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Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Sycophancy on the World's Political Platform


Brethren, truth is like oil; no matter how much water you pour on it, it’ll always float. Whilst, anger is like throwing a stone into the river; it creates bigger ripples. Don’t forget, ‘truth and anger’ remain the two most potent tools in the above quotes. We shall be utilizing them as long as this edition lasts.

I’ve always known that, the search for happiness is one of the chief sources of unhappiness. Whatever the situation might look like, I sincerely pray that we would never encounter the pain of death. It’s too painful to feel the pain of death and yet be alive; there’s no agony worse than the pain of death. Frankly, there was a fateful day I experienced such agony. And on that very day, I grew up, I grew old and I died. Though, I later resurrected. Thanks to the Paraclete for the miraculous intervention.

At this juncture, I wish to put up a tangible question. If a dude discovers a girl, a virgin to be precise, and subsequently uncovers her, do you think the chap is covered? Try to unravel the puzzle and answer the question as well.

In fact, let me hit the nail on the head; enough of this beating about the bush. After all, my immunity is assured, therefore I mustn’t be timid. So, it’s high time I condemned impunity. Then, if I’m to write busily, I must face today’s topic squarely.

Sycophancy is an act in which one flatters someone who’s more important than he is, in order to attract favour to himself. In other words, a sycophant is a person who tries to win favour by flattery.

If I must be specific and sincere, then I would boldly and loudly say that, sycophancy is as old as the world. If you’re a historian, or if you’ve been following histories aptly, you would comprehend where I’m actually coming from having stated that sycophancy is as old as the world, if not older.

Believe me, I took my precious and gifted time to undergo a thorough and severe research regarding the genesis/origin of sycophancy, and lately, I succeeded in coming up with the view that the cankerworm is not unconnected to the world’s creation. Maybe, you should initiate yours; I mean, your personal research as regards the genesis of sycophancy, and see where it would lead you to. Nevertheless, that’s not where my paramount concern for today lies. Let’s ride on!

From my singular perspective, sycophancy could be found virtually in all aspects of our endeavours, as it had been existing since the world began or was created. It’s no longer news, according to the Christian religion, that God almost lost His seat as a Supreme being to Lucifer due to sycophancy, which is not unlike that of Jesus whose crucifixion was not unconnected to Judas Iscariot’s destructive ingenuity known as betrayal; just to mention but a few. Presently, the aspect that tremendously beats my psyche is the alarming occurrence of the ill in the world’s political arena, which has recently consumed/sucked unquantifiable innocent blood.

How can one suck up to someone in authority just to achieve his/her selfish desire without minding the number of innocent souls that stand to kiss the ground as a result of such ruthless and barbaric act; for crying out loud, where have our consciences traveled to? Honestly, I’m becoming rancorous with regard to this ugly anomaly because it’s affecting everyone, and it’s widely ubiquitous.

I’m appealing to anyone who indulges in or drives pleasure witnessing such dubious and dastardly act to please turn a new leaf because it would definitely take him/her nowhere. Sycophancy is insincerity and blasphemy; thus, it’s simply evil irrespective of its mode or nature. We can’t continue to fetch up at a deadly scene in every moment of our lives.

The funniest part is that, the idea of betrayal lying in your mind, if being disclosed, would seem far-fetch to the person you intend to hurt/destroy because he/she believes that he has given you the best so far. So, why would you have the intention of plotting the downfall of someone or a fellow who truly wants the best for you?

I wish to use this avenue to urge the respective non-governmental societies to join the activists in this cause. They ought to from time-to-time organize or sponsor seminars to educate and sensitize the minds of their members and the public in general, on the dangers that await such blasphemous and bloody act/habit. The religious institutions are also expected to follow suit. Sensitization is the best nail in the coffin of sycophancy. And, the crusade (sensitization) must not be a one-man show.

I also want to use this avenue to tender my appeal to the parliaments in all the countries in the world. They should individually enact a law forbidding such ungodly and repugnant idiosyncrasy in their respective states. On this note, I suggest that any alleged offender should be meant to face a thorough prosecution in a formidable and reputable criminal court; and a capital penalty ought to be issued to the person in question, if found guilty. Most importantly, such routine must be adhered to or practiced with absolute strictness and sincerity, and must be followed with a dogged approach; in this regard, an impeccable panel comprising people of unquestionable characters is expected to be set up by the concerned government to function as a watchdog.

Please brethren, always endeavour to stick to the truth, even if you’re in high dudgeon with someone over a certain provocation you incurred from him/her. Do not let anger becloud your sense of reasoning. Apply logic in everything you do or intend to do. There’s always room for forgiveness regardless of the gravity of the offence/blunder. Remember, to err is human, whilst to forgive is divine. Embrace divinity at all times because these protracted scenarios are constituting intense pain of death in all nooks and crannies. Why the treachery, if I may ask? Mind you, no matter how long you put up such hidden and sinister crusade, it’s obvious that the truth will surely float someday.

Let’s be reasonable and sagacious for once. We need not grudge our fellow ones their mindless pleasures. I’m afraid, if we continue like this, the future of our entire generation would be colossally at stake. Think about it!



frednwaozor@gmail.com: +2348028608056
BB PIN: 2B0290C8

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