Greetings brethren. Frankly I would have said that my previous night was deadly if not that I foresaw the concentration of angels in an arena situated very close to my residence. Nevertheless, what I’m saying in essence is that I had a very bad and devastating dream in the previous night.
Please I want to ask you a question. What would you do if eventually you woke up in the early morning of a certain day to see an imaginary creature standing right before your bed, and thereafter vanishes into thin air within a twinkle of an eye?
I want us to attend to the above question without mincing words. Believe me, if I happened to be the victim of the aforementioned circumstance, what I would do is very simple; honestly I will never step beyond the entrance to my bed room throughout that day. Please don’t bother asking me what I would be doing indoors afterwards, because being a prayer warrior, I must create a scene that would comprised ‘Mountain of fire’ or vice-versa.
Penultimate week, Tuesday to be precise, a bosom relative of mine called from the city of Calabar in Cross-River State; the fellow was formerly residing in Owerri. During the phone conversation, he unequivocally disclosed to me that he was thinking, albeit ignorantly, that Owerri has the highest number of brothels; but on the contrary, recently he had fully realized that there was no place like Calabar regarding the menace.
Sincerely, I’m here or I came to this crusade to discuss Nigeria as a whole, not just Owerri or Calabar as the case might be. Then if Nigeria in her entirety must be considered, then the truth ought to be upheld because Nigeria is not a country that condoles falsehoods. Someone may say from his understanding that I’m just being sarcastic, but the singular fact remains that Nigeria is the only country I wholly love or deeply cherish.
If the proposed truth must be told, then I would say without mincing words that, the current manner in which the establishment of brothels is being condoled across the Nigerian society as well as other African nations has become a thing of enormous concern especially in this period we are being faced with tremendous security challenges.
Sometime ago in Abuja the Federal capital Territory (FCT), the existence of brothels was frankly put to stop thereby creating an arena where all the resident pimps were seen packing their bags and baggage. The idea was introduced and sold by the Minister of FCT, Mr. Bala Mohammed. In spite of such severe action taken by the authority, presently it seems such measure never took place in Abuja, because the harlots as well as their pimps now operate in disguise. Needless to say that, some persons really need to be called to order. Let’s ride on!
The other day, someone was telling me that if properly checked, the number of hotels in Imo State exceeds three hundred (300). I wasn’t surprise because I knew he was appraising facts or would I say, he was not exaggerating. Since I knew there’s nothing wrong in setting up a hotel; even, I wish to become a hotelier soonest. Having concurred to his statement, I asked him if he could give me the estimate of the brothels in the state in question. He sadly responded that that of brothels was innumerable. Isn’t it amazing?
Surely, a lot of people really need to be called to order. We can’t continue to live as tenants in our tenement. Thus, we’ve the right to decide how we want our home to be or look like. In other words, it is our right, not a privilege. In a society like ours, one doesn’t need to speak extensively concerning a criminal related issue because it’s widely assumed that every dick and harry in Nigeria is wise. Therefore I choose to be discreet. I thank God my message has been sent and understood too.
Notwithstanding, I’m expected to drop a suggestion prior to my exit or before I drop my humble pen. I’m using this avenue to call on the legislative bodies in Nigeria to enact a formidable law bearing capital punishment in regard to putting this menace to the history book. Thereafter, a relevant agency or task force ought to be set up towards ensuring that the proposed law is not swept under the carpet.
This matter calls for urgent and drastic attention owing to the fact that it is eating deep in our blood vessel to the extent that even those in coma could feel it. I’m quite aware that the anomaly is ubiquitous the world over, but it’s obvious that ours is taking a different shape.
Honestly brethren, someone or some persons must be called to order before a calamity or something more deadly happens. Of course it’s no longer news that the issue is already deadly; I don’t want to mention how many souls that have been buried as a result of this aberration.
I’m only interested in restoring normalcy. For crying out loud, I wouldn’t like the nightmare I had previous night to repeat itself. Enough is enough. Think about it!
Monday, 14 July 2014
Friday, 11 July 2014
2014 World Population Day (Aired Newstalk)
Every society or locality is naturally blessed with a certain number of people known as its population, which increases periodically based on the birth and death rates of the society in question.
Population in a nutshell, can be defined as the number of persons or animals of the same kind coexisting in a particular place. It can also be referred to as the summation of all the organisms of the same group or species that live in the same geographical area, and have the capability of interbreeding. In most cases, it is the human population that is mainly taken into consideration because it is the only mode of population that determines the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) as well as the net worth of a given society.
The rate at which the population of a certain locality increases is attributed to two major factors which are Birth rate and Death rate. The Birth rate of an existing society such as a province, a nation or country is an estimation of the number of kids that are being reproduced within a given period of time, while the Death rate is the total number of individuals that cease to exist at a specific interval.
According to the United Nations (UN), the world human population reached seven billion on October 31, 2011 contrary to the United States (US) Census Bureau estimate which reportedly disclosed that the seven billion mark was only reached on March 12, 2012. In the same vein, according to the most recent United Nations estimate, the human population of the world is expected to reach eight billion people by the year 2024.
As the world over commemorates the World Population Day today being Friday 11th of July 2014, there’s need for collective support towards attaining a tangible and desirable population growth as well as its control, knowing fully that there are series of challenges as regards the population growth and control of a given country.
The World Population Day is an annual event observed on July 11 every year, which seeks to raise awareness on global population issues. The event was solely established by the Governing Council of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in the year 1989. The establishment was inspired by the public interest on July 11, 1987, which was the day the world’s population reached approximately five billion people.
Taking Nigeria for instance; based on the United Nations’ current estimate, she is regarded as the seven most populous country in the whole wide world with about 178, 517, 000 people as at July 1, 2014 which is tantamount to about 2.49% of the entire world population. Notwithstanding, there’s no exact figure of the country’s population likewise many other countries in the world due to many challenges or constraints, and such anomaly negatively affects the work force of any country involved thereby affecting its socio-economic and political strength.
On the above note, there’s an urgent need for every country in the world to take more drastic and severe measure towards ascertaining the exact summation of people living in their respective countries and as well ensure that the growth of such population is duly controlled. The respective National Population Commissions or Agencies ought to work in collaboration with relevant non-governmental organizations coupled with religious bodies in regard to sensitizing individuals as well as the general public on the economic need for each of them to be counted whenever the population census programme is taking place.
More so, considering population control, the issue of Family Planning must be taken more and very seriously by all the concerned bodies and relevant institutions. Every married woman alongside her husband is bound to acknowledge to the fullness the efficacy of family planning during Child Birth Spacing in order to obtain a reasonable and healthy number of offspring. On the other hand, the adolescent school girls should be trained on adequate sex education and ought to be properly conscientized on the unavoidable dangers that await early pregnancy or pregnancy out of wedlock.
Therefore it’s of no need saying that all hands must be on deck to ensure that all the necessary or needed measures regarding obtaining a desirable population growth and control are fully and duly implemented. Thus, there’s need for unanimous support of this worthwhile and remarkable crusade that is globally recognized.
Public Affairs analyst & Social activist
Every society or locality is naturally blessed with a certain number of people known as its population, which increases periodically based on the birth and death rates of the society in question.
Population in a nutshell, can be defined as the number of persons or animals of the same kind coexisting in a particular place. It can also be referred to as the summation of all the organisms of the same group or species that live in the same geographical area, and have the capability of interbreeding. In most cases, it is the human population that is mainly taken into consideration because it is the only mode of population that determines the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) as well as the net worth of a given society.
The rate at which the population of a certain locality increases is attributed to two major factors which are Birth rate and Death rate. The Birth rate of an existing society such as a province, a nation or country is an estimation of the number of kids that are being reproduced within a given period of time, while the Death rate is the total number of individuals that cease to exist at a specific interval.
According to the United Nations (UN), the world human population reached seven billion on October 31, 2011 contrary to the United States (US) Census Bureau estimate which reportedly disclosed that the seven billion mark was only reached on March 12, 2012. In the same vein, according to the most recent United Nations estimate, the human population of the world is expected to reach eight billion people by the year 2024.
As the world over commemorates the World Population Day today being Friday 11th of July 2014, there’s need for collective support towards attaining a tangible and desirable population growth as well as its control, knowing fully that there are series of challenges as regards the population growth and control of a given country.
The World Population Day is an annual event observed on July 11 every year, which seeks to raise awareness on global population issues. The event was solely established by the Governing Council of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in the year 1989. The establishment was inspired by the public interest on July 11, 1987, which was the day the world’s population reached approximately five billion people.
Taking Nigeria for instance; based on the United Nations’ current estimate, she is regarded as the seven most populous country in the whole wide world with about 178, 517, 000 people as at July 1, 2014 which is tantamount to about 2.49% of the entire world population. Notwithstanding, there’s no exact figure of the country’s population likewise many other countries in the world due to many challenges or constraints, and such anomaly negatively affects the work force of any country involved thereby affecting its socio-economic and political strength.
On the above note, there’s an urgent need for every country in the world to take more drastic and severe measure towards ascertaining the exact summation of people living in their respective countries and as well ensure that the growth of such population is duly controlled. The respective National Population Commissions or Agencies ought to work in collaboration with relevant non-governmental organizations coupled with religious bodies in regard to sensitizing individuals as well as the general public on the economic need for each of them to be counted whenever the population census programme is taking place.
More so, considering population control, the issue of Family Planning must be taken more and very seriously by all the concerned bodies and relevant institutions. Every married woman alongside her husband is bound to acknowledge to the fullness the efficacy of family planning during Child Birth Spacing in order to obtain a reasonable and healthy number of offspring. On the other hand, the adolescent school girls should be trained on adequate sex education and ought to be properly conscientized on the unavoidable dangers that await early pregnancy or pregnancy out of wedlock.
Therefore it’s of no need saying that all hands must be on deck to ensure that all the necessary or needed measures regarding obtaining a desirable population growth and control are fully and duly implemented. Thus, there’s need for unanimous support of this worthwhile and remarkable crusade that is globally recognized.
Public Affairs analyst & Social activist
Thursday, 10 July 2014
My Tribute To Late Justice Chukwudifu Oputa
Greetings brethren. Obviously, our knowledge of government as a subject taught us the existing three arms of government. Yes we were taught that there are three formidable arms of government in existence; which are the Legislature, the Executive, and of course the Judiciary.
Though we’re not here or we didn’t come to this crusade to discuss the three arms of government; rather, we’re here to solely discuss the third-arm which remains “The Judiciary”. Notwithstanding, we must commence by presenting a bit of the meaning of the three arms.
The legislature makes the law, the executive implements it, whilst the judiciary otherwise known as the “judicial system” or “court system” interprets the said law. Having noted the above facts, we shall now ride on with the prime business of the day.
The Judiciary is the system of courts that interprets and applies the law in the name of the state. It also provides a mechanism for the resolution of disputes. Under the doctrine of the separation of powers, the judiciary generally does not make law or enforce law, but rather interprets it as well as applies it to the facts of each case. It is an arm of government that is tasked with ensuring equal justice under law. It usually consists of a court of final appeal known and recognized as the “Supreme Court” or “Constitutional Court”, alongside other lower courts such as the High Court, Customary Court, Court of Appeal, Magistrate Court and what have you.
In many jurisdictions, the judicial branch has the power to change laws through the process of “judicial review”. Suffice to say that, courts with judicial review power may annul the laws and rules of the affected state when it finds them incompatible with a higher norm such as the primary legislation, the provisions of the constitution or the International law. Judges or Justices or better still members of the Bench, constitute a critical force for the interpretation and as well the implementation of a constitution or law.
Frankly, the most enticing aspect of the aforementioned third-arm of government or the judiciary is that, it is widely noted as “The last hope of a common man”. That is; it is an institution where the final hope of a common man lies. Then who’s a “common man”? in a nutshell, a common man is an ordinary man or a person who cannot boast of any material endowment or accomplishment, but can only boast of his/her life. Let’s ride on!
In the Nigerian judicial system, you would bear me witness that there is a name that rings bell; a name that would be remembered for eternity; a name that’s not just powerful but also signifies greatness; and finally, a name that brings hope to a common man. Of course it’s no other name than Chukwudifu Akunne Oputa. It’s no longer news that the bearer of the above name, Retired Honourable Justice Chukwudifu Oputa, CFR redefined as well as refined the Nigeria’s Judicial System. In this regard, he remained one of the frontliners of the Nigerian Judiciary.
In May 2014, the entire world was reportedly informed that the aforementioned Justice has passed on. This was learnt from the official announcement that was issued and duly signed by the prominent son of the great icon in the person of Mr. Charles Oputa popularly known as “Charly Boy”. The announcement reads, “The family of Justice Chukwudifu Oputa wishes to announce the passing to glory of the eminent jurist and a retired Justice of the Supreme Court of Nigeria at the age of 96 years. He passed on peacefully on Sunday afternoon May 4, 2014 after recovering from a brief illness…” As a person, the above statement was simply a shocker to my whole self; a statement that abruptly took my person to a coma state for several seconds.
Honestly brethren, if the truth must be told then I will unequivocally tell you that the news of the sudden demise of the eminent jurist and a powerful global legal luminary wasn’t a shocker to only my person, but to the world in its entirety. Surely, the news of the passing on of a man that gave a common man not just a hope but a life called for an outcry. But we sincerely thanked God that he left “peacefully” and at a ripe age too.
They say, “Many are born great, many achieve greatness, while many have greatness entrust upon them.” Frankly, the Late Honourable Justice Chukwudifu Akunne Oputa, CFR was blessed with the three idiosyncrasies. Yes, he was born great, he achieved greatness, and he also had greatness entrusted upon him. He was a legend; he was a distinguished icon; he was truly the last hope of a common man; he was a giant of many colours; in fact, he was an enigma. The footprints he left in the Nigeria’s judicial system through his personal and remarkable effort as well as the impeccable “Oputa Panel” shall live for eternity. Needless to say; though he has gone, but we all especially Imo State where he became the pioneer Chief Justice shall live to remember him.
Who wants to dispute the fact that the late retired Justice of the Apex Court in Nigeria was never blessed with the three aforementioned qualities/endowments? A man who barely knew his parents but still rose to the peak of his career or was able to actualize his dream to the fullness was of course blessed with all manners of greatness. According to history, his father Pa Oputa Uzukwu passed on when he was barely three months old, while his mother Lolo Nwametu Oputa died when he was just six months old. Still he comfortably obtained everything in the Law profession having successfully obtained Bachelor degrees in both Economics and History respectively. No doubt, he was showered with all manners of greatness.
No wonder his burial ceremony was like an event meant for the assembly of all the notable celebrities in the whole wide world. Believe me, no one was absent at the arena, not even the cripple or the blind that hails from the Middle East. The manner in which people and of course dignitaries from all walks of life graced the occasion which took place at Oguta in Imo State was not unconnected to the fact that the late legend Hon Justice Dr. Chukwudifu Akunne Oputa left a legacy worthy of emulation by all and sundry; a legacy that calls for continual celebration; a legacy that even the unborn shall live to remember; above all, a legacy that I personally dream to actualize or uphold. My role model, indeed you have gone, but in my heart you shall live forever. I’ll never for a second forget you.
At this juncture, I call the governments and all well-meaning individuals across the globe to put heads together towards ensuring that the late gigantic elephant in the Nigerian judicial setting, Retired Honourable Justice Chukwudifu Akunne Oputa is duly immortalized globally for posterity sake. It is his right, not a privilege. Think about it!
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