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Saturday, 24 August 2013

Misuse of Godfatherism


Brethren, when you say that someone is a mistake, don’t forget that you are actually saying that God made a mistake. Apparently, if you dispute what God created, then you must be ready to absorb the rot that awaits such grievous blasphemous act.

Let’s come down to this level. If you’re yet to acknowledge the fact that the Supreme Being does not make mistakes and shall never make attempt to, then it’s high time you did. Most times, even some of us who understand this fact very well end up being skeptical over nature’s ability by displaying pathetic attitudes that identify them as ignoramuses.

Barely three days ago, someone who happens to be my bosom friend who was sitting right beside me in a political gathering that took place in one of the localities in Rivers State whispered to my humble ear that most of the Nigerian politicians were paradoxes. It ushered in a shock though I stood my ground because prior to that low toned exclamation, I was really in my usual pensive mood. I stood my ground because my senses perceived the message as a polite shock. Yes it was polite because as an analyst, such bitter utterance from the populace was no longer news to my person. Similar utterances I have came across since I know myself as an activist have run into millions, if not billions. Notwithstanding, I still urged the poor fellow to expatiate his view. He further told me that if I was yet to realize that this set of people always contradict themselves whilst dishing out their speeches, then it appeared that I was still sleeping and needed to wake up as a matter of urgency. He said, “If at the long run these people can see their godfathers as a mistake in their political career, then they should be seen as biased men.” At this point, I smiled tentatively having understood where he was actually coming from.

We are discussing the misuse of godfatherism by most Nigerian politicians. To commence with, who’s a godfather? Based on the context of this edition, a godfather is a person or a male superior who directs his junior colleague(s) or beneficiary on how to succeed in life, or in his/her career. We also have a godmother but in this edition, “godfather” stands for both. This means, the aforementioned superior could be a male or a female. Let’s ride on!

Frankly speaking, godfatherism is as old as the world, if not older. Such phenomenon began with God, who stood as a mentor to Adam the first mortal man on earth, though he (Adam) derailed. Christ also followed suit by acting as a godfather throughout His stay or companionship with His twelve disciples, though Judas Iscariot derailed. In other words, godfatherism is a divine and worthwhile phenomenon. It is found in all areas of life or any career in existence. It’s a pathway or scenario instituted by God Himself.

In the religious sector for instance; taking Christianity as a case study, we will discover that any child begotten by any couple must be linked / affiliated to a certain godfather or godmother, as the case may be. The godparent who would be chosen by the biological parents must be someone who they believe would help in bringing up their child in a God-fearing way.

In the political setting also, we have godfathers and it’s quite encouraging because someone must direct you to your success room. Honestly, you must need a coach. It’s a fact. Yes, a fancy fact! A certain Igbo adage which I usually cite says, “Mmadu bu chi ibe ya.” Meaning; one stands as a god to his/her fellow human being. But it’s really disgusting to see most politicians regarding their godfathers who ought to have led them well to their respective success rooms as a mistake they initiated in their political career, thereby resulting to these uncontrolled cacophonies witnessed in all the nooks and crannies.

Surely, there must be misunderstanding in our relationship with others because we’re not the same, but it shouldn’t call for unnecessary mayhem. Yes, some of these bickering do not really worth it.

Brethren, we are bound to comprehend that godfatherism is truly a worthwhile phenomenon, therefore ought to be embraced with absolute wisdom. We shouldn’t bite the fingers that fed us because God never made a mistake making us to be privileged to possess those fingers. Don’t forget, there are many who were not privileged to have such part(s) of the body. Think about it!



Social analyst & activist

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