Brethren, many of us have taken to wearing visors and other similar devices to protect our eyes and visages from the possible effects of harmattan. Taking Nigeria as a case study, many would testify that the ongoing climatic phase causes virulent feelings, and as well, may lead to various virulent diseases. While some would definitely testify that it is a welcome scene therefore should continue for eternity. Honestly, these and more similar phenomena observe amongst mankind is not man-made but wholly natural.
Let’s put it this way; if brandy is good in bringing the real man/woman in you as a person at any given time. And, that fellow that appears to be intimate to you believes in the work of whisky in respect to similar purpose. Then conclusively, it signifies that you both are of different nature, or possess distinct idiosyncrasies. Thus significantly, no matter the level of intimacy in any relationship/affair be it symbiotic or parasitic, the exact nature of the two or more parties involved can never be compromised or interchanged.
In geography, we were taught that about seventy percent (70%) of the earth crust is covered with water, while about thirty percent (30%) is covered with land. Brethren, there’s a big problem or error attached to this geographic estimation coupled with approximation. The astronomers who carried out the research and rounded off with such conclusion were so myopic to understand the fact that, even the part of the earth crust covered with water is as well covered with land. It’s not a paradox. It’s a fact, and it is natural. Of course the bed-rock of any sea, ocean, river, pond, lake et cetera is land. In agriculture, we call it the soil. Conclusively, every part of the earth crust is covered with the soil / land. But this is not my optimum interest in this edition. My interest is this; despite the level of intimacy between the land and the natural water, they still don’t mix together. This simply means that each of the compounds or substances in question is made up of a certain distinct nature. This is a fact. Yes, a fancy fact.
Each of the paragraphs above has proven to us that nature is very powerful. Nature could be regarded as all the animals, plants and other things in the world that are not made by man; and all the events, features and processes that are not caused by mankind. In a nut shell, nature is anything that is not man-made. In other words, it’s older than the world. Yes, nature has been in existence before the world was created. This is why, most times anything caused by nature seem to be mysterious. That is, beyond man’s imagination, creativity or creative ingenuity. Therefore, nature controls. It rules. Above all, it finalizes.
We’re discussing Christmas (X-mas). We’re discussing its annual celebration. First and foremost, what is X-mas celebration? X-mas celebration is a religious festival or ritual being observed on every 25th December by the Christendom to mark the birth of Christ. Next question; who is Christ? Christ is one of the names of Jesus whom Christians believe to be the only begotten son of God and whose teachings are the basis of Christianity. According to the Christian writ, Christ was sent by God to sanctify the sinful world and He obliged. He came, saw, taught, healed and delivered the world. Most importantly, He died for our sins to be forgiven. What a tremendous generosity! As a devoted Christian, Catholic to be precise, I understand that Christ was not really born on the 25th of December; but such date was selected by the past Christendom in order to mark the day such generous being came into the world since the actual date of His birth was not painstakingly recorded by the scribes or historians of His time. They saw it necessary for such date to be remembered amongst mankind because the day Christ came or was born marked the beginning of man’s sanctification or deliverance which remains the most vital Christian tool in existence. Let’s ride on!
Brethren, truly Christ came or was born, saw and conquered. Above all, He accomplished His mission because mankind was freed from bondage by His willingful death. After the death of Christ, He resurrected. Before His death, He resurrected many souls. And this, remains the most mysterious act performed by Him. Thus, resurrection is nature. If truly we believe that such vital tool is nature, in other words, Christ is nature. He’s beyond man’s imagination. Starting from His birth down to His death, everything about Him was mysterious.
Brethren, if amongst us we have some group of persons we owe an allegiance to, then what stops us from observing more greater respect to a being whose existence while on earth was totally mysterious or above man’s imagination? In other words, there is tremendous reason for X-mas celebration to be continually observed because it remains the most important Christian virtue practised here on earth. Such date which was set aside to mark the day Christ was born should not in any way be compromised because it is the birthday of our Messiah; therefore, remains a worthwhile Christian virtue. Think about it!
Friday, 6 September 2013
Time management
Brethren, I’m not here to make placatory gestures, so, don’t expect my analysis to be submissive. Rather, I’m here to present nothing but the fact, thus, I must be frank in my deposition. It would benefit me nothing to back the truth and embrace fallacy in order to please my beloved friends and fans. Honestly, I was called for this job, and my paramount interest is to continue pleasing He who sent me. Any of His calls remains a priority to me. All my initiatives are attributable to His sole inspiration or divine making. Therefore, they should be dedicated to Him alone. And, if such fact holds, then I would stop at nothing to say whatever I was directed or assigned to say. No two ways about it; else I should be blamed for whatever rot that befalls me in respect to withholding the fact.
In any context you may be perceiving it, time remains “time”. It’s as old as the world. From my view, it remains the oldest factor or tool in the world. It was the only factor that was obeyed by the “Almighty” during the world’s creation. Yes, the world was created in respect to time. It’s continually cited that, the only constant thing in life is “change”. In the same vein, the only factor that controls change or transition is time. This means, change highly depends on time. In other words, time is hyper-constant since it’s the only tool that controls the only constant factor on earth. One Popular Nigerian musician, Mike Okiri, once sang “ Time na money”. In the content of the song, he went further to preach to the world to stop playing with their time by tagging it as the only thing that could ascertain the desires of one’s mind, heart or soul. I bet you, most musicians are born evangelists because they preach the gospel in the fullness.
Most people spend the whole of their time in the church, all in the name of seeking for survival, successes or abundant blessings. Some spend the whole hours in a day reading the holy writ in the name of attaining salvation. Some, mostly the house wives, spend the whole days in a week gossiping; still, this set of people can’t work on their talents to ensure that they introduce gossip columns in various newspapers or magazines in Nigeria. After all, all the notable comedians in the country started like that. And today, they are very useful to the society. The most pathetic part of the above practices is that some of these persons that spend almost all their time in the church do so for the sake of their anticipated success in their various forth coming exams. I wonder if God would come down to sit for the exams on their behalf. Why should people continue living in total ignorance coupled with extreme blindness? Yet, they can’t even obtain deliverance from the churches in question. How can a candidate for a certain exam willingly create a concrete disparity between him and the exam? Or, is it part of the miracle that happened in Canaan, Judea or Jerusalem?
Let me make it clear to you; before Christ fed the five thousand people with thousands of fishes and bread, He was presented with a few pieces/copies of fishes and bread. In the same vain, before providing abundant wine for the wedding that took place at Canaan, He was provided with surplus water by those in need of the wine. Even, before Christ healed the blind during the Pentecost day, prior to His arrival at the point of the deliverance, the blind man was already seated at the stipulated venue. Does it imply that, there weren’t churches available then? Above all, before Zaccheus was delivered from his iniquities, he made tremendous personal effort to ensure that he has a direct contact with Christ. Despite the crowd coupled with his height, Christ was able to see him because he (Zaccheus) swallowed his pride and humbly climbed the tree. So, he sought and worked for salvation, and he embraced it.
Brethren, at this juncture I wish to ask, what do you use your time for; where do you utilize it, and how do you manage it? Most people arrive at meeting arena two hours after the scheduled time. They have succeeded in tagging (calling) it “African time”. If I may ask, do Africa has its own time? Has she (Africa) succeeded in personalizing the tool (time) which remains the only common factor on earth? Brethren, wake up! Hour of deliverance.
Even, before one could boast of been a prolific writer, he/she must had read hundreds or thousands of books/journals. To be known as a writer, you must have been a reader for years. Read my lips. Reading would broaden your mind and consequently enable you to write, say or do something comfortably and adequately. Therefore, writing is a subject of reading. Though, the reverse also holds. And, this only depends on time. Honestly, ‘time’ is dependable.
To be honest, many have died due to lack of time management. Thousands of people have been paralyzed or deformed, both spiritually and physically, as a result of the above. We must work collectively to eradicate the societal cankerworm causing this social emaciation. And, the time to act is now!
Brethren, I’m not here to make placatory gestures, so, don’t expect my analysis to be submissive. Rather, I’m here to present nothing but the fact, thus, I must be frank in my deposition. It would benefit me nothing to back the truth and embrace fallacy in order to please my beloved friends and fans. Honestly, I was called for this job, and my paramount interest is to continue pleasing He who sent me. Any of His calls remains a priority to me. All my initiatives are attributable to His sole inspiration or divine making. Therefore, they should be dedicated to Him alone. And, if such fact holds, then I would stop at nothing to say whatever I was directed or assigned to say. No two ways about it; else I should be blamed for whatever rot that befalls me in respect to withholding the fact.
In any context you may be perceiving it, time remains “time”. It’s as old as the world. From my view, it remains the oldest factor or tool in the world. It was the only factor that was obeyed by the “Almighty” during the world’s creation. Yes, the world was created in respect to time. It’s continually cited that, the only constant thing in life is “change”. In the same vein, the only factor that controls change or transition is time. This means, change highly depends on time. In other words, time is hyper-constant since it’s the only tool that controls the only constant factor on earth. One Popular Nigerian musician, Mike Okiri, once sang “ Time na money”. In the content of the song, he went further to preach to the world to stop playing with their time by tagging it as the only thing that could ascertain the desires of one’s mind, heart or soul. I bet you, most musicians are born evangelists because they preach the gospel in the fullness.
Most people spend the whole of their time in the church, all in the name of seeking for survival, successes or abundant blessings. Some spend the whole hours in a day reading the holy writ in the name of attaining salvation. Some, mostly the house wives, spend the whole days in a week gossiping; still, this set of people can’t work on their talents to ensure that they introduce gossip columns in various newspapers or magazines in Nigeria. After all, all the notable comedians in the country started like that. And today, they are very useful to the society. The most pathetic part of the above practices is that some of these persons that spend almost all their time in the church do so for the sake of their anticipated success in their various forth coming exams. I wonder if God would come down to sit for the exams on their behalf. Why should people continue living in total ignorance coupled with extreme blindness? Yet, they can’t even obtain deliverance from the churches in question. How can a candidate for a certain exam willingly create a concrete disparity between him and the exam? Or, is it part of the miracle that happened in Canaan, Judea or Jerusalem?
Let me make it clear to you; before Christ fed the five thousand people with thousands of fishes and bread, He was presented with a few pieces/copies of fishes and bread. In the same vain, before providing abundant wine for the wedding that took place at Canaan, He was provided with surplus water by those in need of the wine. Even, before Christ healed the blind during the Pentecost day, prior to His arrival at the point of the deliverance, the blind man was already seated at the stipulated venue. Does it imply that, there weren’t churches available then? Above all, before Zaccheus was delivered from his iniquities, he made tremendous personal effort to ensure that he has a direct contact with Christ. Despite the crowd coupled with his height, Christ was able to see him because he (Zaccheus) swallowed his pride and humbly climbed the tree. So, he sought and worked for salvation, and he embraced it.
Brethren, at this juncture I wish to ask, what do you use your time for; where do you utilize it, and how do you manage it? Most people arrive at meeting arena two hours after the scheduled time. They have succeeded in tagging (calling) it “African time”. If I may ask, do Africa has its own time? Has she (Africa) succeeded in personalizing the tool (time) which remains the only common factor on earth? Brethren, wake up! Hour of deliverance.
Even, before one could boast of been a prolific writer, he/she must had read hundreds or thousands of books/journals. To be known as a writer, you must have been a reader for years. Read my lips. Reading would broaden your mind and consequently enable you to write, say or do something comfortably and adequately. Therefore, writing is a subject of reading. Though, the reverse also holds. And, this only depends on time. Honestly, ‘time’ is dependable.
To be honest, many have died due to lack of time management. Thousands of people have been paralyzed or deformed, both spiritually and physically, as a result of the above. We must work collectively to eradicate the societal cankerworm causing this social emaciation. And, the time to act is now!
Traffic lights & flyovers
Decently created and beautified. Spiced with worthwhile endowments, coupled with wholesome idiosyncrasies. If only she would understand the true meaning of safety. No, she does. But, the conundrum remains the lack of holistic sensitivity of her political frontrunners. Despite the persistent anticipation by her subjects at every given interregnum, the emergence of the subsequent victor still produces atmosphere that appears frivolous. Honestly, her subjects have been popularly known as people who inure themselves to tragedy due to lack of sufficient existence of the aforementioned tools, traffic lights and flyovers, and other consequential facilities. In spite of the declamatory and repetitive critique so far on the case study in question, our virgin roads still appear abandoned thereby keeping most of the vehicles in abeyance. What about the drivers and the innocent passengers that had been crippled or rendered useless while many had embraced the forbidden six-feet due to the consequence of the above leakage?
A ruthless and utterly abhorrent system. A system where the interest of the masses appears to be at the bottom line. A system where billions of naira owned by the entire citizenry are being siphoned into a personal wallet. A system where only few benefits from the national cake. Still, the deceitful elements or so-called nationalists appear as advocates of unity. Though, some are interested and ready to embrace abnegation, but, influence remains a forsaken cankerworm. Brethren, hour of deliverance! And, nobody would be exempted, including me. Yes, we all must be delivered. Believe me, it’s a fact. A fancy fact. Lest I forget, we still have an enormous task ahead of us in this edition. Let’s ride on.
Traffic lights and flyovers are means through which traffic problems are restricted or avoided. In other words, they are instruments that are used to fight traffic crimes or aberrations on the roads which they are situated. Traffic lights are usually found either on cross junctions or T-junctions, while flyovers are mainly found on cross junctions. The latter enables vehicle users to operate both on and above the road because it’s a structure which carries one road above another, while the former, as a programmed digital instrument, instructs vehicle users on when to pass in, or cross to a particular direction.
Thus, lack of the above devices contributes immensely to an increase in traffic congestion on our roads. For instance, a driver of a certain vehicle may decide to cross a junction without considering traffic rules and regulations because of the absence of a traffic light on the junction in question. This would result to motor accident due to collision because the driver of another vehicle coming from the adjacent side of the junction may or would like to cross the junction without minding the presence of other vehicles. In this case, every driver becomes a traffic determinant. For years, the manual/human traffic control system had been in use. But, this is ancient and insufficient. I bet you, the human traffic system wouldn’t be enough/ efficient to control the traffic or maintain the traffic regulations. Even at that, let’s save our human resources from the ongoing state of fathomless stress. This and more traffic problems are experienced or encountered on our roads on daily basis.
However, having stated the above traffic problems or contingencies, you will agree with me that, if the rate and major causes of motor accidents is/are to be noted or considered by the government, the lack of traffic lights and flyovers would be given as the only answer.
Traffic lights and flyovers should be situated on various junctions in all the towns/cities in Nigeria, including the federal roads. If traffic lights are installed on the various junctions, the vehicles will cross as at when due. Also, construction of flyovers would enable vehicles coming from two sides of a cross junction to move on top of the road, while others would move on the normal axis, the ground level thereby paving ways for the pedestrians. In some cases or areas, people on foot are being asked to walk on the flyover while the vehicles would use the normal road level, as the case may be. Thus, massive introduction of both devices will surely ease traffic congestion on our roads.
On the other hand, the governments should ensure that, the dilapidated ones on our various roads are totally revived for the sake of humanity. Most of the traffic lights on the roads, likewise the flyovers, are just there as monumentary equipment/structures. They ought to be revived; our roads should not be left naked or being abandoned. We shouldn’t forget that, this problem directly affects every occupant of the country. We should continue to say no to ignorance because it’s a deadly disease. Take for instance, the ‘Almighty’ Niger bridge is dying gradually and fast approaching the forbidden six-feet. Should we allow the old man die like a mere ant. Isn’t it disgusting? Yes, it’s jaundiced!
The residents of some areas in Nigeria where traffic lights and/or flyovers are intensely recognized experience non/less traffic problems. Therefore, both the federal and state governments should kindly include this project in their respective budgets/agendas to ensure that their respective areas are free from traffic imbroglios.
The implementation of the above measure will drastically improve traffic rules and regulations thereby reducing the level of incessant traffic congestion on our roads. The government should therefore take a tangible step to see that this project is actualized. The Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC) ought to be an advocate of this crusade.
Creating an organized and beautified nation should be our watchword. Our society should be deeply imbued with it’s occupants’ desires.
Decently created and beautified. Spiced with worthwhile endowments, coupled with wholesome idiosyncrasies. If only she would understand the true meaning of safety. No, she does. But, the conundrum remains the lack of holistic sensitivity of her political frontrunners. Despite the persistent anticipation by her subjects at every given interregnum, the emergence of the subsequent victor still produces atmosphere that appears frivolous. Honestly, her subjects have been popularly known as people who inure themselves to tragedy due to lack of sufficient existence of the aforementioned tools, traffic lights and flyovers, and other consequential facilities. In spite of the declamatory and repetitive critique so far on the case study in question, our virgin roads still appear abandoned thereby keeping most of the vehicles in abeyance. What about the drivers and the innocent passengers that had been crippled or rendered useless while many had embraced the forbidden six-feet due to the consequence of the above leakage?
A ruthless and utterly abhorrent system. A system where the interest of the masses appears to be at the bottom line. A system where billions of naira owned by the entire citizenry are being siphoned into a personal wallet. A system where only few benefits from the national cake. Still, the deceitful elements or so-called nationalists appear as advocates of unity. Though, some are interested and ready to embrace abnegation, but, influence remains a forsaken cankerworm. Brethren, hour of deliverance! And, nobody would be exempted, including me. Yes, we all must be delivered. Believe me, it’s a fact. A fancy fact. Lest I forget, we still have an enormous task ahead of us in this edition. Let’s ride on.
Traffic lights and flyovers are means through which traffic problems are restricted or avoided. In other words, they are instruments that are used to fight traffic crimes or aberrations on the roads which they are situated. Traffic lights are usually found either on cross junctions or T-junctions, while flyovers are mainly found on cross junctions. The latter enables vehicle users to operate both on and above the road because it’s a structure which carries one road above another, while the former, as a programmed digital instrument, instructs vehicle users on when to pass in, or cross to a particular direction.
Thus, lack of the above devices contributes immensely to an increase in traffic congestion on our roads. For instance, a driver of a certain vehicle may decide to cross a junction without considering traffic rules and regulations because of the absence of a traffic light on the junction in question. This would result to motor accident due to collision because the driver of another vehicle coming from the adjacent side of the junction may or would like to cross the junction without minding the presence of other vehicles. In this case, every driver becomes a traffic determinant. For years, the manual/human traffic control system had been in use. But, this is ancient and insufficient. I bet you, the human traffic system wouldn’t be enough/ efficient to control the traffic or maintain the traffic regulations. Even at that, let’s save our human resources from the ongoing state of fathomless stress. This and more traffic problems are experienced or encountered on our roads on daily basis.
However, having stated the above traffic problems or contingencies, you will agree with me that, if the rate and major causes of motor accidents is/are to be noted or considered by the government, the lack of traffic lights and flyovers would be given as the only answer.
Traffic lights and flyovers should be situated on various junctions in all the towns/cities in Nigeria, including the federal roads. If traffic lights are installed on the various junctions, the vehicles will cross as at when due. Also, construction of flyovers would enable vehicles coming from two sides of a cross junction to move on top of the road, while others would move on the normal axis, the ground level thereby paving ways for the pedestrians. In some cases or areas, people on foot are being asked to walk on the flyover while the vehicles would use the normal road level, as the case may be. Thus, massive introduction of both devices will surely ease traffic congestion on our roads.
On the other hand, the governments should ensure that, the dilapidated ones on our various roads are totally revived for the sake of humanity. Most of the traffic lights on the roads, likewise the flyovers, are just there as monumentary equipment/structures. They ought to be revived; our roads should not be left naked or being abandoned. We shouldn’t forget that, this problem directly affects every occupant of the country. We should continue to say no to ignorance because it’s a deadly disease. Take for instance, the ‘Almighty’ Niger bridge is dying gradually and fast approaching the forbidden six-feet. Should we allow the old man die like a mere ant. Isn’t it disgusting? Yes, it’s jaundiced!
The residents of some areas in Nigeria where traffic lights and/or flyovers are intensely recognized experience non/less traffic problems. Therefore, both the federal and state governments should kindly include this project in their respective budgets/agendas to ensure that their respective areas are free from traffic imbroglios.
The implementation of the above measure will drastically improve traffic rules and regulations thereby reducing the level of incessant traffic congestion on our roads. The government should therefore take a tangible step to see that this project is actualized. The Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC) ought to be an advocate of this crusade.
Creating an organized and beautified nation should be our watchword. Our society should be deeply imbued with it’s occupants’ desires.
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