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Tuesday, 13 June 2017

Opinion I Today June 13 is, Int'l Albinism Awareness Day

Today, June 13, the world over is commemorating the 2017 edition of the International Albinism Awareness Day. On Wednesday 19th of November 2014, the General Assembly of the United Nations (UN) adopted June 13 each year as the International Albinism Awareness Day via a historic resolution. June 13 was chosen because it was on that day in 2013 that the UN adopted its first ever resolution on albinism.
Albinism is a genetic deficiency of melanin pigment production in which the carrier, either a person or animal, possesses very white skin, white hair and pink eyes. It is usually inherited as an autosomal recessive condition. The carrier of the syndrome is generally regarded as an ‘albino’.
In albinism, a number of different chromosomes are involved, depending upon the type. There are two major classes of albinism, namely; Oculocutaneous albinism and Ocular albinism. Oculocutaneous albinism affects the eyes, hair and skin, whereas only the eyes are affected in Ocular albinism.
Approximately one in seventeen thousand (17,000) persons worldwide has one of the types of albinism. It is noteworthy that, albinism can affect any race and has been extensively studied in other animal species like mouse.
Visual plights are a significant feature of albinism. In albinism condition, melanin is reduced or could be totally absent in the eye, skin, hair as well as the brain, thereby causing mal-development of neural pathways related to vision. Abnormalities in cone morphology have also been detected in the fovea. More so, severe nystagmus, photophobia, strabismus, and reduced visual acuity are common features.
The precise appearance of an albino depends on which syndrome or condition that’s involved. Medical analysts are of the view that people with albinism have red eyes, but the colour of the iris varies from a dull grey to blue or even brown. In albinism condition, a brown iris is common among ethnic groups with darker pigmentation.
Under certain lighting conditions, there is a reddish or violet hue that reflects through the iris from the retina and the eyes then appear red, similar to the red eye in flash photography. In some types of albinism, the red colour can reflect back through the iris as well as the pupil.
Diagnosis is based on careful history of pigment development and an examination of the skin, hair and eyes. The only type of albinism that has white hair at birth is the OCA1. The most accurate test for determining the specific type of albinism is a genetic test, though the test is useful only for families that have individuals with albinism. Hence it cannot be performed practically as a screening test for the general population.
None of the available tests is capable of detecting all the mutations of the genes that cause albinism. And, responsible mutations cannot be detected in a small number of individuals and families with albinism. Optical coherence tomography can be a useful adjunct in cases of OCA, which display atypical features.
Ophthalmologists and optometrists can help people living with albinism to compensate for their eye problems but they cannot be cured. Astigmatism is the most common eye problem across all the subtypes of albinism, whilst there is a high frequency of hypermetropia in OCA1A patients. However, ordinary glasses or bifocals with a strong reading correction may serve well for many people with albinism.
For photophobia, dark glasses or photo-chromic lenses are recommendable. There is no proof that dark glasses will improve vision even when used at a very early age, but they may improve comfort. Recent advances include contact lenses with a special iris tint and clear pupil area as well as bi-level telemicroscopes fitted on to patients’ prescription spectacles.
Albinism can be prevented, though could be expensive for low-income families. Gene testing can be used to determine if a foetus has albinism. Amniocentesis is performed at 16 to 18 weeks of gestation. But, those considering such testing should be aware that, if given proper support, children with albinism can function well despite considerable visual handicap and also enjoy normal lifespan. Hence, the UN calls on all stakeholders to use this day to take action that would end stigma, intimidation, humiliation, attacks, and all forms of discrimination against persons living with albinism worldwide.
So, as Nigeria joins the rest of the world to commemorate the International Albinism Awareness Day, we are expected to take action by indulging in, but not limited to, the following: inviting a local organization of persons with albinism to address our respective institutions; creating discussion forums in our workplaces on how we, both individually and collectively, can contribute towards ending the discrimination experienced by persons with albinism through our own belief systems; encouraging our friends, associates, relations, and/or employees, as the case may be, to spend reasonable time with the various societies of persons with albinism in order to assist them in addressing discrimination, among other uncalled treatments; as well as sponsoring a local radio, television or print media campaign on June 13 to raise awareness about the rights of persons with albinism.
The last time I checked, an average albino in the contemporary Nigerian society was earnestly yearning for special treatments in some cases or sectors including classrooms, elections, and what have you. Our various schools at all levels ought to endeavour to provide them with enabling materials during learning sections; they should also be allowed to sit at the front. The INEC must equally ensure that they are given preferential treatments such as allowing them to cast their votes first as well as granting them adequate sensitization prior to the polls.
The law makers, on their part, are required to pass a bill that would thoroughly address all the challenges being faced by albinos in Nigeria with a view to actualizing a country where fairness and equity are seen as its watchword. Free or subsidized medical treatments for the albinos, as the case may be, should equally be considered in the proposed bill. Think about it!

Comrade FDN Nwaozor
Executive Director, Docfred Resource Clinic - Owerri
Twitter: @mediambassador 


Opinion II Yesterday June 12 was, World Day Against Child Labour

On Monday, June 12, the world over commemorated the 2017 World Day Against Child Labour. The day was launched in 2002 by the International Labour Organization (ILO) to focus attention on the global extent of child labour and the action needed to eliminate it.
This year’s anniversary focuses on the impact of conflicts and disasters on child labour. Conflicts and disasters have a devastating effect on people’s lives. They injure, maim, and kill, as well as force people to flee their respective homes, destroy livelihoods, push people into poverty and starvation and trap them in situations where their basic human rights are violated. Children are often the first to suffer as schools are destroyed and basic services are disrupted. Many children are internally displaced or become refugees in others countries, and are particularly vulnerable to trafficking cum child labour.
Each year on 12th day of June, the World Day Against Child Labour brings together governments, employers, NGOs and civil society as well as millions of well-meaning individuals from around the world to highlight the plight of child labourers and what can be done to help them.
Child labour refers to the employment or engagement of children in any work or activity that deprives them of their childhood rights, interferes with their ability to attend regular school, and that is mentally, physically, socially or morally dangerous and harmful to them. It can also be described as a full-time employment of children who are under a minimum legal age.
Child labour is globally considered as an exploitative practice. Many international bodies describe it as an inhumane act. Legislations across the world prohibit it with extreme passion, that, it is widely regarded as a societal monster. Though, these laws do not consider all work by children as ‘child labour’; exceptions include, work by child artists, supervised training, and certain categories of work such as those common among indigenous American children, among other countries that are technologically inclined.
Prior to 1940, several children aged 5-14 worked in Europe, the United States of America and various colonies of European Powers. These children worked in areas including agriculture, factories, home-based operations, and mining. Some worked night shifts lasting twelve hours. Subsequently, with the rise of household income, availability of schools as well as passage of Child Labour laws, the rate of the incidence dropped tremendously.
In developing countries with high poverty and poor schooling opportunities like Nigeria, child labour is still prevalent that it requires a keen effort of the concerned authorities towards its holistic eradication. For instance, in 2010, Sub-Saharan Africa had the highest incidence rates of child labour with several African nations including Nigeria, Ghana, Kenya, and many others witnessing over fifty percent (50%) of children aged 5-14 involved in one or two uncalled activities.
Survey shows that agriculture is the largest employer of child labour worldwide. More so, vast majority of child labour cases is found in rural settings as well as informal urban economies; in this area, children are predominantly employed by their parents or guardians, rather than factories. Suffice it to say that child labour is fundamentally attributable to poverty and lack of education or illiteracy.
According to the World Bank, the incidence of child labour in the world decreased from twenty-five percent (25%) to ten percent (10%) between the years 1960 and 2003. Nevertheless, with the acknowledgement of the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and the International Labour Organization (ILO), recently by the year 2013, the total number of child labourers remained high involving about 168 million children worldwide.
During the Industrial Revolution, children as young as four were employed in production factories with dangerous, and often fatal, working conditions. In view of the recent understanding of the dangers attached to the use of children as labourers, presently it is considered by wealthy countries such as Germany, Japan, France, the U.S.A, et al, as a human rights violation, thereby outlawing its practice. Whilst, some poorer countries still condone child labour.
The last time I checked, an average Nigerian child was immensely crying for rescue, particularly in the areas of education, health and social welfare, just as a baby cries for a breastfeed. Child labour has succeeded in depriving a Nigerian child his/her rights or the basic needs of life like the aforementioned ones, just to say the least. It isn’t anymore news that the said menace is currently the order of the day in various parts of the country. 
It is noteworthy that, child labour has in recent times deteriorated appallingly in Nigeria. The one that has degenerated into a fathomless eyesore is the ongoing alarming incidence of hawking witnessed on several major streets and roads across the federation. The most devastating aspect of this scenario is a situation where the children in question would be seen hawking their wares when they are meant to be in their classrooms. It is usually noticed that most of these child hawkers are under the care of their so-called guardians or relatives, unknowingly to their biological parents that their children are being subjected to such torture or life-threatening activity.
The type observed in the area of prostitution cannot be swept under the carpet whenever child labour is being discussed. In most occasions, female children are cajoled into prostitution by some pimps. The less-privileged parents would be told by the pimp, albeit deceitfully, that their children would be taken abroad for some lucrative jobs; they would also be informed that the children would be privileged to attend one of the best schools in the world.
Though in the contemporary Nigerian society it appears slavery has gone or is a thing of the past, when you take a painstakingly study of what most house-helps do in various homes in the country, you would observe that they are not unlike mere slaves. Some of them, aside being deprived of basic education or healthcare, end up functioning like camels in their respective places of assignments.   
As Nigeria joins the global community in commemorating this year’s edition of the World Day Against Child Labour, we are requested to do everything within our reach and humanly possible to ensure that poverty and illiteracy, which are the basic attributes of child labour, are drastically and thoroughly alleviated in our respective societies. We can achieve this by acknowledging that our voice and effort count regardless of the circumstance.    
The less-privileged parents, on their part, must always be conscious of the social status and occupation of who they lease their child to. They ought to use every means to ascertain the actual background as well as place of residence of the prospective benefactor.
More so, there’s a compelling need for the federal government to set up a formidable and reliable agency that would ensure a holistic enforcement of the Nigerian Child Rights Act. The Act needs to also be reviewed toward making amends where necessary.
Above all, there’s an urgent need for the governments at all levels to, in their various jurisdictions, make Children Parliament more proactive with a view to giving our children a thorough sense of belonging in the country’s ongoing democratic setting. Think about it!

Comrade FDN Nwaozor
Executive Director, Docfred Resource Clinic - Owerri
Twitter: @mediambassador


Monday, 5 June 2017

ShortStory II Unbelievable!

       “This is awesome!” Mezie exclaimed aloud, kept moving as he spotted a white Hummer Jeep that drove by while he was headed for a friend’s place of residence. “What a world.” He added in a low tone, shook his seeming big skull that had been drilled in the prison.
        Catching the sight of the magnificent and irresistible car instantly brought the memory of his lost ‘glory’, thus he subconsciously found himself in a sober mood in spite of the fact that he was trekking along a very busy major road, situated in the ancient city of Onitsha, Anambra State, Nigeria.
         It’s pertinent, and perhaps shocking to acknowledge that the 42-year-old Mr. Mezie Alozie was an ex-convict. He reigned for several years in Lagos State and beyond as an armed robber before he was duly convicted by a court of law of competent jurisdiction. While in the crime, he was recognized as a kingpin of a dreaded confraternity that majors in highway robbery and other related offences, and was throughout the ugly reign rated as a very successful young man by friends, fans and relatives whom were yet to realize what he actually did for a living.
         According to the said well-wishers, prior to when he was captured by the police, Mezie was an importer of repute that toured across all shores of Europe and its environs, particularly Germany, Italy and France as they were falsely informed.
         He enjoyed the outpouring eulogies and applauses from all and sundry who thought his overwhelming wealth was genuine, for over five years, till one certain afternoon when luck ran against him and his accomplices along Ikorodu road in the city of Lagos when they were headed for a bank robbery. On that fateful day, the police whom had gotten reliable information based on the proposed operation, descended on them on reaching the locality of the ‘blacklisted’ financial institution, and thereafter charged them to court for onward prosecution. It was obviously the end of the road for each member of the gang of five bachelors and two spinsters. Their respective assets were confiscated by the court immediately after the verdict regarding their conviction was served.
        He relocated to Onitsha the moment he was released from prison – one month back – having successfully served a six-year jail term, with a view to starting life afresh. He was actually sentenced to twenty-one-year imprisonment but owing to amnesty granted to him and his allies by the government of the day, he was lucky to have the scheduled duration of the jail-term truncated.
        As he walked along the busy road of Onitsha having caught the sight of the white Hummer Jeep, he kept wondering what the world was really made of and why man was created in the first place. In respect of his presumption, the universe only comprised wicked men, thus there was no need ensuring that mankind was created since his mission on earth didn’t mean well for the aforementioned vessel. He was actually linking the owner of the Hummer Jeep to his person considering the time he was still living a dirty life; he was deeply of the notion that an average man could do anything to grab wealth with the sole purpose of showcasing to the world that he has arrived, thereby creating unnecessary tension particularly in his immediate polity.
         He was therein seriously regretting his past life. He reasoned that if he had known what he knew at the moment, he would had channeled the wealth he acquired from armed robbery into charity and what have you, rather than using it to intimidate those that had nothing or little by showcasing all sorts of exotic cars as well as indulging in debauchery lifestyle. He concluded by concurring that life was just vanity and nothing more.
        Truly, he had come of sense going by the look of things. Assessing his overall thoughts in recent times coupled with this very one, it seemed his personality had metamorphosed for good.
       “This world is so funny.” He landed aloud as he eventually got to his destination being the lodge of his old-time friend, Emeka.
        Mr. Emeka Okoro had been Mezie’s pal from childhood but the former had never been involved in any criminal activity ab initio and had remained a resident of Onitsha till date. When the later was based in Lagos prior to his imprisonment, both kept in touch and Emeka never knew that he was into robbery – probably owing to distance – not until the news of his arrest went viral. Hence, Emeka was one of those who earlier believed that the dude was into importation. Since he came out from the prison yard, they hadn’t met, so this was supposed to be their first meeting.
        Immediately Mezie walked into Emeka’s apartment, the latter’s wife named Chiamaka who was graciously seated at the sitting room waiting to receive the awaited guest, recognized the former from afar. When Mezie walked closer to her, it became a clearer picture, thus she became convinced that her sight wasn’t deceived. “What!” she exclaimed in a low tone, hurriedly stood up and walked into her matrimonial room without minding to say even ‘hi’ to the long awaited august visitor.
        Mezie was embarrassed over her unannounced reaction, thus became so perturbed. “Why did your wife act that way?” he said, preoccupied with several presumptions.
        “I wouldn’t know.” responded Emeka who equally felt unease. “Please, sit down.” he managed to utter.
        “Thank you.” Mezie appreciated, sat on one of the sofas, still jittery and depressed.
       “Please, give me a second.” Emeka asked, raising one of his right fingers.
       “Okay.” quoth Mezie. “No problem.”
        On receiving the response, Emeka hastily left the parlour for the matrimonial room to meet with his wife. “What was the meaning of that?” he inquired from Chiamaka as soon as he stepped into the room.
        Chiamaka who was seated on the bed, shunned the query, remained thoughtful and moody.
       “Didn’t you hear me?”
       “Please, who are you?” she eventually broke the silence.
       “How?” quoth Emeka, bemused. “What did you mean by that?” He added, still standing.  
       “So,” said Chiamaka. “I have been living under the same roof with an armed robber?” She thought aloud.
      “How do you mean, angel?” He enquired, walked closer to her.
      “Please, don’t angel me.” She ranted furiously, stood up. “Tell me you are not an armed robber?” she supplemented hesitantly.
       “What a hell are you talking about?”
        Chiamaka had been robbed by Mr. Mezie Alozie alongside his gang in one of the revered supermarkets in the city of Lagos prior to meeting their waterloo. And therein, she could strongly recall his picture as if the incident transpired just the previous day. Intriguingly, her hubby never informed her that he was expecting an ex-convict; rather, he only told her that Mezie was a childhood friend who lost contact with him in recent times. So, the misinformation created a huge room for doubts and complication.
        “That man out there was the person who robbed me years ago in a supermarket.” She frantically disclosed. “The incident I told you about.” She added in a jiffy, madly sat on the bed again.
        “What…?” Emeka shouted, equally sat on the bed, and seemed deeply shocked.
         What transpired afterwards ought to be a narration for another day, so stay tuned. But, if you were in Chiamaka’s shoes, how would you handle the state of quagmire? Think about it!

FDN Nwaozor
-Novelist, Playwright & Poet- 
Executive Director, Docfred Resource Clinic - Owerri
Follow: @mediambassador            

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