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Saturday, 21 July 2018

TechDech II Building Collapse: Whither Nigeria's Tech?

Building collapse has conspicuously been a thing of tremendous worry in the contemporary Nigerian society over the last decade that only drastic attention is required towards addressing it.
The aberration – which has claimed hundreds of innocent souls, maimed thousands as well as rendered scores of families homeless – has caused a colossal harm to not just the engineering-technology sector but Nigeria at large. In some quarters, it has made most residents to now sleep with one eye open.
Statistics indicate that within the aforementioned period, countless buildings situated across Nigeria have collapsed unannounced. In March 2006, the top nine floors of a 21-storey building belonging to the Bank of Industry, located on the famous Broad Street – Lagos Island in Lagos State, caved in, killing two and injuring twenty-three others.
In August 2010, a 4-storey uncompleted building at Ikoli Street in Garki, Abuja brings the Federal Capital Territory’s name into the list, thus claimed not fewer than twenty-one lives and endangered nine.   
Survey reveals that between 2012 and 2016 alone, Nigeria recorded about fifty-four building collapse. Though the unfortunate situation is not peculiar to the country, its recent alarming rate calls for an apt and urgent attention.
First, we need to comprehend the rudimentary factors that constitute the societal menace. Building collapse is mainly attributed to substandard products, quackery, mediocrity, cheating, and/or soil texture cum topography, coupled with other environmental factors.
The dangers inherent in the use of substandard building materials cannot be overemphasized. These materials such as brick blocks, cement, sand, and rods, are not in any way meant to be used in constructing mere boys’ quarters let alone deploying their services in storey building constructions.
Regarding blocks, it’s either the cements used in the moulding weren’t good enough, or that the sand utilized was nothing to write home about. There are specified sands meant for moulding but most block industries don’t bother going for them, probably owing to the cost of conveying it to the moulding site.
Since people, especially those residing in cities are often in a hurry, they are invariably left with no option than to patronize such block firms as stipulated above, hence posing danger for the proposed structure.
Quackery and mediocrity cannot be left out. It’s worth noting, perhaps shocking, that most of those who claim to be structural engineers, architects, or what have you, never attended any engineering or architectural class even for a day let alone becoming professionals.   
They are just mere quacks parading themselves as chartered technologists. Pathetically, some of them who had the privilege to pass through a higher institution didn’t obtain the required training or expertise, thereby constituting structural defects when contracted to handle a certain building project.
A sound and qualified contractor is expected to thoroughly inspect the site for the proposed building, adequately advise the prospective landlord, tactically implement the project, complete it within a stipulated period, as well as know what to do while converting a mere bungalow to a storey building. When any of these professional functions is missing, it becomes a burden to the affected building.
Away from substandard products and quackery, soil texture or topography, as might be the case, has equally been a thing of great concern while discussing building collapse. Houses are usually built on swampy sites in reverie areas like Lagos and Port-Harcourt without carrying out the required preliminary design, thus leading to collapse in the nearest future.
The aforementioned type of land is not strong. They are sandy or loose, but contractors build on them using templates that are meant for better compacted lands. Sometimes the contractor would know what to do but rather than doing the needful, he would be only interested in his money or what he stands to gain as long as the contract lasts. This aspect of cheating or insincerity is currently on the rampage.
The Standards Organization of Nigeria (SON) in collaboration with the Nigeria Customs Service (NCS) must take a drastic and severe step toward ensuring that substandard materials are no longer smuggled into the country. The former should also properly regulate the locally made ones. 
On the other hand, relevant professional bodies, including the Council for the Regulation of Engineering in Nigeria (COREN) and Nigerian Institute of Architects (NIA), ought to employ a stiff measure towards addressing the crisis. When any building is under construction, they should endeavour to ascertain the contractor handling the project to ensure his credibility.
And, if a building falls, they must ascertain the root causes of the collapse and not hesitate to issue the apt sanction to the affected contractor if found guilty. They should equally go beyond sanctioning; any culpable individual ought to be arraigned, so that, he will face the wrath of the law.
Intending landlords are also advised to consult aptly whenever they intend to erect a building. Don’t just jump to any so-called contractor you find on your way. And if you succeed in contracting any, endeavour to confirm his/her authenticity by enquiring from the relevant authorities.
Qualified structural contractors, on their part, ought to feel free to consult their colleagues for any professional assistance when need be. And, they should always be research-oriented towards enhancing their expertise.
All in all, every structural professional mustn’t be reminded that foundations and pillars remain basic factors that determine the validity or wellbeing of any building, thus should be taken very seriously. Think about it!      

FDN Nwaozor
CEO, Docfred Technologies
Twitter: @mediambassador

Wednesday, 11 July 2018

ShortStory I Unforeseen Confession


       “The Lord is good!” Mr. Amakiri eulogized, looking at the sky while in his promising farmyard.
       “All the time!!” His son Kosarachi added excitedly.
         Mr. Amakiri was an industrious and well respected farmer in the whole of Umuokanne, the ancient community where he hailed from. Apparently, between 1982 and 1989 or thereabouts – the period when his name rang bell most – it was only a day old child that was yet to be conversant with the name ‘Amakiri’ whenever ‘farming’ was mentioned; needless to state that the name was synonymous with farming or agriculture.
        His prospect became astonishing that his Traditional Ruler, Igwe P.O. Duru bestowed on him ‘Eze–Ji I of Umuokanne’, which literally implied the ‘greatest yam producer in the land’ owing to the outstanding yam cultivation invariably witnessed in his various farmyards that consistently led to harvest of thousands of yam tubers annually.
        Clad in his not unusual farming attire in the company of his son Kosarachi who put on a hat made of a wick material, that fateful day Mr. Amakiri had gone to his farm as usual to inspect the growth of his crops. And luckily for him, they were doing very well. The aforementioned eulogy ‘the Lord is good’, which came as soon as they arrived at the farmyard, was as a result of the euphoria attached to the fascinating scene he just witnessed. They spent over thirty minutes admiring the flourishing plants as they painstakingly went across the four corners of the enviable farmyard.
       “Kosarachi, my son.” Mr. Amakari called tenderly while still taking a walk round the said farm alongside the chap who happened to be his only begotten child.
       “Yes Papa.” Kosarachi answered.
         It’s noteworthy that ‘Papa’ was, and still, the native way of addressing a father in Igboland, which was their place of origin.
         Mr. Amakiri stopped, looked at his son. “Do you know why I always bring you here?” He said while stationary.
       “You mean the farm?” verified Kosarachi who was also stationary.
       “Yes,” Mr. Amakiri said. “And the other farms.”
       “No Papa.”
       “Sit down my son.” He tenderly urged while lowering his waist to sit on the farmland.
         Kosarachi complied. Both of them quickly sat on the available farmland within their reach having used bunch of plant leaves to cover the nudeness of the ground.
       “I inherited this farm business from my late father,” He informed strongly.  “Omemgbeoji.” He added, referring to his late father’s name.
        They were facing each other and also closely seated.
       “Being his only son,” He rode on. “He wanted the best for me.”
         Kosarachi nodded twice in comprehension.
       “He always told me that he could not wait to see me being in charge of his farms.”
       “He really loved you, Papa.” Kosarachi insinuated.
       “Yes he did.” He asserted. “That’s why I did everything humanly possible to please him.”
        His son nodded. “Amazing.” He dished out, smiled.
       “Kosara, my son.” He reiterated.
       “Yes Papa.”
       “I want you to know that,” the great farmer whom was in his late fifties continued. “I always bring you here because I want you to understand everything about this farming business.”
         Kosarachi, a young man in his mid-twenties, became more attentive.
       “There’s more you need to know about this business.” Mr. Amakiri disclosed.     
       “Therefore, you must dedicate all your time to it.”
         His son nodded severally, remained calm.
       “Farming is a very lucrative occupation.” Mr. Amakiri enthused. “But it requires enormous time.”
         There was a brief silence.
       “Kosara nwa m.” He proceeded.
        ‘Nwa m’ implied ‘my son’.
       “Yes Papa.”
       “One day,” said Mr. Amakiri. “You will be in charge of all my farms.”
       “I know Papa.” Kosarachi chipped in.
       “That’s my son.” his father appreciated. “I know you will make me proud.” he added, smiling and paused. “Even in my grave.” He hinted.
       “But why all these, Papa?” Kosarachi supplemented, became perturbed.
       “Never mind, my son”
        At this juncture, they looked at each other passionately. “I want you to promise me one thing.” Mr. Amakiri hesitantly tendered.
       “What Papa?”
       “That you will remain serious-minded.”
       “Ah – Ah, Papa…” Kosarachi exclaimed. “Of course, I will always be a serious man.”
      “You promise?” His father verified anxiously, looking into his eyes.
      “Yes Papa.” He reassured confidently.
      “That’s my boy!” The zealous farmer excitedly exclaimed. “Is time to go home.” He suggested.
        The dude concurred, hence they immediately stood up and left for their abode.
        Two weeks later, being April 13, 1989, unfortunately Mr. Amakiri gave up the ghost owing to a snakebite that transpired right in one of his farmyards.
         Thereafter the burial, life became so unbearable to Kosarachi and his beloved mother that they hardly knew where and how to start as regards the farm business. But with their little knowledge and experience, they vowed to make the deceased person proud in his grave, which was all he ever prayed and worked for all through his lifetime.
        To be continued, please.

FDN Nwaozor
Executive Director, Docfred Resource Hub - Owerri
Twitter: @mediambassador  

Opinion II Fifty-Four Happy Cheers To A Quintessential Deputy Governor

The last time I checked, the Imo State Deputy Governor Prince Eze Madumere, MFR who I often refer to as quintessential graciously clocked 54 penultimate week. To the best of my knowledge, the new age metamorphosed precisely on 4th July 2017.
This piece is informed by the compelling need for Imolites both home and in the Diaspora, and of course the global community, to realize the reason the said celebrant deserves to be celebrated by all and sundry irrespective of our religious, social and political divides. The gospel truth remains that Comrade Fred Doc Nwaozor is not good in tendering eulogies, but usually loves to celebrate anyone whosoever truly worth celebrating.
Then if the facts must be appraised, I ought to wholeheartedly notify us that Prince Madumere obviously merits thunderous accolades at such occasion like this. Why? Because at 54, he had succeeded in accomplishing what millions of his contemporaries could not accomplish; at 54, he has proven to millions of his fans out there that he is indeed a man you can entrust with formidable treasures; at 54, he has showcased to the world that he is a leader with a difference. Above all, prior to the new age, he had already written his name in gold.
Space and time might not be enough, or permit me, to extensively bring to our notice why my person actually thought it wise to celebrate the Imo number-two citizen. Notwithstanding, I would try as much as I could towards doing the needful as long as this analysis lasts. The least I would think of, or attempt to indulge in, is to be economical with facts, knowing fully well that this column is conspicuously synonymous with such recipe (facts).
To start with, Prince Ezeakonobi Madumere is a good supporter. He remains one of the prime reasons the ongoing Rescue Mission Government led by Owelle Rochas Okorocha is flourishing by the day amidst tremendous challenges. It suffices to assert that he is a good back-up. Having him behind you, or by your side, is enough reason for you to be courageous, dogged, relentless and among all, passionate in whatever you strongly believe in. Little wonder the governor continues to thrive relentlessly.
Prince Madumere is a silent achiever. He does not blow his own trumpet; rather, he allows others to do it for him. I want us to note that this great man has done what Napoleon could not do within his short reign thus far as the Deputy Governor of the Eastern Heartland, but majority of the general public is yet to acknowledge this fact because the achiever in question does not make noise. He doesn’t believe in noisemaking. It suffices to say; he comprehends fully that it pays to strive in silence and allows your achievements to hit the drum.
The celebrant is a core humanitarian. He is a humanist of repute; a man who truly believes that everyone, regardless of his/her social background or status, deserves to be happy at all times. His membership in the Nigerian Red Cross Society (NRCS) is not a mistake because that is where he truly belongs. I’m a core Red Crosser; while in the university (FUTO) during my first degree, I became the Commandant of the aforesaid humanitarian organization. It’s needless, therefore, to state that I’m speaking from experience.
His humanitarian attribute is the only reason a man of his repute would always choose to mark his birthday in the midst of the downtrodden and even those suffering from leprosy. He marks his day like an ordinary individual, or just like a mere man on the street would do. Many others who occupy similar position would want to mark their birthdays with the high and mighty in the society, and such celebration would be heralded with about one-month preliminary activities coupled with inconsequential noisemaking.
Prince Madumere is synonymous with good luck. Whatever he is into, flourishes freely. I have taken my precious time to study his numerous associations with different events cum projects, and none ended up in shambles. For instance, each time he finds time to grace any football match played by the Heartland FC, the team would emerge victoriously at the end of the day. If you are still in doubt, you can do well and crosscheck your history book for onward details.
The celebrant is no doubt a humble, accessible and easy-going man. He is s gentleman everybody wishes to behold. Have you seen him walk? If your answer is No, then I urge you to take time to study his footsteps. Have you watched him speak? If your answer is equally No, then you as well need to start following his speeches. I put it up to you that a good leader is known by his words, or how he speaks.
Have you observed him whenever he attends events? He knows how best to reach out to every attendee in any formal occasion. Please, try and go closer to his person with a view to ascertaining these facts. If you do, you would be left with no other choice than to concur with my appraisal that the Deputy Governor is undoubtedly humility personified.
I can’t conclude this piece without letting us know that Prince Eze Madumere is a cheerful person. I have never seen him frowning or appear in a painful mood. If he has ever appeared in a soured mood, that should be in ‘the other room’.
You know women, sometimes, could make a happy man frown when his appetite is high for that delicacy that’s usually served in ‘the other room’? Moreover, he could also be in a painful mood while in burial ceremonies. But the fact remains that, under normal circumstances, the celebrant invariably grins.
It’s noteworthy that cheerfulness has a unique way of sending a message to the people around you; it gives them a sense of belonging; it makes them believe more in you; it shows them that you are a man/leader in whom they are well-pleased.
Believe it or not, cheerfulness can create a way where there is none. In other words, such idiosyncrasy ought to be one of the basic features of a leader; hence, it should be invariably bore by anyone who calls him/herself a true leader.
Please, permit me to drop my pen at this juncture. But before I do that, I wish to seize this golden opportunity to enjoin Imolites and beyond to join me in celebrating this Deputy Governor with a clear difference.
He may not be perfect but he is surely near to it, thus deserves our collective accolades and encomiums. Think about it!

FDN Nwaozor
National Coordinator, Right Thinkers Movement
Twitter: @mediambassador

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