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Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Recent political tempo in Anambra


Brethren, thinking about the future is a form of escapism. And, escapist stories concentrate on pleasant issues and are often intended to entertain an audience rather than involve them in complex or severe themes. Furthermore, an escapist thinks a lot about imaginary things thereby paying less attention to issues at hand. Believe me, there’re more issues attached to life than we presume.

A long life retributive vendetta could be gruesome, but that shouldn’t call for pandemonium among the concerned citizenry, rather, it ought to create an avenue for profound meditation which would surely lead to absolute sanity. Of course, we all know that sanity remains the sole pathway to any proposed societal/individual growth.

Lest I forget, today’s edition focuses solely on Anambra which remains one of the ancient provinces in Nigeria, ‘the giant of Africa’. Currently, the province (state) in question is being faced with high political tempo in line with the forthcoming gubernatorial election scheduled to be held on November 16, 2013.

Few days ago, one of my old time friends who resides in Holland, whom happens to hail from Anambra State called me on phone to verify the exact countenance of the ancient state as regards the aforementioned election. Candidly, albeit humourously, I told him that the state was receiving intense maltreatment from its subjects due to variety of interests.

By origin, I’m from Imo State, or a fully fledged Imolite; but interestingly almost twenty two percent (22%) of my Nigerian friends, if I’m not mistaken, hail from Anambra State, and this was what prompted my innermost motivation to present this piece. Above all, I’ve known right from my childhood, or as a toddler, that Anambra is a neighbouring state to my home state (Imo); thus, both are like sisters from the same mother. In other words, whatever affects either of the states, negatively or positively, has the tendency to affect the other. Let’s ride on!

According to the records lying on the desk of the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), the election in question would be accommodating four substantive contestants ranging from Chris Ngige, Ifeanyi Uba, Willie Obiano to Tony Nwoye whom are affiliated to the All Progressives Congress (APC), Labour Party (LP), All Progressive Grand Alliance (APGA) and the Peoples’ Democratic Party (PDP) respectively.

There had been numerous interests amongst the electorates regarding the personalities involved. This attribute is natural due to individual differences, because you shouldn’t expect everyone to dance to the tune of a particular candidate. But, the devastating aspect of these diverse interests phenomenon is that, a lot of the people concerned has chosen to embrace escapism thereby throwing realism to the dustbin.

In some quarters, I learnt the people are not widely in acceptance with the APC which remains Ngige’s political umbrella, whilst some of them believe Uba can trade on them if given the chance because they’re of the view that he possesses the mentality of a typical ‘Igbo’ tycoon who believes his money can acquire anything he desires. On the other hand, a faction believes Obiano is ‘Peter Obi’s boy’ therefore his paramount stride if he becomes the governor would be to protect Obi’s interests which would resurface the evil occurrence of god-fatherism in the state; and above all, it (the faction) sees the candidate (Obiano) as an inexperienced politician. Among all, considering PDP as one of the running parties, most of the electorates are immensely occupied with a view that Nwoye’s emergence as the state’s governor would create another avenue for the party’s reign of impunity as it’s allegedly noted by most Nigerians.

At this juncture, I sincerely urge the entire Anambrarians to wake up from their respective slumbers and embrace reality to the fullness if they truly want a genuine transition in Anambra come November 16. On this note, everyone is expected to pocket his/her selfish desire and reconsider what the state as a whole stands to benefit from anyone who happens to succeed the present governor. Thus, the interest and well-being of the entire state ought to be placed first before any other can come up.

For the above note to be upheld, the electorates must concentrate on individuality of the candidates’ idiosyncrasies, therefore, they’re expected to reason and vote as individualists. They ought to individually, not collectively, access the accomplishments and unique qualities coupled with background of each of the contestants; and while doing this, must not allow him/herself to be influenced by any external force/tool. So, you shouldn’t be an inertia.

Brethren, let’s inculcate the habit of embracing profound meditation especially at this moment of political trial. Don’t be an accomplice, and never you allow that miscreant to succeed. The ball is wholly lying in your court. Mind you, do not be deceived by a faรงade. Think about it, while I continue praying for Anambra!



Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Inflation on the Rampage


Have you ever taken time to study the Nigeria’s market sector? Well, as for me, I’d severally taken my precious time to digest the sector with respect to the galloping pattern of the prices of goods and services, inter alia. Without mincing words, the last time I checked, the scenario was quite more devastating and alarming. An observation/research that almost took my life due to a social haemorrhage I abruptly suffered from. Thank God for my resilient posture afterwards.

Lest I forget, do you like smiling? As for me, a sincere smile remains the greatest idiosyncrasy that would be witnessed or dished out by mankind. But, try to imagine a situation whereby your smile ceases to showcase or has been seized by something or someone else. Apparently, such could be deadly if I’m not mistaken. Pardon the digression, though, it was consequential. Let’s ride on!

Previously, I did a work on ‘sadism’. And, in that piece I unequivocally stated that, sadism is when one drives pleasure (excitement) seeing others being hurt, or, by hurting other people. I must tell you; what we’re yet to acknowledge is that, sadism could be classified into several numbers. In this edition, I sincerely promise, I’ll take time to throw more light on that. Please don’t be in haste because we’ve a long distance to cover as regards this edition.

Penultimate two weeks, I got a message on my e-mail address/account from one of my female fans who happened to mail from Aba in Abia State, Nigeria. After her appreciation both in retrospect and in anticipation in regard to my writing prowess and stride, she urged me to do a work on the ongoing abrupt rise of commodities in our various markets, with the view that it was a deadly scene. Honestly, she sounded bitterly concerning the anomaly. You needed to see the mood of the message; it bore asperity.

Brethren, as you can see, we’re discussing the ugly trend (inflation). I wish to commence with a finite and concise definition. Inflation is a general increase/rise in the prices of goods and services in a country. Here, my paramount interest lies in the general causes of the market ill, taking Nigeria as a case study.

Firstly, inflation could be instigated by high fuel price. A rise in petroleum products is a pathway to inflation since all the existing vehicles use all the products as the case may be, as their energy source. It’s no longer news that the commodities in the markets are being transported from one place to another before they arrive at their final destinations; and the transportation in question is by the aid of the aforementioned vehicles. So, if the prices of fuel and/or other petroleum products rise, it would as well negatively affect the cost of transportation thereby resulting to general rise in prices of all commodities.

Secondly, high import duties fee had also been noted as one of the most causes of inflation in Nigeria. In most cases, the charges imposed on imported goods are at the high side. The price at which the goods are sold to the final consumers bears the consequence of such ruthless act. This syndrome is often attributed to lack of patriotism amongst the consumers, which mostly leads to low Gross Domestic/National Product (GDP/GNP)

Thirdly, the negative impact of lack of power supply on Nigeria’s industrialization sector cannot be overemphasized. Suffice to say that, the anomaly has caused an enormous damage. Often times, the existing firms in the country operate with their respective power generating sets (machines). The prices of the manufactured goods accommodate the burden of such discouraging scenario.

Inter alia, greed cannot be left out when discussing the issue of inflation in Nigeria, and other African countries in general. In numerous occasions, the sellers dubiously impose overwhelming prices on the goods just to suit their selfish interest. This dubious act of the sellers, if properly checked, had constituted the greatest nuisance in our markets.

At this juncture, I urge the concerned authorities to do something drastic towards putting this menace to the history book. To begin with; by now, Nigeria ought not to be discussing incessant rise in fuel price. This simply means, we’re still living in the past. On the other hand, fees attached to import duties should be made affordable or reduced to the barest minimum by the apt authority; I know, the Nigerian Custom Service is answerable to such actions, therefore, it has a greater role to play here. In the same spirit, the Nigeria’s power sector ought to be wholly privatized to create room for rivalry which would ensure greater productivity in the process.

Above all, considering greed, I suggest that a distinct agency should be set up by the government to continually monitor the prices of goods and services in our existing markets. I’m also of the view that, the Consumers’ Protection Commission (CPC) has a very cogent impact to make in this aspect. In the same vein, the law makers should enact a formidable law stating that anyone caught in any dubious act as regards inflation ought to be arraigned by a mobile court and if found guilty, should be meant to face a capital punishment.

All hands must be on deck to ensure that, this absurd aberration that had succeeded in seizing our smiles is brutally murdered, because the panacea lies in our hands. Or, would you like your precious smile to cease for eternity? Think about it!




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