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Monday, 30 September 2013

Criminality in Begging


The means through which the unhealthy poor masses or the handicapped live by the activity of asking other people for money or food has contributed immensely to the high level of corruption in Nigeria.

The main problem attached to this is that, it’s no longer practised by the people it’s meant for, rather it’s being practised by the healthy masses. The increase in the number of lazy bones in our society could be attributed to such ugly act because, healthy people that are meant to be occupied with many reasonable unskilled labours end-up as beggars due to hard times.

Many Nigerians disguise themselves pretending to be handicapped in order to earn for their living through begging. This is blasphemy! Sometimes I wonder if people still have some respect for their creator, or if they actually know that they were created by a certain supreme being. Even, in most cases, they leave their place of birth for elsewhere which may be located very far from their home, for the sake of recognition or any embarrassment that’s likely to arise.

One may ask if this country is dedicated to beggars because, even some of the healthy immigrants from the neighbouring countries trouped-in purposely for begging. On this note, I’ve started believing on one of the most popular philosophies that says, “Wonders shall never end!” We may even conclude that, if something drastic is not done to eradicate this demeaning act, we might wake-up one morning to see that the entire labour force in Nigeria had indulged in the menace.

Due to the above ridiculous act, begging can as well be referred to as one of the glaring handicaps to development, because most members of the productive class of the nation are into it. Believe me, the only way we could be productive and useful to this nation is by occupying our minds with what we can do for the nation, and not the reverse. By so doing, Nigeria would be rated as one of the most peaceful and God-fearing countries in the world. So let’s be productive instead of being destructive.

The handicapped could as well be productive if they can occupy their respective minds with the above statement. For instance, I was amazed the day I saw a man with only one arm mending foot wears in one of the federal polytechnics in the country. Besides, the famous sound producer and renowned musician, Steve Wonder, from the United States of America (U.S.A) is a blind man.

The aforementioned criminal act may be caused by misfortune, influence, or inadequate up-bringing of children. But above all, laziness ought to be held responsible as the major cause of the anomaly. Let’s ride on!

Someone may be influenced by his/her friend(s) to embark on begging by convincing him/her that, the business is more lucrative than any other business/venture one could lay his hands on, and it requires no capital. He/she will quickly join the chorus out of ignorance since it’s a capital-free venture and as well creates enormous income for the participants.

The entire members of a wretched home may embark on begging to seek for survival, due to lack of optimism. Also, some poor masses indulge in it because they think they are irrelevant and of no consequence in the society they belong.

If a child was born and bred up in a corrupt or indecent environment, he/she may decide going into begging because it requires no skill or capital, owing to the sense of reasoning of the people around him/her. This’s the reason a famous philosopher, Karl Marl of the blessed memory, says, “Environment determines the action of the mind.”

Laziness should be seen as the basic cause of this act because, those people would have considered doing any of the available unskilled labours within their respective societies (environments), but they intend not to struggle or do any stressful work to earn for their living.

The parents have a role to play here. They should endeavour to back-up their children’s up-bringing with sound religious background. They should from time-to-time ensure that, they feed them with strong religious/social quotations and statements that would encourage them to be ambitious, determined, and above all, optimistic irrespective of the circumstances they may be facing.

And to the people involved; please always dream of becoming a great man/woman in future because tomorrow may bring a total change in your life which might presently seem devastating. Take note of this; “Many are born great, many achieve greatness, whilst many have greatness entrusted upon them.” Thus, if you’re not born great, try to achieve it; but if you’re not equal to the task, always remember and ensure to have it at the back of your mind that, you might have greatness entrusted upon you. So never give up!

The existing Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) ought to constantly embark on massive seminars and workshops that would go a long way sensitizing the minds of the populace on the dangers of this barbaric attitude.

Above all, the concerned government authority should look into this overwhelming issue with the sole motive of eradicating the blasphemous act which is likely to pollute the mind of all the poor masses in near future. On this note, those who immigrated into the country with the aim of begging should be captured and deported to their respective countries of origin. This would help to minimize the level of corruption and human-trafficking on our roads.

Let’s come together and make Nigeria a better place to live. The criminals in question should also understand the fact that, ‘He who lives in a glass house doesn’t throw stone.” Think about it!





Saturday, 28 September 2013

Beauty of the Heart


It’s another bright day for brighter edition. This shouldn’t take our time because it’s safe-explanatory. Many have spoken on the issue of beauty. It’s time for me to speak. As an Apostle of God, my interest should be to tell you nothing but the truth. I must let you know that this is a critical issue that requires a critical approach.

Beauty is the state or quality of being beautiful. One or something is said to be beautiful when you find him/it very attractive or pleasant. You can also describe something that someone does as beautiful if it’s done very skillfully. In this edition, the context of the ‘beautiful’ we’re looking at lies in the former. On the other hand, one can be referred to as an angelic person when he/she is very good, kind and calm.

Going by the topic, you’ll agree with me that, personification as a figure of speech is into play or being utilized. That is, heart as an object was personified since angelic as a quality is only found among mankind. This is one of the reasons I called it a critical issue. Let’s proceed!

Yes, beauty can lie in the heart. That is, the heart could be beautiful. Here, the heart in question is that of human being. Thus, it (the heart) represents mankind. So for the beauty of the heart to be referred to as an angelic epitome, it means that it supersedes that of the facial outlook. Meaning that beauty of the face and/or skin is not enough to prove that one is truly beautiful. Angelic idiosyncrasies or endowments lie in the heart. It’s only one’s heart that can tell or prove to you how good, kind or calm he/she is. And these are the qualities of an angel. On this note, only one with such qualities could be said to be truly beautiful. Summarily true beauty is one of the qualities of the heart, and has nothing to do with the face, posture/stature, height, complexion, or nasal shape. Therefore beauty of the former ought to be of most concern to people instead of that of any of the latter. And this is where character comes in.

For over the years, many have derailed in search for true beauty because their only interest lie on facial beauty. Though facial beauty or countenance might be considered during such circumstance, but that shouldn’t be enough to convince you that the person is truly beautiful. You have to concentrate on the heart; that is, the person’s character. This should be your priority because it’s the most important aspect of beauty. If you have one whose heart is beautiful as a friend, you should be rest assured that you’ll always be filled with unquantifiable happiness due to his/her presence in your life. On the contrary, the joy that comes from the facial beauty has a limit. It turns sour, fades, and expires. Believe me, these are facts. So while searching for or considering a friend, partner or spouse, your major interest should lie on how beautiful the person’s heart is.

Brethren, you don’t need a prophet to tell or inform you how beautiful a certain heart is. You can find it out yourself. This is where time comes in. Unlike facial beauty or countenance that can be detected by mere looking at the person involved, in this case you have to bring out your time to examine his/her character(s). No time would be too much for this close examination. While taking your time, put it at the back of your mind that, you’re searching for happiness that shall yield everlasting profit. So you’ve to earn your wage(s). And you can’t achieve that without considering or abiding by time. It’s better you take millions of seconds to acquire what would make you live long than, to take few seconds and obtain what shall lead to your eternal state of doom.

How are you expected to utilize the aforementioned time? You should ensure that both of you spend time together often. Create various different occasions/circumstances for the relationship. This may involve the good or ugly circumstance which ought to be cough up by you. So it may require disguise; yes, you may need to create some fake occasions in order to unfold some hidden attitudes of your partner(s). Why this is very important is that, most time your partner may disguise his/herself to prove to you that his/her heart is pure/beautiful. Don’t forget, “Not all that glitters is gold.” But if you can create series of events involving disguise when necessary, the truth must be disclosed/unveiled. Honestly, the truth can only be hidden for some (a short) time after which it explodes. Sure, the truth explodes when it’s due.

In a nutshell, you’ve to take your precious time if you truly want the best. If you can abide by this, you will surely testify that, beauty of the heart is truly an angelic epitome (symbol). Think about it!



Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Extramarital Affairs


Amazingly, I woke up one fateful morning and found myself smiling for no reason. A mood that ushered me into a moment of thorough meditation. Initially I was enjoying the scene; but lately, I discovered I was almost losing my sanity. Frankly speaking, till now I find it very difficult to fathom what precisely constituted that period of amusement at that early hour of the day. Needless to say, deep inside my system lies a fathomless fear in respect to the aforementioned mysterious scenario. Nevertheless, we shall continue to thank God and as well present Him with eulogies due to the life and strength He has given to us considering the fact that millions of people out there are lying helplessly and hopelessly.

If a close look is not given to the above paragraph, it stands to be meaningless to most of us. But I seize this opportunity to inform you that, that very paragraph represents the most important phase of this critique/edition. In essence, the paragraph is trying to tell us that some of the actions we indulge in on a daily basis is mysterious. In other words, such actions are being instituted or initiated by nature without our individual consent. You may not really comprehend where I’m actually driving at unless you join the school of thought known as “Realism”.

You will bear me witness that I’ve written on marriage. In my previous work on marriage, I categorically made it clear that it remains the oldest institution on earth. I also said that it’s an institute being instituted by God Himself, therefore ought to be seen by all and sundry as a sacred organization. Then if truly that such union is sacred, therefore it should be regarded as sacrosanct.

It’s quite appalling that the above union/institution has been abused greatly by those involved. Pathetically most people have turned it into a place for mere jamboree as if it’s an arena meant for social clubbing. Each time I see or set my eyes on such set of people, I smile with my jaws widely open. Yes instead of weeping, I’ve chosen to go by smiling. Well, my duty and paramount interest for today’s edition is to redirect most of us who has been abusing or intend to abuse this holy union called marriage.

I want to use this avenue to put up a fact that may be peculiar to us. It’s only by the special grace of the Almighty that one finds his/her marriage/life partner. In the same vein; it’s by the grace of God that both of you remain faithful to each other regardless of how beautiful or loveable any of you might be. Believe me, it’s not just a fact; rather, a fancy fact. In essence, I’m actually saying that if you fail to abide by the rule of God, you will definitely find your relationship in shambles.

Let me make this issue clearer. Some of the actions such as cheating or bickering we find ourselves in our respective marital relationships may not be as we planned or wished; it could be mysterious. And this aspect known as mystery remains the major reason we should endeavour to always be closer to God whenever we find ourselves in any marital relationship. Take for instance; if one gets married, he/she might wish to adore his/her partner for the rest of his/her life. But at a certain point in our marital life, we find ourselves acting silly contrary to our earlier decision; and you may never find out what actually prompted such unwanted act. This is why we must acknowledge the fact that there’re certain forces surrounding any marriage or marital vow. Let’s ride on!

An extramarital affair is an activity in which a married person cheats his/her marriage partner for the purpose of actualizing his/her selfish desire. Without mincing words, this aspect of marriage has been existing since the beginning of the world. Thus, it’s as old as the union itself.

First and foremost, the only way one can be free from this mess is to be contented with what he/she has. Secondly, you should also understand that the union was not by your making; thus, you’re bound to be faithful or grateful not only to your partner but to the progenitor of such sacred union.

The perfect key towards a home that’s free from any sort of extramarital affair is nothing but contentment coupled with prayers. You must continue to inform yourself that you’re satisfied with whatever you’re blessed with; be it your partner or material possession. Then such worthwhile attribute or idiosyncrasy is meant to be accompanied with regular prayers in order to withstand any possible temptation that may come on your way. Surely, temptation must set in; there’s no two ways about it, and you can never escape from it. In other words, it’s natural.

I want to let you know that mankind has a natural tendency to taste what he has never tasted before. This is why Economics recognizes that human wants are uncertain due to our natural quest to have what we’ve never had before. Thus, we must safeguard what we have jealously as if it’s the best among others. Such quality is simply known as contentment. I also wish to inform you that, contentment cannot work if we fail to dedicate our marriages to God.

For crying out loud, marriage has a finite rule/policy, and we must stick to it if we really want ours to be successful and fruitful. This is why maturity remains the most fundamental tool requires in a marriage. Yes, both parties are expected to be mature; maturity is one of the basic recipes when it calls for marriage. Mind you, that one is forty (40) does not imply that he/she is mature; thus, age is not directly proportional to maturity as it’s generally and popularly noted.

Brethren, we must endeavour to do this right so we won’t be smiling when we’re meant to pray because there’s time for everything. You shouldn’t personally invite moment of doom into a union founded by God Himself.

It’s high time we detested and destroyed these cankerworms that are setting our respective homes ablaze. Cheating is definitely evil and we must absorb that fact into our thick skulls. Think about it!






The term ‘madness’ could be used in many ways; but in this edition, our interest lies in the aspect of mental illness or degradation. Pardon me, I wish to begin with a short story.

One fateful day, I and three other young men, fellow executive members of a certain organization Oru Youths Platform (OYOPLA) which I happen to be the founder/leader were heading to a certain town in Oru in our private car to see a prominent personality; Oru is an ancient community that comprises of Oru East / West Local Government Areas in Imo State, Nigeria. Within five to six minutes drive which ushered in about ten kilometers (10km), we encountered three mad persons on the way. One of us, Mr. Charles Nlemeke (Financial Director) who was on the sterling couldn’t hold his breath; so he thought aloud, “Is like this town has the largest number of mad people in this community (Oru)?” The rhetorical question suddenly broke the silence that had lasted for over three minutes. Thereby, an uncontrolled unified laughter followed suit. But I maintained a slight smile. After some seconds, I bombarded the insinuation with another rhetorical question, “How sure are you that, those mad persons weren’t imported from your town?” Subsequently, another great laughter burst in. ”But, Presido might be right,” said the Director of Ethics, Mr. Longinus Onyebuchi who was trying to be on my side. Then, the Vice-President General (VPG) Mr. Joseph Ozor suggested that we go to one of our Legal Advisers for more clarification. According to him, the Legal Adviser would be in the right position to know the actual fact about the community. We all unanimously agreed to dance to the tune of the VPG.

Brethren, any reasonable person can figure out that the above conversation was a joke. We decided to laugh over the circumstance (madness) so it wouldn’t affect our respective psyches. Of course it shouldn’t have been a joking matter because ‘madness’ has become a very serious issue in our society. And, this is where the context of this lonely edition lies.

There are two distinct mood a certain mad person might belong to, which are violence and calmness; a mad person could be violent or calm. Pardon me, I wish to narrate another short story.

There was a day I was sitting at one of the joints situated at Wetheral road in Owerri; still in Imo State. I was very observant just as I had always being, as I was sipping my chilled drink. Suddenly I noticed that a certain mad man was walking in an opposite direction with one pretty young lady along the road. At their point of meeting, the mad man in question quickly hit the lady at her lips with one of his bare hands. Everyone around was shock by the incident. The lady sustained an injury on her lower jaw. We all began to sympathize with her. On the other hand, the mad man kept on moving as if he never did anything. Believe me, the scene was dramatic; but it wasn’t funny.

One of the men who was sitting with us called the lady and inquired from her if she had known the mad man, or had ever met him before. To me, that was a rhetorical question. Arrant nonsense; total ignorance coupled with stupidity! We frowned at such question that lacked an action word or verbal term. By His grace, I used the avenue to educate the man who tendered the silly question and also, everyone in the gathering. I let them know that the mad man was a typical example of a violent mad man. In other words, he was suffering from psychosis. And such persons are scattered all over the nook and cranny. Let’s ride on!

Whatever branch/mood a given madness belongs to, the cause could be natural, medical, spiritual, or physical. Let’s commence with natural causes.

The cause of a certain madness could be natural. That is, it can be caused by nature. And, this is where curse (spell) sets in. one may ask if ‘curse’ truly works. Yes, it actually works if the recipient of such curse is not innocent. Believe me, if you’ve wronged anyone in the past and never cared to seek for forgiveness and as well embrace total repentance, you must in one way or the other receive the consequence of such evil or ungodly act if the person places a curse on you. The person in question may not even care to place you under spell if he/she is truly a Christian. But whatever may be the case, I want you to acknowledge that, nature fights on behalf of the innocent whenever he/she is being hurt by someone. Frankly speaking, there’s too much power in nature.

Secondly, madness could be caused by medical/health problem(s). Some of the Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) such as syphilis could lead to madness. If anyone is infected by any of them and refuses to go for adequate treatment, at a point or an acute level, it may result to psychosis (madness). So, an infection is also one of the causes of madness.

There is/are also spiritual means of madness. This is where ritualism/cultism comes in. For instance, if one is being initiated into a certain secret confraternity; and he/she was asked to carry out a particular ritual or sacrifice which he refused or failed, there is a tendency that the person would incur madness as an outcome of his rebellion/failure. Apart from madness, there are other repercussions the person may encounter. I’m of the view that the above words are enough to explain this paragraph. Note that one of the causes of madness, nature, mentioned above can also be classified under this (spiritual).

Above all, there is also a physical cause of madness. If one receives a bullet in his brain, it could be a pathway to madness if an adequate and urgent measure is not taken. More so, constant reading (studying) without adequate intake of food or absolute rest may also lead to psychosis. There are other physical activities that affect the brain such as incessant intake of hard drugs like cocaine and marijuana which are also possible means of madness.

All the causes of madness discussed above could be avoided; so one needs to be extremely careful because carefulness remains the best approach to it. A popular Igbo idiomatic expression says, “were ire gi guo eze gi onu.” Meaning, count your teeth with your tongue. Though sometimes temptation sets in; that is more reason we are bound to remain prayerful and faithful. Yes, that is the suitable key. Don’t forget, there’s no absolute or total cure for madness. Thus, “prevention is better than cure.” Another Igbo adage says, “agboja onye ara, ogayi akusi ntawu.” That is, if a mad person has been treated or cured, he/she would never stop thinking aloud at all times. ‘Thinking aloud’ is a situation whereby one indulges in self communication in a manner in which his/her voice sounds to the hearing of other people around. Thus, “prevention is better than cure.”

The Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) have a very vital role to play here. They ought to organize educative and inspirational seminars and workshops relating to madness, from time to time. On the other hand, the concerned government agencies should ensure that those mad people on our roads are consistently taken to a special home or psychiatric hospitals with the object of maintaining a serene environment.

Brethren, it’s time for break. Remember, ‘all work no play makes Jack a dull boy.” Perhaps it may lead to madness, not just dullness. Who knows? Think about it!




Saturday, 21 September 2013

Birthday anniversary Celebration


In most developing nations, the mood of political cynicism and despair deepened tremendously. As a crime analyst and social crusader, these are bulk of catastrophic illusions culminated by bunch of feverish panoramic views which were solely initiated by a myopic telescope. Such fallacious ideas are the reactants of this insistent and perpetual product known as ‘treason’ which has been the order of the season. You’ll agree with me that, this unending cankerworm (treason) yielded the present reoccurring state of insomnia witnessed by many developing nations scattered all over.

On the contrary, a wise thinker considers the odyssey of his/her country and sees if he/she can render a remedy to any existing loophole(s). It’s obvious that such person must consider both the nourishing and devastating parts of the odyssey rather than, being one-sided as it is the case in the above phenomenon. And such examination or analysis will surely lead to a logical conclusion. This is what we, the analysts, tag as realism. Brethren, realism is a school of thought; one who belongs to such school, or a realistic person, recognizes and accepts the true nature of any situation and tries to deal with it practically. Above all, he embraces pessimism and optimism. Yes, it’s a paradox, but at the end, the latter must supersede the former.

At this juncture, I wish to draw your attention to the basic reality of life; we all were created for a purpose. And, that purpose is positive. Thus, no one was created to die or to be destroyed. If our various dreams are pursued with worthwhile and enormous effort(s) coupled with great passion and vigour, such dream/pursuit must surely be actualized or come to past. Let’s ride on!

Birthday is the anniversary of the date on which one was born. In other words, it’s the day that marks the completion of a particular span. That is, if you were seventeen by this time last year, then apparently you’re eighteen. Which means, you’ve clocked the adulthood and as well completed your eighteenth (18th) year span. In other words, you’ve accomplished a certain mission.

For over the years, millions of people have been seeing this phenomenon (birthday) as worthwhile whilst, many critics see it as an inconsequential gesture or are yet to embrace/acknowledge the efficacy of its existence. This difference between the members of the above groups has been generating a lot of dusts as a result of their surfeit of debate. On this note, I wish to use this avenue to earn my view on this reoccurring baseless debate that has been taking place in the absence of a judge or quizmaster. You can forward your response(s) after this edition if you wish to counter my forthcoming critique or single-minded opinion on this outstanding topic.

Unequivocally, as stipulated by the caption of the topic, birthday celebration is truly a welcome phenomenon. It’s a day that you have to take a second look at your life (journey) so far just as it was quoted by the famous philosopher of the blessed memory, Socrates “an unexamined life is not worth living.” Yes, one’s life ought to be constantly and consistently examined. On the close examination of your odyssey, the good side of it must surely call for celebration while, the other side (bad side) calls for adjustment or total transition of your life-style in regard to the affected phase (angle). You shouldn’t be rigid at all times/events. At a certain point or in some cases, you’ve to loosen up. Examination or cross-examination of your life will do you no harm. Honestly, it pays to indulge in such act.

Thus, such moment (birthday) is truly a moment of sober as it’s cited by various wise thinkers. I want to quickly remind you of something very crucial; there’s no span or life-span that does not have both the good and bad sides. Even the holy Bible says it all; “…He sets the time for sorrow and the time for joy, the time for mourning and the time for dancing…” (Eccl 3: 1-8).

At your moment of sober, if you fail to recognize the good side of your span, always remember that, there’s one which is constant; and that is ‘life’. If you don’t have anything to celebrate for or you’re so myopic to acknowledge that you’re still alive, kindly do so (celebrate) for the sake of your life. Frankly, there’s no good thing that would be better than life. Just as the Igbo people always say, “ndu bu isi.” That is, life is/remains the most important thing on earth, or to mankind. Surely, life is too precious.

So if you’ve been celebrating/acknowledging your birthday, then I wish to state here that, you’re one of those wise thinkers who closely consider the real purpose of their existence on earth. Believe me, such attribute is not unconnected to realism. For sure, like I said earlier; if you’re on this earth, or in this world, you’re here or were created for a purpose. And, that purpose is definitely positive. So even if you’re myopic to recognize that you’re still alive, you’re bound to appreciate that purpose for which you were created. Above all, you’ve to appreciate God for creating you or ensuring that you were created; It is a privilege that we should always remain grateful to. (Q.E.D).

Even in your sick bed; no matter how critical is the illness, the purpose for which you were created should continue to motivate you. Let it be your sole motivation. Thus, “you shall not die; you shall live to profess His goodness and mercy…”

Similarly, such demonstration (anniversary) is also required in the case of graduation, irrespective of the nature/level of the citadel of learning. That is, be it nursery, primary, secondary, tertiary or what have you, they all call for celebration. If you can’t celebrate with friends, do so with the members of your family. You can even celebrate within yourself. What matters most is the spirit of the celebration. So the euphoria must be there. Thus, the most important thing that matters in any celebration/jubilation, no matter how little it is, is that the celebrant(s) must be euphoric. Yes, there’s no two ways about it.

Don’t forget that anniversary is needed/necessary in any aspect of our worthwhile endeavours. For instance, a constant wedding anniversary celebration is really essential to any couple in question. Marriage is an everlasting institution, so any thing or day that results/marks the beginning of such mutual relationship automatically calls for celebration. Even if the marriage is yet to be fruitful, you’re bound to appreciate the fact that, the Almighty never fails.

Brethren, continue to celebrate because such attribute yields greater success or fruit. Mind you, celebration is not when one hosts a party; there’re several ways one can celebrate. Think about it!




twitter: @fdnnwaozor
BB PIN: 2B0290C8

Black in the Midst (Poem)


Blacks loaded
With blackmails,
Do you still need
A blackout?

A tremendous colour
Without a blemish
But with
Tremendous blemishes
On it
Socio-political platform.

Blessed colour
But yet
To be blessed.

Blameworthy but
Meant to
Be blameless.

Though, loaded
With many
Artistic endowments.
What a superb artistry!

Yes, we're aware that
The artistic power of
The entire atmosphere
Lies in your hands.

What a friendly atmosphere!
An atmosphere of
Cautious optimism.

Friday, 20 September 2013

Fate & Faith


By His grace, this edition will take time to analyze the aforementioned tools exclusively. Yes, I call them tools because both are working instruments. But the difference remains that, the former is regarded to be used by the ‘Almighty’ while mankind uses the latter. Please don’t be in haste. There’s still much time to talk about it. Like I promised, I shall be discursive in my analysis.

Fate is a power believed by some people to control everything or whatever that happens on earth, or to them. In other words, someone’s fate is anything that happens to him/her. On other hand, based on the context of this edition or analysis, faith is a strong religious belief some people have towards their creator; or towards the efficacy/supremacy of their creator.

Let’s commence with fate. Those things that happen to you, or anyone/anything around you either mysteriously (without symptom) or with symptom(s) are what we regard as fate. Your fate are the things that happen to you which you cannot control or stop. This is where nature comes in. of course, you know one can’t cheat nature. Rather, it (nature) is meant/bound to cheat you when it’s necessary. That is, no matter how powerful you are, always remember that you’re one of the subjects of nature. And this is where supremacy comes in.

Yes, in any environment one may find himself, he must be subject to one of two supreme beings. These supreme beings could be earthly. But above the earthly ones, there lies the most ultimate/superior one who’s regarded by most people as the heavenly. It’s this unseen heavenly being that can give an answer to one’s fate. Honestly most individuals, irrespective of their religious affiliations, believe in the existence of this most high being. Though, only few/some believes in fate; many are yet to acknowledge the efficacy of the tool. This is where the context of this edition lies. Let’s ride on!

Brethren frankly speaking, fate exists. Sometimes in life, we encounter one of two circumstances that seem to be mysterious to us. That is, a circumstance no one can explain why or how it took place. This also has a link with destiny. For instance, if you’re destined to be an engineer but you keep on dreaming of, or struggling towards becoming a medical doctor; along the line, you may be faced with bunch of failures. At this circumstance, one is liable to say that you’re under the influence of fate. Most times some people misinterpret it; some may see such scene as a curse whilst some sees it as lack of focus/seriousness. But don’t forget, fate plays a very vital role in our various pursuits or endeavours. So most misfortunes or accidents are attributed to fate, while some are attributable to carelessness, lack of determination (zeal), or curse. If fate is behind any circumstance you might be facing, always bear it in mind that, such situation is for your own merit, and nothing less.

Let’s usher into faith. This has to do with the trust we have for our creator. If you truly trust one, you will always rely on him regardless of the situation. Thus, there’s no faith without trust. In other words, trust begets faith. For one to embrace fate to the fullness, he/she must learn to be faithful. If you’re being surrounded by a certain unfavourable fate, the only way to overcome it is by being faithful to your supreme being. You’ve to challenge Him with faith. It’s the only key that can open any door locked with fate. Even prayers are not enough. Believe me, no amount/degree of prayers can withstand fate if such prayers are not accompanied with faith. True faith gives optimism, enthusiasm and above all, near-perfection. So we should learn to accept our fate in good faith at all times.

Even if a misfortune is attributed to some spells, challenge it with faith. This shows you acknowledge that your creator or supreme being could fight/act on your behalf. Your only contribution to such battle ought to be prayers coupled with extreme faith. No matter the intensity of the curse or misfortune, faith shall grant you happiness at the end. But mind you; if the spell you’re passing through is due to your past wrong/evil deeds, then an extra sacrifice would be required. This is where total repentance comes in. Yes, you must admit to desist from those acts. Such approach is known as practical remorse, and it’s the first step. The second step lies in seeking for forgiveness from the person you must have wronged. Then lastly, sincere prayers and faith shall shower you with eternal deliverance.

Whenever you embrace faith, you must be filled with an inspiration that, your creator can change your unfavourable fate for good at any time; or that, any new thing can manifest in your life within a twinkle of an eye. So you don’t have to be doubtful. You shouldn’t allow the event of the past to weigh you down if you truly acknowledge the efficacy of faith. Yes, it’s written already in the holy Bible (Isaiah 43: 19-21) according to the Christian virtue, “Do not cling to events of the past or dwell on what happened long ago. Watch for the new thing I am going to do. It is happening already; you can see it now! I will make a road through the wilderness and give you streams of water there. Even the wild animals will honour me; jackals and ostriches will praise me when I make rivers flow in the desert to give water to my chosen people. They are the people I made for myself, and they will sing my praises!”

Above all, faith is also the feeling of one’s confidence in someone/something’s ability or goodness. Even the married couple should exercise faith for each other if they really desire a progressive and fruitful relationship. More so, this is the only way they can overcome any temptation encountered by their institution (marriage).

Honestly, fate and faith are two fancy facts that we are meant to embrace at all times. Acknowledge them, and you shall see that the Lord is good!




Thursday, 19 September 2013

Hired Masquerades (poem)


A true impedimenta

To the continuous

Fantastic societal approach

Stipulated by

The African giant

To embrace the promise-land.

Were you hired or

You hired yourself?

Well, not really necessary.

The fact remains,

Hire is in question.

The most complicated scene;

Still the fact

That you are

Part and parcel of

The struggling society.

I wonder,

You willing agreed

To be

Among the notorious

And exploitable work force.

You are not just

A speech impediment

But a major impediment

To the societal economic growth.

Behind the bars

Ought to be

The only resting arena

For your pessimistic ego.



Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Rumour dissemination


According to BBC English dictionary, rumour can be described as “a piece of information that may or may not be true, but that people are talking about.” That is, if something is rumoured to be true, people are suggesting that it is true but they do not know for certain.

The way through which people live by the above phenomenon is really becoming a devastating scenario. There are several situations that could lead to the practices, such as idleness, enmity, rivalry, illiteracy, envy, to mention but a few.

Someone who is idle will have many things to say than to do. Therefore, idle people go a long way disseminating information which they are not too sure of thereby feeding their listeners’ minds with fallacies, because they have nothing better to do or to be occupied with. This dances to the tune of the popular citation that says, “An idle mind is a devil’s workshop.”

Also, someone’s enemy can pollute the minds of the populace by formulating a false information that can tarnish his/her image. And the recipients of such information will definitely have an intimation of it.

Thirdly, if two or more persons or organizations are in the same type of business/work, they are automatically rivals to each other; especially when their businesses are situated at the same location. Thus, any of them can come up with a propaganda that may be published or broadcast, to reduce the reputation of the other(s) so that they would be placed ahead of them. This routine is often used by the politicians to disqualify or discredit their antagonists.

Fourthly, the illiterate ones among the recipients of any propaganda will easily be convinced. This will enable the news to be more widely spread since any society must have a concentration of the illiterate or uneducated ones. On the contrary, the educated ones would like to take a second look at the information thereby creating avenue for thorough scrutiny; though some of them may be hired by the propagandists.

On the other hand, if you are being envied by some persons, your name will always be mentioned during most of their gatherings. They will say all sort of things about you including the fake/false ones that may stain your reputation. The funniest part of this idiosyncrasy is that, the people who fabricate/make such loathsome statements may not mean any harm; their intention or basic interest may be to prove to others that they know much about you. The fake news would be solely propagated by them. The art of ignorance! This set of people can be referred to as the men of the underworld. The aforementioned phenomenon often occurs between a star and his/her fans.

Any of the above factors that contributes to rumour dissemination can lead to gossip in all nooks and crannies of any given society. Gossip, which is one of the masses’ major occupations can also be referred to as a rumour which its content may or may not be true.

Going by the above stated facts, one can boldly consider the popular saying that says “In any rumour, there is an atom of truth” as an illusion, since one can easily propagate an information on a matter that had never existed. On this note, I urge us to rather agree on the fact that in any rumour, there must be a trace of truth; and not “atom of truth” as it’s widely noted. For instance, one who graduated from the same department with you in a certain university may propagate a rumour that you used to be a cheat in the examination hall. This may be a lie against you; apparently, there’s no any atom of truth behind it. But the trace of truth remains that you used to be his coursemate. This trace of truth is what would attract the attention of anyone who receives the information. The fact is that, some of the recipients of the rumour will automatically see it as a truth while some will definitely give it a second thought, which is the art of individual differences.

Please the actors of this scandal should desist from it and think of how to turn a new leave. Let’s always remember that, “what goes around comes around.” To the idle minds; according to the Holy Bible, Sirach 19: 6-9 says, “Avoid idle talk and you will avoid a lot of trouble. Never repeat what you hear and you will have no regrets. Don’t tell it to your friends or your enemies unless it would be sinful to keep it to yourself. Whoever hears you will take note of it, and sooner or later will hate you for it.”

Secondly, the recipient of any rumour should always be conscious of the fact that, in any rumour, there may not be any atom of truth; but there might be a trace of truth. Furthermore, Sirach 19:10, 13-16 says, “Have you heard a rumour? Let it die with you. Be brave! It won’t make you explode. If you hear that a friend has done something wrong, ask him about it; maybe it’s not true. If it is true, he won’t do it again. If you hear that a neighbour has said something he shouldn’t, ask him about it. Maybe he didn’t say it. If he did, he won’t say it again. If you hear something bad about a friend, ask him about it; it might be a lie. Don’t believe everything you hear. A person may say something carelessly and not really mean it. Everyone has sinned in this way at one time or another.”

Brethren, please it’s high time we threw this menace to the bush. Enough of these inconsequential bickering. Think about it!




twitter: @fdnnwaozor

BB PIN: 2B0209C8



Man's quest for Materialism


As a social analyst/activist, the last time I checked, greater percentage of the entire Nigerian population, emigrants inclusive, was made of individuals gifted with different laudable talents. On the contrary, most members of the aforementioned percentage (class) are yet to discover their respective talents. And some who has discovered theirs find it very difficult to embrace them due to lack of contentment coupled with indulgence in inconsequential rivalry. To some of us, I may have been speaking Greek; but my points are very clear and comprehensible.

In the early morning of last three Sundays, 1st of September precisely, I received a phone call from a bosom friend who resides in Ghana. Firstly, he verified the present physiognomy of the Nigerian society as regards the long awaited ember months period. Furthermore and lastly he asked me to apply extreme carefulness in the forthcoming days of the year in regard to my writing/activism profession, stating that the said period is always associated with fathomless temptation especially in a country like Nigeria. Based on the former, verily I informed him that the look of the country remains same owing to the fact that the usual social culture/tradition of the major occupants has not change. Then on the latter, I told him that carefulness remains my watchword regardless of the circumstance.

In the same vein, immediately after the phone conversation, a text message came in from another close friend residing in Calabar, Cross-River State coupled with other numerous text messages of similar content from several friends and fans. In the sms, he was wishing me tremendous successes in my various endeavour as we just embarked on the most tempting period of the year.

Conclusively going by the above stated reactions from my friends, you’ll rightly comprehend the fact that anyone who were born or bred up in Nigeria is occupied with the knowledge/mentality that the ember months usually go with different tempo which is often accompanied with series of temptations. To me, any concerned individual/observer who decides to take up such perspective as a case study may end up tagging it as a fallacious one because personally, I’m of the opinion that the famous ember months are just like any other months in the calendar. Meanwhile, let’s ride on!

Quest is a long search for what one desires; or can be said to be an extreme passion attached to one’s want(s). On the other hand, materialism is an act in which one thinks that money and other possessions are the most important things in life.

Taking Nigeria, and Africa in general as a case study, most people believe that life is all about acquiring wealth or property. If not, how can someone in his real senses dream of owning different classic of cars in existence; more so, how can a person think or have a passion of being the president/leader of his country for the rest of his life? I’m just thinking aloud, therefore your answer might be inconsequential.

Brethren to be candid and precise, life is all about leaving a footprint on the sand of time. Thus, it doesn’t matter how long one lives here on earth but how well. Yes it’s no longer news that everyone, including myself prays to live long or to witness his/her old age. Though such attribute is consequential and worthwhile; but I put it up to you that what matters most is what you would be leaving behind. Therefore, the latter ought to be of paramount importance to us. On this note, I sincerely ask all of us; what are we leaving behind when we eventually depart from here or what will you be remembered for; is it the hundreds of cars you drove or the series of aircrafts owned by you? At this juncture I urge us to search our various consciences.

It baffles my person and it’s as well disgusting the manner in which most of us, the youth to be precise long for mere material possessions which makes them end up indulging in several vices. It’s appalling to note that most of those people who indulge in such act is gifted with unique and charming talents.

The only way we can boycott these lingering inhuman acts is to embrace contentment, detest unnecessary rivalry and above all, being God-fearing. We must learn to be satisfied with whatever we’re blessed with irrespective of its amount/value, and try as much as possible to avoid some inconsequential rivalry. Yes some competitions are necessary whilst most are usually based on issues that don’t really matter. We should endeavour to concentrate on the necessary ones or those that are called for by promoting or sticking to our respective talents. Above all, in all our endeavours, we must not forget that there’s a supremacy that controls/oversees whatever we do here on earth.

We’re already occupied with the mentality that the ember months attract alarming rate of man’s quest for materialism. Based on this widely accepted ideology, I wish to inform us that the ember months are not in any way a problem to us or any society, rather, we remain our problems. In other words, we’re our plight. Think about it!



Friday, 13 September 2013

National Engineering Workshops


The drastic persistent state of decay in the Nigerian engineering sector that seems perpetual may look like a mere dramatic scene to the eyes of the myopic viewers, but it could have a pernicious influence on countless generation to come if urgent and adequate care is not taken.

The insistent insouciance among the citizenry or the concerned group is another sensitive and pathetic lapse attached to the aforementioned economic shortcoming. Needless to say that, a country tagged as a ‘giant’ by many quintessence of knowledge filled with tremendous intellectual depth appears sympathetic.

Engineering, according to BBC English dictionary, “is the work involving in designing and constructing machinery, electrical devices, or roads and bridges.” On the other hand, a workshop “is a room or building containing tools or machinery for making or repairing things”. Thus, an engineering workshop is a well equipped building established solely for the purpose of engineering activities. It could be set up (established) anywhere such as at the industry/factory, university, polytechnic, or the road side, as the case may be.

Engineering, as we can testify, is a professionally oriented and technical intensive discipline being studied in the most Nigerian Universities and Polytechnics, and all over the higher institutions in the world.

You will agree with me that, over the years, our engineering sector has been deteriorating and decaying due to the flopping of our industries with the half-baked engineers (scientists) from the Nigerian Universities and Polytechnics. Most of these engineers are unemployable, and this has been detrimental to our economy. One may boldly say that the major cause of this is lack of seriousness showcase by most lecturers, or the introduction of bribery and corruption in our various schools. But, this may not be exactly the fundamental cause of the occurring scenario. Honestly, the rot is being experienced as a result of inadequate or non technical know-how undergo by the engineering students (undergraduates) in various higher institutions in the country.

Nigeria, as a giant of Africa, should be producing the most experienced and qualified engineers/technologists, but the reverse remains the case. This is due to the lack of sufficient attention and improper management by the government.

There is only one way out. Well equipped workshops should be established in each of our existing universities and polytechnics that studies engineering, and should be properly monitored. Also, some standard national engineering workshops should be set up. They should be located to several strategic points in Nigerian, so that, the graduating students would undergo a one year compulsory technical training after the completion of the required course works in their respective schools. Such students shall also be qualified to participate in his/her project work after the completion of the compulsory programme. On the other hand, these national workshops should as well be properly managed by the government in order to maintain its standard, and to be internationally recognized.

The above programme would enhance the existing quack knowledge of our engineering students thereby making them to become world-class engineers after graduation, rather than the technical impact of the already existing Students Industrial Work Experience Scheme (S.I.W.E.S). Even, most students dodge the so-called SIWES or Industrial Training (IT). They prefer indulging in other activity that would fetch them money during the stipulated period for the training. There is also need to revive the SIWES because it shall serve as a worthwhile basis for the compulsory technical programme. The school authorities should endeavour to send delegates from time to time to any firm/industry an IT Student might claim to be, irrespective of the location or distance from the school in question. At this point, the government is also expected to support the institutions financially. It should continually fund the universities/polytechnics in regard to logistics inconveniences.

The compulsory one year engineering training shall be similar to that of the medical/pharmaceutical and law sectors. But the routine shall be a bit different from the law sector because that of the law is elective; that is, if you would like to become, or to be addressed as a practicing lawyer after the completion of your university programme, the choice is yours, unlike that of the medical and pharmaceutical programmes, housemanship and internship respectively.

So, the one-year engineering programme shall be strictly compulsory. Therefore, shall be considered by the government as a prerequisite for any graduating engineering student to participate in the on-going National Youth Service programme.

If the above routine is taken, the incessant problems faced by the engineering students in our various schools will surely belong to the history book. So definitely, the routine (measure) shall serve as a placebo. Think about it!



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Thursday, 12 September 2013

God-fearing Home


“Rome was not built in a day” as it’s popularly cited. Also, “a journey of a thousand miles must begin with a step”. Above all, ‘to be forewarned is to be forearmed”.

Most times, the best way to begin or to issue an advice is to present it as a warning. Yes, the wise thinkers have come to realize that, the most suitable and reliable method of teaching is to package your facts in form of warning. That makes it, the topic or the teaching, looks more serious. Here, we’re discussing or about discussing a formidable God-fearing home; and how such phenomenon could be actualized.

A home is a place where one lives. It’s also the area or country that one comes from or lives in. Here, our interest lies in the former.

A home is an institution. The immediate members of such institution are father, mother and child/children. This institution (home) is derived from, or is a product of a certain institution (marriage) instituted or inaugurated by God Himself. In other words, since marriage was installed by God, its product(s) should be regarded or seen as a sacred entity. Thus, a home is a sacred institution. And every member of such institute ought to be sacred.

Considering the journey that ascertains a complete home, one could vividly figure out that, such institute was not built in a day. So, it seems to involve a journey of a thousand miles which must begin with a step. What we should be asking ourselves is; where does the first step of such journey lies? Brethren, I wish to volunteer the only answer to the given question. The first step to the journey lies in ‘courtship’.

Courtship is an activity in which a man and a woman spend a lot of time together because they are intending to get married. A male and a female that intend to become a couple must try to know each other better prior to such mingling stage by initiating a period of courtship. This instrument (courtship) shall enable the persons in question to know themselves very well. And during such moment, if there’s anywhere any of them has lapse(s) or a loophole; it can be amended amicably provided they truly love each other.

Both persons can also use the period to educate themselves, and as well, tell themselves how they would like their children to look like or to be. This is the best avenue both parties could acknowledge the efficacy of moral upbringing of children/kids. Believe me, the best way to actualize your dream to the fullness is to initiate, and as well implement a proper plan. Yes, you must learn to draft the plan of any project you have in mind; it’s the best way such project could be ascertained if God is truly by your side, or in support of the proposed project. Honestly many had derailed and also failed in their various endeavours due to lack of project initiative or planning. Let’s ride on!

So if truly you care to have a formidable God-fearing home, you must start by telling yourself the truth. Don’t ever deceive yourself; always be frank and honest. I bet you, if you can boast of such quality as you court with your partner, you’ll leave no stone unturned to ensure that he/she emulates the glittering and worthwhile idiosyncrasies. And if both of you can boast of the quality, believe me, the journey has begun; and definitely, the sky must surely be your stepping stone.

Let me quickly draw your attention to a popular Igbo adage that says, “agbo adiyi amu ihe di mkpu-mkpu.” This means, a snake does not reproduce or give birth to a short being/thing. Yes, one can only give what he has; there’s no two ways about it even if you’re a magician. Frankly speaking, it doesn’t require any magic; it’s natural. And till death do us part, I’ll continue to tell/remind you that ‘nature’ is very powerful.

Then if by the special grace of God, you both end up a couple, you shall encounter no problem while implementing the techniques/tactics that ascertain a happy home because you had already planned towards it. Another Igbo adage says, “aya akara aka adiyi eri nwangboro.” That is, a war that was announced doesn’t consume a cripple person.

What am I saying in essence? Since you had trained yourselves during the courtship to be God fearing, then it’ll take no stress from you to transfer such qualities to your offspring(s) whenever God blesses you (the union) with any. At this point, it would be no news to you as a couple that, the best way to start training your child is to ensure that he is being drawn closer to the content(s) of the holy Bible or Quran, as the case may be.

Brethren, if a child acknowledges the real content of the aforementioned tool (holy writ) as he/she grows, he must ensure that he sticks to the mandates or instructions of the religious tool (instrument). If a child can grow up to differentiate the right from the left, then a solid/formidable God-fearing home has been actualized since every member of the family (home) can boast of living a life worthy of emulation.

At this juncture, I strongly believe that I have succeeded in convincing you on the fact that, the key that leads to a formidable God-fearing home lies in our hands. Think about it!




twitter: @fdnnwaozor

The Media, Society & People


As a crime/social analyst, my analyses would not be complete if I fail to speak on this. The interwoven nature of the above tools has called for my humble critique.

Indeed, obscurantism had become the official policy. But, the media remains the answer to any state of transformation from an angle of obscurity to a point of transparency. Even, recent times, people tagged as incorrigible and obstreperous creatures had suddenly become flexible due to the efficacy of the aforementioned tool. Most times, the so-called plenipotentiaries that shy away from the societal eye/mouth piece (media) would end-up being exposed by the panoramic view of the same societal foresight.

Lest I forget, this edition is solely dedicated to my media family, White-paper newspaper. I was compiling this critique before I had a humble encounter with the Editor-in-Chief (MD), Sam Onwuemedo in his noble office which became an avenue to be reminded that, the family in question would be celebrating/marking her third year anniversary on the 9th of September being yesterday. So, in other words, I’m tendering my critique in arrears, though we’re still celebrating because the euphoria continues.

The television, radio, magazines, and newspapers can be referred to as the media. On the other hand, a society is an organization for people who have the same interest, aim or object. While, a people could be defined as all the men, women, and children of a particular country or race. In a concise sentence, any society comprises of the media and a group of people which are directly dependent on each other.

Brethren, over the years, the media has been liberating people in millions of societies from different sorts of bondages; academic, spiritual, political, social, just to mention a few. Barely two days ago at the early hour of the day, I woke up to receive a phone call from one of my cousins residing in Lagos State. The young man asked me to continue thanking and praising God on his behalf for the media has liberated him from a certain social bondage. I tried to understand the genesis of his story/thanksgiving by asking him to expatiate. He told me that it was a long story, but promised to lay down the full gist when next we meet. Finally I succeeded in getting the tip of the iceberg from him. He said that, he had been a good listener to a certain radio programme being broadcast in Lagos State and was consistent in deriving his listening pleasure. One fateful day, he was privileged to be listening to an episode that has to do with one of his social ills/diseases which seemed indelible. At the end of the programme, he was totally filled with the Holy Spirit or was completely delivered from the ailment. That was the tip of the iceberg. Believe me, I’m yet to know the ailment in question.

Frankly speaking without taking much of our time, the media has done novel therefore deserves honourable mentions. It’s no longer news that a society without the media is completely blind. And I doubt if there’s any society suffering from total blindness. In other words, there’s no society that is yet to know/acknowledge the efficacy of the media.

For any leadership to be successful, the leader(s) in question must embrace the media. For adequate education to be ascertained, the media must be recognized. To obtain a crime-free society, the media would be required. For any given society to experience a socio-economic growth or emancipation, the media must not be left aside. Umu nnam, agam eku di ole yara ole; my kinsmen, which am I to speak and which am I to leave? Honestly, there’re too numerous goodness attached to the media.

My media family, white-paper Media Limited, the maker of the newspaper that truly elicits thinking is not far from the aforementioned quality. On this note, I’m giving kudos to the entire members of the blazing team; most especially my producer (publisher) and my noble editor, Sam Onwuemedo and Ken Uwasomba respectively, for their editorial guidance. Surely, just as our mission stipulates; we’re practicing journalism to the Glory of God. To God be the Glory!

Happy birthday White-paper newspaper. I’m in good position to say that, you deserve the ongoing state of euphoria or celebration galore because I’ve been with you right from when you started business. Continue to mean business; I’m solidly behind you. By His grace, we’ll surely get to the promise-land. It’s a fact. Yes a fancy fact!!


Tuesday, 10 September 2013


                                                            SCENIC SCENARIOS
                                                               The Way Forward!


                                                             FRED NWAOZOR


                                          The Author of Politics And The Universe


Also by Fred Nwaozor:


















+234-8028608056, 08099250401


To my amiable and lovely parents:

Mr. F.A. Nwaozor & Mrs. V.N. Nwaozor


My profound gratitude goes to the Paraclete for His inspiration and divine mercy.

My unalloyed appreciation to the wonderful aforementioned parents, Mr. & Mrs. F.A. Nwaozor for their moral and financial support.
I also acknowledge my indebtedness to my entire household for their unanimous support.

My special thanks to Mr. Ken Uwasomba for his editorial guidance.
I also owe a gratitude to my media benefactor, Mr. Sam Onwuemeodo.

Posterity will never forgive me if I fail to acknowledge the tremendous encouragement from my friends and fans.

I want to close this chapter with special thanks to my noble publisher and his entire crew.


This omnibus shall lay emphasis on the six major sectors that ought to be considered by the Nigerian government with the object of solving the ongoing socio-economic and political crises in the country. Each of the chapters that shall be discussing a particular sector shall emphasize on the steps or remedial approach to be taken to ensure that the lingering problem(s) in the sector in question is/are duly solved. The challenges that await the government while taking any of them (the steps) were foreseen and tagged by the author as ‘unavoidable’ if the noble dream of the nation must be actualized.
The book comprises of six different chapters that shall be exclusively discussing Power, Health, Education, Refineries, Security and Labour respectively.
                                                                                                                           - FDN NWAOZOR





Chapter One: Power

Chapter Two: Health

Chapter Three: Education

Chapter Four: Refinery

Chapter Five: Security

Chapter Six: Labour


The Author

** 1 **


Brethren, in any context the above term, power, is being used, either physical, spiritual, economic, or electrical, it will remain one of the most fundamental aspects of human existence or struggle. But, in this chapter, we’re only interested in its electrical context, and our nightmare is on its instability.

Electrical power or electricity has been the most fundamental/primary aspect of any economic development. Thus, its instability remains a worthwhile case study in any developmental struggle.

For over the years, lack of power stability has been a nasty cankerworm in the nation’s socio-economic growth. And, its eradication remains an enormous task or a nightmare to any political leader(s). On this note, the country has remained in absolute darkness, both physically and economically since her independence. For such barrier to be thrown to the waste bin, there is a certain step that must be taken/considered by the government; this single step, as stated below, should be adhered to by the present administration to ascertain steady and efficient power stability.

Privatization: This is the act of selling government owned firm(s) to an individual or group of persons due to one of two reasons in the interest of the government, and of the public. Sometimes it could be due to lack of fund requires for the maintenance (management) of the company in question. On the other hand, it could be for the aim of actualizing more adequate/effective functioning of the company thereby ensuring greater output.

The devastating condition of power supply in Nigeria that seems immutable requires this measure. The existing Power Holding Company of Nigeria (PHCN) should be totally sold to any interested individual or group, so that, the generation, transmission and distribution of electricity would be carried out by the private owner instead of having access to only ‘distribution’ which is the case in the present (ongoing) situation/era. Also, an embargo should be lifted by the government allowing other potential investors, indigenous or foreign, to participate in the sector, thereby creating competition or ascertaining a competitive market set-up in the sector rather than the existing monopolistic system.

Just a few years ago, a similar step was taken in the telecommunication sector by the past administration led by Chief Olusegun Obasanjo, and it worked. Honestly, once there’s a competition in any market system, the optimum target of each concerned investor remains how to be at the peak. Because, such position will automatically attract larger number of clients. Thus, such practice (competition) will definitely lead to efficiency.

So, the issue of constant power failure in Nigeria does not actually require the involvement or practice of technocracy, rather, a costless and intensely worthwhile measure such as the aforementioned tool (privatization). Even if you’re suffering from squint, with your basic knowledge in economics/commerce, you can easily see beyond my humble imagination.

Adversely, this measure is likely to yield a high cost of services. But, this shouldn’t be a nightmare to the government, because, once this objective is actualized, every individual irrespective of his/her status will be willing and able to afford the bills/charges. Yes, because adequate and steady power supply will ascertain high productivity which shall lead to greater and tremendous supply of goods and services thereby reducing the prices of commodities to their barest minimum. It’s not a magic; it’s social-science. Therefore, I’m speaking socio-scientifically.

Apart from the above reason, there are some other factors that would ascertain the willingness, readiness and ability of the consumers to comply with the charge that shall accompany the electricity supply. Those factors are painstakingly stated below.

Industrialization: As soon as steady power supply is actualized, there would be massive participation of private (individual) investors in establishment of industries/firms across the federation. And, this will create an avenue for immense job opportunities, and as well, high productivity of goods and services. In addition, the era of bad road network would be a thing of the past, because, the industrialists/investors will leave no stone unturned to ensure that, any road network affecting the location of their respective investments is duly addressed. On this note, there will be adequate transportation system.

In a nut shell, industrialization will definitely yield high job opportunities, and as well, productivity, good road network, and effective transport services (system). And, other social amenities such as steady water supply will also be ascertained. Brethren, these features will drastically showcase a developed society (economy).

Commercial agriculture: Our land is already blessed/enriched with abundant minerals and nutrients, and there are numerous available raw-materials that can be used for unlimited cultivation. Our only problem remains mechanization. Even if there’re sufficient machines, their performances can never be effective without a reliable power supply.

Once adequate power supply and good road network are sustained, or injected into the system, potential commercial agriculturists will definitely emerge, and set up their respective farms. This practice will also attract massive job opportunities and high availability of goods and services which shall subsequently reduce the prices of commodities in our various markets.

So, indulgence in commercial farming is one of the gate ways require for drastic poverty alleviation in Nigeria, or any other developing nation.

Self – reliance / Entrepreneurship: Apart from the establishment of large scale industries/companies by individual investors, there will also be immense location of small and medium scale firms by several citizens/individuals across the federation, because, right from time, Nigerians are already blessed with such propensity. And, this will surely yield a society/country where over seventy five percent (75%) of its occupants are self-reliant (entrepreneurs) or employers of labour. Think about it!

Nigeria should do something drastic to take this daydreaming to an end. Most times it amuses me when I hear, or overhear that, Nigeria is discussing/planning how to boast of seven thousand megawatts (7000MW) of electricity whereas, Ghana which is not up to two states in Nigeria can currently boast of eighty thousand megawatts (80000MW). In fact, it beats my psyche and makes me go crazy!

** 2 **


We are still discussing the avenues that ought to be embraced by the Nigerian government to ensure that, vision 20:20:20 becomes a reality, or to ascertain a developed society. In the previous chapter, we extensively discussed the power sector. This chapter shall be discussing the health sector exclusively.

Some weeks ago, I received a text message from one of my female fans. In her remarks she said, apart from being a writer, she feels more comfortable addressing me as an educator. I screwed down to get the full gist. She added that, from her view so far, she observed that, my major interest in writing is education; stating that, I pay great attention in educating people through my writing prowess. She concluded with the clause; “ keep it up! ” Honestly, the lady was right. I believe the best way to educate people is to hide under the umbrella of the media so you can reach out to the entire public; and, this is what I’ve been doing ever since I found myself in this field. Let’s ride on!

Health is a state in which you’re fit and well. In other words, it’s the condition of one’s body. So, a healthy person/animal is well, therefore, not suffering from any illness. More so, if you’re healthy, you could be described as a hearty person. A hearty individual is cheerful and energetic. In a nut shell, if one is hearty, he/she is automatically healthy, and vice-versa.

Frankly speaking, our intimate prognosis will never come to past if this area (health) that deals directly with people’s life or welfare is not adequately and specially considered. Of course, I’m not kidding because it’s a fact. Yes, a fancy fact!

One fateful weekend, Saturday precisely, at about nine in the morning (9.00 am), the message tone of my humble handset rang to inform me that an sms just came in. I opened my inbox to find out the content of the message, and as well, who sent it. The sender happened to be one of my best friends based in Abuja. And the message reads, “ Gud moni FDN!”. The sms continues, “...I’m typing this message from a hospital seat, government hospital to be precise. But, the worst of it is that no medical personnel is ready to attend to any patient. According to them, they’re on sit down strike. And I’m seriously ill. My condition requires an urgent diagnosis. Please, what should I do? “ After the perusal, I was deeply touched by the mood of the sms. I quickly dialed his number and luckily for me, the call went through. I asked him to leave the hospital immediately for a private hospital. He responded that, since his adulthood, he had never patronized any private hospital. According to him, their staff are bunch of quacks and he wouldn’t like a quack to take care of him,. To worsen it, he concluded that the laboratory machines of those hospitals are not trustworthy. I wasn’t meant to argue with him; my optimum interest was his health condition. Still on the phone conversation, I let him know that, he had no choice, therefore, must dance to my tune. He saw reason with me and decided to leave for a near-by private hospital. To cut the story short; he was treated in a private hospital, and was discharged that same day.

Brethren, what prompted the above story was the issue of rampant strike or industrial action that takes place in our various government hospitals. If hospitals in any given nation/country continually embark on industrial action(s), then, the lives of the citizenry are at stake, and cannot be guaranteed. It’s a shame! Yes, very shameful and disgusting phenomenon. This simply means, we’re still living in the past; the era of, “ you’re on your own, “ in terms of medical attention. It looks like a mere dream or cock and bull story for one to be informed that, a country like ours that is richly blessed with both human and natural resources is still living in the past.

Believe me, in this country, there’re adequate hands that can put any medical (health) situation to stop. Most of our medical personnel are qualified for this; some of them has even left the country for else-where in search of government that truly (sincerely) appreciates the importance of life or man-power. Brethren, our only problem in the health sector is nothing but inadequate infrastructure and medical facilities, coupled with poor incentives for the personnel.

If I die while preaching this gospel, I’d be happy in the grave because I succeeded in passing the message. Yes, the evangelism has been actualized. But, I shall not die; I shall live to profess His goodness and mercy.

Let’s tell ourselves the truth; total overhaul is required in the Nigerian health sector. Nigeria is old and too rich for this continual experience of tokenism. Yes, most times the medical labourers participate in a strike not because they truly want to be part of it, but because, they were asked or mandated to do so. Most of them believe in watching others fight on their behalf; we shy away from our responsibilities. The government should please save this set of people from this on-going moment of terror.

Let’s begin with the infrastructural phase. The dilapidated structures in the name of hospitals scattered all over the nooks and crannies ought to be automatically renovated. The proprietors of the private hospitals should also be mandated to carry-out such action. A hospital building and environment should be the most decent structure and area respectively in any given country. It’s a place where, by the special grace of God, lives are being saved, so, at all time, should deserve to be given honourable mentions.

And, for the members of, or workers in the various hospitals to be hospitable, they should be catered for. The government should from time to time pump in incentives to encourage the medical/health workers (staff). Yes, they must look good to be cheerful and accommodating. And, one cannot look good if his/her welfare is at stake. I must confess; the government is trying to the best of my knowledge. But, additional effort is needed to ensure that, more smiles are ascertained in this great nation.

The last, but not the least, our hospitals should be well equipped. Out-dated equipment should be thrown to the bush. Yes, that’s where they belong. An efficient monitoring team should be set-up to ensure that, the private hospitals/clinics follow suit. Adequate and more valid medical machines (devices) should from time to time be imported. Believe me, our industrious engineers can even do the manufacturing if financially supported. And, this shall save us many stress as regards importation. It’s high time the high-class citizens stopped leaving our noble country for others for the sake of medical check-up or treatment. Rather, they should contribute in reviving our health sector because all hands must be on deck. Even the number one citizen of the country patronizes the hospitals in other nations; what a shame! All these pathetic practices or indulgences are attributed to lack of, or inadequate medical equipment in our various hospitals/clinics.

Brethren, honestly the time to act is now. Don’t forget, bunch of tyros are not required if this must be actualized. And, of course, tyrant should never be found in the picture because we don’t need despotism or tyranny. Mind you, these vicarious pleasures ought to stop immediately. Meanwhile, say no to procrastination!

** 3 **


Brethren, it’s so pathetic to see a man to whom reading meant so much become almost totally blind. Believe me, Nigeria is a country loaded or blessed with numerous citizens that acknowledge/cherish the efficacy of education. But, on the contrary, she looks pathetically defenseless as regards the tool (education). Off course, it’s no longer news that, about forty percent (40%) of the country is reckoned to be illiterate. The funniest part is that, none of the children of the officialdom is schooling in Nigeria. The other day, I was privileged to overhear someone exclaiming, “ bunch of derailed homosapiens! “ I thought he was referring to me. Who knows? Honestly, the whole mythology of national greatness that occupies the minds of the entire citizenry needs to be questioned, because, it’s inconsequential.

Don’t forget, this chapter is exclusively discussing the Nigerian educational sector. And, I promise not to be ponderous, because, “ a word is enough for the wise.” Like I’ve always said, as a patriotic analyst, my interest in any problem I’m discussing lies in its causes, and the remedial and drastic measures (steps) that are required to be taken. So, my sole interest in this is the causes of the on-going educational decay or crisis, and how such can be boycotted.

At the end of this critique, an exegesis wouldn’t be necessary because it shall be self-explanatory. The only thing I can’t promise you is, withholding the fact. Yes, the truth must be told (analyzed).

Education is the act or process through which a person is taught better ways of doing something or a better way of living. Going by the definition, one could figure out that, education can take place anywhere. Let me use this avenue to draw your attention to one of my articles that reads “The world: an institution where everyone is a student.” In that article, I made it clear that education can take place anywhere; I categorically stated that anywhere can serve as a classroom, including your kitchen. In addition, let me also remind you of the remark I made mention of, in the immediate previous chapter that discussed health, which came from one of my female fans. In her remarks, she said that, she sees me not just as a writer, but also, as an educator. If truly that education can only take place in an institutional classroom as many presume, then, the lady was wrong, because she had never for once seen me in any classroom. So, in a nut shell, education simply means ‘learning’, and learning could be actualized anywhere even in a moving vehicle.

Without taking much of our time, let’s go into object of this chapter. If the truth must be told, then, where do we start, or what do we start with? We must commence somewhere. The rapid constant decay in our educational sector is directly attributable to lack of adequate training/teaching institutes (centres), coupled with standard teaching materials, high rate of depreciation of reading habit amongst the students and the entire citizenry, and corruption. Yes in our various schools/institutions, the human resources are already there; we’ve efficient, effective and sufficient staff. Our only problems are inadequate/insufficient infrastructure and teaching equipment.

Well equipped laboratories, libraries, workshops and class/lecture rooms should be provided in our various citadel of learning. The primary and secondary schools should not be left out because the educational background of any nation lies in that area. The private institutions should also be mandated to follow suit. Any training/teaching centre(s) is/are expected to be practical oriented, irrespective of its field/line of interest. In addition, our technical colleges ought to be revived. A graduate of any school, regardless of level of the citadel, is meant to boast of a particular talent (skill). The profundity is already obtainable; the hindrance remains the required materials and environment.

Also, the teachers/lecturers should be catered for. Their welfare should remain the government’s priority. Their individual salaries ought to be regularly increased/considered, coupled with their respective promotions. And, other juicy incentives should not be left out. These will definitely help to completely eradicate the high level of corruption in the sector such as sorting, hiring of ‘machineries’ or assistants during exams, and other forms of examination malpractices, as the case may be. Furthermore, the respective offices of the teachers/lecturers deserve to be well furnished and equipped. Let’s begin with the teachers, because, the future and greatness of any society lie in their hands.

In the aspect of the reading habit, all hands are expected to be on deck. Such habit begins from childhood. And, this is where the parents come in. The parents should continually motivate, and as well, mandate their children to read by drawing them closer to text books, novels, newspapers/magazines, and what have you. They should also ensure that the children cultivate the habit of listening to news on radio/television. Above all, they should ensure that, the children in question are always ebullient to enable them participate effectively in the above practices. This is where health comes in. Their ebullience would make them enthusiastic, outgoing and spontaneous.

Brethren, I wish to end my critique with a short story that has to do with the above apathy; lack of reading habit. One fateful day, a certain young man who happened to be present at one of the general meetings of a newly introduced communal organization, which I happen to be the founder/leader, greatly amused me. During the A.O.B section, he stood up to earn his view, and as well, give his remark. After commending the officers, he asked us to put more effort on information dissemination in regard to subsequent meetings; stating that, if not the invitation he received from a friend of his, who happens to be one of us, he wouldn’t had known, or be informed about the meeting. After his lovely comments, the Secretary General raised his eyes and looked, briefly and curiously, at him. Though, it wasn’t pronounced. I tried to find out from the President General (PG), who was presiding over the meeting and as well sitting next to me, the reason for the sudden gesture exhibited by the Sec. Gen. Based on the information I got from the PG, I learnt the notice for the on-going meeting was pasted at the door-step of that very young man. And, the notice lasted for six good days before the meeting took place. Maybe, he took the notice for granted, and never cared to glanced at even a bit of its content. Probably, not even a perusal. Thus, he ignored the notice with impunity. Lack of reading habit in the highest order. So pathetic and disgusting indeed! To be frank; the young man’s eccentric nature denied him his desired respect at the executive desk. Honestly, you needed to see how I was engulfed in a fathomless moment of hatred towards him; though, hidden and brief. In fact, I was totally appalled. Believe me, all the resultant gestures were happening unknowingly to him. But, even if they were pronounced, he deserved it, because he seemed the apotheosis of total ignorance and extreme insouciance.

Please, Nigeria should implement a drastic approach to ensure that, her educational sector that is fast deteriorating and becoming malodorous is totally revived, because, her anticipated greatness lies solely in the area. Don’t forget, the parents are not left out.

** 4 **


If you’re a true Christian, what stops you from going through your copy of the holy bible at least every morning? If you’re a dedicated Muslim, you ought to be knowledgeable to acknowledge that, your Quran comes first as soon as you leave your noble bed. Or, are you a pagan? Then, I should assume that, you embraced your oracle at its chamber before leaving your lovely house/lodge this morning. Stick to it, you would see that the ‘Almighty is good’. As a devoted Christian, catholic to be precise, I said my rosary this morning as usual, coupled with my daily psalms. I don’t think I’m clowning, so, don’t see me as a clown; because, if every single soul in Nigeria sticks to its respective religious faith, then, these incessant barbarous and inhuman atrocities shouldn’t had taken place.

Honestly, without mincing words, the last time I checked, Nigeria was still an inhospitable nation due to the unnecessary use of those terrible and inhumane weapons. Yes, they had acted in an inhumane way and overstepped the limits of a democratic state. What an inhumanity!

Brethren, let’s leave the issue of security for the subsequent chapter that would solely digest the security sector in Nigeria. In this chapter, our concern is on refinery. But I want to quickly inform you that, all these insecurity issues are attributed to only one thing, which is oil and gas (petroleum). Yes, the oil and gas sector has been constituting these series of dream-like thoughts that were solely initiated by those scattered technicoloured phantasmagorias. This is not scaremongering. It’s high time we faced reality, because, this is nothing but a fact. You might say I’m being scathing. But I must tell you, the present state of loggerheads in the Nigerian state (society) is not just producing a political and economic morass, but as well, scatterbrains. I’m deeply afraid; this may lead to fathomless socio-economic miscarriages. Let’s ride on!

Few days ago, someone called me on phone to find out why the sudden change of phone number on the column which I maintain in one of the newspapers in the country. He asked, “Does it has anything to do with security?” I responded, “No, just a way forward.” He added, “…therefore, that should be one of the Scenic Scenarios?” And, I replied, “…yes, my brother!” Brethren, if rampant change of number could determine a serene environment, then, what stops me from changing thousands of them? I’m a patriotic Nigerian; therefore, my optimum concern should be way forward. And, this cannot be ascertained without tranquility. Thus, any right thinking Nigerian should be concerned with the success of the nation, or any society he/she belongs. When I was an undergraduate, at a point I was known by the name, “way forward”, because, I happened to be an advocate (a crusader) of that phrase. I used to preach it in every occasion I happened to be present. For that reason, most times, my fellow students/colleagues would walk up to me and asked, “FDN, what is the way forward? “ And, as God would have it, I was loaded with enormous information then, with the help of my position as a student leader. Yes, by His grace, I was a leader of various student unions.

It is deeply pathetic and disgusting to hear that a country like ours, which is tagged as the sixth most oil producing nation in the world, still buys the oil in question from other nation(s). Listen to this; something being drilled here happens to be refined elsewhere. Then, finally undergoes importation to ensure that its land of origin embraces its worthwhile products. How does it sound? Isn’t it apocryphal? Then, if this is the case, we’re just being vainglorious. Do the observation yourself and see if I’m truly communicating. Vainglorious posturing indeed!

The only way to stay out of this mess is to tell ourselves the truth. We must be transparent to ensure success. And, such requires total overhaul. Honestly, subsidy removal is not enough. It’s not the best or even one of the best steps. We all know the best step that is why I began this paragraph with the above remark; telling ourselves nothing but the truth. We shouldn’t look unto God; we can redeem the situation. Yes, the redeemer lies in our bare hands. Please, don’t misunderstand me; I mean we have the ability, or what it takes. The only thing we’re meant to do is to apply it. Let’s do the application. I bet you, it’ll surely work. Or, should I emphasize on how the application should be done.

There are already existing refineries across the federation; name them. All we need to do is to revive them, regardless of how much it would cost us. Even if it would cost us our fortune, it shouldn’t be of any stress. Therefore, no one is expected to be selfish while the implementation is going on. The capital for the revival is already there; it’s available. Even without the removal of oil subsidy, it can be actualized. Yes, we worth more than what the situation requires. Our only problem is nothing but corruption. But, we can put it to stop if we truly mean business. Thank God, we’ve detected the actual fault. So, it’s easy to solve the problem.

Don’t forget, a country like Nigeria shouldn’t be selling oil to the citizenry, rather, should be sold for free of charge. Believe me, it’s our entitlement. The only monetary involvement that ought to be attached to the oil/gas price is tax. Yes, the indirect tax that is expected to be paid by the populace/individuals. Our great leaders should please save us from these moments of extraordinary poignancy. How can one have (possess) abundant cooking oil in the kitchen, but still cook without oil. Doesn’t it sound ridiculous?

** 5 **


Our physiognomies have suddenly turned sour due to the deceptive countenance of our ‘great’ nation. Even a fancy smile played across her normally grim visage wasn’t enough to wipe out the virulent feelings.

A good friend of mine once told me a horrible story. Before he commenced the folk tale, he began with a nasty clause which reads, “in any state of sober I found myself, I do remember one fateful day with extreme loathing.” Don’t worry. Just relax; I shall tell you the story. I’m not amazed; many have started calling me by the name, “a story narrator.” Honestly, I care about stories, because, I believe the best way to teach is to begin with a story, either tragic, comical or tragicomic. So, my fans were not mistaken.

The story goes like this: The young man said, one certain day, he happened to be in one of the banks in Port-Harcourt, Rivers State. He was busy transacting as usual. Suddenly, or as Satan would have it, armed robbers invaded the banking premises and started shooting on the rampage. Everyone was subjected to the harshest possible punishment; lying without breathing. What a paradox! At this point, I was forced to smile. But, I found out my friend wasn’t looking funny at all. With the look on his face, I realized he wasn’t in any way joking, or exaggerating. Even, I noticed my sudden smile was so disgusting to him. He continued, “…the most painful and deadliest part of it was that, after dishing out the instruction, one of them, knowingly or unknowingly, quickly stood on my bottom. He remained there for quite some seconds, or a good number of minutes if I’m not mistaken, before returning to the floor.“ I asked him if he imagined why such scene transpired. He replied that, from his weak imagination, the man (robber) in question wanted to increase his height due to his urgent indulgence in one of the activities he was involved. According to him (my friend), it appeared the robber never noticed (observed) that he was standing on a living creature. Extremely pathetic! Brethren, I think at this point, the narration has become succinct.

Over the years, I decided to remain introspective with regard to security. Honestly, I would have exploded before now, and it might have resulted to manic depression or paranoid schizophrenia. Who knows? Thank God I’m still alive, and safe, though still introverted. A bashful introvert indeed! Please, don’t blame me; I’m just being security conscious. After all, it isn’t my fault. Yes, in this case, my actions have been faultless. Anyone, or a right thinking person can testify to that. It’s no longer news to any one of us that, at recent times, they had cultivated the habit of even picking or molesting those that can’t even boast of ten thousand naira (#10,000) in their bank account. To be frank, the fanatics are mean; and are up to something. It’s not a joke.

Don’t forget, this chapter is discussing the Nigerian security sector (system). Security refers to all the precautions that are taken to protect a place including its occupants. In other words, according to BBC English dictionary, “ it is legal protection against possible harm or loss.”

You’ll agree with me that, many had been convicted of seditious activities. Many are still in the trial, while, many are yet to be tried. Rampant security threats have suddenly become the order of the day in all nook and cranny of our dear country as if Nigeria is made of only citizens that are barely few days old. Secularism has gotten a strong current in the structure and ideology of this country. Even the secularists parade themselves in such a manner that any concerned Nigerian would conclude that, they are the king makers. Many had been martyred, yet it appears like a scene that just begun, or that was introduced barely few seconds ago; which means, or significantly, enormous massacre may still be witnessed. What a shame!

Or, should we forget the national security threat and discuss that of the community level? At the community stage, it’s no longer a game for the adulthood; that is, unlike before, adulthood has been totally abolished as the prerequisite. Bunch of adolescents have taken over the houses (homes) in most communities. Yes, most homes have been taken hostage. Their bulk of metals arouse people from sleep within the holy hours of the night. Honestly, yester-night’s incident that took place at one of the towns in Imo State could well arouse the settlers to even greater violence. Yes, the case has constituted tremendous controversy.

Though, each day, billions of naira are being coughed up for the sake of security. As a crime analyst, what could I have done than to watch with keen interest and continually embrace my harmless pen, and as well, look up to the ‘Almighty’ for His tremendous ingenuity.

Please, we ought to tell ourselves the truth and forget this cock and bull story that is constituting these lingering doubts and suspicions. Apparently, we’re deceiving ourselves and it would take us nowhere.

** 6 **


“I was shocked and enraged at such ingratitude,” someone lamentably concluded at my last meeting with him. Few seconds before the meeting begun, I was enraptured due to a contract I just won. But the series of lamentations that accompanied the meeting introduced an ennui. Some days after the meeting in question took place, I was privileged to be in the midst of another similar meeting. During the section for matters arising, after digesting a certain critical issue as the leader of the gathering, consequently someone submissively raised his hand. Having granted him the room to earn his view, he commenced with the clause, “if not that they tell lies and show no sign of contrition…” As if that was the end; a consequential gathering resulted immediately after the meeting. A good friend of mine who happens to be the Secretary General came from behind and whispered at my humble ear, “the meeting was very successful, but was dedicated to the chameleons.”

Brethren, if truly that one is conscience-stricken due to a war he solely initiated, then by now, he ought to devote himself to societal peace. I strongly believe that, our lovely grief-stricken public servants coupled with the vulnerable maids in their midst would have a forgiving mind if our honourable members would embrace a total repentance. In fact there’s no need for euphemism if euphoria must be ascertained; thus let’s go straight to the point.

Don’t forget, we’re discussing labour. According to the context of this chapter, labour is used to refer to the people who work in a country or industry.

To begin with, in Nigeria the above tool (labour) has been misunderstood thereby resulting to the ongoing state of neglect experienced by the public/civil servants. Needless to say that, they have been sidelined. It’s not in any way funny to hear that those whom I describe as the workaholics, and who most times suffer from nervous breakdown is being treated like bunch of ignoramuses. The other day, someone was telling me that she waited so long that by the time her turn came she was already a nervous wreck. According to her, she never recovered from it, and was very nervy afterwards. Honestly, it’s not funny at all. Most times at my lonely time, I wonder if we’re just daydreaming in regard to the vision 20:20:20 because in any society, the public servants should receive any credit as regards any ongoing productivity. To the best of my knowledge, in any developed nation, their interest comes first before any other would be debated or treated.

The above mal-handling has solely constituted the incessant industrial actions embarked by the Nigerian workers. Most times, the so-called strike is either being suspended or put to stop without any tangible reason. If truly that the reason for the suspension or termination was genuine, why shouldn’t the voice of the entire workers be heard and considered by their leaders before they would be mandated/asked to go back to their respective offices? The funniest part; in most cases the concerned authorities’ tactic seems to be, to bludgeon the demonstrators into submission. What a world!

In any occasion where the labour leader chooses to be stubborn, or different from his predecessors, even the workers in question see it as an expensive measure. Which is, they believe that any industrial action should have a limit whether their cry is heard or not. In other words, we’re even afraid while biding for our right, or the payment of the job we did. Tokenism indeed!

My humble message to the various governments; if the wheel of any moving vehicle can’t function properly, the machine can never work effectively. And, it’s the users’ will that would ascertain the efficiency. We must come together and fix this bad wheel. Thus, we ought to be willing because willingness comes first. So are we truly willing?

In this case with regard to the ongoing discussion, the labour is the wheel, the country remains the vehicle (machine), while the governments and other employers of labour are the users. This is a fact. Yes, a fancy fact. Let’s abide by it and we shall see that the Lord is good!


Brethren, you will agree with me that in Nigeria today, over seventy percent (70%) of the nation’s population live below half a dollar (about #75) in every two days or forty-eight hours which is far below the United Nation’s poverty line. The UN’s poverty line stipulates that any individual that spends less than a dollar (about #150) per day is definitely poor. Significantly, this implies that over seventy percent of the members of the country is not just poor but reckoned to be wretched.
This occurrence of ardent poverty is the sole cause of the rapid increase of vulnerability amongst the populace. Most of these life-styles such as child abuse/slavery, hawking, prostitution and begging seen among the citizens have constituted an alarming death rate in the country. And this issue cannot be properly or adequately addressed without considering all or most of the factors stated in this book.

Honestly for vision 20:20:20 to be a thing of the past, a drastic measure must be taken by the three tiers of governments in existence. And all hands must also be on deck. “A stitch in time saves nine!”


FRED DOC NDU (FDN) NWAOZOR; an engineering & ICT personnel, educator, a freelance columnist and prolific social analyst/activist, has over thirteen books to his credit including six prose, one drama and three poetry. He’s affiliated to numerous professional and social societies, both indigenous and foreign. He’s the founder of various local/international Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) such as Imo Fans Fortress (IMOFAF) and Fred Nwaozor Foundation (FRENOF). He's a blogger, whom has globally touched the lives of millions of people in a very special way through his writing and activism prowess.

Fred Nwaozor is a citizen of Nigeria; from Imo State. He presently resides in Nigeria, Owerri preicsely.

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