comes across or is privileged to have without considering the purity of the water. Most members of this group are occupied with the ideology that every source of water is naturally pure. They may even tell you that those insane beings on the street drink flood and eat other rubbish but still live longer than the people free from insanity. Similar attitude is obtainable from one who smokes or drinks alcohol. What ignorance coupled with insanity!
Due to the kinds of ignorance stipulated above, and others too numerous to mention, one who has been tested in a medical laboratory may be told that he/she has staphylococcus areus and he (the patient) would end up telling the lab technician that such result cannot be possible since he/she is still a chaste/virgin. Such set of people has been beclouded with the popular name ‘Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)”. This means that, they are yet to know that every disease/infection has a fundamental source and must be contracted from such source before it could be transmitted or spreaded through the air, water, blood transfusion, sex, et cetera, as the case may be.
I put it up to you that, the primary sources of most diseases are dirty toilet, alcohol, cigarette/cigar, Indian helm, cocaine, dust and impure water. This simply means that most common diseases/infections can be gotten from dust, water, drinking, smoking or toilet. For instance, the major source of the aforementioned staphylococcus is impure water, likewise most other STDs. Other diseases like diarrhea, dysentery and typhoid can also be contracted from unsafe water. On the other hand, the major source of candidiasis (an STD) is the sharing of a dirty toilet. Therefore, for a disease; nasal influenza (catarrh) which is a well-known airborne disease for instance, to be transmitted from one person to another through the air, it must be contracted/gotten from a certain source such as dust or other unwanted particles.
The born of contention is that, the major source of most diseases/infections is dirt, and we must be conscious of that fact. Thus, not only after using the toilet that one is bound to wash his/her hands with soap/detergent. After undergoing a certain activity or journey, courtesy demands that you wash your hands with soap or detergent. If possible, you take your bath immediately. We must continue to keep ourselves, belongings, immediate environment, and everything about us clean.
Above all, most cancerous diseases are gotten from smoking, intake of hard drugs or drinking. The chemical content of such intake is highly detrimental to both human and animal health.
The various existing Non-Governmental Organizations and the concerned government agencies should from time to time organize seminars and workshops with the aim of sensitizing the minds of the public on the danger that awaits an individual and a society at large that is infected/affected by a certain disease. They should also elaborate their mindsets on the possible sources of most common diseases. The media houses or personnel are not left out in this crusade.
But on our own individual effort, we ought to understand some facts or ask ourselves some certain questions as regards disease transmission. For instance, even if the percentage of transmitting STDs through sex is 99.9% while the other means or avenues such as blood transfusion and sharing of sharp objects share 0.1%, why should one be so myopic to acknowledge the fact that 0.10% could be extremely enormous if carefulness is not adhered to? Think about it!
Social analyst & activist
On a close look, the vast amount of ill-health scattered all over is due to our social negligence. But, no matter how ill-fated the air-craft might be, there is still room for a soul to be saved.
In a nut shell, ignorance is the lack of knowledge about something. On the other hand, disease transmission is the transfer of certain illness(es) from one place or person to different places or persons. In other words, any person/thing can transmit disease(s) provided that he/it is not medically safe.
In most tropical countries, several cases of disease transmission could be attributable to the idiocy of various medical/health ideologies possessed by millions of ignoramuses. Most members of the aforementioned countries, mainly found in Africa, parade themselves as if whenever death comes it should be regarded as the due time. They find it very difficult to believe, even when you persuade them, that they have a role to play to ensure that they embrace a durable, tangible and sound life-span. For instance, you can see a member of such group consuming his/her meal after leaving the toilet without properly washing his/her hands with soap or detergent. Such person would only wash his hand, not even both hands, with the water meant for the meal. The most pathetic part of it is that, he/she would still use same water in the bowl to rinse his/her hand after the meal. Even when a knowledgeable one is privileged to be by his side and happens to remind him that he is yet to wash his hands with soap/detergent, the ignoramus would respond to such advice with an ignominious utterance. He may end up saying that, he had already washed his hand, adding that, after all he didn’t fall into the toilet or was not mixed with the faeces.
In the same vein, someone may be in the practice of drinking any water he/she comes across or is privileged to have without considering the purity of the water. Most members of this group are occupied with the ideology that every source of water is naturally pure. They may even tell you that those insane beings on the street drink flood and eat other rubbish but still live longer than the people free from insanity. Similar attitude is obtainable from one who smokes or drinks alcohol. What ignorance coupled with insanity!
Due to the kinds of ignorance stipulated above, and others too numerous to mention, one who has been tested in a medical laboratory may be told that he/she has staphylococcus areus and he (the patient) would end up telling the lab technician that such result cannot be possible since he/she is still a chaste/virgin. Such set of people has been beclouded with the popular name ‘Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)”. This means that, they are yet to know that every disease/infection has a fundamental source and must be contracted from such source before it could be transmitted or spreaded through the air, water, blood transfusion, sex, et cetera, as the case may be.
I put it up to you that, the primary sources of most diseases are dirty toilet, alcohol, cigarette/cigar, Indian helm, cocaine, dust and impure water. This simply means that most common diseases/infections can be gotten from dust, water, drinking, smoking or toilet. For instance, the major source of the aforementioned staphylococcus is impure water, likewise most other STDs. Other diseases like diarrhea, dysentery and typhoid can also be contracted from unsafe water. On the other hand, the major source of candidiasis (an STD) is the sharing of a dirty toilet. Therefore, for a disease; nasal influenza (catarrh) which is a well-known airborne disease for instance, to be transmitted from one person to another through the air, it must be contracted/gotten from a certain source such as dust or other unwanted particles.
The born of contention is that, the major source of most diseases/infections is dirt, and we must be conscious of that fact. Thus, not only after using the toilet that one is bound to wash his/her hands with soap/detergent. After undergoing a certain activity or journey, courtesy demands that you wash your hands with soap or detergent. If possible, you take your bath immediately. We must continue to keep ourselves, belongings, immediate environment, and everything about us clean.
Above all, most cancerous diseases are gotten from smoking, intake of hard drugs or drinking. The chemical content of such intake is highly detrimental to both human and animal health.
The various existing Non-Governmental Organizations and the concerned government agencies should from time to time organize seminars and workshops with the aim of sensitizing the minds of the public on the danger that awaits an individual and a society at large that is infected/affected by a certain disease. They should also elaborate their mindsets on the possible sources of most common diseases. The media houses or personnel are not left out in this crusade.
But on our own individual effort, we ought to understand some facts or ask ourselves some certain questions as regards disease transmission. For instance, even if the percentage of transmitting STDs through sex is 99.9% while the other means or avenues such as blood transfusion and sharing of sharp objects share 0.1%, why should one be so myopic to acknowledge the fact that 0.10% could be extremely enormous if carefulness is not adhered to? Think about it!
Social analyst & activist
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