Today June 5,
the global community commemorates the 2015 World Environment Day. The Day was
instituted by the United Nations’ (UN) General Assembly to raise awareness on
the dangers attached to the various environmental abuses worldwide.
Of course, no society is bound to thrive successfully in a polluted
environment or an environment filled with any form of pollution. Several
plights such as malaria, cholera, depletion of the Ozone layer, loss of
hearing, and what have you, as the case may be, being faced by mankind are
mainly attributed to environmental mishandling or abuses.
Pollution can be defined as the introduction of unwanted substances or
contaminants into the natural environment such as air, water and land, which
causes adverse effect on the lives of the occupants. In the same vein, noise
pollution is the disturbing or excessive sound that has the tendency of harming
the activity of human or animal life.
The sources of most outdoor noise worldwide are mainly machines to
include musical instruments, power generators, transportation systems, motor
vehicles, aircraft, and trains. Poor urban planning may give rise to noise
pollution since side-by-side industrial and residential buildings can result in
noise pollution in the residential areas. Similarly, indoor noise can be caused
by building activities or music performances, especially in some workplaces.
Though noise has been a thing of great concern to mankind for decades
now due to its devastating effect, but the recent dimension it has taken has
remained the most worrisome aspect of it, that, if drastic approach is not
taken to curb the anomaly, it is likely to degenerate into a more horrible
situation soonest.
One cannot conclude a discussion on the causes of the current proliferation
of noise pollution, particularly in Nigeria, without mentioning the uncalled
manner in which most individuals or corporate organizations make use of the
sound producing instrument known as loudspeaker. For instance, in most cases
you would see some of the new generational churches display their loudspeakers
not even within their church premises but along the street where the church in
question is situated, thereby generating series of cacophonies.
The pathetic one is a situation whereby an individual, especially a
youth would not enjoy listening to music in a low or decent tone unless the
volume of the sound system is at the maximum point. Without mincing words,
deriving pleasure from a noisy environment is not just a ridiculous attitude
but irrational and barbaric. The most annoying and worrying aspect of this
silly behaviour is that the person who indulges in such act is not only causing
harm to himself but to his/her entire neighbours.
Also, the noise being generated by the various domestic power generating
sets cannot be overlooked while discussing noise pollution. It is obvious that
currently virtually every family or bachelor in Nigeria could boast of at least
one electricity generator owing to the alarming rate of power instability/failure
in the country; in other words, some families have up to two or three in their
possession. Statistics show that over sixty percent (60%) of the aforementioned
persons/families live in one-room rented apartment; needless to say that the
power generators in their possession are being ignited either at the balcony of
their houses or directly behind their windows.
The adverse effect of noise pollution or noise disturbance cannot be
overemphasized. High noise levels can contribute to cardiovascular effects in
humans, a rise in blood pressure, an increase in stress and vasoconstriction,
and an increased incidence of coronary artery diseases. In animals, noise can
increase the risk of death by altering predator or prey detection and
avoidance, interfere with reproduction and navigation as well as contribute to
permanent hearing loss.
Noise pollution affects both health and behaviour. Unwanted sound can
damage one’s psychological health status. In addition, noise pollution can
cause hypertension, high stress levels, tinnitus, and sleep disturbances, among
other harmful effects. Sound becomes unwanted when it either interferes with
someone’s normal activities including sleeping and conversation or when it
disrupts/diminishes one’s quality of life.
In human beings, chronic exposure to noise may cause noise-induced
hearing loss. Older males exposed to significant occupational noise demonstrate
more significantly reduced hearing sensitivity than their non-exposed peers,
though differences in hearing sensitivity decrease with time and the two groups
are indistinguishable by age 79. Noise pollution also contributes to annoyance.
As the world over commemorates the World Environment Day, we are
expected to contribute our respective quotas, individually or collectively, towards
curbing the ongoing various environmental abuses, especially misuse or
mishandling of acoustics. Noise pollution can be alleviated in many ways.
Roadway noise can be reduced by the use of noise barriers, limitation of
vehicle speeds, alteration of roadway surface texture, restriction of heavy
vehicles, use of traffic controls that smooth vehicle flow to reduce
unnecessary braking and acceleration, and enhancement of tire designs.
Similarly, aircraft noise can be reduced by using quieter jet engines as well
as altering flight paths and time of day runway.
Inter alia, people ought to be advised to make use of an earpiece
headphone that has sound filter while listening to music or radio through an
ear speaker. They should also be meant to understand the real beauty behind
listening to music in a low tone or the health implications of high sound. More
so, the churches should be sensitize on the appropriate way of channelling
their sound systems during church service or worship hours. On the other hand,
the ongoing incessant use of siren by various public office holders must be
monitored by the appropriate quarters or authorities.
Most importantly, there is a compelling need to implement a legal
backing regarding alleviation of noise pollution. Such measure would be
targeted to mandate the owners of power generating sets to construct a
mini-house for the said machines in order to profoundly reduce the sound being
generated by them. Generally, the proposed law would create an avenue whereby
any one or organization found abusing the use of any sound equipment or any
machine that produces sound would be brought to book. Think about it!
(The Media Ambassador)