By His grace, this edition will take time to analyze the aforementioned tools exclusively. Yes, I call them tools because both are working instruments. But the difference remains that, the former is regarded to be used by the ‘Almighty’ while mankind uses the latter. Please don’t be in haste. There’s still much time to talk about it. Like I promised, I shall be discursive in my analysis.
Fate is a power believed by some people to control everything or whatever that happens on earth, or to them. In other words, someone’s fate is anything that happens to him/her. On other hand, based on the context of this edition or analysis, faith is a strong religious belief some people have towards their creator; or towards the efficacy/supremacy of their creator.
Let’s commence with fate. Those things that happen to you, or anyone/anything around you either mysteriously (without symptom) or with symptom(s) are what we regard as fate. Your fate are the things that happen to you which you cannot control or stop. This is where nature comes in. of course, you know one can’t cheat nature. Rather, it (nature) is meant/bound to cheat you when it’s necessary. That is, no matter how powerful you are, always remember that you’re one of the subjects of nature. And this is where supremacy comes in.
Yes, in any environment one may find himself, he must be subject to one of two supreme beings. These supreme beings could be earthly. But above the earthly ones, there lies the most ultimate/superior one who’s regarded by most people as the heavenly. It’s this unseen heavenly being that can give an answer to one’s fate. Honestly most individuals, irrespective of their religious affiliations, believe in the existence of this most high being. Though, only few/some believes in fate; many are yet to acknowledge the efficacy of the tool. This is where the context of this edition lies. Let’s ride on!
Brethren frankly speaking, fate exists. Sometimes in life, we encounter one of two circumstances that seem to be mysterious to us. That is, a circumstance no one can explain why or how it took place. This also has a link with destiny. For instance, if you’re destined to be an engineer but you keep on dreaming of, or struggling towards becoming a medical doctor; along the line, you may be faced with bunch of failures. At this circumstance, one is liable to say that you’re under the influence of fate. Most times some people misinterpret it; some may see such scene as a curse whilst some sees it as lack of focus/seriousness. But don’t forget, fate plays a very vital role in our various pursuits or endeavours. So most misfortunes or accidents are attributed to fate, while some are attributable to carelessness, lack of determination (zeal), or curse. If fate is behind any circumstance you might be facing, always bear it in mind that, such situation is for your own merit, and nothing less.
Let’s usher into faith. This has to do with the trust we have for our creator. If you truly trust one, you will always rely on him regardless of the situation. Thus, there’s no faith without trust. In other words, trust begets faith. For one to embrace fate to the fullness, he/she must learn to be faithful. If you’re being surrounded by a certain unfavourable fate, the only way to overcome it is by being faithful to your supreme being. You’ve to challenge Him with faith. It’s the only key that can open any door locked with fate. Even prayers are not enough. Believe me, no amount/degree of prayers can withstand fate if such prayers are not accompanied with faith. True faith gives optimism, enthusiasm and above all, near-perfection. So we should learn to accept our fate in good faith at all times.
Even if a misfortune is attributed to some spells, challenge it with faith. This shows you acknowledge that your creator or supreme being could fight/act on your behalf. Your only contribution to such battle ought to be prayers coupled with extreme faith. No matter the intensity of the curse or misfortune, faith shall grant you happiness at the end. But mind you; if the spell you’re passing through is due to your past wrong/evil deeds, then an extra sacrifice would be required. This is where total repentance comes in. Yes, you must admit to desist from those acts. Such approach is known as practical remorse, and it’s the first step. The second step lies in seeking for forgiveness from the person you must have wronged. Then lastly, sincere prayers and faith shall shower you with eternal deliverance.
Whenever you embrace faith, you must be filled with an inspiration that, your creator can change your unfavourable fate for good at any time; or that, any new thing can manifest in your life within a twinkle of an eye. So you don’t have to be doubtful. You shouldn’t allow the event of the past to weigh you down if you truly acknowledge the efficacy of faith. Yes, it’s written already in the holy Bible (Isaiah 43: 19-21) according to the Christian virtue, “Do not cling to events of the past or dwell on what happened long ago. Watch for the new thing I am going to do. It is happening already; you can see it now! I will make a road through the wilderness and give you streams of water there. Even the wild animals will honour me; jackals and ostriches will praise me when I make rivers flow in the desert to give water to my chosen people. They are the people I made for myself, and they will sing my praises!”
Above all, faith is also the feeling of one’s confidence in someone/something’s ability or goodness. Even the married couple should exercise faith for each other if they really desire a progressive and fruitful relationship. More so, this is the only way they can overcome any temptation encountered by their institution (marriage).
Honestly, fate and faith are two fancy facts that we are meant to embrace at all times. Acknowledge them, and you shall see that the Lord is good!
Friday, 20 September 2013
Thursday, 19 September 2013
Hired Masquerades (poem)
A true impedimenta
To the continuous
Fantastic societal approach
Stipulated by
The African giant
To embrace the promise-land.
Were you hired or
You hired yourself?
Well, not really necessary.
The fact remains,
Hire is in question.
The most complicated scene;
Still the fact
That you are
Part and parcel of
The struggling society.
I wonder,
You willing agreed
To be
Among the notorious
And exploitable work force.
You are not just
A speech impediment
But a major impediment
To the societal economic growth.
Behind the bars
Ought to be
The only resting arena
For your pessimistic ego.
A true impedimenta
To the continuous
Fantastic societal approach
Stipulated by
The African giant
To embrace the promise-land.
Were you hired or
You hired yourself?
Well, not really necessary.
The fact remains,
Hire is in question.
The most complicated scene;
Still the fact
That you are
Part and parcel of
The struggling society.
I wonder,
You willing agreed
To be
Among the notorious
And exploitable work force.
You are not just
A speech impediment
But a major impediment
To the societal economic growth.
Behind the bars
Ought to be
The only resting arena
For your pessimistic ego.
Tuesday, 17 September 2013
Rumour dissemination
According to BBC English dictionary, rumour can be described as “a piece of information that may or may not be true, but that people are talking about.” That is, if something is rumoured to be true, people are suggesting that it is true but they do not know for certain.
The way through which people live by the above phenomenon is really becoming a devastating scenario. There are several situations that could lead to the practices, such as idleness, enmity, rivalry, illiteracy, envy, to mention but a few.
Someone who is idle will have many things to say than to do. Therefore, idle people go a long way disseminating information which they are not too sure of thereby feeding their listeners’ minds with fallacies, because they have nothing better to do or to be occupied with. This dances to the tune of the popular citation that says, “An idle mind is a devil’s workshop.”
Also, someone’s enemy can pollute the minds of the populace by formulating a false information that can tarnish his/her image. And the recipients of such information will definitely have an intimation of it.
Thirdly, if two or more persons or organizations are in the same type of business/work, they are automatically rivals to each other; especially when their businesses are situated at the same location. Thus, any of them can come up with a propaganda that may be published or broadcast, to reduce the reputation of the other(s) so that they would be placed ahead of them. This routine is often used by the politicians to disqualify or discredit their antagonists.
Fourthly, the illiterate ones among the recipients of any propaganda will easily be convinced. This will enable the news to be more widely spread since any society must have a concentration of the illiterate or uneducated ones. On the contrary, the educated ones would like to take a second look at the information thereby creating avenue for thorough scrutiny; though some of them may be hired by the propagandists.
On the other hand, if you are being envied by some persons, your name will always be mentioned during most of their gatherings. They will say all sort of things about you including the fake/false ones that may stain your reputation. The funniest part of this idiosyncrasy is that, the people who fabricate/make such loathsome statements may not mean any harm; their intention or basic interest may be to prove to others that they know much about you. The fake news would be solely propagated by them. The art of ignorance! This set of people can be referred to as the men of the underworld. The aforementioned phenomenon often occurs between a star and his/her fans.
Any of the above factors that contributes to rumour dissemination can lead to gossip in all nooks and crannies of any given society. Gossip, which is one of the masses’ major occupations can also be referred to as a rumour which its content may or may not be true.
Going by the above stated facts, one can boldly consider the popular saying that says “In any rumour, there is an atom of truth” as an illusion, since one can easily propagate an information on a matter that had never existed. On this note, I urge us to rather agree on the fact that in any rumour, there must be a trace of truth; and not “atom of truth” as it’s widely noted. For instance, one who graduated from the same department with you in a certain university may propagate a rumour that you used to be a cheat in the examination hall. This may be a lie against you; apparently, there’s no any atom of truth behind it. But the trace of truth remains that you used to be his coursemate. This trace of truth is what would attract the attention of anyone who receives the information. The fact is that, some of the recipients of the rumour will automatically see it as a truth while some will definitely give it a second thought, which is the art of individual differences.
Please the actors of this scandal should desist from it and think of how to turn a new leave. Let’s always remember that, “what goes around comes around.” To the idle minds; according to the Holy Bible, Sirach 19: 6-9 says, “Avoid idle talk and you will avoid a lot of trouble. Never repeat what you hear and you will have no regrets. Don’t tell it to your friends or your enemies unless it would be sinful to keep it to yourself. Whoever hears you will take note of it, and sooner or later will hate you for it.”
Secondly, the recipient of any rumour should always be conscious of the fact that, in any rumour, there may not be any atom of truth; but there might be a trace of truth. Furthermore, Sirach 19:10, 13-16 says, “Have you heard a rumour? Let it die with you. Be brave! It won’t make you explode. If you hear that a friend has done something wrong, ask him about it; maybe it’s not true. If it is true, he won’t do it again. If you hear that a neighbour has said something he shouldn’t, ask him about it. Maybe he didn’t say it. If he did, he won’t say it again. If you hear something bad about a friend, ask him about it; it might be a lie. Don’t believe everything you hear. A person may say something carelessly and not really mean it. Everyone has sinned in this way at one time or another.”
Brethren, please it’s high time we threw this menace to the bush. Enough of these inconsequential bickering. Think about it!
twitter: @fdnnwaozor
BB PIN: 2B0209C8
According to BBC English dictionary, rumour can be described as “a piece of information that may or may not be true, but that people are talking about.” That is, if something is rumoured to be true, people are suggesting that it is true but they do not know for certain.
The way through which people live by the above phenomenon is really becoming a devastating scenario. There are several situations that could lead to the practices, such as idleness, enmity, rivalry, illiteracy, envy, to mention but a few.
Someone who is idle will have many things to say than to do. Therefore, idle people go a long way disseminating information which they are not too sure of thereby feeding their listeners’ minds with fallacies, because they have nothing better to do or to be occupied with. This dances to the tune of the popular citation that says, “An idle mind is a devil’s workshop.”
Also, someone’s enemy can pollute the minds of the populace by formulating a false information that can tarnish his/her image. And the recipients of such information will definitely have an intimation of it.
Thirdly, if two or more persons or organizations are in the same type of business/work, they are automatically rivals to each other; especially when their businesses are situated at the same location. Thus, any of them can come up with a propaganda that may be published or broadcast, to reduce the reputation of the other(s) so that they would be placed ahead of them. This routine is often used by the politicians to disqualify or discredit their antagonists.
Fourthly, the illiterate ones among the recipients of any propaganda will easily be convinced. This will enable the news to be more widely spread since any society must have a concentration of the illiterate or uneducated ones. On the contrary, the educated ones would like to take a second look at the information thereby creating avenue for thorough scrutiny; though some of them may be hired by the propagandists.
On the other hand, if you are being envied by some persons, your name will always be mentioned during most of their gatherings. They will say all sort of things about you including the fake/false ones that may stain your reputation. The funniest part of this idiosyncrasy is that, the people who fabricate/make such loathsome statements may not mean any harm; their intention or basic interest may be to prove to others that they know much about you. The fake news would be solely propagated by them. The art of ignorance! This set of people can be referred to as the men of the underworld. The aforementioned phenomenon often occurs between a star and his/her fans.
Any of the above factors that contributes to rumour dissemination can lead to gossip in all nooks and crannies of any given society. Gossip, which is one of the masses’ major occupations can also be referred to as a rumour which its content may or may not be true.
Going by the above stated facts, one can boldly consider the popular saying that says “In any rumour, there is an atom of truth” as an illusion, since one can easily propagate an information on a matter that had never existed. On this note, I urge us to rather agree on the fact that in any rumour, there must be a trace of truth; and not “atom of truth” as it’s widely noted. For instance, one who graduated from the same department with you in a certain university may propagate a rumour that you used to be a cheat in the examination hall. This may be a lie against you; apparently, there’s no any atom of truth behind it. But the trace of truth remains that you used to be his coursemate. This trace of truth is what would attract the attention of anyone who receives the information. The fact is that, some of the recipients of the rumour will automatically see it as a truth while some will definitely give it a second thought, which is the art of individual differences.
Please the actors of this scandal should desist from it and think of how to turn a new leave. Let’s always remember that, “what goes around comes around.” To the idle minds; according to the Holy Bible, Sirach 19: 6-9 says, “Avoid idle talk and you will avoid a lot of trouble. Never repeat what you hear and you will have no regrets. Don’t tell it to your friends or your enemies unless it would be sinful to keep it to yourself. Whoever hears you will take note of it, and sooner or later will hate you for it.”
Secondly, the recipient of any rumour should always be conscious of the fact that, in any rumour, there may not be any atom of truth; but there might be a trace of truth. Furthermore, Sirach 19:10, 13-16 says, “Have you heard a rumour? Let it die with you. Be brave! It won’t make you explode. If you hear that a friend has done something wrong, ask him about it; maybe it’s not true. If it is true, he won’t do it again. If you hear that a neighbour has said something he shouldn’t, ask him about it. Maybe he didn’t say it. If he did, he won’t say it again. If you hear something bad about a friend, ask him about it; it might be a lie. Don’t believe everything you hear. A person may say something carelessly and not really mean it. Everyone has sinned in this way at one time or another.”
Brethren, please it’s high time we threw this menace to the bush. Enough of these inconsequential bickering. Think about it!
twitter: @fdnnwaozor
BB PIN: 2B0209C8
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