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Monday, 28 July 2014

Promiscuity Amongst Mankind

Greetings brethren. I’m immensely glad we’re all looking happier today. Prior to this moment, I was wondering how our countenances would seem like. Apparently, I can see for myself that our physiognomies are indeed joyous which could be due to the marathon prayer section I personally embarked on previous night.
Frankly, life remains the most difficult examination in existence. Many people often fail because they tend to copy others, not realizing that everyone has a different question paper. It’s so pathetic to note that many have woefully failed the exam as a result of ignorance. Nevertheless, we shall continue to glorify the Almighty for His mercy. 
Few days ago, I embarked on a business trip to Enugu, the Coal City - Nigeria. On reaching the ‘New Market’ arena situated at the metropolis, I sighted a scene comprising what seemed like a melodrama taking place about six metres away from the cab I boarded. A certain lady in her late thirties was severely molesting (attacking) another lady that appeared younger than her. As a Public Affairs analyst as well as a Social activist, I decided to take a walk to the exact point or the stage where the drama was taking place the moment I stepped out of the cab.

Having separated the ladies involved with the help of the other concerned citizens around, the attacker who seemed advanced in age was asked to tell the gathering what actually prompted the fight. In my greatest surprise, the lady in question made it known to us that the other lady had succeeded in snatching her ‘beloved husband’ from her. Isn’t it amazing? What a world!
Honestly the present nature of bickering among the ladies or the women folk, which is mainly attributed to the high level of randy nature of the men folk, is really getting crazy and out of hand too, therefore requires a drastic measure towards ensuring that the societal deviance is duly eradicated. Of course it is a cankerworm that negatively affects virtually everyone; thus ought to be examined closely in earnest.
Promiscuity is an act of keeping many sexual partners by a man or a woman for the aim of satisfying his/her libido. In other words, a promiscuous being or creature is one who enjoys ‘sleeping’ or having sex with more than one person; or, a person who can never be satisfied sexually by only one man or woman as the case may be.
If I may ask; why should one enjoy having sex out of wedlock, talk more of having more than one sexual partner? For crying out loud; is there any iota of fun attached to sex? You and I know fully that, sex was introduced into the world by the creator Himself for the sole purpose of procreation. If there is any other thing, outside procreation, you have discovered in sexual acts, please feel free and contact me; I’m always at your service. Let’s ride on!
Come to think of the married ones; can someone tell me the essence or the fun attached to extramarital affairs? Please I’m urgently awaiting a sincere response as regards this enquiry. It is even more devastating to witness a situation where a married woman indulges in it. One may end-up tagging it, albeit ignorantly, as a competition between the men and women folks. Isn’t it ridiculous? Well, I’m just thinking aloud.
I’m of the view that this societal menace widely known as ‘promiscuity’ could be attributable to spiritual, social or psychological factors. The spiritual part of it has to do with when the man or woman in question is passing through a certain spell. I’ve told you time without number that, a spell or curse works if the victim or the person involved is guilty of what prompted the spell.

Take for instance; a guy who was caught sleeping with a married woman may be cursed by the purported husband of the derailed woman that, he would continue to sleep with many women including the married ones till his death. Believe me, such spell invariably works unless the victim was later forgiven by the person who casted the spell on him.
On the other hand, the social or psychological aspect of the anomaly (promiscuity) is often as a result of influence. The kind of friend one mingles with have the tendency to change him/her either for good or bad. The late famous philosopher, Carl Marx, said ‘Environment determines the action of the mind.’ I concur with him. The victim of such circumstance may eventually sees promiscuity as a worthwhile act, if his/her contemporary were made up of bunch of social deviants.

 It is therefore needless to state that all hands are expected to be on deck to ensure that this level of blasphemy that has profoundly robbed our noble society is taken to the history book. The governments, religious bodies, non-governmental organizations, civil societies as well as well-meaning individuals have a quota to contribute in this regard.
Or, do we fold our hands and watch our ‘innocent’ polity being taken away by mere ants? I’m also using this avenue to urge the members of this worthless confraternity to earnestly borrow a new leaf. And to those who are nurturing interest to join the uncalled chorus; please don’t waste your precious time copying others, because in this life, everyone is faced with a different question paper. Think about it!


2014 World Hepatitis Day (Aired Newstalk)


No sensible man boasts of anything if his health condition is at stake. Suffice to say; a healthy life remains the most precious possession that ever comes to a man in this whole world.

In the world today, there are millions of illnesses or diseases in existence coupled with the ones that seem to have no specific cause or cure. Among these diseases, some are often referred to be stubborn regarding their cure while some are seen to be deadly. No doubt, hepatitis is one of those stubborn or deadly illnesses in existence.

Hepatitis is a medical condition which is defined as an inflammation of one of the most vital organs in the human body known as the liver. It is usually characterized by the presence of inflammatory cells in the tissue of the organ. The inflammatory condition can be self-limiting or can heal on its own; but on the contrary, it can progress to fibrosis or cirrhosis.

Hepatitis may occur with limited or no symptoms, but often leads to jaundice, poor appetite, and a feeling of unease. It is referred to as acute when it lasts less than six months, and chronic when it persists longer. Globally, hepatitis viruses are the most common causes of the condition, but hepatitis can as well be caused by other infections, autoimmune diseases, or toxic substances such as alcohol, certain medications, and some industrial organic solvents and plants.

Initial features of acute hepatitis are of non-specific flu-like symptoms, which are invariably common to almost all acute viral infections, and may include fatigue, muscle and joint aches, fever, nausea diarrhoea, vomiting, and headache. More specific symptoms which could be present in acute hepatitis from any cause are, profound loss of appetite, aversion to smoking among smokers, excretion of dark urine, and abdominal discomfort.

A small proportion of people with acute hepatitis usually progress to acute liver failure, in which the liver would be unable to remove harmful substances from the blood thereby leading to confusion and coma due to hepatic encephalopathy. The acute liver failure may also result to the production of blood proteins which often leads to peripheral edema and bleeding.

More so, a chronic hepatitis, which is commonly identified through blood test, is usually characterized with no symptoms at all. It often leads to the presence of jaundice which indicates advanced liver damage. On physical examination, there may be enlargement of the liver. In the same vein, women with autoimmune hepatitis mostly experience abnormal menstruation, lung scarring, inflammation of the thyroid gland and kidneys.

Apart from the aforementioned two major classes of hepatitis, it is invariably grouped, and recognized by medical experts, based on its common causes. On this note, the different types of hepatitis in existence that are widely recognized include, Viral hepatitis, Alcoholic hepatitis, Toxic and drug-induced hepatitis, Ischemic hepatitis, Giant cell hepatitis, just to mention but a few. The most common causes of viral hepatitis are the five unrelated hepatotropic viruses known as hepatitis A, B, C, D, and E viruses.

Today, the world over is commemorating the World Hepatitis Day. The event, which is observed on July 28 every year, was inaugurated by World Health Organization (WHO) under the auspices of the United Nations (UN) to raise global awareness on hepatitis or a group of infectious diseases known as Hepatitis A, B, C, D, and E, and to encourage the prevention, diagnosis, as well as the treatment of the disease.

The first global World Hepatitis Day was marked on May 19, 2008 through the effort of the World Hepatitis Alliance in collaboration with various patient groups. The commemoration received an international endorsement following the adoption of a resolution during the 63rd World Health Assembly held in May 2010. Though the date of the event was changed to July 28 of every year by the Assembly, in honour of the birthday of Nobel Laureate Baruch Samuel Blumberg – the man who discovered the hepatitis B virus.

There is an estimate that hepatitis affects hundreds of millions of people worldwide thereby causing acute or chronic disease and killing close to 1.4 million people every year. Currently, approximately five hundred (500) million people worldwide are suffering from either hepatitis B or hepatitis C. If left untreated or unmanaged, hepatitis B or C can lead to advanced liver scarring known as cirrhosis and other complications including liver cancer or liver failure.

While many people worry more about contracting diseases like HIV than hepatitis, the reality is that every year, at least 1.3 million people worldwide die as a result of either hepatitis B or C faster than they would in the case of HIV/AIDS. Needless to say that, hepatitis is indeed a deadly disease. Considering this fact, it is pathetic to note that many people are yet to realize that they are living with the disease.

Hepatitis groups, patients as well as advocates worldwide, take part in series of events on every July 28 to mark the World Hepatitis Day. The World Hepatitis Day is one of the eight official global public health campaigns that are being marked by the World Health Organization. As the world over marks the event today, there’s need for collective support as regards creation of awareness on this silent killer known as Hepatitis.

The World Hepatitis Day provides an opportunity to focus on actions such as:

 Raising awareness on the different forms of hepatitis, their common causes and how they are transmitted.

 Strengthening prevention, screening, and control of viral hepatitis and other related diseases.

 Increasing hepatitis B vaccine coverage cum integration into national immunization programmes.

 And lastly, though not the least, coordinating a global response to hepatitis.

At this juncture, it is of no need saying that, all hands are expected to be on deck towards ensuring that this killer disease that has been a societal menace for decades now is duly eradicated.


Public Affairs analyst & Social activist



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