Brethren, I can’t thank you enough for always having the interest of this God-chosen congregation at heart. And, I won’t stop appreciating you for making our success so far, a reality. Honestly, you all have sacrificed your very best towards the actualization of our present height.
Believe me, good things come to those who wait. But surely, better things come to only those who work for it. This is a fancy fact. But the bone of contention is that, we must be extremely careful and conscious while thriving towards securing the better things as mentioned above.
Based on the above note, I wish to ask all of us; how do we work on a daily basis in order to obtain the better and as well best things in life? In other words, do we invariably prefer taking the short-cut? This is a sincere question that calls for thorough meditation among every soul that lives on earth.
If you ask me how I work towards obtaining the better things in life, I’ll gladly tell you that, in every circumstance having done my best, I sincerely look up to the Almighty to do the rest. I do so simply because I personally believe that our best is not an assurance towards receiving the anticipated “better/best things”. Suffice to say that, God or nature has the final say or pronouncement in any circumstance. Well, that is me; I don’t know about you, in spite of the fact that we belong to the same congregation. Therefore, it’s your duty to inform or better still educate me on your own routine.
Each time I glance at the Nigerian political arena in its entirety, I don’t hesitate to wear a smile, even if it’s fake. In other words, I often smile tentatively. Sometimes I end-up grinning, not just smiling, just for the sake of my mental being/status. Yes, lately I’ve come to realize that, most present madness is attributed to indulgence in constant frowning expression which showcases, no doubt, fathomless wrinkles on one’s brow.
Though frankly, the nature of melodramas witnessed severally on the Nigeria’s socio-political platform, is nothing to write home about; or, doesn’t call for any manner of smile. If anyone must or chooses to smile over the scenario, it must be within his/her soul, and not to please someone else. For crying out loud; why try and be fake when being real takes less effort? Let’s ride on!
Brethren, at this point, I say unequivocally that, Nigeria as a country has really got it wrong when it calls for politics. If not, how can the entire society be filled or loaded with inconsequential bickering, antagonism, blackmail, criticism, sycophancy, just to mention but a few thereby constituting baseless fracas or pandemonium all in the name of politics? Surely without mincing words, we’ve really got it wrong.
The most devastating aspect of it is the ongoing countless bloodshed taking place all over on a daily basis, for the goal of actualizing nothing but a selfish desire. It’s already written and it’s no longer news that no one is entitled to shed blood, not even his/hers, for whatsoever reason. Needless to say; mankind is not eligible to participate in any act that would warrant or cost the termination of any soul created by the Almighty.
My utmost gladness in this is that, no one cheats nature. Yes, nature takes dominion in any existing territory or activity as the case may be. Believe it or leave it, there’s no man born of a woman, or created by the Almighty, that would ever claim of having cheated nature in one way or the other. You might have noticed that I love using “Almighty”; this is because it is a word that makes me completely happy while addressing God. Thus, I can’t compromise it for any other word whatsoever.
But let’s face the reality. Politics wasn’t meant for antagonism or baseless bickering. I’ve often said it; politics was instituted by God Himself to guarantee absolute leadership thrive amongst mankind. And, we would be fools to say that God wasn’t wise to come-up with such institution.
Sincerely, politics is truly worthwhile. On this note, I advise us to read a book titled “Politics and the Universe” written by Fred Nwaozor, to know more about this crusade. Without politics, I wonder how the society would have looked like, because I’m strongly of the view that it is by politics that societal developments and innovations take place.
But the bitter side of the existence of politics solely instituted by God Himself, is the unnecessary tussle widely witnessed in it, most especially in the African society. To me, such act is childish and shameful.
Therefore, I urge us to quit dancing Makosa when we’re called to dance Hip-hop, or vice-versa; else, we’re liable to end-up in a mere pot of soup if we continue like this. Enough is enough; So we must be deeply mindful of how we stride towards embracing the better side of life. Think about it!
Wednesday, 16 April 2014
Monday, 7 April 2014
How Do You Lay Your Bed?
Brethren, frankly the world is not a bed of roses, and it has never been. So, for one to enjoy it to the fullness, he/she must had laid his/her bed aptly and in the right direction. Thus, you must endeavour to check and as well crosscheck your bed prior to bedtime.
Surely, in a land controlled by anarchy and confusion, the arbiter is the judge. This is not unlike observing a one-eye man amidst the blind. Even if you find yourself in any of the above mentioned shoes, either as “an arbiter” or a “one-eye man” as the case may be, courtesy demands that, you lead by example; or in other words, lay your bed in such a manner that it would be lied comfortably upon by the people concerned.
Few weeks ago during my business trip in Rivers State, Port-Harcourt precisely, the countenance of the bed of the hotel suite that I lodged didn’t really please my person. Therefore, I took my precious time to rearrange the bed to my taste in order to experience luxury while lying in it. Thank God, I had a wonderful and fantastic dream having done what I was supposed to do before lying in the bed.
Believe me, several people don’t really pay much attention as regards how their beds are arranged whenever they intend going to bed or the moment they depart from their beds having lied in it.
At this juncture, I ask, how do you lay your bed? Do you just lie in your bed without minding how it is being arranged, each time you go to bed? Or, do you take time to put everything in order to ensure that you lie in a smooth and decent bed? A question everyone is expected to attend, without any iota of hesitation.
I’m too keen about how people lay their beds before lying in it, because I’m strongly of the view that, that is the stepping stone towards actualizing a perfect or lovely dream. Yes, ones bed must be properly put in order, in order to embrace a fantastic sleep, and as well encounter a hearty and cheerful posture after the long-lasted sleep, nap , siesta, or as the case might be. Let’s ride on!
Mind you, laying a bed might be interpreted in many languages based on what is actually at stake. That is, laying a bed involves different dimensions regarding the object/goal of the person involved.
For instance, one who’s seriously preparing for his/her Senior School Certificate Examinations (SSCE) is definitely laying his/her bed towards embracing marvelous results after the exams have been duly taken. In such case, if the candidate fails to prepare adequately before the exams come up, no doubt, failure awaits the candidate in question under normal circumstance, or all things being equal.
In the same vein, a man who intends venturing into marriage and is in serious search for the right woman, is also trying to avoid lying in a coarse bed, so that, he would embrace a happy home in due cause. But, on the contrary, a man who fails to take similar step, or who ignores the efficacy of lying in a bed thoroughly and consciously prepared, would surely be prepared to have a handshake with a state of doom.
It’s already widely in circulation that, “If one fails to plan, he plans to fail”. From my personal view, there’s no two ways about it; yes, it’s either you plan to succeed, or you plan to fail. And, the choice is yours. Honestly, the funniest part of the scenario is that, the choice is yours; thus, you must consciously make a right choice if you really wish to swim in an eternal happiness, or better still, eternal ecstasy.
You must cough up time to lay your bed in such a way that it would benefit both you and anyone who intends to share with your person. In other words, while laying your bed, you must put the people in your life or the people around you, into consideration in order to carry everyone along. Your bed may not only be used by you; others too, might be involved at the long run.
At this point, I urge every living soul to always endeavour to lay his bed adequately, so “Had I known” wouldn’t suddenly become his national anthem. Everyone is expected to devote sufficient time in respect to putting his bed in good shape.
Don’t forget, we all have a bed to lay. And, we remain the sole umpire that can control the laying of our respective beds; no one would do it on your behalf, because, as you lay your bed so you lie in it. Think about it!
Brethren, frankly the world is not a bed of roses, and it has never been. So, for one to enjoy it to the fullness, he/she must had laid his/her bed aptly and in the right direction. Thus, you must endeavour to check and as well crosscheck your bed prior to bedtime.
Surely, in a land controlled by anarchy and confusion, the arbiter is the judge. This is not unlike observing a one-eye man amidst the blind. Even if you find yourself in any of the above mentioned shoes, either as “an arbiter” or a “one-eye man” as the case may be, courtesy demands that, you lead by example; or in other words, lay your bed in such a manner that it would be lied comfortably upon by the people concerned.
Few weeks ago during my business trip in Rivers State, Port-Harcourt precisely, the countenance of the bed of the hotel suite that I lodged didn’t really please my person. Therefore, I took my precious time to rearrange the bed to my taste in order to experience luxury while lying in it. Thank God, I had a wonderful and fantastic dream having done what I was supposed to do before lying in the bed.
Believe me, several people don’t really pay much attention as regards how their beds are arranged whenever they intend going to bed or the moment they depart from their beds having lied in it.
At this juncture, I ask, how do you lay your bed? Do you just lie in your bed without minding how it is being arranged, each time you go to bed? Or, do you take time to put everything in order to ensure that you lie in a smooth and decent bed? A question everyone is expected to attend, without any iota of hesitation.
I’m too keen about how people lay their beds before lying in it, because I’m strongly of the view that, that is the stepping stone towards actualizing a perfect or lovely dream. Yes, ones bed must be properly put in order, in order to embrace a fantastic sleep, and as well encounter a hearty and cheerful posture after the long-lasted sleep, nap , siesta, or as the case might be. Let’s ride on!
Mind you, laying a bed might be interpreted in many languages based on what is actually at stake. That is, laying a bed involves different dimensions regarding the object/goal of the person involved.
For instance, one who’s seriously preparing for his/her Senior School Certificate Examinations (SSCE) is definitely laying his/her bed towards embracing marvelous results after the exams have been duly taken. In such case, if the candidate fails to prepare adequately before the exams come up, no doubt, failure awaits the candidate in question under normal circumstance, or all things being equal.
In the same vein, a man who intends venturing into marriage and is in serious search for the right woman, is also trying to avoid lying in a coarse bed, so that, he would embrace a happy home in due cause. But, on the contrary, a man who fails to take similar step, or who ignores the efficacy of lying in a bed thoroughly and consciously prepared, would surely be prepared to have a handshake with a state of doom.
It’s already widely in circulation that, “If one fails to plan, he plans to fail”. From my personal view, there’s no two ways about it; yes, it’s either you plan to succeed, or you plan to fail. And, the choice is yours. Honestly, the funniest part of the scenario is that, the choice is yours; thus, you must consciously make a right choice if you really wish to swim in an eternal happiness, or better still, eternal ecstasy.
You must cough up time to lay your bed in such a way that it would benefit both you and anyone who intends to share with your person. In other words, while laying your bed, you must put the people in your life or the people around you, into consideration in order to carry everyone along. Your bed may not only be used by you; others too, might be involved at the long run.
At this point, I urge every living soul to always endeavour to lay his bed adequately, so “Had I known” wouldn’t suddenly become his national anthem. Everyone is expected to devote sufficient time in respect to putting his bed in good shape.
Don’t forget, we all have a bed to lay. And, we remain the sole umpire that can control the laying of our respective beds; no one would do it on your behalf, because, as you lay your bed so you lie in it. Think about it!
Friday, 4 April 2014
The Welcome Address Presented by Barr. Obinna Amagwula during the Recent Governor's Visit to Oru East LGA
I am indeed humbled to deliver this address in this epoch making occasion of the visit of our dear governor, Chief Owelle Rochas Okorocha, OON – the Senior Advocate of the Masses, to Oru East LGA. Your Excellency, may I at this point welcome you and the formidable Rescue Mission team, especially your darling and lovely wife Nneoma Nkechi Okorocha who has not only proven to be a mother to all but a great motivator and team player in propelling the Rescue Mission to the desired destination.
Your Excellency, as you can see, Oru East is very peaceful and calm now. Within our short stay as Transition Committee of this Local Government Area, we have been working harmoniously and assiduously towards building bridges, mending cracked walls and consolidating on your unprecedented land marks revolutions and achievements through continual massive consultations with our people at the grass-root, and stakeholders especially our party stalwarts. Among these, is the completion of a befitting hall (Owelle Rochas Okorocha Hall) with office apartments situated at the council headquarters, which would be commissioned today by your Excellency, and the rectification of public power supply at the headquarters which was in total blackout for over three years. Sir, I’m pleased to announce that, the aforementioned capital projects were successfully completed within the short frame, due to the magnanimity you showed to us.
Your Excellency, it is no longer news that your government is a people oriented one; thus, our people have unequivocally spoken their minds to us that, this is the only government since the inception of democracy in 1999 that has touched their lives one way or the other. This is why you can see this teeming crowd converging here today to welcome you and your entourage to Oru East. Sir, because of these radical developments in Imo State today, our people have unanimously agreed to move to the “Only performing party” – All Progressives Congress (APC). This record could be seen in the recent membership registration exercise of the party.
Your Excellency, the revolution of your government spanning over, education, security, massive infrastructural development, health care delivery, civil service, agriculture and judiciary reforms, just to mention but a few, can no longer be overemphasized as the achievements speak for themselves, as the Latin people would say “Res Ipsa Loquitor”. Even the critics of this government in their closet and honest reflections have had the cause to ponder on the secret behind these unbelievable achievements.
I’m deeply pleased that Oru East is not left behind this trend of unbelievable revolution by your government. Your government has embarked on the construction and rehabilitation of over 20 roads transcending the various communities that make up Oru East and linking them to our neighbouring communities, including other land mark infrastructural developments. Among these impeccable achievements, I think the dearest to our hearts have remained the water projects and the revolution going on in the educational and health sectors such as the ongoing reconstruction of dilapidated structures cum construction of new ones in the various primary/secondary schools in Oru East thereby making them model modern citadels of learning, and the fathomless Millennium Development Goals’ (MDGs’) programmes that are taking place in all the sectors in the council. Our school children are now paid allowances and can now sit comfortably in their respective classrooms to study in a serene and conducive environment which was not the case in the past.
Secondly, the world-class health care facility once completed will automatically take care of all our primary health care challenges especially in the area of child and maternal mortality, communicable diseases and health care challenges faced by our aged parents, some of whom have devoted their lives and energy in serving this state and our country Nigeria in general.
Above all, we are deeply impressed over the level of
recognitions you have extended to worthy and distinguished
indigenes of Oru East since the inception of your administration,
which include:
The appointment of Chief Donatus Ejimfugha, as the Director General of Imo State Civil Guards.
The promotion of Evang. Esther Obong Egbuna, as the Director General of Imo Broadcasting Corporation (IBC).
The appointment of Prince Marshal Okafor Anyanwu, as the Interim State Chairman of the ruling party in the state, All Progressives Congress (APC).
The appointment of Mrs. Nma Nzeribe Michael, as the Senior Special Assistant (SSA) to the Governor on Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).
The appointment of Dr. Emma Ogbenta, as the Special Adviser (SA) to the Governor on Community Govt. Council (CGC).
The appointment of Hon. Lawrence Nwobodo, as the Special Adviser (SA) to the Governor on Due Process.
The last but not the least, the recent elevation of Mrs. Stella Udogwu, as the Accountant General of Imo State. Just to mention but a few.
In the same vein your Excellency, I will not finish this address without pointing out some of the proposed desirable projects/initiatives in Oru East that need your urgent attention, to wit:
a. Awo-Omamma, Amiri, Amagu and Akuma rural roads.
b. Okwu Akatta and Ubahaeze Awo-Omamma electrification projects.
c. Sinking of additional boreholes and water scheme at strategic locations within the communities in Oru East.
d. Creation of Courts 2 & 3 of the Imo State High Court, Oru Division at Awo-Omamma and Omuma respectively.
e. Provision of functional daily market for the entire people of Oru East.
f. The last but not the least Sir, we would like you to extend your rescue mission strategy to the ongoing ezeship anomaly in Akuma Autonomous Community, in order to avoid any future communal calamity in the area.
Sir, I’m strongly of the view that, if the above mentioned projects or initiatives are duly actualized, Oru East in its entirety would be a council to reckon with in Imo State at large.
Once again, may I welcome you and your entourage to Oru East, and wish you a safe trip back to your various destinations. May the hand of the Almighty God not depart from you as He uses you to continually and persistently rescue Imo State from shackles of its enemies.
Thank you! Thank you!! Thank you!!!
I am indeed humbled to deliver this address in this epoch making occasion of the visit of our dear governor, Chief Owelle Rochas Okorocha, OON – the Senior Advocate of the Masses, to Oru East LGA. Your Excellency, may I at this point welcome you and the formidable Rescue Mission team, especially your darling and lovely wife Nneoma Nkechi Okorocha who has not only proven to be a mother to all but a great motivator and team player in propelling the Rescue Mission to the desired destination.
Your Excellency, as you can see, Oru East is very peaceful and calm now. Within our short stay as Transition Committee of this Local Government Area, we have been working harmoniously and assiduously towards building bridges, mending cracked walls and consolidating on your unprecedented land marks revolutions and achievements through continual massive consultations with our people at the grass-root, and stakeholders especially our party stalwarts. Among these, is the completion of a befitting hall (Owelle Rochas Okorocha Hall) with office apartments situated at the council headquarters, which would be commissioned today by your Excellency, and the rectification of public power supply at the headquarters which was in total blackout for over three years. Sir, I’m pleased to announce that, the aforementioned capital projects were successfully completed within the short frame, due to the magnanimity you showed to us.
Your Excellency, it is no longer news that your government is a people oriented one; thus, our people have unequivocally spoken their minds to us that, this is the only government since the inception of democracy in 1999 that has touched their lives one way or the other. This is why you can see this teeming crowd converging here today to welcome you and your entourage to Oru East. Sir, because of these radical developments in Imo State today, our people have unanimously agreed to move to the “Only performing party” – All Progressives Congress (APC). This record could be seen in the recent membership registration exercise of the party.
Your Excellency, the revolution of your government spanning over, education, security, massive infrastructural development, health care delivery, civil service, agriculture and judiciary reforms, just to mention but a few, can no longer be overemphasized as the achievements speak for themselves, as the Latin people would say “Res Ipsa Loquitor”. Even the critics of this government in their closet and honest reflections have had the cause to ponder on the secret behind these unbelievable achievements.
I’m deeply pleased that Oru East is not left behind this trend of unbelievable revolution by your government. Your government has embarked on the construction and rehabilitation of over 20 roads transcending the various communities that make up Oru East and linking them to our neighbouring communities, including other land mark infrastructural developments. Among these impeccable achievements, I think the dearest to our hearts have remained the water projects and the revolution going on in the educational and health sectors such as the ongoing reconstruction of dilapidated structures cum construction of new ones in the various primary/secondary schools in Oru East thereby making them model modern citadels of learning, and the fathomless Millennium Development Goals’ (MDGs’) programmes that are taking place in all the sectors in the council. Our school children are now paid allowances and can now sit comfortably in their respective classrooms to study in a serene and conducive environment which was not the case in the past.
Secondly, the world-class health care facility once completed will automatically take care of all our primary health care challenges especially in the area of child and maternal mortality, communicable diseases and health care challenges faced by our aged parents, some of whom have devoted their lives and energy in serving this state and our country Nigeria in general.
Above all, we are deeply impressed over the level of
recognitions you have extended to worthy and distinguished
indigenes of Oru East since the inception of your administration,
which include:
The appointment of Chief Donatus Ejimfugha, as the Director General of Imo State Civil Guards.
The promotion of Evang. Esther Obong Egbuna, as the Director General of Imo Broadcasting Corporation (IBC).
The appointment of Prince Marshal Okafor Anyanwu, as the Interim State Chairman of the ruling party in the state, All Progressives Congress (APC).
The appointment of Mrs. Nma Nzeribe Michael, as the Senior Special Assistant (SSA) to the Governor on Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).
The appointment of Dr. Emma Ogbenta, as the Special Adviser (SA) to the Governor on Community Govt. Council (CGC).
The appointment of Hon. Lawrence Nwobodo, as the Special Adviser (SA) to the Governor on Due Process.
The last but not the least, the recent elevation of Mrs. Stella Udogwu, as the Accountant General of Imo State. Just to mention but a few.
In the same vein your Excellency, I will not finish this address without pointing out some of the proposed desirable projects/initiatives in Oru East that need your urgent attention, to wit:
a. Awo-Omamma, Amiri, Amagu and Akuma rural roads.
b. Okwu Akatta and Ubahaeze Awo-Omamma electrification projects.
c. Sinking of additional boreholes and water scheme at strategic locations within the communities in Oru East.
d. Creation of Courts 2 & 3 of the Imo State High Court, Oru Division at Awo-Omamma and Omuma respectively.
e. Provision of functional daily market for the entire people of Oru East.
f. The last but not the least Sir, we would like you to extend your rescue mission strategy to the ongoing ezeship anomaly in Akuma Autonomous Community, in order to avoid any future communal calamity in the area.
Sir, I’m strongly of the view that, if the above mentioned projects or initiatives are duly actualized, Oru East in its entirety would be a council to reckon with in Imo State at large.
Once again, may I welcome you and your entourage to Oru East, and wish you a safe trip back to your various destinations. May the hand of the Almighty God not depart from you as He uses you to continually and persistently rescue Imo State from shackles of its enemies.
Thank you! Thank you!! Thank you!!!
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