Life itself is a Gamble
You are probably yet to realize that the world is not
unlike a gambling field. And life itself is a gamble. The
truth is, irrespective of the amount of time, energy,
and resources you have sacrificed in a certain project,
if LUCK refused to shine on you, you are nowhere
close to the success room.
Luck has proven beyond doubts to be the supreme
determinant of our respective accomplishments here
on earth. Suffice it to say that if it failed to visit you,
SORRY remains your name. Worse still, it's very, very
selective, and operates beyond mankind's understanding
and imagination. You can't tell whose turn it would be the
next minute. Funnily enough, the next second could be
the turn of that person you referred to as a moron.
However, it's noteworthy that one must make a move
before luck would shine on him/her. It doesn't shine on
someone who is stationary. 'Stationary' in the sense that
you must display a reasonable effort. So, that luck exists
as well as dominates doesn't imply that you ought to await
it even when you are stagnant and docile. Don't forget,
even for luck to visit real life gamblers, they must display
convincing efforts towards emerging victorious.
Hence, summarily, you are expected to work, pray and
thereafter wait for your luck. If it doesn't shine, then keep
working and praying till it remembers you. #ThinkAboutIt

Follow me: @mediambassador
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