Literacy, according to BBC English Dictionary, is ‘the ability to read and write’. Over the
years, there have been several definitions of literacy by various schools of
thought. In some quarters, it is described as a fundamental right and a
foundation for lifetime learning, better well-being and livelihoods.
Surely, literacy is a driver for
sustainable and inclusive development. It is a tool for personal empowerment
and a means for social and human development. In the same vein, it is an
instrument of empowerment to improve one’s health, income and his/her
relationship with the world.
Literacy is at the heart of basic education
for all, and essential for alleviating poverty, eradicating child mortality,
curbing population growth, achieving gender equality, as well as ensuring sustainable
development, peace and functional democracy. Thus, educational opportunities
and other academic prowess depend solely on literacy.
Honestly, we need to be able to read and write in order to get through
our basic daily tasks or activities, such as writing a shopping list, gaining
admission into any school, and securing a job opportunity. No doubt, literacy
opens up a window of opportunities to every one of us; and it is very essential
to our individual and national developments.
Since it is only a literate community otherwise known as a dynamic
community that has the ability to exchange ideas and engage in debate, it is of
no need saying that literacy is the only tool that can guarantee a healthy and
hearty living, and an encouraging development among mankind.
Illiteracy, however, is an
obstacle to a better quality of life. As a societal cankerworm, it has yielded
several uncalled and inconsequential stigmatizations among humanity, both in
the past and present, thereby leading to series of unimaginable and uncontrollable
violence or crises.
Undoubtedly, several people in the world have derailed in their
respective pursuits owing to illiteracy. An illiterate person, whom is
considered as a vulnerable being, is exposed to numerous maltreatments or
abuses, including humiliation, stigmatization, molestation, intimidation,
extortion, drug abuse, just to mention but a few.
Frankly, the dangers of illiteracy cannot be overemphasized; it has led
to several social, economic, cultural, religious, and political mayhems at
various levels of human endeavours. Unequivocally, illiteracy has subjected
humanity to uncountable vices, and has remained the major cause of the
increasing rate of abject poverty as well as several severe illnesses which
often result to the death of the victims.
Taking cognizance of the fact
that over 775 million adults in the world lack minimum education, coupled with
the acknowledgement of the real dangers of illiteracy in any society, the
commemoration of the International Literacy Day came into existence by the
effort of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
The International Literacy Day was proclaimed on November 17, 1965 by
UNESCO; it was first celebrated in 1966. The aim of adopting the initiative was
to highlight the importance of literacy to individuals and the international
community at large; and to raise public awareness on the extraordinary value of
the written words coupled with the necessity to promote a literate society.
Tuesday September 8, the world
over is commemorated the 2015 International Literacy Day as stipulated by the
United Nations (UN). It is a day that calls for the promotion of literacy at
all levels in order to totally eradicate the lingering dangers of illiteracy
across the globe.
For over sixty-six (66) years, UNESCO has worked tirelessly and
relentlessly to ensure that literacy remains a priority on national and
international agendas through its formal and non-formal literacy programmes
worldwide. Till date, the organization is earnestly striving towards realizing
the vision of a literate world for all.
Part of the Millennium Development Goals regarding Universal Education
is aimed at ensuring that every human being, especially a child, has the
opportunity to make a better life. Unfortunately, too many children in the
world today grow up without this chance because they are denied their basic
right to even attend nursery or primary school.
Lessons learnt over recent years
have shown that, meeting the goal of universal literacy calls not only for more
effective efforts but also for renewed political wills, and for doing things
differently at all levels – locally, nationally and internationally,
irrespective of the challenges that might be faced.
As Nigeria joins the rest of the world to commemorate the annual Int’l
Literacy Day today, we are expected to contribute our quota towards ensuring
that everyone around us understands the essence of having a literate society
which would go a long way to tackle the various dangers of illiteracy that is
earnestly tarnishing our socio-economic image. The time to act is now. Think
about it!
(The Media Ambassador)Executive Director, Centre for Counselling, Research
& Career Development - Owerri