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Wednesday, 7 August 2013

The Venture called Marriage

         Even the aroma of faeces might appear pleasant to a pregnant woman, likewise that of mud. On the contrary, we’re of the view that such scents are offensive to mankind. Nevertheless, the aforementioned phenomenon is natural and circumstantial too.
        In a more similar note; a member of a certain elite confroternity may at a given circumstance act crazy or abnormal which ought to be considered as an aberration going by the modus operandi of the group. Notwithstanding, such state of abnormality exhibited by a member of the group cannot change the name or seize the existence of such group since we all are aware that change remains the only constant factor in existence. After all, a similar incidence just took place at the Rivers State House of Assembly on the July 9 to be precise. And many alike events have also transpired at the Apex parliamentary group in the country, both in the lower and upper chambers.
       Take for instance; some days ago, I was suffering from migraine which resulted to a high level of apathy, and I decided to consult my doctor as usual. Having undergone the consequential diagnosis as recommended by the doctor, the result read malaria parasite two pluses. After all the prescription of the doctor, I was informed by him that I would be placed on drip but I declined the offer considering how long I presumed I was going to spend in the hospital in the name of being placed on a drip. Therefore I asked him to seek for an alternative. So funny indeed! Though the doctor understood my plight and on that note, he prescribed an alternative therapy. But on the following day, I told myself that I acted crazy for objecting the recommendation of a medical expert unlike me.
        Nevertheless the bone of contention is that, at a certain circumstance we might be subjected to a state of madness just like in the case of a pregnant woman that is likely to adore every malodorous aroma around her.
       Lest I forget, today’s edition reads, “The venture called marriage.” I ought to commence with the basic definition of a marriage.
       Marriage, in a concise term, is the formal union of a man and a woman as husband and wife. In other words, it’s a combination or an amalgamation of two persons to form a couple.
       Brethren, if we must be sincere to ourselves then everyone would agree with me on the view that marriage as an institution is as old as the world. Without mincing words, it’s quite pathetic and disgusting to see that this very institution which I tagged as sacred has been greatly abused by mankind because we failed to understand the fact that, it’s a venture.
       If I may ask; what’s a venture? A venture is an activity or a project which is new, exciting but difficult; and which involves the risk of failure. Let’s ride on!
       Yes, as soon as one indulges in a marriage, he/she just initiated a new project/activity and such project is expected to be exciting to both parties because each of them has been longing to embark on the project therefore it should be tagged as a long awaited project. But it’s sympathetic to realize that the parties involved always fail to acknowledge the fact that such project is a very difficult one to deal with and ought to be expected to be risky.
       The most disheartening aspect of marriage is that, sometimes you see a certain couple competing with or posing as a rival to another couple all in the name of “We’re in a race.” For crying out loud, marriage is neither a competition nor a battle field. No trophy awaits any couple in regard to the successes recorded by it.
       Above all, you don’t get married because others or all / most of your mates have gotten married. You must be prepared for the venture. And, the stepping stone to such preparation is getting hold of a suitable partner.
        Because we’ve failed to understand that marriage is a difficult and risky project, that’s why we keep on encountering various predicaments in our respective homes. To be sincere and frank, marriage is all about successes and failures. And in most cases, the latter might supersede the former. I must tell you this; there’s no home that’s perfect, or there’s no home that encounters success all through. This is why we must learn to inculcate the needed ingredients in this venture; and they are perserverance, understanding, optimism/faith and above all, love.
        I categorically stated it in the previous edition which I tagged as “The mystery called love” that we were yet to comprehend the true meaning of love. And that wasn’t a mistaken critique. I repeat, there’s no two definitions of love; take it anywhere. And until we understand this very fact, we shall continue to encounter series of problems in our marriages.
        What I’m saying in essence is this; both parties involved must ensure they are in love with each other before embarking on such risky project. It’s only love that would fortify both of you whenever tribulation or temptation sets in.
        Please brethren, we should endeavour to embrace the above fact so we won’t display madness even when it’s not called for. Don’t forget, there’s no easy avenue to embrace heavens; even the saints would tell you this.
         Mind you, the validity of the venture in question remains the whole life-span of the participant. In other words, it’s regarded as an eternal institution, thus, must be handled with absolute carefulness. Think about it!

 Social analyst & activist

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