The Students’ Industrial Work Experience
Scheme (SIWES) – a skill acquisition programme designed to expose and prepare
students of universities, polytechnics, monotechnics, as well as colleges of education
for the industrial work situation they are likely to encounter after graduation
– has been on the decline for decades now that it is liable to go into extinction
in no distant time if drastic measure is not taken towards addressing the
lingering anomaly.
SIWES was initiated to be a planned and
supervised training programme based on specific learning and career objectives,
and geared toward developing the occupational competencies of the participants.
It is generic, cutting across over 60 programmes in the universities, over 40
in the polytechnics/monotechnics, and about 10 in the colleges of education.
Hence, it is not meant for a particular course of study or discipline. Since
inception, it is being reckoned to be an innovative phenomenon in human resources
development in Nigeria.
While some institutions and disciplines
permit SIWES’ duration for only three to six months, others go for up to one
year. The programme, which permits the affected students to seek for Industrial
Training (IT) or Teaching Practice (TP), as the case may be, in any
establishment of their choice, has ab initio been a cause of concern to
education and economic planners, particularly with respect to graduate
employment and impact on the general societal development. There are equally
mixed feelings concerning how much of it that is actually helpful to students’
academic performance and job readiness after graduation.
Whatever positive impact the SIWES has
thus far created on the students’ well-being and the society at large, the truth
is that the primary purpose for which the programme was established has recently
been relegated to the background. The prevalence of the inability of SIWES’
participants to secure employment after the pragramme, or even perform adequately
if eventually employed, casts doubt on the continuing relevance of the
programme to the contemporary industrial development drive in the Nigerian
society. This obvious lapse isn’t unconnected with negligence and/or apathy on
the part of the trainees, trainers, concerned institutions, and the government.
noteworthy that most of these students dodge the programme. They prefer
indulging in activities that would fetch them money to going for the technical
knowledge. To this set of individuals, partaking in the industrial programme is
simply a waste of time and energy. In view of this misconception, when the
programme is meant to take place, you would see them participating in all sorts
of inconsequential menial jobs, or even gambling and what have you, just for
the aim of raising some cash. This growing mentality of placing money before
knowledge has contributed immensely in endangering the prospect of the laudable
who bring out time to participate in the programme, are prone to one challenge
or the other. It’s worth noting that greater percentage of the trainees is not paid
by the establishments in which they are serving, not even stipend. Hence, they
would end up making use of their personal funds to service their transportation
and accommodation fees. It’s more worrisome to realize that most of these
trainees are overused by the firms; rather than teaching them the needful, the
supposed trainers would engage them in unnecessary activities, thereby making
them lose interest in the training.
Worse still, most of the concernment
institutions don’t cough up time to supervise the students in their respective
places of assignment. Ridiculously, in most cases, the schools would remain
ignorant of where the students are undergoing the training till the duration of
the programme is over. This very loophole has over the years served as an
advantage to those who never participated in the programme. In this case, during
the SIWES defence, the affected student would claim to have undergone the
training in any establishment of his/her choice, and the supposed supervisor
would never bother to ascertain the truth.
Inter alia, funding of the SIWES hasn’t been
encouraging in recent times. The Industrial Training Fund (ITF) – a body
responsible in the day-to-day funding of the programme – currently appears
incapacitated, perhaps owing to lack of adequate allocation from the government
and other financiers. Sometimes, the students would be deprived of the
statutory allowance they are entitled to after the programme. Those whom were
lucky to receive theirs had to wait for a long time.
The SIWES is obviously yearning for
resuscitation. The present state of moribund experienced by the scheme can only
be properly addressed by revisiting the Acts that bind the programme. Such step
would enable every authority involved to start seeing the initiative as a
priority towards the anticipated economic diversification. The said Act should
categorically specify what is expected of the trainee, trainer, school, as well
as the government as regards the sustenance of the scheme. Similarly, there’s
need for a relevant law enforcement agency that would penalize or prosecute any
It’s indeed high time we revived this
technical-oriented initiative whose motive truly means well for nation
building. This can only be actualized by changing all the flat tyres that have
succeeded in crippling the journey. Think about it!