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Tuesday, 19 November 2013

The Socio-Cultural Encyclopedia of the Nigerian Society


I’ll ensure that this edition would have nothing to do with diatribe as long as it lasts, so that, I wouldn’t mess up our entire joyous mood. Of course it’s no longer new in the system that the utmost desire of mankind is to remain a happy creature. In other words, we all dream, thrive and above all fight to embrace happiness. If yours is exceptional, let us know. And if such case holds, then I would tell you unequivocally that, such person is not human. Even animals in the thick forest pray to be delighted with their respective daily thrives.

As I was going through a certain social media, twitter precisely few weeks ago, I encountered a brief statement that was reportedly made by one of the American drone warriors, Mick Krever. He said, “America wants an antiseptic war… The reality is that, nothing is clean.” Having received the tweeted message, I smiled tentatively. Please don’t act like one who has been inundated by overflowing lake. In other words, do not allow your sense of reasoning to be overwhelmed by this paragraph; though you might be astonished. Thus, see it as a mere digression. Meanwhile, let’s proceed!

Today we’re discussing the need to launch the socio-cultural encyclopedia of the Nigerian society. Let’s take it bit by bit till we arrive at the full or exact meaning of the topic because I can’t afford to see you being lost.

According to BBC English Dictionary, an encyclopedia “is a book or set of books in which many facts are arranged for reference, usually in alphabetical order. Whilst in this edition, according to the author’s mindset or based on its context, an encyclopedia is something that is very full, complete, and thorough in the degree of knowledge or information that it has. On this note, part of the topic “…socio-cultural encyclopedia of the Nigerian society” means, the complete and thorough socio-cultural endowments or know-how of the Nigerian society.

Brethren, the complete Nigerian socio-cultural endowments can also be referred to as a book. Then if that case or opinion holds, in other words we’re discussing the “book” that contains the complete knowledge of the Nigeria’s socio-cultural system. Though the aforementioned book might seem “invisible” because it’s still in the pipeline; but I tell you, we’re really discussing a comprehensive book.

On the other hand, a launch is an activity in which a new product or newly completed project is being made available to the entire public. Apparently, this edition is informing us on the need to launch this book, so that, the entire public and the world in general would feel its impacts.

Universally, Nigeria is richly blessed with enormous cultural heritage. But it’s so pathetic that most of these endowments have been abused greatly. To be precise and concise, Nigeria as an independent country is made up of over two hundred and fifty (250) ethnic groups; and each of these groups is tremendously blessed with various socio-cultural heritage. This simply means that if well summed or estimated, we would discover that Nigeria is loaded with several thousands of cultures.

These cultural heritage include dancing, masquerading, dressing, hunting, wrestling, moulding of sculptures, just to mention but a few. Frankly, it’s time we harnessed these heritage because I’m strongly of the opinion that, it would contribute immensely to the nation’s internally generated revenue. Therefore, I’m urging us to see it as a potent potential revenue source. Above all, I’m also of the view that if properly addressed, it would help to foster a formidable unity among Nigerians.

Just like when a book is being compiled, either by a sole author or group of authors; it would be thoroughly edited by an experienced editor before it would be published. During the editing process, the unwanted tenses or words are bound to be eliminated while the useful ones would be left to stay or better still, enhanced. In the case of editing this socio-cultural encyclopedia, the editors required are men, whom were groomed in both anthropological and historical skills because we don’t need one who would create a stigmata of ineptitude. They’d be expected to look inwards and see those cultures that are not useful or relevant to our god gifted society thereby eliminating them; and discover how the useful ones ought to be promoted as well.

All hands is needed to be on deck to see that this fantastic dream is actualized because this anticipated launch is long overdue. Thus, we need to launch into this activity immediately. The apt government authorities, captains of industries, non-governmental organizations, well-meaning individuals inter alia, should work both collectively and individually to ensure that this sector that would intensely boost our tourist industry is thoroughly considered and enhanced. Most importantly, the law makers are expected to enact relevant laws that would affect this proposed crusade positively.

Without mincing words, we’ve put a damper on this “book” that ought to had been launched long ago. But it’s better late than never because we still have the time and resources to restore normality. The book mustn’t continue to be kept in seclusion. Let’s launch it!

Honestly if we embark on this campaign, I bet you in no distant time, Nigeria would be one of the countries to reckon with in terms of tourism. It’s only a-day old child that’s yet to know that tourist industry if well harnessed, remains one of the greatest revenue sources in any nation. There’s urgent need for diversification; we must not continue to reckon on oil and gas industry. Who knows, one day this so-called oil might vanish.

Mind you, we don’t need a war, not even antiseptic one, to ensure that this project is accomplished if truly we want to end up embracing happiness or moment of euphoria which remains the greatest desire of mankind. In a nut shell; a holistic approach rather than hostility, is required. Think about it!




Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Controversies & Controversial Controllers


My last encounter with one of mine bosom friends who I’ve known for ages to be a vocal and vulgar personality ushered in an abrupt moment of thorough meditation to my ever-sensitive senses. He confided in me and told me that the leader of one of the social organizations he happened to be a member was an “intelligent he goat”. Being a leader, the expression blew up my listening pleasure because I was immensely shocked over the degree of vulgarity utilized by the fellow. In order to suit myself, I embraced it as a humour. But on the contrary, he proved to me beyond any reasonable skepticism that that wasn’t a joke by presenting some convincing facts before me. What a world!

I grinned enthusiastically at a certain melodrama I ran into at one time. The scene had to do with an old man who was threatening his younger brother over a certain land dispute they were having. In the midst of the threat, he told him that, if not that he was his blood brother, he would had killed him long ago and convey his corpse to a thick forest. It was preposterous, and humorous too.

Let me face today’s topic squarely. You would bear me witness that, presently, the African continent in its entirety has been overwhelmed by the incessant occurrence of fathomless socio-political controversies coupled with controversial personalities. It’s only he, whom has been observant that would agree with this opinion. Whichever group you might belong, have it in mind that, my interest lies in the way forward because I’m of the view that we all are earnestly yearning for total uplift of the god-gifted continent.

Brethren, the origin of the ongoing pandemonium in African society is discernible. Frankly, myself have discerned it to the fullness. And, any discerning individual would agree with this notion. Honestly, virtually every member of the public is not quite attuned to the ‘origin’ in question; believe me, everybody bar myself seems to be ignorant of this fact. This was why I intended to use this avenue to inform the populace and as well tender the sole panacea to the anomaly.

Firstly, I want to let us know that, Africa is one great race bound by a distinct and remarkable colour. In spite of the fact that few were not privileged to possess that colour, it’s still noted globally as our common identity. And each of the individual countries that makes up the continent is being bound by this unique identity or endowment.

The paramount plight of each of these countries mentioned above is the inability of their respective leaders to acknowledge the single fact that, the country is made up of individuals of common heritage and blood. They cease to desist from the excessive love of themselves at the expensive of their subjects. This singular syndrome has been responsible for the ongoing societal decay in the polity in question, thereby constituting these incessant cacophonies and unending fracas. If only our leaders would understand that we’re of the same blood, then, these socio-political prejudices which I see as a pandemic anomaly would be a thing of the past.

Most of us end-up derailing tremendously especially when a crucial responsibility is entrusted to us. Being a controller ought not to be seen as a privilege to set the entire vicinity you’re bound to control ablaze. Have it in mind that one, whom has been called to serve in a certain position of authority, significantly and apparently has been found with no questionable character and worthy of emulation; thus, should not on any account consider abusing such impeccable honour or privilege.

Come to think of it; why must we see ourselves as people that are not of the same blood? I asked this because I know that the genesis of our predicament is the fact that we find it very difficult to see ourselves as one. Even if we’re not of the same blood or identity which I know for sure that we are, the only avenue we can actualize unity is to assume that fact. There’s no two ways about it.

Sincerely, that unique famous colour (black) is our identity, and that’s our blood; it runs in our respective bodies. The earlier we embrace that fact the better for us. That is the only fact that can liberate us from this heinous bondage, because, no one in his/her right senses would ever think of hurting or destroying his own blood. All in all, Africa is our home, therefore we must all work together to protect its dignity. Yes, synergy coupled with absolute sincerity is the best avenue, and we must embrace it.

My fellow leaders, we really need to readjust our countenances so we wouldn’t be stigmatized by our subjects. We must not continue to operate in isolation in order to hide our dirty lilies, else, they would be left with no choice than to address us as “he goats”. Think about it!




Sunday, 10 November 2013



Centre of unity

For any

Given domain.

Ideas and arts

Produced in a

Particular domain.

Dramatic display

Of the peoples’

Pattern of existence.

A fantastic pepperoni

On a place

Peopled by a particular

Group of people.

Just like a cumin

Sprinkled on

A baked bread.

Oh, truly a

Phenomenal phenomenon!

Just as old as

The existing world.





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