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Monday, 30 September 2013

Criminality in Begging


The means through which the unhealthy poor masses or the handicapped live by the activity of asking other people for money or food has contributed immensely to the high level of corruption in Nigeria.

The main problem attached to this is that, it’s no longer practised by the people it’s meant for, rather it’s being practised by the healthy masses. The increase in the number of lazy bones in our society could be attributed to such ugly act because, healthy people that are meant to be occupied with many reasonable unskilled labours end-up as beggars due to hard times.

Many Nigerians disguise themselves pretending to be handicapped in order to earn for their living through begging. This is blasphemy! Sometimes I wonder if people still have some respect for their creator, or if they actually know that they were created by a certain supreme being. Even, in most cases, they leave their place of birth for elsewhere which may be located very far from their home, for the sake of recognition or any embarrassment that’s likely to arise.

One may ask if this country is dedicated to beggars because, even some of the healthy immigrants from the neighbouring countries trouped-in purposely for begging. On this note, I’ve started believing on one of the most popular philosophies that says, “Wonders shall never end!” We may even conclude that, if something drastic is not done to eradicate this demeaning act, we might wake-up one morning to see that the entire labour force in Nigeria had indulged in the menace.

Due to the above ridiculous act, begging can as well be referred to as one of the glaring handicaps to development, because most members of the productive class of the nation are into it. Believe me, the only way we could be productive and useful to this nation is by occupying our minds with what we can do for the nation, and not the reverse. By so doing, Nigeria would be rated as one of the most peaceful and God-fearing countries in the world. So let’s be productive instead of being destructive.

The handicapped could as well be productive if they can occupy their respective minds with the above statement. For instance, I was amazed the day I saw a man with only one arm mending foot wears in one of the federal polytechnics in the country. Besides, the famous sound producer and renowned musician, Steve Wonder, from the United States of America (U.S.A) is a blind man.

The aforementioned criminal act may be caused by misfortune, influence, or inadequate up-bringing of children. But above all, laziness ought to be held responsible as the major cause of the anomaly. Let’s ride on!

Someone may be influenced by his/her friend(s) to embark on begging by convincing him/her that, the business is more lucrative than any other business/venture one could lay his hands on, and it requires no capital. He/she will quickly join the chorus out of ignorance since it’s a capital-free venture and as well creates enormous income for the participants.

The entire members of a wretched home may embark on begging to seek for survival, due to lack of optimism. Also, some poor masses indulge in it because they think they are irrelevant and of no consequence in the society they belong.

If a child was born and bred up in a corrupt or indecent environment, he/she may decide going into begging because it requires no skill or capital, owing to the sense of reasoning of the people around him/her. This’s the reason a famous philosopher, Karl Marl of the blessed memory, says, “Environment determines the action of the mind.”

Laziness should be seen as the basic cause of this act because, those people would have considered doing any of the available unskilled labours within their respective societies (environments), but they intend not to struggle or do any stressful work to earn for their living.

The parents have a role to play here. They should endeavour to back-up their children’s up-bringing with sound religious background. They should from time-to-time ensure that, they feed them with strong religious/social quotations and statements that would encourage them to be ambitious, determined, and above all, optimistic irrespective of the circumstances they may be facing.

And to the people involved; please always dream of becoming a great man/woman in future because tomorrow may bring a total change in your life which might presently seem devastating. Take note of this; “Many are born great, many achieve greatness, whilst many have greatness entrusted upon them.” Thus, if you’re not born great, try to achieve it; but if you’re not equal to the task, always remember and ensure to have it at the back of your mind that, you might have greatness entrusted upon you. So never give up!

The existing Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) ought to constantly embark on massive seminars and workshops that would go a long way sensitizing the minds of the populace on the dangers of this barbaric attitude.

Above all, the concerned government authority should look into this overwhelming issue with the sole motive of eradicating the blasphemous act which is likely to pollute the mind of all the poor masses in near future. On this note, those who immigrated into the country with the aim of begging should be captured and deported to their respective countries of origin. This would help to minimize the level of corruption and human-trafficking on our roads.

Let’s come together and make Nigeria a better place to live. The criminals in question should also understand the fact that, ‘He who lives in a glass house doesn’t throw stone.” Think about it!





Saturday, 28 September 2013

Beauty of the Heart


It’s another bright day for brighter edition. This shouldn’t take our time because it’s safe-explanatory. Many have spoken on the issue of beauty. It’s time for me to speak. As an Apostle of God, my interest should be to tell you nothing but the truth. I must let you know that this is a critical issue that requires a critical approach.

Beauty is the state or quality of being beautiful. One or something is said to be beautiful when you find him/it very attractive or pleasant. You can also describe something that someone does as beautiful if it’s done very skillfully. In this edition, the context of the ‘beautiful’ we’re looking at lies in the former. On the other hand, one can be referred to as an angelic person when he/she is very good, kind and calm.

Going by the topic, you’ll agree with me that, personification as a figure of speech is into play or being utilized. That is, heart as an object was personified since angelic as a quality is only found among mankind. This is one of the reasons I called it a critical issue. Let’s proceed!

Yes, beauty can lie in the heart. That is, the heart could be beautiful. Here, the heart in question is that of human being. Thus, it (the heart) represents mankind. So for the beauty of the heart to be referred to as an angelic epitome, it means that it supersedes that of the facial outlook. Meaning that beauty of the face and/or skin is not enough to prove that one is truly beautiful. Angelic idiosyncrasies or endowments lie in the heart. It’s only one’s heart that can tell or prove to you how good, kind or calm he/she is. And these are the qualities of an angel. On this note, only one with such qualities could be said to be truly beautiful. Summarily true beauty is one of the qualities of the heart, and has nothing to do with the face, posture/stature, height, complexion, or nasal shape. Therefore beauty of the former ought to be of most concern to people instead of that of any of the latter. And this is where character comes in.

For over the years, many have derailed in search for true beauty because their only interest lie on facial beauty. Though facial beauty or countenance might be considered during such circumstance, but that shouldn’t be enough to convince you that the person is truly beautiful. You have to concentrate on the heart; that is, the person’s character. This should be your priority because it’s the most important aspect of beauty. If you have one whose heart is beautiful as a friend, you should be rest assured that you’ll always be filled with unquantifiable happiness due to his/her presence in your life. On the contrary, the joy that comes from the facial beauty has a limit. It turns sour, fades, and expires. Believe me, these are facts. So while searching for or considering a friend, partner or spouse, your major interest should lie on how beautiful the person’s heart is.

Brethren, you don’t need a prophet to tell or inform you how beautiful a certain heart is. You can find it out yourself. This is where time comes in. Unlike facial beauty or countenance that can be detected by mere looking at the person involved, in this case you have to bring out your time to examine his/her character(s). No time would be too much for this close examination. While taking your time, put it at the back of your mind that, you’re searching for happiness that shall yield everlasting profit. So you’ve to earn your wage(s). And you can’t achieve that without considering or abiding by time. It’s better you take millions of seconds to acquire what would make you live long than, to take few seconds and obtain what shall lead to your eternal state of doom.

How are you expected to utilize the aforementioned time? You should ensure that both of you spend time together often. Create various different occasions/circumstances for the relationship. This may involve the good or ugly circumstance which ought to be cough up by you. So it may require disguise; yes, you may need to create some fake occasions in order to unfold some hidden attitudes of your partner(s). Why this is very important is that, most time your partner may disguise his/herself to prove to you that his/her heart is pure/beautiful. Don’t forget, “Not all that glitters is gold.” But if you can create series of events involving disguise when necessary, the truth must be disclosed/unveiled. Honestly, the truth can only be hidden for some (a short) time after which it explodes. Sure, the truth explodes when it’s due.

In a nutshell, you’ve to take your precious time if you truly want the best. If you can abide by this, you will surely testify that, beauty of the heart is truly an angelic epitome (symbol). Think about it!



Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Extramarital Affairs


Amazingly, I woke up one fateful morning and found myself smiling for no reason. A mood that ushered me into a moment of thorough meditation. Initially I was enjoying the scene; but lately, I discovered I was almost losing my sanity. Frankly speaking, till now I find it very difficult to fathom what precisely constituted that period of amusement at that early hour of the day. Needless to say, deep inside my system lies a fathomless fear in respect to the aforementioned mysterious scenario. Nevertheless, we shall continue to thank God and as well present Him with eulogies due to the life and strength He has given to us considering the fact that millions of people out there are lying helplessly and hopelessly.

If a close look is not given to the above paragraph, it stands to be meaningless to most of us. But I seize this opportunity to inform you that, that very paragraph represents the most important phase of this critique/edition. In essence, the paragraph is trying to tell us that some of the actions we indulge in on a daily basis is mysterious. In other words, such actions are being instituted or initiated by nature without our individual consent. You may not really comprehend where I’m actually driving at unless you join the school of thought known as “Realism”.

You will bear me witness that I’ve written on marriage. In my previous work on marriage, I categorically made it clear that it remains the oldest institution on earth. I also said that it’s an institute being instituted by God Himself, therefore ought to be seen by all and sundry as a sacred organization. Then if truly that such union is sacred, therefore it should be regarded as sacrosanct.

It’s quite appalling that the above union/institution has been abused greatly by those involved. Pathetically most people have turned it into a place for mere jamboree as if it’s an arena meant for social clubbing. Each time I see or set my eyes on such set of people, I smile with my jaws widely open. Yes instead of weeping, I’ve chosen to go by smiling. Well, my duty and paramount interest for today’s edition is to redirect most of us who has been abusing or intend to abuse this holy union called marriage.

I want to use this avenue to put up a fact that may be peculiar to us. It’s only by the special grace of the Almighty that one finds his/her marriage/life partner. In the same vein; it’s by the grace of God that both of you remain faithful to each other regardless of how beautiful or loveable any of you might be. Believe me, it’s not just a fact; rather, a fancy fact. In essence, I’m actually saying that if you fail to abide by the rule of God, you will definitely find your relationship in shambles.

Let me make this issue clearer. Some of the actions such as cheating or bickering we find ourselves in our respective marital relationships may not be as we planned or wished; it could be mysterious. And this aspect known as mystery remains the major reason we should endeavour to always be closer to God whenever we find ourselves in any marital relationship. Take for instance; if one gets married, he/she might wish to adore his/her partner for the rest of his/her life. But at a certain point in our marital life, we find ourselves acting silly contrary to our earlier decision; and you may never find out what actually prompted such unwanted act. This is why we must acknowledge the fact that there’re certain forces surrounding any marriage or marital vow. Let’s ride on!

An extramarital affair is an activity in which a married person cheats his/her marriage partner for the purpose of actualizing his/her selfish desire. Without mincing words, this aspect of marriage has been existing since the beginning of the world. Thus, it’s as old as the union itself.

First and foremost, the only way one can be free from this mess is to be contented with what he/she has. Secondly, you should also understand that the union was not by your making; thus, you’re bound to be faithful or grateful not only to your partner but to the progenitor of such sacred union.

The perfect key towards a home that’s free from any sort of extramarital affair is nothing but contentment coupled with prayers. You must continue to inform yourself that you’re satisfied with whatever you’re blessed with; be it your partner or material possession. Then such worthwhile attribute or idiosyncrasy is meant to be accompanied with regular prayers in order to withstand any possible temptation that may come on your way. Surely, temptation must set in; there’s no two ways about it, and you can never escape from it. In other words, it’s natural.

I want to let you know that mankind has a natural tendency to taste what he has never tasted before. This is why Economics recognizes that human wants are uncertain due to our natural quest to have what we’ve never had before. Thus, we must safeguard what we have jealously as if it’s the best among others. Such quality is simply known as contentment. I also wish to inform you that, contentment cannot work if we fail to dedicate our marriages to God.

For crying out loud, marriage has a finite rule/policy, and we must stick to it if we really want ours to be successful and fruitful. This is why maturity remains the most fundamental tool requires in a marriage. Yes, both parties are expected to be mature; maturity is one of the basic recipes when it calls for marriage. Mind you, that one is forty (40) does not imply that he/she is mature; thus, age is not directly proportional to maturity as it’s generally and popularly noted.

Brethren, we must endeavour to do this right so we won’t be smiling when we’re meant to pray because there’s time for everything. You shouldn’t personally invite moment of doom into a union founded by God Himself.

It’s high time we detested and destroyed these cankerworms that are setting our respective homes ablaze. Cheating is definitely evil and we must absorb that fact into our thick skulls. Think about it!




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