Protracted diseases are diseases
or infections that last for a very long time in the body of the carrier, which
usually last as long as the patient lives. They include cancer, HIV/AIDS,
diabetes, hepatitis, ulcer, asthma, obesity, pile, brain turmoil, fibroid,
tuberculosis, hypertension, stroke, arthritis, rheumatism, cardiovascular
diseases, failure of an essential organ such as the liver, kidney, heart, lung,
just to mention but a few.
Undoubtedly, in recent times, protracted diseases or chronic infections
have been the order of the day that if adequate and drastic measure is not
taken towards curbing the menace, it is liable to render the entire labour
force of the Nigeria’s population vulnerable in no distant time.
Though, currently the number of patients coping with chronic conditions,
particularly for cases involving HIV infection and some malignancies, seems to
be growing due to improvements in treatments, but it is worthy to note that the
medical morass really constitutes a severe and colossal societal nuisance among
To say the least; patients with chronic medical conditions may provoke
feelings of anxiety and professional inadequacy. The condition in question may
also become an emotional burden on the clinician or physician who is exposed to
the cumulative suffering and losses experienced by the patients as well as
their families and well-wishers.
The psychological trauma attached to the life of anyone suffering from a
protracted disease cannot be overemphasized especially when the carrier is not
adhering to the appropriate routine as regards treatment. For instance, a study
of women with breast cancer discovered that those who sought alternative treatments
had higher levels of psychological morbidity; the pursuit of such treatments
might thus indicate the patient’s distress rather than their well-being.
More so, recognizing that the condition has progressed and that the
patient is approaching the terminal phase of their disease may be distressing
for staff who have known the patient well. In this case, the staff or health
personnel may be reluctant to relinquish more aggressive treatments. This is
more worrisome in a situation involving an elderly or aged person.
Sometimes the side effects of some treatments might lead to anger and
frustration. These feelings may be mediated by an emotional reaction to changes
in the patient’s body as well as symptoms, but may also be the direct result of
the effect of the treatment on the patient’s mood. Similarly, patients who are
angry, demanding or resentful may engender powerful feelings of rage in their
Although adherence to prescribed treatments may improve the course of a
protracted disease, the physician cannot confidently promise the patient a
greater success. In some diseases such as diabetes, impairment may still occur.
Compliance to treatment may be poor even in patients who had undergone an organ
transplant. Whichever treatment measure a patient is passing through, there is
need to acknowledge that adequate rest, constant physical exercise, or regular
intake of clean water, as the case may be, could be helpful.
The worst of all is that, if proper care is not taken, a protracted
illness might result to a more delicate situation to include, a more severe
impairment, an acute mental disorder, total paralysis, or even the death of the
patient, based on the nature of the disease in question. According to the World
Health Organization (WHO), survey indicates that protracted disease like cancer
caused about 8.2 million deaths or 14.6% of all human deaths in the year 2012:
this implies that in near future if a drastic approach is not taken, cancer
cases alone might be responsible to over twenty percent (20%) of death rate in
the world.
Since most protracted diseases are obviously incurable, it is worth
noting that the best approach required towards addressing the anomalies is by
avoiding their possible causes, which are mostly behavioural risk factors.
Medical analysts are of the view that chronic infections are mainly not
unconnected to stress, bad weather condition, poor environment, tobacco intake,
alcohol, unprotected sex, consumption of unclean water, inadequate physical
exercise, unwholesome diets, untreated infection, lack of regular medical
checkup, or drug abuse, as the case may be.
Against this backdrop, there is
no gain saying that we are meant to, at all times and at all cost, be extremely
mindful of our lifestyle, or whatever we eat or drink. Among all, there is a
pressing need for us to see our doctor whenever we notice any abnormality in
our body as well as check the expiring date or validity of any drug or food we
intend to take. No doubt, this is the only way we can boast of a life free from
any health complication. As the saying goes, ‘Prevention is better than cure.’
On the other hand, all the
medical experts taking care of patients living with protracted/chronic diseases
ought to endeavour to inculcate hopeful mindset in them. They are expected to
make the patients understand that they can live as long as they want provided
they stick to the rules given to them.
And in our respective capacities,
we should let anyone around us that is suffering from such illness or any related
predicament to see despair as the worst sin ever. By so doing, we will live to
experience a society filled with contented individuals regardless of the
circumstance. Think about it!
(The Media Ambassador)
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