In Chemistry, a certain term is known as “covalent bond”. In Biology, similar phenomenon is being tagged as “symbiotic relationship”. In sociology, you may see it as “mutual mingling”. But I call it interdependent coexistence. Summarily, they are all talking about the relationship between two or more persons/things in which they benefit from each other.
Since my adolescent stage, I’ve been asking myself one certain question and the question which may seem rhetorical remains, where is the human race actually heading to; or why was it meant to exist? To some of us who are very close to the holy writ, we may reply that we were mandated by the “Almighty” to go into the world and multiply which is the paramount reason for our existence. Then after multiplication through sexual reproduction, what next; in other words, having multiplied ourselves, what is expected of us or where are we meant/supposed to head to? Question yet to be answered by anyone, not even myself. Notwithstanding, I’m not really eager to have the answer but I think we ought to find out the fact behind it in order to save us some necessary urge which may lead to unnecessary tribulation.
Few days ago, a good friend of mine happened to submit the bitter side of his observation over the Nigerian society when I was spending my leisure time with him at one of the relaxation centres in Owerri metropolis. He told me that the recent craze for wealth among Nigerians was really becoming crazy. He proceeded by telling me that if adequate measure is not taken, such societal cankerworm may lead to mayhem. Honestly, his candid comments ushered me into a prolonged state of meditation.
Brethren, we’re discussing or about to discuss the evil that men do. The BBC English dictionary defined evil as “all the wicked and bad things that happen in the world”. On the other hand, the Oxford concise English dictionary described it as “something harmful or undesirable”. In my humble language, I put it as a sacrilegious act. Or, extremely wicked and immoral behaviour. It would be inconsequential to give you an instance of an evil act because irrespective of our ages, we’re no longer unfamiliar with the term “evil” which remains a very popular word in our everyday activity. Thus, evil is not unconnected with the wholesome human race.
The popular citation that says, “The evil that men do lives after them” has been opium of the masses in respect to the ongoing sacrilegious act which cannot be over-emphasized. Despite that shocking citation, the actors of such loathsome act has chosen to remain deaf ear. But I must tell you unequivocally; if I happen to be among those who do evil, I’ll as well be deaf ear to such citation since the negative consequence or nemesis of my evil deed will not affect me directly. Rather, stands to catch up with my offspring as it’s cited in the quotation. Yes, any evil man does not have a living conscience, therefore would never be mindful of the pains to be incurred by those coming after him/her as a result of his/her evil deed.
Many have been analyzing and as well lamenting on this lingering inhuman phenomenon known as evil. The more meditative ones in the midst of the analyst have succeeded in coming up with the question which reads, “Why do people commit evil?” I put it up to you that, in some persons, evil are inborn. And such set of people do not have any reason for any evil they must had committed, rather they do it for pleasure sake. In other words, they will seize to be happy if they don’t indulge in an evil act for a whole day. Apart from this set of people, many others commit evil due to rivalry, jealousy/envy, and craze for wealth/power or fame just to mention a few.
But for whatsoever reason one commits evil, always bear it in mind that there’s no evil person that lives happily. No evil-doer is at peace with him/herself. In other words, the law of karma is still valid. There is no two ways about it. Therefore, the evil that men do lives with them, but not after them as we presume. Apparently, evil and it doers are coexisting interdependently. Think about it!
Social analyst & activist
Tuesday, 27 August 2013
Sunday, 25 August 2013
The doomed churches
Brethren, it amuses my humble cerebrum each time I realize that many still believe that the sky is the limit of any upward target. Similarly, it beats my psyche whenever I see any fellow who believes that he/she owns or can control the universe.
Maybe you don’t comprehend my insinuation; so let’s have it this way. The last time I checked, I thoroughly understood that millions of Nigerians were yet to acknowledge the true meaning of supremacy. In the same vein, I also realized that many were yet to know that their origin or lineage can only be traced to a certain superior being.
Two weeks ago, a childhood fellow called from Lagos State over the telephone to register his grievances towards some lackadaisical attitudes being displayed by most Nigerian leaders or political office holders. In his preamble, he frankly told me that Nigeria was still sleeping. It was an amusing but challenging preface. Honestly, going by the manner in which he came up with the introduction, it was as if he was seeing Fred Nwaozor as the Nigeria in question. So I urged him to expatiate in an elementary language with the excuse that I had a very stressful day therefore my brain was not meant to function adequately. He proceeded by telling me that if a country like Nigeria was yet to understand democracy or yet to define the term in a language that everyone would understand, apparently she was still day-dreaming. At this juncture, I needed not a prophet, be it false or true to interpret to me that my dear friend was penalizing the political leaders in his God given heart. Who was I to tell the poor man that he was not making sense since every cry must have a cause or an origin.
Lest I forget, we’re discussing or about to discuss the doomed churches and their false prophesies. Before I accepted this topic, I sought for my usual immunity from He who sent me because I knew I was bound to face some challenges or consequences the moment I agreed to write on it. Since my immunity is assured, so He in me is far greater than he that is in the world. Thus, the Lord is good!
Quite alright, many have taken into institutional crime but the worst of it is the idea of establishing religious institutions that do not worth it. It doesn’t just beats my psyche but makes me go crazy each time I realize that many mistake the benevolent attitude of the supremacy to a foolish gesture. On the other hand, I often feel dizzy whenever I come across people living with shallow or minute brains. My observation does not call for any alarm because it’s a fact.
Yes, many have sinned and come short of the glory of God. But it’s extremely disgusting to see many as not just sinners but sin producers/manufacturers. God please kindly forgive your poor child if he has judged his fellow mankind, though I strongly believe that I’m communicating as one of your apostles. In other words, I was well ordained by you to do this job.
But if I must analyze, I shouldn’t be disproved in any way because truly men have derailed greatly. If not, why should someone or a mere mortal wake up one morning and sees him/herself as the supremacy; why should my fellow soul assume to be the creator of other souls? This lingering mentality amongst most men has constituted the emergence of several religious outlets in the name of churches, ministries, chapels as the case may be found all over the nooks and crannies in our society. Surely, all crimes are blasphemous but this very one is beyond blasphemy therefore ought not to be seen as a mere crime but a sacrilege.
The issue is not just causing a church/ministry to exist but the high rate of false prophesies attached to it remain the bone of contention. For those of you who are not myopic when it calls for observing the society plight, you will agree with me that the origin/genesis of most divided homes today could be attributed to false prophesy. For instance, a so-called prophet or reverend would walk up to one of the brethren in his congregation and tell him/her that one of his/her brothers or sisters is the sole cause of his/her predicament. So many other similar cases have been taking place in most of these prison yards known as “churches or ministries” found in our blessed society. Beloved, is not just false prophesy, but the rate of rape, murder and other numerous atrocities or social vices allegedly indulge by these “men of God” on a daily basis have remained the order of the day.
Should we continue to be silent, or should we remain dumbfounded or astonished till the whole of our houses/homes would be turned to places of doom. Isn’t it enough; or isn’t a word enough for the wise? Think about it!
Social analyst & activist
Brethren, it amuses my humble cerebrum each time I realize that many still believe that the sky is the limit of any upward target. Similarly, it beats my psyche whenever I see any fellow who believes that he/she owns or can control the universe.
Maybe you don’t comprehend my insinuation; so let’s have it this way. The last time I checked, I thoroughly understood that millions of Nigerians were yet to acknowledge the true meaning of supremacy. In the same vein, I also realized that many were yet to know that their origin or lineage can only be traced to a certain superior being.
Two weeks ago, a childhood fellow called from Lagos State over the telephone to register his grievances towards some lackadaisical attitudes being displayed by most Nigerian leaders or political office holders. In his preamble, he frankly told me that Nigeria was still sleeping. It was an amusing but challenging preface. Honestly, going by the manner in which he came up with the introduction, it was as if he was seeing Fred Nwaozor as the Nigeria in question. So I urged him to expatiate in an elementary language with the excuse that I had a very stressful day therefore my brain was not meant to function adequately. He proceeded by telling me that if a country like Nigeria was yet to understand democracy or yet to define the term in a language that everyone would understand, apparently she was still day-dreaming. At this juncture, I needed not a prophet, be it false or true to interpret to me that my dear friend was penalizing the political leaders in his God given heart. Who was I to tell the poor man that he was not making sense since every cry must have a cause or an origin.
Lest I forget, we’re discussing or about to discuss the doomed churches and their false prophesies. Before I accepted this topic, I sought for my usual immunity from He who sent me because I knew I was bound to face some challenges or consequences the moment I agreed to write on it. Since my immunity is assured, so He in me is far greater than he that is in the world. Thus, the Lord is good!
Quite alright, many have taken into institutional crime but the worst of it is the idea of establishing religious institutions that do not worth it. It doesn’t just beats my psyche but makes me go crazy each time I realize that many mistake the benevolent attitude of the supremacy to a foolish gesture. On the other hand, I often feel dizzy whenever I come across people living with shallow or minute brains. My observation does not call for any alarm because it’s a fact.
Yes, many have sinned and come short of the glory of God. But it’s extremely disgusting to see many as not just sinners but sin producers/manufacturers. God please kindly forgive your poor child if he has judged his fellow mankind, though I strongly believe that I’m communicating as one of your apostles. In other words, I was well ordained by you to do this job.
But if I must analyze, I shouldn’t be disproved in any way because truly men have derailed greatly. If not, why should someone or a mere mortal wake up one morning and sees him/herself as the supremacy; why should my fellow soul assume to be the creator of other souls? This lingering mentality amongst most men has constituted the emergence of several religious outlets in the name of churches, ministries, chapels as the case may be found all over the nooks and crannies in our society. Surely, all crimes are blasphemous but this very one is beyond blasphemy therefore ought not to be seen as a mere crime but a sacrilege.
The issue is not just causing a church/ministry to exist but the high rate of false prophesies attached to it remain the bone of contention. For those of you who are not myopic when it calls for observing the society plight, you will agree with me that the origin/genesis of most divided homes today could be attributed to false prophesy. For instance, a so-called prophet or reverend would walk up to one of the brethren in his congregation and tell him/her that one of his/her brothers or sisters is the sole cause of his/her predicament. So many other similar cases have been taking place in most of these prison yards known as “churches or ministries” found in our blessed society. Beloved, is not just false prophesy, but the rate of rape, murder and other numerous atrocities or social vices allegedly indulge by these “men of God” on a daily basis have remained the order of the day.
Should we continue to be silent, or should we remain dumbfounded or astonished till the whole of our houses/homes would be turned to places of doom. Isn’t it enough; or isn’t a word enough for the wise? Think about it!
Social analyst & activist
Saturday, 24 August 2013
Sustenance of a neighbour
Brethren, from my humble perspective, the three priorities of life remain the following: first and foremost, acknowledging your creator. Secondly, discovering and awakening your potential. And thirdly, adoring your conscience. Remember, every opinion is bound to be challenged or criticized by any concerned individual/group, likewise mine. But, that’s by the way.
In a clearer tone, I wish to state here in a different language the three priorities of life. First; you must understand that you were created by a supreme being. Second; you ought to find out those things you can fit in or those talents you possess and see how you can develop them for the betterment of yourself and the people around you. Third; you must not despise/betray or try to hurt that part of your mind that differentiates the right from the wrong as you stride towards actualizing your dream or developing your talent on a daily basis.
On Saturday, 4th of May to be precise, having concluded the unusual morning chores in my place of residence, I felt like one who fought a lion. But thank God, surprisingly someone came from behind in my neighbourhood to rescue me. I wouldn’t disclose the gender of that fellow but the sole fact or bone of contention remains that I was rescued by a good Samaritan. It isn’t a joke; though it could be amusing. Yes, it’s not a paradox. Let’s ignore the digression and face the business of the day.
Beloved, we’re discussing the sustenance of a neighbour in our everyday activity. To begin with, who’s a neighbour? In a concise term, a neighbour is he who lives, sits or stands near you. Don’t forget, “he” as mentioned above represents both genders.
Having registered the above definition, now the question becomes; who is your neighbour? Let’s save ourselves from the suspense. Your neighbour is that person that lives in your neighbourhood. Your neighbour is also that fellow that sits close to you or works with you at your place of work. More so, your neighbour is that person that walks or runs with you in any professional or casual setting.
Since we have noted these facts, I want us to acknowledge that we can’t do or stride successfully without our respective neighbours. This is why the holy writ advises us to love our neighbours as ourselves. That is, we should cherish our neighbours just as we do cherish/adore ourselves. Thus, your neighbours are expected to be seen or regarded as more important than your relatives provided your relatives are not residing with or living close to you.
On the contrary, in spite of the enormous importance attached to having a neighbour, most individuals/groups have greatly abused the phenomenon. People no longer regard their neighbours. Most times they end up seeing them as disturbances or hindrance to their future pursuit.
In analyzing the anomalies observe in the issue of neighbourhood, the false prophets or the doomed churches cannot be left aside. The aforementioned religious institutions or officers have separated most household and/or neighbours in the name of “That person living next to you is behind your misfortune”.
At this juncture, I put it up to you that one without a neighbour or anyone who cannot boast of any neighbour(s) is just like a tree or vegetative plant without a root, either fibrous or tap. In other words, everyone requires a neighbour in his/her everyday activity/life.
In Igbo land, there are some worthwhile idiomatic expressions being cited on a daily basis such as, “Mmadu bu chi ibe ya” and, “Nwanne di na mba”. Meaning; your fellow human being stands as your god and, a relative could be found in abroad where none of your blood relations lives respectively. Truly, your friend or neighbour could be the only god you see/know at a given circumstance. On the other hand, in a certain place/locality where no member of your household lives, there is possible tendency of discovering one (a neighbour/friend) who could show you love more than any of them does.
Honestly, we must all stride to make our neighbour(s) happy irrespective of the circumstance. I bet you, towards maintaining or observing the three priorities of life as stated in the first paragraph, the services of a neighbour/friend must be required. Think about it!
Social analyst & activist
Brethren, from my humble perspective, the three priorities of life remain the following: first and foremost, acknowledging your creator. Secondly, discovering and awakening your potential. And thirdly, adoring your conscience. Remember, every opinion is bound to be challenged or criticized by any concerned individual/group, likewise mine. But, that’s by the way.
In a clearer tone, I wish to state here in a different language the three priorities of life. First; you must understand that you were created by a supreme being. Second; you ought to find out those things you can fit in or those talents you possess and see how you can develop them for the betterment of yourself and the people around you. Third; you must not despise/betray or try to hurt that part of your mind that differentiates the right from the wrong as you stride towards actualizing your dream or developing your talent on a daily basis.
On Saturday, 4th of May to be precise, having concluded the unusual morning chores in my place of residence, I felt like one who fought a lion. But thank God, surprisingly someone came from behind in my neighbourhood to rescue me. I wouldn’t disclose the gender of that fellow but the sole fact or bone of contention remains that I was rescued by a good Samaritan. It isn’t a joke; though it could be amusing. Yes, it’s not a paradox. Let’s ignore the digression and face the business of the day.
Beloved, we’re discussing the sustenance of a neighbour in our everyday activity. To begin with, who’s a neighbour? In a concise term, a neighbour is he who lives, sits or stands near you. Don’t forget, “he” as mentioned above represents both genders.
Having registered the above definition, now the question becomes; who is your neighbour? Let’s save ourselves from the suspense. Your neighbour is that person that lives in your neighbourhood. Your neighbour is also that fellow that sits close to you or works with you at your place of work. More so, your neighbour is that person that walks or runs with you in any professional or casual setting.
Since we have noted these facts, I want us to acknowledge that we can’t do or stride successfully without our respective neighbours. This is why the holy writ advises us to love our neighbours as ourselves. That is, we should cherish our neighbours just as we do cherish/adore ourselves. Thus, your neighbours are expected to be seen or regarded as more important than your relatives provided your relatives are not residing with or living close to you.
On the contrary, in spite of the enormous importance attached to having a neighbour, most individuals/groups have greatly abused the phenomenon. People no longer regard their neighbours. Most times they end up seeing them as disturbances or hindrance to their future pursuit.
In analyzing the anomalies observe in the issue of neighbourhood, the false prophets or the doomed churches cannot be left aside. The aforementioned religious institutions or officers have separated most household and/or neighbours in the name of “That person living next to you is behind your misfortune”.
At this juncture, I put it up to you that one without a neighbour or anyone who cannot boast of any neighbour(s) is just like a tree or vegetative plant without a root, either fibrous or tap. In other words, everyone requires a neighbour in his/her everyday activity/life.
In Igbo land, there are some worthwhile idiomatic expressions being cited on a daily basis such as, “Mmadu bu chi ibe ya” and, “Nwanne di na mba”. Meaning; your fellow human being stands as your god and, a relative could be found in abroad where none of your blood relations lives respectively. Truly, your friend or neighbour could be the only god you see/know at a given circumstance. On the other hand, in a certain place/locality where no member of your household lives, there is possible tendency of discovering one (a neighbour/friend) who could show you love more than any of them does.
Honestly, we must all stride to make our neighbour(s) happy irrespective of the circumstance. I bet you, towards maintaining or observing the three priorities of life as stated in the first paragraph, the services of a neighbour/friend must be required. Think about it!
Social analyst & activist
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