Brethren, a good poet or a librettist would prefer to express a whole life story in a few words to compiling thousands of pages that would suit same expression/narration. On the other hand, a novelist would stop at nothing in using his/her prolific initiative/talent while putting up a certain ordeal or experience whenever he/she is being asked to do so. Whichever amongst the aforementioned styles/systems is invoked, the fact remains that creative ingenuity is being utilized.
Let’s put it this way; if a certain wrestler strongly believes in the work of consistent practice if he must remain a victor. And on the other hand, a full flesh boxer always goes for drugs to ascertain his victory. The fact behind the two distinct ideologies is that, both professionals/personnel acknowledge the efficacy of physical strength if victory must be ascertained. Thus, physical power is always utilized while struggling for victory, or if one wishes to be victorious. Summarily, two experts operating under the aegis of two similar professions respectively are definitely made up of two distinct talents or ideologies. Let’s ride on!
Wednesday penultimate week, 9th of January 2013 precisely, as soon as I woke up from sleep, one of my closest relatives in Awo-Omamma, my home town called to inform me that one of our family houses in the town in question had burned to ashes. Firstly, I urged her to be reasonable and speak like a decent lady she had always being with the extreme impression that she was clowning. Rather, regardless of my persuasion, she stood her ground and hurriedly asked me to be attentive and all ears to the notice she had for me. At this juncture, I needed not a prophet to interpret the fear I perceived from her voice, thus I suddenly felt like one who was electrocuted. The spirit of ebullience that was known to be my sole motivation varnished instantly. Without dishing out any word to express my dismay because I became a living corpse in subsequent to what I sensed from her voice, she proceeded by telling me that the incident took place in the previous night owing to what was suspected as a grievous carelessness exhibited by one of the tenants. I furiously tried to find out the actual cause of the disaster, and also, the tenant in question, but the informant dropped her call without adding any other word. Without taking my bath, I quickly got ready and began my journey to Awo-Omamma to see things for myself.
On reaching the scene of the incident, brethren, I cried like a baby and suddenly became dizzy due to what I saw from my panoramic view/sight. Even if one was yet to witness the scene, the echo of the pandemonium being produced by the victims and the spectators obviously signified that Rome was on fire, or has been brought down. To be precise, I found a huge outburst of emotion. The scenario was extremely disastrous; no pin was recovered. A 16-room bungalow coupled with two shops and other residential facilities was completely burned to ashes; even, metals were destroyed. I was yet to witness such fire outbreak since my mother begot me. But thank God, no live was lost.
Same day, similar incident took place at Apapa in Lagos State, and several lives and properties were maimed / destroyed. Also, few weeks ago penultimate month to be precise, one of the houses at Owerri belonging to a prominent personality and one of the traditional rulers in the State (Imo State) got burnt. Hundreds of similar incidence had occurred across the federation within the harmattan period.

The charred bits of burnt house at Awo-Omamma, Imo State - Nigeria
We’re discussing harmattan season and fire outbreaks. Harmattan season is a period of time in most tropical countries in which the soil becomes sandy and dusty, and the weather becomes cold accompanied with unusual breeze/air. On the other hand, fire outbreak is a sudden occurrence of fire in a certain place or arena. Most experts believe that harmattan is often accompanied with various human disasters, while some persons strongly believe that it’s a very favourable and human friendly season. These two distinct ideologies have constituted two different factions or groups among mankind. Respective of the existing ideologies, the fact remains that lives and property are in question.
Brethren frankly speaking, the demerit attached to harmattan season supersedes the merit. Even the fire outbreaks in question become more rampant and severe during the season due to the enormous breeze experience in it. Many theories have been discovered and several reactions were subsequently developed in respect to the above critique. But notwithstanding, the gospel truth is that harmattan season requires adequate and extreme carefulness from the concerned individuals because most of the ordeals experienced during the season are often due to carelessness of the immediate victim(s).
On the above note, we must try to apply absolute carefulness in whatever we do irrespective of the season we are into because carefulness is the only tool that ascertains healthy living and long life. Take for instance, most times you see people storing petrol or any other inflammable petroleum product(s) in their respective bedrooms. Some even go a long way keeping it directly under their bed. What ignorance! In fact, I don’t think this should be referred to as ignorance. It’s stupidity because there’s no a-day old child who is yet to know that inflammable materials/products are human unfriendly. On the other hand, there’s no child in this part of the world who is yet to be informed that most petroleum products are highly inflammable.
Apart from considering the circumstances that provoke fire outbreaks, we must also consider the actual origin/cause of the fire. In most cities or developed towns, landlords prohibit the use of candle light by the tenants. In the same vein, in most homes, the heads prohibit the use of gas-cooking device. Same is applicable in most hostels established in various institutions of higher learning in Nigeria; the students/occupants are often warned by their landlords to desist from the use of the above equipment. From my humble perspective which signifies my distinct opinion/ideology as an individual, I think it’s inconsequential to prohibit the use of any decent household material such as the ones mentioned above. The bone of contention is carefulness. Yes, instead of citing such warning or law, the concerned persons should be warned to be extremely careful while using any of the above devices else they stand to pay for any damage(s) that may possibly occur. Above all, we should also realize that life has no duplicate or spare part. While using a candle light, you should endeavour to quench it before going to bed or as soon as you’re through with what you lit for. Similar measures should also be applied while using other similar devices. Apart from using a gas-cooker, someone who is cooking or who’s into cookery is not expected to stay away from the kitchen, or the kitchen arena. Stove or other heating utensils can also cause a fire outbreak if a careful measure is not adhered to. “To be forewarned is to be forearmed”.
Above all, the government has a very vital role to play here. The various governments should establish a formidable and reliable Fire Service Commission. Such Commission/Agency shall have well equipped and functional quarters in any existing town. And every occupant of the town must have access to their contact(s) in case of any emergency or eventuality. Also, a well equipped aircraft/jet should be made available to take care of any fire outbreak in any affected State or zone. The vehicle would be operating above the point of the incident and such measure would hasten the approach and as well ascertain absolute result.
Having mentioned the above measure, the concerned government in any fire outbreak should endeavour to compensate the casualties, including the landlord. The government is expected to ensure that any of its affected subjects is duly catered for, so that he/she would continue to announce to delirious applause that the Lord is good. We must continue to think in the right direction for our society to be better.
My candid advice to the landlords and other valuable property owners; please endeavour to insure your properties with any recognized insurance company in your area. This would enable you to receive compensation from the company if the insured property is damaged or stolen.
Brethren at this juncture, I put up this note; fire maims. It kills. It has maimed and killed millions of souls, and it’s still ready to consume more. So be warned.
Honestly, if adequate measure is taken, we must surely find out that several deaths that occurred in the past were due to carelessness of the affected individuals. Some of us refer it as mystery which they tag as inexplicable event, but the fact remains that the devil was duly invited. Think about it!