Brethren, if you’re just waking up, then you need to shout a very big hallelujah because the Lord is good, and shall always remain good. I’m not here to prophesize or preach, but to interpret and disseminate the already preached gospel as an Apostle of the “Almighty”. I keep on saying it; I’m a realist. I belong to the school of thought known as “realism”. As a realistic fellow, I stick to the true/real nature of any situation.
In one of my previous editions, I made it clear that science is nature and vice-versa. Therefore, it’s as old as the world. On the other hand, if you’re yet to know or to be informed that religion is also as old as the world, then you have been sleeping and need to wake up. This is why I unequivocally stated earlier that, I’m not here to preach but to disseminate. Let me categorically make it clearer; you were born through a scientific (biological) methodology and that is nature. And, same nature is controlled by a certain supremacy believed by all existing religious faiths. Yes, every single soul on earth believes that there is a certain supreme being that rules, controls and sanctifies the world. After all, in philosophy under the “evolutionary theory”, after all possible debates it was concluded that God exists. But the dichotomy remains, who is the supremacy or God, or Allah, et cetera, as the case may be. That is where the differences lie. But the fancy fact is that, there is surely a supremo.
If you’re just joining us, we’re discussing science and technology and how it has been immensely affected by religion. I don’t know where to start, but I must commence somewhere because every story or analysis must have a beginning.
One of my associates or fellow contractors who is also into engineering designs and construction once shared one of his professional experiences (ordeals) with me. He was awarded a certain contract to construct an Electronic Power Inverter (EPI), 500 Watts capacity precisely. EPI is a locally built electronic device that supplies uninterruptable electricity to the consumer. It’s mainly done on contract basis depending on the consumer’s want or desire. According to him, the duration of the construction lingered more than anticipated and his client who couldn’t wait to see the completed job was definitely kept waiting. Funny enough, the same type of locally built step-up transformer which he had been using for similar construction and capacity was being used. But while testing the device, he couldn’t generate up to 110 AC Volts, talk less of 220 AC Volts which is usually the required output voltage. As a devoted Christian, he had an inspiration to embark on a 3-day fasting and prayer. After observing the religious/ritual ceremony, he went back to the ongoing construction. And, fortunately for him, the outcome immediately became a success. Based on his narration, at this juncture, his mind was loaded with tremendous smiles coupled with bunch of mysteries. What a world!
About four years ago or thereabouts, a certain bridge situated at my home town (Awo-Omamma), “Njaba-Bridge” to be precise, was marked for renovation while the federal road construction was taking place. And, the contract was awarded to “Julius Berger”. When the bridge construction began, I learnt the workers were being faced with enormous challenges in respect to the outcome of their collective effort. Due to this, the journey that had already taken more than expected became fruitless. Brethren, the management of the Company went back to the drawing board. And, they concluded to conduct a more stronger religious ritual which they did. After the completion of the ritual, the bridge construction became successful. What a supremacy!
Let’s go to the telecommunication sector. Yes, at recent time, virtually every grown up soul in Nigeria has access to a mobile phone. Have you ever ask yourself how come about the phone in your hand? Who made or invented it? What mechanism was actually involved? These and more similar questions should continue to recycle in our respective medulla oblongata. I know, most of us would have the believe that the phone was made only as a result of the electronic construction that was carried out. Wrong insinuation. Though, that is primary or the rudiments because one must have a talent before embracing the religious efficacy. But, I put it up to you that such electronic design coupled with the construction became successful because religion was embraced. Even, come to think of it; it’s same supremacy that gives or ascertains talents possessed by people. So, why can’t it have an absolute control over such talent/gift? Let’s ride on!
Okay, let me take you a bit closer to the aviation industry. Do you think that the air craft flies only due to the science / engineering mechanism that was fabricated or put together by the manufacturer(s)? Think about it!
Brethren, my fact could be an enigma. But the only truth of the matter remains that, “Science and Technology” cannot be successful without embracing or acknowledging “Religion”. And, until Nigeria acknowledges this fact, we would continue to remain behind in our worthwhile technological strides/endeavours. Honestly, we have the talents. We also have the brains. And above all, we have the required religion. It’s just to apply them (both) because they are interwoven. But mind you, my evangelism (idea) is not iconoclastic, therefore, I’m not agitating for theocracy.
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